Aijalon Gomes

American teacher formerly imprisoned in North Korea.
Died on Wednesday November 22nd 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Aijalon Gomes:

@thomasroyn: RT @Sandrine_in_SC: Nothing to see here...just move along #thestormisuponus #qanon #followthewhiterabbit - 7 years ago

@Scorp1179: On this #GivingTuesday, if you are able to do so, please help a family near and dear to my heart bring their son/br… - 7 years ago

@FelicityTC: Funeral Fund for Aijalon M. Gomes - 7 years ago

@ichitanimotoDNB: American formerly imprisoned in North Korea burns to death @CNNI - 7 years ago


@THEONE51784: RT @CNN: An American man who was formerly imprisoned in North Korea burned to death in San Diego - 7 years ago

@LatreesL: RT @cnnbrk: Eight years after he was freed by North Korea with former President Carter's help, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 38, has died, authoriti… - 7 years ago

@ward_reckly456: Freed NK prisoner found burned to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@fulchin0000: やらせナンバー アイジャロン・マーリ・ゴメス(Aijalon Mahli Gomes)=55 Mission Bay Park=44 北朝鮮で拘束された米国人男性が不審死 10年にカーター氏と帰国 - 7 years ago

@miriam_verdad: Aijalon Gomes, who was freed from #NorthKorea in 2010, was found in flames burning to death in San Diego. - 7 years ago

@VeraCfreeDom: RT @StrengthINumber: Freed NK prisoner found burned to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@SeanFionn: RT @71djt: Man who died in flames in a San Diego park has been ID'ed as Aijalon Mahli Gomes, an ex-prisoner rescued from North Korea by Pre… - 7 years ago

@71djt: Man who died in flames in a San Diego park has been ID'ed as Aijalon Mahli Gomes, an ex-prisoner rescued from North… - 7 years ago

@Sw401Lw: This is sad!! Freed NK prisoner found burned to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@jessica4ever: American Former North Korea Detainee Found Burned To Death - 7 years ago

@hhostrup: American formerly imprisoned in North Korea burns to death - 7 years ago

@RestlessRuffian: RT @charleshogan54: American formerly imprisoned in North Korea burns to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@charleshogan54: American formerly imprisoned in North Korea burns to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@jenninemorgan: RT @Sandrine_in_SC: Nothing to see here...just move along #thestormisuponus #qanon #followthewhiterabbit - 7 years ago

@TheUnapooper: RT @Sandrine_in_SC: Nothing to see here...just move along #thestormisuponus #qanon #followthewhiterabbit - 7 years ago

@MelMax20: RT @Sandrine_in_SC: Nothing to see here...just move along #thestormisuponus #qanon #followthewhiterabbit - 7 years ago

@SAYNO2GLOBALISM: RT @Sandrine_in_SC: Nothing to see here...just move along #thestormisuponus #qanon #followthewhiterabbit - 7 years ago

@Sandrine_in_SC: Nothing to see here...just move along #thestormisuponus #qanon #followthewhiterabbit - 7 years ago

@CareyLeeFulton1: - 7 years ago

@navitas72: Man freed from North Korean prison by Jimmy Carter found burned to death in California - 7 years ago

@Scorp1179: For those able to help, it would be appreciated. - 7 years ago

@WorldNewsGPS: Former Prisoner of North Korea Burned to Death in California | Time - 7 years ago

@AlmondCoffee_: RT @cnnbrk: Eight years after he was freed by North Korea with former President Carter's help, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 38, has died, authoriti… - 7 years ago

@BobEmery: Freed NK prisoner found burned to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@MariesLostBeef: RT @FOXHOUNDER1014: Man freed from a North Korean prison by US President Jimmy Carter is found burned to death in California - 7 years ago

@AdrianaStuijt: American teacher Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 38 -, who was freed from North Korean labor camp by President Carter - burnt… - 7 years ago

@givgino: RT @cnnbrk: Eight years after he was freed by North Korea with former President Carter's help, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 38, has died, authoriti… - 7 years ago

@SexyRed51299109: RT @CNN: An American man who was formerly imprisoned in North Korea burned to death in San Diego - 7 years ago

@serenahrm: Former prisoner of North Korea found dead, on fire, in park Detectives in San Diego are investigating the mystery d… - 7 years ago

@clintonkowach: RT @clintonkowach: Man freed from North Korean prison by Jimmy Carter found burned to death in California - 7 years ago

@kelli_fustos: Another Uranium deal? - 7 years ago

@StafBettridge: RT @USRealityCheck: Aijalon Mahli Gomes, freed from a North Korean prison in 2010, was found engulfed in flames in California - 7 years ago

@committeehrnk: #HRNKUS #news: American formerly imprisoned in North Korea burns to death - 7 years ago

@70sMUSICADDICT: American formerly imprisoned in North Korea burns to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@kumfada2: RT @cnnbrk: Eight years after he was freed by North Korea with former President Carter's help, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 38, has died, authoriti… - 7 years ago

@WeekendExp: American formerly imprisoned in North Korea burns to death in San Diego - 7 years ago

@marty713: RT @RealKevinMain: Prisoner Freed From North Korea in 2010 Dies After Being Found on Fire in San Diego - 7 years ago

@Gray_Bossinova: RT @clintonkowach: Man freed from North Korean prison by Jimmy Carter found burned to death in California - 7 years ago

@Flapjack63Sw: RT @clintonkowach: Man freed from North Korean prison by Jimmy Carter found burned to death in California - 7 years ago

@clintonkowach: Man freed from North Korean prison by Jimmy Carter found burned to death in California - 7 years ago

@PatrickRHarris3: RT @StrengthINumber: Freed NK prisoner found burned to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@depoprucol: RT @StrengthINumber: Freed NK prisoner found burned to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@MediaKingSC: RT @StrengthINumber: Freed NK prisoner found burned to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@JETBallin: RT @cnnbrk: Eight years after he was freed by North Korea with former President Carter's help, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 38, has died, authoriti… - 7 years ago

@LoriSums: RT @cnnbrk: Eight years after he was freed by North Korea with former President Carter's help, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 38, has died, authoriti… - 7 years ago

@TheirMercy: RT @StrengthINumber: Freed NK prisoner found burned to death @CNN - 7 years ago

@Gus_Smilez: American freed from North Korean prison found burned to death #content001-24 #feedly - 7 years ago

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