Ahmed Gailani

Afghan Sufi leader and politician.
Died on Saturday January 21st 2017

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Tweets related to Ahmed Gailani:

@damionhinds: Ahmed Gailani, Afghan Qadiriyya leader and politician, Died at 84 - 8 years ago

@SyedIbrahim1137: RT @SyedIbrahim1137: Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioun. Ahmed Gailani was leader of the Mahiz-i-Milli mujahidin party (favoured by West),… - 8 years ago

@qasimali2389: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@fahim_ferdows: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago


@HamedGailani: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@HamedGailani: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@HamedGailani: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@EsmatullahPoya: RT @MaroWardak: Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani's Fateha: Wednesday, Presidential Palace from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Thursday, (male) Loya Jirga tent 8… - 8 years ago

@HanifJalali1986: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@HanifJalali1986: RT @MaroWardak: Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani's Fateha: Wednesday, Presidential Palace from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Thursday, (male) Loya Jirga tent 8… - 8 years ago

@HanifJalali1986: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@HilyYoon: RT @MaroWardak: Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani's Fateha: Wednesday, Presidential Palace from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Thursday, (male) Loya Jirga tent 8… - 8 years ago

@SarayeeS: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@fahim_ferdows: RT @MaroWardak: Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani's Fateha: Wednesday, Presidential Palace from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Thursday, (male) Loya Jirga tent 8… - 8 years ago

@SidraMJ: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@InsdataInter: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@MaroWardak: Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani's Fateha: Wednesday, Presidential Palace from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Thursday, (male) Loya Jirga tent 8:00 am - 12:00 pm - 8 years ago

@saddamhusyn: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@khaistaGailani: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@munirahmed002: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@farahansari751: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@propakistan09: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@Ibrahimali781: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@ZahidHarris: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@raheelshah12: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@safiya_nazemi: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@zamirsultan: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@Islamabadvoice: Radio Pakistan News Story "Nawaz Sharif also expressed condolences on behalf of people and Govt of Pakistan"... - 8 years ago

@Muhamma31243639: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@AhmadChangezi: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@MuzamilPMLN: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@MaroWardak: RT @pid_gov: #Pakistan expresses condolence over demise of Chairman #Afghan peace council Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani - 8 years ago

@MaroWardak: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@Pakista52168943: #Pakistan #News #Pakistan #News #World Afghan High Peace Council chief dead at 84: Pir Sayyid Ahmed Gailani was a strong proponent of peace… - 8 years ago

@osamasaleem47: RT @pmln_org: PM Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over  the sad demise of Pir Syed Ahmed Gailani, Chairman of the High Peace - 8 years ago

@saadmohseni: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@Naweed1994: RT @KarzaiH: Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,our prominent national,spiritual & jihadi leader.May Allah g… - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Ahmed Gailani - #AhmedGailani #Ahmed #Gailani #rip - 8 years ago

@zbamyani: RT @masoodfarivar: Ex-Afghan jihadi leader, peace council chairman Sayed Ahmed #Gailani dead at 85. - 8 years ago

@saskatoonbuzz: Government says High Peace Council chief dies: KABUL — An Afghan official says that Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani, chief… - 8 years ago

@NajibaLaima: Pir Sayid Ahmed Gailani, died. He was the leader of the Qadiriyyah Sufi and the founder of National Islamic Front associated with Mujahideen - 8 years ago

@US_NW_World: Government says High Peace Council chief dies - An Afghan official says that Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani, chief of ... - 8 years ago

@ibraheemrahimi: RT @masoodfarivar: Ex-Afghan jihadi leader, peace council chairman Sayed Ahmed #Gailani dead at 85. - 8 years ago

@thus_spake: An Afghan official says that Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani, chief of Afghanistan's High Peace Council, tasked with neg... - 8 years ago

@Kazi_UK: ⭐️ #World • Government says High Peace Council chief dies: An Afghan official says that Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani,…… - 8 years ago

@thus_spake: An Afghan official says that Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani, chief of Afghanistan’s High Peace Council, tasked with neg... - 8 years ago

@biteszHQNews: Government says High Peace Council chief dies - An Afghan official says that Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani, chief of ... - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Ahmed Gailani has ceased to be: - 8 years ago

@Whilaman: RT @masoodfarivar: Ex-Afghan jihadi leader, peace council chairman Sayed Ahmed #Gailani dead at 85. - 8 years ago

@SenseandC_sense: RT @ShujaRabbani: Unconfirmed reports coming in stating Afghanistan's HPC Head, P.S. Ahmed Gailani, has passed away إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـ… - 8 years ago

@VOADariAfghan: RT @masoodfarivar: Ex-Afghan jihadi leader, peace council chairman Sayed Ahmed #Gailani dead at 85. - 8 years ago

@ShujaRabbani: Unconfirmed reports coming in stating Afghanistan's HPC Head, P.S. Ahmed Gailani, has passed away إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَ… - 8 years ago

@masoodfarivar: Ex-Afghan jihadi leader, peace council chairman Sayed Ahmed #Gailani dead at 85. - 8 years ago

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