Agnar Sandmo

Norwegian economist
Died on Sunday September 1st 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Agnar Sandmo:

@v_schleicher: RT @HansWernerSinn: A great European Public Finance Economist has left us: Agnar Sandmo from Norges Handelshøyskole @NHHnor . Read what we… - 5 years ago

@sim010101: RT @HansWernerSinn: A great European Public Finance Economist has left us: Agnar Sandmo from Norges Handelshøyskole @NHHnor . Read what we… - 5 years ago

@HansWernerSinn: A great European Public Finance Economist has left us: Agnar Sandmo from Norges Handelshøyskole @NHHnor . Read what… - 5 years ago

@lazarotouza: RT @XLabandeira: Nuestro homenaje a dos grandes académicos y personas que acaban de dejarnos, hoy en el blog de @ecoforenergy: - 5 years ago


@XLabandeira: Nuestro homenaje a dos grandes académicos y personas que acaban de dejarnos, hoy en el blog de @ecoforenergy: - 5 years ago

@mileskimball: RT @mileskimball: "Professor Agnar Sandmo, emeritus professor of economics at Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen, passed away on… - 5 years ago

@aledinola: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@RobertoIacono83: @FuestClemens @CESifoGroup @HansWernerSinn Agnar Sandmo receiving in Jan 2017 the Norwegian Association of Economis… - 6 years ago

@CESifoGroup: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@ifo_Institut: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@shun_bessho: RT @R_Blundell_UCL: So sad to hear the news that Agnar Sandmo has passed away. We have lost a brilliant economist and a wonderful human bei… - 6 years ago

@MagratheanTimes: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@_ecohis: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@KanameMiyagi: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@econromesh: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@j_langli: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@Austaxpolicy: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@pnicolaides: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@mileskimball: "Professor Agnar Sandmo, emeritus professor of economics at Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen, passed a… - 6 years ago

@DavidRAgrawal: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@ylaliedenpohja: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@KarstenMause: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@schnellenbachj: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@Joh_Koenig: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@Ingar30: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@RichardTol: RT @R_Blundell_UCL: So sad to hear the news that Agnar Sandmo has passed away. We have lost a brilliant economist and a wonderful human bei… - 6 years ago

@R_Blundell_UCL: So sad to hear the news that Agnar Sandmo has passed away. We have lost a brilliant economist and a wonderful human… - 6 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @daniwaldenstrom: Sad to hear that Agnar Sandmo has passed away; one of the great scholars in public economics. I met Agnar a few years… - 6 years ago

@lekhachakrborty: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@_basjacobs: Hans-Werner Sinn (@HansWernerSinn)- Obituary Agnar Sandmo - The Distinguished Economist - CES Munich: - 6 years ago

@DanUtredaren: RT @daniwaldenstrom: Sad to hear that Agnar Sandmo has passed away; one of the great scholars in public economics. I met Agnar a few years… - 6 years ago

@daniwaldenstrom: Sad to hear that Agnar Sandmo has passed away; one of the great scholars in public economics. I met Agnar a few yea… - 6 years ago

@MESandbu: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@APeichl: RT @FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by @HansWernerSinn :… - 6 years ago

@FuestClemens: Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). We have lost a dear colleague and friend, and a great economist. Obituary by… - 6 years ago

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