Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Iraqi jihadist
Died on Tuesday June 14th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi:

@frankgrauzone: Vliegtuigen naar Raqqah, Teheran worden voller. Allemaal mensen die Abu-Bakr-al-Baghdadi en Khamenei les gaan lezen - 9 years ago

@OneNewsSource: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sprawling desert mansion complete with swimming pool - 9 years ago

@pops131: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sprawling desert mansion complete with swimming pool | Daily Mail Online: - 9 years ago

@CGibbs86: @realDonaldTrump So, Al Baghdadi is on the run now a week after POTUS claims he they killed him. Go Figure - 9 years ago


@LowellWarren1: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sprawling desert mansion complete with swimming pool: A picture of the compound in Man... - 9 years ago

@detik_jie: DailyMail - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sprawling desert mansion complete with swimming pool - 9 years ago

@Abdilleni: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sprawling desert mansion complete with swimming pool: A picture of the compound in Man... - 9 years ago

@tulkmag: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sprawling desert mansion complete with swimming pool: A picture of the compound in Man... - 9 years ago

@Spresely: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sprawling desert mansion complete with swimming pool: A picture of the compound in Man... - 9 years ago

@moealrobaye: RT @WahabbiLogic: Saudia al 3arabia is my mozer and Abu bakr al baghdadi iz my fazer - 9 years ago

@WahabbiLogic: Saudia al 3arabia is my mozer and Abu bakr al baghdadi iz my fazer - 9 years ago

@JRBendixen: @rcallimachi @burke_jason And he did, Quote:"I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him, on behalf of the IS." - 9 years ago

@JRBendixen: @rcallimachi @burke_jason And he did quote:"I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of the IS - 9 years ago

@leftistideas: False: President Obama with ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - 9 years ago

@firedup99: OMAR MATEEN: "“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi,” he wrote in a Facebook post in the midst of his massacre, - 9 years ago

@Hohummm: @ASE @Univision So why did he pledge allegiance to abu bakr al-baghdadi ? - 9 years ago

@arbaramzi44: RT @AmarAmarasingam: From prison, Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan asks Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to grant him Islamic State citizenship. - 9 years ago

@kingemirb: RT @AmarAmarasingam: From prison, Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan asks Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to grant him Islamic State citizenship. - 9 years ago

@HerrOberndorfer: Deslegitimando al EIIS a través de motivos islámicos: Crítica a Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi por estudiosos musulmanes - 9 years ago

@jackieaus: What Hillary Clinton and ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Have in Common - 9 years ago

@YourPrimaryNews: RT @AzharImtiyaz141: From prison, Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan asks Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to grant him Islamic State citizenship. - 9 years ago

@Ztwiter5Zapster: RT @AmarAmarasingam: From prison, Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan asks Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to grant him Islamic State citizenship. - 9 years ago

@AzharImtiyaz141: From prison, Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan asks Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to grant him Islamic State citizenship. - 9 years ago

@herdwatching: "I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him [Arabic], on behalf of the… - 9 years ago

@ryan8428: RT @pzf: Unredacted Orlando 911 call transcript-Omar Mateen: "I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi" - 9 years ago

@dpinsen: RT @iowahawkblog: .@piersmorgan ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic theology from Islamic U of Baghdad. What are your cre… - 9 years ago

@lafayette41: True Motive May Never B Known - 9 years ago

@bbclaybar: Orlando terrorist swore allegiance to Islamic State’s Abu Bakr al Baghdadi | The Long War Journal - 9 years ago

@suddysaleh59: RT @AmarAmarasingam: From prison, Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan asks Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to grant him Islamic State citizenship. - 9 years ago

@kircher_r: Orlando terrorist swore allegiance to Islamic State’s Abu Bakr al Baghdadi | The Long War Journal - 9 years ago

@ChancellorDaws: RT @AmarAmarasingam: From prison, Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan asks Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to grant him Islamic State citizenship. - 9 years ago

@Veribatim: Still relevant amid rumors that he is dead or wounded - The believer: How Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became leader of ISIS - 9 years ago

@AngelaKorras: Orlando terrorist swore allegiance to Islamic State’s Abu Bakr al Baghdadi | The Long War Journal - 9 years ago

@MandatoryFun1: Orlando nightclub Killer, Mateen after pledging allegiance to its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—supported Hillary Clinton. @HillaryClinton - 9 years ago

@JimsenJim: Omar's hero was also inspiration to Time, runner up person of the year (beaten by a worse terrorist, Angela Merkel) - 9 years ago

@IntellPOV: #ISIS next leader tipped to be Abu Mohammad al-Adnani after Baghdadi | Daily Star - - 9 years ago

@omeedesf: @JaredTSwift @nytimes I'm pretty sure there's a picture of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi sporting a very expensive watch as well - 9 years ago

@BlessedintheUSA: Mateen: " I pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State." Lynch: We May Never Know Why.. - 9 years ago

@Andy_serrano22: RT @pzf: Unredacted Orlando 911 call transcript-Omar Mateen: "I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi" - 9 years ago

@Ivanca2012: EXCELENTE - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ha muerto - 9 years ago

@shoshido: #Mateen: “I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State.” @LorettaLynch: “#Orlando gunman’s motive may never be known.” - 9 years ago

@carlyinNJ: RT @thomasjoscelyn: Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to Baghdadi at least 4 times. 2x on 911 call. 1x on Facebook. 1x during other call. htt… - 9 years ago

@MissDiagnosis: RT @thomasjoscelyn: Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to Baghdadi at least 4 times. 2x on 911 call. 1x on Facebook. 1x during other call. htt… - 9 years ago

@miladkawas: So Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi walked into a ba.. BOOOM!!! - 9 years ago

@MattJonesDreads: RT @tcapra: FBI released full transcript of Orlando Shooter 911 Calls: I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ...,on behalf of the Isl… - 9 years ago

@theoprinse: Orlando terrorist swore allegiance to Islamic State’s Abu Bakr al Baghdadi | The Long War Journal - 9 years ago

@ASO1664: "I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may Allah protect him, on behalf of the Islamic State." It's a mystery! - 9 years ago

@BFogel95: Inconsistent with DOJ joint statement. "I pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State" (2/2) - 9 years ago

@KSinCFL: So videos of Anwar al-Aulaqi & allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (both believe gays must die) had no influence? @MSNBC @LorettaLynch @DmJ43 - 9 years ago

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