Abner Shimony

American physicist and philosopher.
Died on Saturday August 8th 2015

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Abner Shimony:

@profcosmico: RIP Abner Shimony, mais um grande.

@notabledeath: RIP Abner Shimony

@PhilSciAssoc: Abner Eliezer Shimony (1928-2015)

@rosalisandro: Tibaldo and the Hole in the Calendar, Abner Shimony, Good Book


@nestorbernat3: Tibaldo and the Hole in the Calendar, Abner Shimony, Good Book

@amazingofferso: Tibaldo and the Hole in the Calendar, Abner Shimony, Good Book

@freelanceastro: RIP Abner Shimony, whose work in the philosophy of quantum physics changed the world.

@ucciuccini: Abner Shimony (1928-2015), 87 yrs. old. この年代の哲学者(物理学者)が逝く頃になったか。若いときにはDutchBook Theorem で名を上げ、その後は物理学と物理学の哲学で。

@rmathematicus: RT @mersenne_tweets: abner shimony appreciation: web location of file: Apologies: 30 minutes ago I sent the msg below, but without ... http…

@tiseda: 先日のヒンティカの訃報に続いてアブナー・シモニーの訃報も。

@APSHistory: Michael Matthews remembers Abner Shimony (from @mersenne)

@mersenne_tweets: abner shimony appreciation: web location of file: Apologies: 30 minutes ago I sent the msg below, but without ...

@mersenne_tweets: Abner Shimony: An Appreciation: Dear Colleagues,One week ago, on August 8th, Abner Shimony (1928-2015) the for...

@ChHestick: RT @gmusser: Abner Shimony, a leading physicist and philosopher seeking to grasp quantum mechanics, died on Friday. He is missed.

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