Abdullah al-Hamid

Saudi poet
Died on Friday April 24th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Abdullah al-Hamid:

@alsawagh_m: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@QAreejQ: @democracynow How do you call Ben Ladn a terrorist and call his supporter ( Abdullah al-Hamid ) a human rights activist ? 🙃 - 5 years ago

@OliverBJohn: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Ulrichsen: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago


@magsmitchell: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@a21middleeastn1: Top News of the Week: 1- Khalifa #Haftar announces ceasefire in #Libya🇱🇾 during Ramadan 2- Violent clashes erupted… - 5 years ago

@ithar1972: RT @MadawiDr: My piece on saudi human right advocate Abdullah al-Hamid who died today in Saudi prison - 5 years ago

@ithar1972: RT @AzzamTamimi: Dr. Mdawi Al-Rashid writes about Professor Abdullah Al-Hamid, who died in a Saudi prison cell today, having spent most of… - 5 years ago

@StoatlyL: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@dadiokam: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@TheDergam: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@TahafutTahafut: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@TahafutTahafut: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@muserebel: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@klup: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@ELamy4Palestine: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@irishzionist: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@crf_esq: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@AprilHa45784116: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@fawaz05066: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@fawaz05066: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@ALABBASIM: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@AzmaniMouhieddi: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@DAlzahrani2020: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@Hudlee2: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@wavesandnumb3rs: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@FatimaFaid: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@h7n33n: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@realStefanFrank: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@h_kaandorp: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@ValDelacretaz: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@Pollyan59292602: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@namastenancysf: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@AliGgtej: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@JamesCl72847215: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@Eyal_Dor: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@w_skowronek: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@imadi878: @UNWatch Abdullah Al-Hamid is hiding behind the slogans of democracy a democracy that fits with his extremist desires. - 5 years ago

@faisal9ew: @UNWatch Abdullah Al-Hamid had a good treatment in jail and he died of natural causes, however Al-hamid had a terro… - 5 years ago

@ShineboxHukster: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@Rka98913584: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@IBelmount: RT @UNWatch: 🇸🇦 Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, jailed for protesting ban on civil society, dies in custody while serving ha… - 5 years ago

@Net2Ayurveda: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@NadaFadi5: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@NosairOdeh: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@QUz2H6A98oTpHGH: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@batma31873403: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@m_gsni: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@lio_l_oil: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@lio_l_oil: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@lio_l_oil: RT @OBS_defenders: 🇸🇦#SaudiArabia: We are deeply saddened by the passing while in custody of Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, co-founding member of A… - 5 years ago

@medmou22_m: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@ibnmasouda: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@AsadBadr3: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@awadh67: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@FAHADALJAMAL: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@xM0wuBySY7inIJe: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@mr5Phjv4bsteu0G: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@m3takl: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Saudi Embass… - 5 years ago

@m3takl_en: Amnesty International in Netherland puts a photo of late Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, in front of the building of the Sau… - 5 years ago

@mvangunsteren: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@miesjz: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@AhmedMo30158134: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@rashawhbi: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@MUS_ARB: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@doha_of: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Danilla94242658: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Mohammad198711: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@khazaei_parviz: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@talal51109054: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@OlaveTalks: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@SunjeevBery: RT @FreedomForward: We mourn the passing of Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, a leading Saudi human rights reformer who died in a Saudi prison cell la… - 5 years ago

@FreedomForward: We mourn the passing of Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, a leading Saudi human rights reformer who died in a Saudi prison cel… - 5 years ago

@Elisa_Guillaume: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@evegeddie: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@AbuUwais11: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@pannonia_gig: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@KorunkaOlga: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Ahlemik: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@TalaHarb_: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@alyafai4321: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@ALABBASIM: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@iiEpinephrine: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@omaridressmorad: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Shehaaanh__al: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@nnaTinNL: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@_O_80: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@aalodah: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@ALQST_Contact: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Archishow55: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@drhussahmm: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@PierreCrom: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, 69, was a founding member of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association. The organizati… - 5 years ago

@PierreCrom: A human rights defender from @amnestynl lays a wreath outside the Saudi Arabia embassy to commemorate Dr Abdullah… - 5 years ago

@HulyaKatOnline: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Aladalh9: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@MENA_Rights: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Ghadeerology: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@suying_lai: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@jrobert_nl: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@JanWillemDol: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@CMDR_drsYell: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@JoseBarrosViana: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@sybernes: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@RPvanGaalen: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@marije121: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@DHO72: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@tekinkorkmaz27: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@FoodieGobeyond: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@JohnKusters5: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@A7medHakami: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@EduardNazarski: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@emileaffolter: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@floorbeuming: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@adhofstra: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@AlettaBulsink: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Amnesty_Maas: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@TraTaal: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@197winstonsmith: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Dame_Sterdame: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Juliivan_: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@Moozje: RT @amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in prison for h… - 5 years ago

@amnestynl: We're devastated that Saudi human rights defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid died in detention. He spent 7+ years in pri… - 5 years ago

@CsillaToldy: RT @gaffneyamy: A poem, number 62 For Dr Abdullah al-Hamid @WingsLetters #PoetryDayIreland #PoetryDayIRL #Letterswithwings @maria_mcman… - 5 years ago

@telegrafx: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@GreatBaathParty: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 Important We confirm that Dr. Saud Al-Hashemi is still in a bad health condition for the last couple of days, and he is no… - 5 years ago

@TheDergam: RT @m3takl_en: After assassinating Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, the father of human rights in KSA (via health neglect), the so-called "Human Righ… - 5 years ago

@TheDergam: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@A7medHakami: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ole_uexkull: RT @LotteLeicht1: We've lost a leading light of #SaudiArabia’s human rights movement, but his message & the activists he inspired will live… - 5 years ago

@Seada67821585: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@gaffneyamy: A poem, number 62 For Dr Abdullah al-Hamid @WingsLetters #PoetryDayIreland #PoetryDayIRL #Letterswithwings… - 5 years ago

@Cornagcat: It has been a privilege to read from @holdingcellirl #PoetryDayIrl which was dedicated to Eavan Boland. I share m… - 5 years ago

@gorop_: RT @PeterTatchell: Leading Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid dies in detention. He was one of many political prisoners. Free th… - 5 years ago

@drhussahmm: RT @ALQST_En: The #Geuzenpenning board send their condolences to the family of Abdullah al-Hamid and all involved with #ACPRA. @acprahr,… - 5 years ago

@Ali_Salman111: RT @FrontLineHRD: We mourn the loss of Abdullah Al-Hamid, a courageous defender of human rights who died today in #SaudiArabia due to the m… - 5 years ago

@HermanClive: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ALQST_Contact: RT @ALQST_En: The #Geuzenpenning board send their condolences to the family of Abdullah al-Hamid and all involved with #ACPRA. @acprahr,… - 5 years ago

@ALQST_En: The #Geuzenpenning board send their condolences to the family of Abdullah al-Hamid and all involved with #ACPRA.… - 5 years ago

@zalbakheet: RT @PeterTatchell: Leading Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid dies in detention. He was one of many political prisoners. Free th… - 5 years ago

@HowardF12978848: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@zalmoayyad: RT @ESOHumanRights: Human Rights Defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid @Abubelal_1951 Dead after Unfair Targeting and Deliberate Medical Neglect… - 5 years ago

@zalmoayyad: RT @ALQST_En: ALQST holds the #Saudi authorities responsible for the death of human rights pioneer Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. - 5 years ago

@iamfree2019: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@Mido197921: RT @fqadi: With great sadness and anger I convey news of passing of Saudi #HumanRights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid 69 years; jailed since 2… - 5 years ago

@A7medHakami: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Archishow55: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@Archishow55: RT @fqadi: With great sadness and anger I convey news of passing of Saudi #HumanRights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid 69 years; jailed since 2… - 5 years ago

@rum7_2019: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@bofaisal9111: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@Salah_al_Dinto: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in pr… - 5 years ago

@drhussahmm: RT @fqadi: With great sadness and anger I convey news of passing of Saudi #HumanRights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid 69 years; jailed since 2… - 5 years ago

@drhussahmm: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@Slman999bah: RT @AgnesCallamard: Why the death in custody last week of Abdullah al-Hamid triggered such heartfelt reactions the world over. - 5 years ago

@DannyWijnhoud: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@ALHAMED_KUW: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@Mohammad198711: RT @m3takl_en: After assassinating Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, the father of human rights in KSA (via health neglect), the so-called "Human Righ… - 5 years ago

@ellenrombout: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@fawaz05066: RT @m3takl_en: After assassinating Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, the father of human rights in KSA (via health neglect), the so-called "Human Righ… - 5 years ago

@BoredAlchemist_: RT @m3takl_en: After assassinating Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, the father of human rights in KSA (via health neglect), the so-called "Human Righ… - 5 years ago

@m3takl: RT @m3takl_en: After assassinating Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, the father of human rights in KSA (via health neglect), the so-called "Human Righ… - 5 years ago

@RobleWawa: @khaledz510 @imabdullah1430 @Abukar_Arman Abdullah Hamid Ali al-Hamid or Abu Bilal was a Saudi poet, Arabic profess… - 5 years ago

@khaledz510: @RobleWawa @imabdullah1430 @Abukar_Arman You talked about Abdullah Al-Hamid and I answered you, what are the reason… - 5 years ago

@RobleWawa: @khaledz510 @Abukar_Arman One day you will remember my words. Injustice doesn’t last long. It’s just matter of time… - 5 years ago

@saadaldosari21: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Soulayman133: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@tahaalhajji: RT @PeterTatchell: Leading Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid dies in detention. He was one of many political prisoners. Free th… - 5 years ago

@tomo_eng: RT @oak_institute: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner @democracynow @right… - 5 years ago

@colour171207: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@FransOerVla: Strijder voor mensenrechten in Arabische wereld, ontvanger van de Geuzenpenning Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, in de gevang… - 5 years ago

@Doornuook: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@ingridmeta: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@andrea95115861: RT @DrewOCCRP: The autocratic #SaudiArabia follows Putin's lead of killing activists by denying them medical care in prison. 2018 Right Liv… - 5 years ago

@Aantjes70: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@sinancan77: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@JoshuaLivestro: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@KGFerrier: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@free00thinker: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@rubi61611: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Logist_BCB: RT @amnestynl: Eén van de grondleggers van de Saudische mensenrechtenbeweging, Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, overleed vorige week in detentie. D… - 5 years ago

@lamri213: RT @Malbrunot: France-Arabie: à ma connaissance, Paris n'a ni réagi à la mort en détention d'Abdullah al-Hamid, défenseur des droits de l'h… - 5 years ago

@ctcadvies: RT @Vlaardingen24: Eén van de ontvangers van de Geuzenpenning 2020 #Vlaardingen is overleden in de gevangenis: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid van ACP… - 5 years ago

@ctcadvies: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' and receiver of the Dutch died in #Saudi_arabia… - 5 years ago

@Totila: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@mopinwil: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid was a fearless champion for human rights in Saudi Arabia and throughout the Middle East. - 5 years ago

@Rpeaceful: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@bysf2011: RT @ALQST_En: MEP & Subcommittee on Human Rights Chair Maria Arena expresses her condolences at the death of prominent #Saudi human rights… - 5 years ago

@PopulistVoice2: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@TehranDC: The MBS paradox is on full display: Abdullah al-Hamid, 69, died of a stroke that was the direct result of his mistr… - 5 years ago

@mustafa456: RT @naderalihashemi: An obituary for Saudi Arabia's Nelson Mandela Abdullah al-Hamid (1950-2020) - 5 years ago

@vopglobal: RT @AgnesCallamard: Why the death in custody last week of Abdullah al-Hamid triggered such heartfelt reactions the world over. - 5 years ago

@gasandes: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@HazelErrey: RT @AIMidEastGulf: Prisoner of conscience Dr Abdullah al-Hamid dies while in detention in #Saudi Arabia. - 5 years ago

@Kilbeg1: RT @AmnestyWB: A good article on Abdullah al-Hamid, #SaudiArabia's most prominent activist for political reform. He died from a stroke in p… - 5 years ago

@rightlivelihood: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@s54450: RT @ALQST_En: MEP & Subcommittee on Human Rights Chair Maria Arena expresses her condolences at the death of prominent #Saudi human rights… - 5 years ago

@EDescours: RT @EliasGeoffroy: #ArabieSaoudite - Triste nouvelle aujourd'hui en ce premier jour du Ramadan, avec la disparition du Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@moracarmo50: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@yusufAlhoori: Maria Arena expresses her condolences at the death of Abdullah al-Hamid @KSAembassyBE #SaudiArabia - 5 years ago

@BilisumaKegna: RT @oak_institute: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner @democracynow @right… - 5 years ago

@NanaYawOmari3: RT @Abukar_Arman: #Thread MBS 1/4 Last Friday prisoner of conscience Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid who was denied heart surgery by the Saudi gov’t… - 5 years ago

@oak_institute: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner @democracynow… - 5 years ago

@Vlaardingen24: Eén van de ontvangers van de Geuzenpenning 2020 #Vlaardingen is overleden in de gevangenis: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid va… - 5 years ago

@MattAltonUK: RT @LindaHemby: MEP: Denial of healthcare to #Saudi activist Abdullah al-Hamid who died in prison was 'morally wrong' @AJENews - 5 years ago

@VincentMentzel: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @ALQST_En: MEP & Subcommittee on Human Rights Chair Maria Arena expresses her condolences at the death of prominent #Saudi human rights… - 5 years ago

@sjobo61: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@DOLLATALINA: RT @AmnestyWB: A good article on Abdullah al-Hamid, #SaudiArabia's most prominent activist for political reform. He died from a stroke in p… - 5 years ago

@MerlijnKerkhof: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@dijkstra_levi: RT @amnestynl: Eén van de grondleggers van de Saudische mensenrechtenbeweging, Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, overleed vorige week in detentie. D… - 5 years ago

@DanielWickham93: RT @ALQST_En: MEP & Subcommittee on Human Rights Chair Maria Arena expresses her condolences at the death of prominent #Saudi human rights… - 5 years ago

@HjalmarTeunis: RT @Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, is in… - 5 years ago

@RLZaki: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@beppie125: RT @amnestynl: Eén van de grondleggers van de Saudische mensenrechtenbeweging, Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid, overleed vorige week in detentie. D… - 5 years ago

@LindaHemby: The death of the well-known #Saudi thinker Abdullah Al-Hamid a few days ago in Saudi prisons was not the first of i… - 5 years ago

@LindaHemby: MEP: Denial of healthcare to #Saudi activist Abdullah al-Hamid who died in prison was 'morally wrong' @AJENews - 5 years ago

@RednRuff: RT @ALQST_En: MEP & Subcommittee on Human Rights Chair Maria Arena expresses her condolences at the death of prominent #Saudi human rights… - 5 years ago

@Geuzenpenning: Zeer triest nieuws: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, een van de oprichters van de Saoedische mensenrechtenorganisatie ACPRA, i… - 5 years ago

@fatissndb331: RT @ALQST_En: MEP & Subcommittee on Human Rights Chair Maria Arena expresses her condolences at the death of prominent #Saudi human rights… - 5 years ago

@FriendsOfAhmed: RT @AIMidEastGulf: Prisoner of conscience Dr Abdullah al-Hamid dies while in detention in #Saudi Arabia. - 5 years ago

@angelbeastster: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@HRNewsComment: "Prison turned out to be human rights defender Abdullah al-Hamid's second home, as he continued to be arrested and… - 5 years ago

@taunpaul1: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@khaledz510: @Abukar_Arman Abdullah Al-Hamid's death is a judgment from God, and this is his day. The facts is Abdullah used to… - 5 years ago

@RespectToGlobe: RT @AmnestyWB: A good article on Abdullah al-Hamid, #SaudiArabia's most prominent activist for political reform. He died from a stroke in p… - 5 years ago

@ingrx: RT @GulfCentre4HR: #SaudiArabia: The Gulf Centre for Human Rights mourns the death of prominent human rights defender Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid… - 5 years ago

@Leandro23870790: RT @HRNewsComment: "Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lo… - 5 years ago

@Petbepositive: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@apnordling: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@JebelliReza: RT @AnnelleSheline: Abdullah Alaoudh @aalodah, son of imprisoned Saudi cleric Salman al-Awda, pays tribute to Abdullah al-Hamid, a Saudi ac… - 5 years ago

@falckovitch93: @MohamedBrahdji Clearly not... et on ne justifie pas la mort d’Abdullah al-Hamid en prison - 5 years ago

@SalmaAlNafjan: RT @fqadi: With great sadness and anger I convey news of passing of Saudi #HumanRights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid 69 years; jailed since 2… - 5 years ago

@AngryUKStaffer: The reported denial of healthcare to Abdullah al-Hamid was "morally wrong" & "unacceptable", @Mariearenaps, Belgian… - 5 years ago

@JuliaLegner: RT @EP_HumanRights: 🆕 @EP_HumanRights Chair @Mariearenaps expresses her condolences at the death of prominent Saudi human rights defender A… - 5 years ago

@ECDHRbxl: RT @GulfCentre4HR: #SaudiArabia: The Gulf Centre for Human Rights mourns the death of prominent human rights defender Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid… - 5 years ago

@factscheck_: Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid who dedicated his life for human rights, died in detention because he… - 5 years ago

@AIMidEastGulf: Prisoner of conscience Dr Abdullah al-Hamid dies while in detention in #Saudi Arabia. - 5 years ago

@kazamasemi: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@AnkaraVoice: Abdullah al-Hamid dedicated his life to protecting those defending basic rights & freedom,@Mariearenaps said. He di… - 5 years ago

@SaxewanCurdi: Madawi al-Rasheed: “The death of Arabic professor Abdullah al-Hamid on Friday after his health deteriorated in a Sa… - 5 years ago

@BrightonParkCHI: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@CiLuna27: RT @AmnestyWB: A good article on Abdullah al-Hamid, #SaudiArabia's most prominent activist for political reform. He died from a stroke in p… - 5 years ago

@AmnestyWB: A good article on Abdullah al-Hamid, #SaudiArabia's most prominent activist for political reform. He died from a st… - 5 years ago

@FanonPatrice: RT @RobertMouton4: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@HKayd4real: RT @Abukar_Arman: #Thread MBS 1/4 Last Friday prisoner of conscience Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid who was denied heart surgery by the Saudi gov’t… - 5 years ago

@DrAbdirahmanA: RT @Abukar_Arman: #Thread MBS 1/4 Last Friday prisoner of conscience Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid who was denied heart surgery by the Saudi gov’t… - 5 years ago

@paul_gavan: RT @factscheck_: In Saudi Arabia, renowned human rights advocate Abdullah al-Hamid has reportedly died in jail. The news comes as Amnesty I… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @AgnesCallamard: Why the death in custody last week of Abdullah al-Hamid triggered such heartfelt reactions the world over. - 5 years ago

@Abukar_Arman: #Thread MBS 1/4 Last Friday prisoner of conscience Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid who was denied heart surgery by the Saudi… - 5 years ago

@GUHURA: RT @RobertMouton4: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@RobertMouton4: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@Firashamead: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@CiLuna27: RT @AgnesCallamard: Why the death in custody last week of Abdullah al-Hamid triggered such heartfelt reactions the world over. - 5 years ago

@PT_Foundation: Leading Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid dies in detention. He was one of many political prisoners. Fr… - 5 years ago

@AllianceADH: RT @hrw_fr: #ArabieSaoudite : Le défenseur des #droitshumains Abdullah al-Hamid est décédé en prison, à l’âge de 69 ans. HRW rappelle que s… - 5 years ago

@debraswank: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@tse_tsefly: #Saudi - renowned human rights advocate Abdullah al-Hamid has died in prison - 5 years ago

@Jessminder3: RT @hrw_fr: #ArabieSaoudite : Le défenseur des #droitshumains Abdullah al-Hamid est décédé en prison, à l’âge de 69 ans. HRW rappelle que s… - 5 years ago

@HRNewsComment: "Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequali… - 5 years ago

@brainscience03: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@ClaraCampoamor1: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@PawstinTexas: RT @SharonKyle00: RT democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@iben_schartau: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@SharonKyle00: RT democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@SharonKyle00: RT democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@sg_ndlon: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@salma_ishr: RT @GulfCentre4HR: #SaudiArabia: The Gulf Centre for Human Rights mourns the death of prominent human rights defender Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid… - 5 years ago

@ricardo_ik_ahau: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@CopSiki: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@factscheck_: In Saudi Arabia, renowned human rights advocate Abdullah al-Hamid has reportedly died in jail. The news comes as Am… - 5 years ago

@ManuelBudigno: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@hamm_lhamm1953: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@SoCal_SRA: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@lawgrade: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@Vieux_singe: RT @Malbrunot: France-Arabie: à ma connaissance, Paris n'a ni réagi à la mort en détention d'Abdullah al-Hamid, défenseur des droits de l'h… - 5 years ago

@Notorious_RHS: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@GinahGmkr5: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@wil91116385: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies Behind Bars Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@zamirghumro: RT @MushRajpar: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner, he has been in prison for past 7 years. The news c… - 5 years ago

@hairdresser_my: RT @CompetMena: Abdullah al-Hamid, opposant politique saoudien incarcéré depuis 2013, serait mort. Il appelait à l'établissement d'une mona… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @RIDorrite: @StateDept Abdullah al-Hamid is dead. Is this the last time the US State Department raised this issue with the monarchy in A… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @AnnelleSheline: Abdullah Alaoudh @aalodah, son of imprisoned Saudi cleric Salman al-Awda, pays tribute to Abdullah al-Hamid, a Saudi ac… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @courrierarabe: #ArabieSaoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid enterré vendredi et les #ONG pleurent sa perte #اغتيال_الحامد_بالسجن #النهر_يحفر_مجر… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @MiddleEastEyeFr: Le Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, figure de proue du mouvement des droits de l'homme et des réformes politiques en Arabie saoud… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @AlaeBennani: Mort en prison de l'activiste des droits de l'homme saoudien Abdullah al-Hamid. Ce dernier serait mort des suites d'une né… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@Navarraise: RT @Malbrunot: France-Arabie: à ma connaissance, Paris n'a ni réagi à la mort en détention d'Abdullah al-Hamid, défenseur des droits de l'h… - 5 years ago

@mohammed_49752: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@SabinaSchmidt20: RT @NordhausenFrank: Bekannter saudischer Menschenrechtler Abdullah al-Hamid stirbt im Gefängnis - 5 years ago

@DAlzahrani2020: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@RLZaki: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@MushRajpar: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner, he has been in prison for past 7 years. Th… - 5 years ago

@An0nResistance: RT @democracynow: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - 5 years ago

@OurUnequalWorld: "Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequali… - 5 years ago

@Turfpremium: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@YorjanaSalazar: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@marin_mfj: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@eash1973: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@poesiamedellin: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@RamAbdu: RT @EP_HumanRights: 🆕 @EP_HumanRights Chair @Mariearenaps expresses her condolences at the death of prominent Saudi human rights defender A… - 5 years ago

@ralvarezdj: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@antoniovalleni1: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@RAULCANTALUPPI: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@DemocracyNowEs: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@grateroledgar: RT @antoniovalleni1: Muere como preso político el activista saudí por los derechos humanos Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@mohamedsalafs: RT @Malbrunot: France-Arabie: à ma connaissance, Paris n'a ni réagi à la mort en détention d'Abdullah al-Hamid, défenseur des droits de l'h… - 5 years ago

@PorcinetteLouis: RT @Malbrunot: France-Arabie: à ma connaissance, Paris n'a ni réagi à la mort en détention d'Abdullah al-Hamid, défenseur des droits de l'h… - 5 years ago

@PeterTatchell: Leading Saudi human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid dies in detention. He was one of many political prisoners. Fr… - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Saudi Human Rights Activist Abdullah al-Hamid Dies a Political Prisoner - Democracy Now! - 5 years ago

@Iweyer2: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Net2Ayurveda: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 Important We confirm that Dr. Saud Al-Hashemi is still in a bad health condition for the last couple of days, and he is no… - 5 years ago

@ClarakDoe: RT @AgnesCallamard: These steps, important as they are, do not balance out the other violations which we must continue to denounce & for wh… - 5 years ago

@Leandro23870790: RT @observatoryihr: Prominent #Saudi human rights activist and #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid has died in custody. He wa… - 5 years ago

@joa_becker: RT @observatoryihr: Prominent #Saudi human rights activist and #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid has died in custody. He wa… - 5 years ago

@ECDHRbxl: RT @MiddleEastEye: Prison turned out to be human rights defender Abdullah al-Hamid's second home, as he continued to be arrested and releas… - 5 years ago

@AbdulraheemNoo4: RT @joshcooperate: Countless, moving tributes and statements from Saudi activists and international HR orgs following the death of leading… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @observatoryihr: Prominent #Saudi human rights activist and #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid has died in custody. He wa… - 5 years ago

@salabdali1976: RT @joshcooperate: Countless, moving tributes and statements from Saudi activists and international HR orgs following the death of leading… - 5 years ago

@observatoryihr: Prominent #Saudi human rights activist and #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid has died in custody. H… - 5 years ago

@Aladalh9: RT @joshcooperate: Countless, moving tributes and statements from Saudi activists and international HR orgs following the death of leading… - 5 years ago

@abo1fares: RT @joshcooperate: Countless, moving tributes and statements from Saudi activists and international HR orgs following the death of leading… - 5 years ago

@gatnash: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@joshcooperate: Countless, moving tributes and statements from Saudi activists and international HR orgs following the death of lea… - 5 years ago

@helgestad: RT @Amnesty_Norge: Respecting your legacy, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, is continuing the struggle for real human rights reforms in #SaudiAra… - 5 years ago

@TahafutTahafut: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@smahgsr: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We will be changing our PROFILE PHOTO for 24 hours to the photo of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid in order to remind the w… - 5 years ago

@smahgsr: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@23ALZAT: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@MBS28042761: RT @dalal_sa21: I don’t know who is the brainless who calls Abdullah Al-Hamid a reformer or compares him to Nelson Mandela, He rejects Secu… - 5 years ago

@RosarioLonardi: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@hlal_malki: RT @hlal_malki: I don’t know who is the brainless who calls Abdullah Al-Hamid a reformer or compares him to Nelson Mandela, He rejects Secu… - 5 years ago

@dalal_sa21: RT @dalal_sa21: I don’t know who is the brainless who calls Abdullah Al-Hamid a reformer or compares him to Nelson Mandela, He rejects Secu… - 5 years ago

@TheDergam: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 Important We confirm that Dr. Saud Al-Hashemi is still in a bad health condition for the last couple of days, and he is no… - 5 years ago

@bunnyhuggr: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@BeBraveMyLoves: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@abdalahiluali: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 Important We confirm that Dr. Saud Al-Hashemi is still in a bad health condition for the last couple of days, and he is no… - 5 years ago

@MZafiriou: RT @rolandparis: Professor and human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in a Saudi jail. He was imprisoned seven years ago for peac… - 5 years ago

@FreedomForward: RT @naderalihashemi: An obituary for Saudi Arabia's Nelson Mandela Abdullah al-Hamid (1950-2020) - 5 years ago

@allm0ther: RT @naderalihashemi: An obituary for Saudi Arabia's Nelson Mandela Abdullah al-Hamid (1950-2020) - 5 years ago

@InsideArabia: RT @MiddleEastMnt: What did Khashoggi say about late Saudi academic Abdullah al-Hamid? - 5 years ago

@Olivia0lai: RT @Ina_Tin: Paying respect for #SaudiArabia’s leading human rights defender, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, who died yesterday in prison due t… - 5 years ago

@MohammedTaouf: RT @MiddleEastMnt: What did Khashoggi say about late Saudi academic Abdullah al-Hamid? - 5 years ago

@AlabeMusa: RT @naderalihashemi: An obituary for Saudi Arabia's Nelson Mandela Abdullah al-Hamid (1950-2020) - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastMnt: What did Khashoggi say about late Saudi academic Abdullah al-Hamid? - 5 years ago

@LeilaChujfi: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@netraKL: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@MerSicra: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@MichaelisRoux: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequalit… - 5 years ago

@howedns1: RT @rolandparis: Professor and human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in a Saudi jail. He was imprisoned seven years ago for peac… - 5 years ago

@camrclark: RT @rolandparis: Professor and human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in a Saudi jail. He was imprisoned seven years ago for peac… - 5 years ago

@ConStelz: RT @rolandparis: Professor and human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in a Saudi jail. He was imprisoned seven years ago for peac… - 5 years ago

@KSP_Libs: RT @rolandparis: Professor and human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in a Saudi jail. He was imprisoned seven years ago for peac… - 5 years ago

@electrcshepherd: RT @rolandparis: Professor and human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in a Saudi jail. He was imprisoned seven years ago for peac… - 5 years ago

@drivandalism: RT @rolandparis: Professor and human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in a Saudi jail. He was imprisoned seven years ago for peac… - 5 years ago

@Rudy6667: RT @naderalihashemi: An obituary for Saudi Arabia's Nelson Mandela Abdullah al-Hamid (1950-2020) - 5 years ago

@23ALZAT: RT @LotteLeicht1: We've lost a leading light of #SaudiArabia’s human rights movement, but his message & the activists he inspired will live… - 5 years ago

@CumarSeerbiya: Abdullah al-Hamid, Saudi human rights pioneer, dies in prison serving time for activism - 5 years ago

@BaselAbdullah: RT @PostOpinions: For weeks, Abdullah al-Hamid had been denied a long-overdue cardiac catheterization, according to his family. "The Saudi… - 5 years ago

@BaseejiImam: RT @PressTV: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, has died in prison. #SaudiArabia #HumanRi… - 5 years ago

@Aladalh9: RT @Ina_Tin: Paying respect for #SaudiArabia’s leading human rights defender, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, who died yesterday in prison due t… - 5 years ago

@Aladalh9: RT @zalmoayyad: People Before Profit in Ireland would like to express its sincere condolences to the family of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. We kno… - 5 years ago

@factscheck_: A leading Saudi human rights campaigner jailed since 2013 for dissident activity has died in prison, activists say.… - 5 years ago

@BenteScheller: RT @Loay_Mudhoon: Abdullah al-Hamid, ein führender Verteidiger der #Menschenrechte, Pionier der politischen Reformbewegung in #SaudiArabien… - 5 years ago

@Pingachoo: RT @michael75lewis: Saudi Arabia: Prisoner of conscience Dr Abdullah al-Hamid dies while in detention | Amnesty International - 5 years ago

@michael75lewis: Saudi Arabia: Prisoner of conscience Dr Abdullah al-Hamid dies while in detention | Amnesty International… - 5 years ago

@YousefZak: RT @bunkybun: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@Loay_Mudhoon: Abdullah al-Hamid, ein führender Verteidiger der #Menschenrechte, Pionier der politischen Reformbewegung in… - 5 years ago

@abe1d: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@abe1d: RT @a8zma: Abdullah Al-Hamid is one of the prisoners of conscience who was killed because of the medical negligence of his health #عبدالله_… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @Ina_Tin: Paying respect for #SaudiArabia’s leading human rights defender, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, who died yesterday in prison due t… - 5 years ago

@flydaj: RT @PressTV: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, has died in prison. #SaudiArabia #HumanRi… - 5 years ago

@kirken: RT @amnestygulf: . @amnesty: "We are devastated to learn of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid’s passing while he remained in detention for his peaceful… - 5 years ago

@lias_lia: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@JoseBarrosViana: RT @StefSimanowitz: A week after @amnesty called for Abdullah al-Hamid - Saudi poet, academic, activist & prisoner of conscience - to be gi… - 5 years ago

@Abdullah96wa: RT @Ina_Tin: Paying respect for #SaudiArabia’s leading human rights defender, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, who died yesterday in prison due t… - 5 years ago

@captain_amarito: RT @MiddleEastEye: Prison turned out to be human rights defender Abdullah al-Hamid's second home, as he continued to be arrested and releas… - 5 years ago

@nievesnchz: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@ShabirHusaini: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@fatmabostanunsa: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@skypetutor1: RT @AlexNeveAmnesty: When injustice meets cruelty and defies compassion. #Saudi authorities must be pressed to release Abdullah al-Hamid. @… - 5 years ago

@nehoez: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@Comoespecie: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@OkdaMohd: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequality lon… - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid rejected sectarian divisions, defended all prisoners of conscience, and rejected gender inequalit… - 5 years ago

@senjag3: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@Sekina84: Bekannte, mit Alternativem #Nobelpreis ausgezeichnete Menschenrechts-Anwalt Dr. Al-Hamid starb nach Koma+unzureiche… - 5 years ago

@RealMente50: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@labonitabicho: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@omar1kordy: RT @DanielWickham93: Mauritanian academic @mshinqiti on Abdullah al-Hamid and the concept of peaceful jihad (jihad silmi): - 5 years ago

@erjeunot: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@CecilioCean: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@NebulAe16428: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@SaadNL2: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Elparisian: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@iGeirr: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid was a fearless champion for human rights in Saudi Arabia and throughout the Middle East.… - 5 years ago

@SaadNL2: RT @Ina_Tin: Paying respect for #SaudiArabia’s leading human rights defender, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, who died yesterday in prison due t… - 5 years ago

@pengoliver: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@AlleyMb: RT @MiddleEastEye: Prison turned out to be human rights defender Abdullah al-Hamid's second home, as he continued to be arrested and releas… - 5 years ago

@ALABBASIM: RT @zalmoayyad: People Before Profit in Ireland would like to express its sincere condolences to the family of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. We kno… - 5 years ago

@A7medHakami: RT @zalmoayyad: People Before Profit in Ireland would like to express its sincere condolences to the family of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. We kno… - 5 years ago

@djemilaben: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@negua597: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@ShardulGopujkar: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@avnialtin: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@francescbarbany: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@DAlzahrani2020: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Mohammad198711: RT @DanielWickham93: Mauritanian academic @mshinqiti on Abdullah al-Hamid and the concept of peaceful jihad (jihad silmi): - 5 years ago

@AmjodDundee: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@Yaffa02550098: @TIME Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering #Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody #StoptTorture… - 5 years ago

@s54450: RT @DanielWickham93: Mauritanian academic @mshinqiti on Abdullah al-Hamid and the concept of peaceful jihad (jihad silmi): - 5 years ago

@dequepende: RT @CecilioCean: Abdullah al-Hamid, activista y defensor de los #DerechosHumanos “murió” ayer en la cárcel. No recibió la atención sanitari… - 5 years ago

@annemarievgeel: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@toushaw: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@fhussai79340228: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@MatthieuBufkens: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@abdou970: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@ExhaustedSoul2: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@ReginaSpoettl: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@DylanBurns1776: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@NasrawiSalim: RT @GulfCentre4HR: #SaudiArabia: The Gulf Centre for Human Rights mourns the death of prominent human rights defender Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid… - 5 years ago

@cantavest: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@angrryyy: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@MAJEDALKHELAIFI: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@alannasaudade: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@puddle_san: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@PEMcNeil: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@TweetsoKhaja: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@HumnRitesReview: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@natschido: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@KurtBassuener: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@JacobKumenda: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@AWGoraya: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@oliverpaoliang: RT @KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully in a Saudi p… - 5 years ago

@KenRoth: Abdullah al-Hamid was a leading Saudi human rights figure for 25+ years. He spent his last seven years wrongfully i… - 5 years ago

@IrshanNawab: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@JrmChenu: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid was a fearless champion for human rights in Saudi Arabia and throughout the Middle East. - 5 years ago

@lily242824: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Hallucigenia4: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@DoudiesJ: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@amazigh_mohand: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@MsDiiddi: RT @JohnPeder: A moment of silence for Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, in front of the Saudi Embassy in Oslo. ⁦@KingSalman⁩ #MBS #StandWithSaudi… - 5 years ago

@Bakri72M: RT @MiddleEastEye: Hamid is surived by a wife and eight children. His two brothers Issa and Abdulrahman al-Hamid are currently imprisoned f… - 5 years ago

@Glock21OpEd: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@arminarefi: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@GuerardJean: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@lord0fzer0: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@ActusPays: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@anakrimba151: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@MoAllie1: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@haydaroruc: RT @kdiwaniya: There are multiple sources reporting the death in prison of Abdullah al-Hamid. The argument could be made that he was the… - 5 years ago

@maurlind: RT @Ruthanasia: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody | Middle East Eye - 5 years ago

@docum3nt: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@karmakola: RT @Ruthanasia: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody | Middle East Eye - 5 years ago

@jacqui703: RT @Ruthanasia: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody | Middle East Eye - 5 years ago

@yadlajoie1: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@TerriBennet: RT @Ruthanasia: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody | Middle East Eye - 5 years ago

@kirnehnamle: RT @JohnPeder: A moment of silence for Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, in front of the Saudi Embassy in Oslo. ⁦@KingSalman⁩ #MBS #StandWithSaudi… - 5 years ago

@Ruthanasia: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody | Middle East Eye - 5 years ago

@Net2Ayurveda: RT @m3takl_en: The Guardian: Reported death of Abdullah al-Hamid puts spotlight back on kingdom’s human rights record #اغتيال_الحامد_بالسجن… - 5 years ago

@Net2Ayurveda: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@BastienBsfr: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@AlexKhadivi: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@SalmaAlNafjan: RT @ALQST_En: ALQST holds the #Saudi authorities responsible for the death of human rights pioneer Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. - 5 years ago

@Andriana_PL: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@grygaard: RT @Amnesty_Norge: Respecting your legacy, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, is continuing the struggle for real human rights reforms in #SaudiAra… - 5 years ago

@AlbertTLunde: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@ratbiqtch: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@ChediaOtai: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@NoctuaMinervae: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@ChediaOtai: RT @abo1fares: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, died on Thursday, activists and a source c… - 5 years ago

@aselliaas: RT @JohnPeder: A moment of silence for Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, RIP, in front of the Saudi Embassy in Oslo. ⁦@KingSalman⁩ #MBS #StandWithSaudi… - 5 years ago

@Pucemargine: RT @NordhausenFrank: Bekannter saudischer Menschenrechtler Abdullah al-Hamid stirbt im Gefängnis - 5 years ago

@ryvages: "Hamid lingered in prison simply because he proved to be more dangerous than their outright violence." Great obitua… - 5 years ago

@brokebackmarvel: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@DrCaveatLector: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@notprivatehanin: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@Kasa_Saaz: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@slmasrf: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@sonngpanda: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@Lexialex: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@SmallBrotherNWY: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@YairWallach: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@guidojcruz: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@inquilaborator: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@AnotherAznTart: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@cwmagee: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@iyad_elbaghdadi: RT @gatnash: He died in prison today, on the first of Ramadan, after denial of urgent care for 10 days. The Saudi government killed Abdulla… - 5 years ago

@Desertup: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@JohnKusters5: RT @amnestygulf: . @amnesty: "We are devastated to learn of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid’s passing while he remained in detention for his peaceful… - 5 years ago

@rupertbu: RT @ALQST_En: ALQST holds the #Saudi authorities responsible for the death of human rights pioneer Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. - 5 years ago

@ibnmasouda: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @Malbrunot: On attend la réaction de la France, si prompte à dénoncer les atteintes aux droits de l'homme dans certains pays du Moyen-Or… - 5 years ago

@MattersProtocol: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@TEXASFLYTYER: RT @MiddleEastEye: Hamid is surived by a wife and eight children. His two brothers Issa and Abdulrahman al-Hamid are currently imprisoned f… - 5 years ago

@friendship1976: RT @MiddleEastEye: Hamid is surived by a wife and eight children. His two brothers Issa and Abdulrahman al-Hamid are currently imprisoned f… - 5 years ago

@StephieGilley: RT @MiddleEastEye: Hamid is surived by a wife and eight children. His two brothers Issa and Abdulrahman al-Hamid are currently imprisoned f… - 5 years ago

@IvyStempel: RT @MiddleEastEye: Hamid is surived by a wife and eight children. His two brothers Issa and Abdulrahman al-Hamid are currently imprisoned f… - 5 years ago

@tmoptimist: RT @MiddleEastEye: Hamid is surived by a wife and eight children. His two brothers Issa and Abdulrahman al-Hamid are currently imprisoned f… - 5 years ago

@TimInHonolulu: RT @MiddleEastEye: Hamid is surived by a wife and eight children. His two brothers Issa and Abdulrahman al-Hamid are currently imprisoned f… - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: Hamid is surived by a wife and eight children. His two brothers Issa and Abdulrahman al-Hamid are currently impriso… - 5 years ago

@asharfouch: RT @The_NewArab: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a leading Saudi human rights advocate and part of the political reform movement, has died in prison… - 5 years ago

@niran06854140: RT @kdiwaniya: There are multiple sources reporting the death in prison of Abdullah al-Hamid. The argument could be made that he was the… - 5 years ago

@Bassam_1991: RT @kdiwaniya: There are multiple sources reporting the death in prison of Abdullah al-Hamid. The argument could be made that he was the… - 5 years ago

@sultaan_1: RT @kdiwaniya: There are multiple sources reporting the death in prison of Abdullah al-Hamid. The argument could be made that he was the… - 5 years ago

@thewolfreports: RT @dwnews: Saudi Arabian human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention. Al-Hamid, who was in prison from 2013, had suffer… - 5 years ago

@brhom007: RT @fqadi: With great sadness and anger I convey news of passing of Saudi #HumanRights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid 69 years; jailed since 2… - 5 years ago

@HH7_ANGEL: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Citizen_IQ: RT @amnestygulf: . @amnesty: "We are devastated to learn of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid’s passing while he remained in detention for his peaceful… - 5 years ago

@mrshokouhifard: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@JP_Peacemaking: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@adnansyal: RT @dwnews: Saudi Arabian human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention. Al-Hamid, who was in prison from 2013, had suffer… - 5 years ago

@TeamNimr: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@TeamNimr: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@kholyoooo7: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@brhom007: RT @DanielWickham93: Tributes have been pouring in for the iconic Saudi reformer Abdullah al-Hamid (@Abubelal_1951), who tragically passed… - 5 years ago

@brhom007: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@TheDergam: RT @abo1fares: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, died on Thursday, activists and a source c… - 5 years ago

@SMansour7: RT @abo1fares: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, died on Thursday, activists and a source c… - 5 years ago

@Abdulrahman5766: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@alaaddin_vural: RT @The_NewArab: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a leading Saudi human rights advocate and part of the political reform movement, has died in prison… - 5 years ago

@szergout: RT @MiddleEastEyeFr: Le Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, figure de proue du mouvement des droits de l'homme et des réformes politiques en Arabie saoud… - 5 years ago

@Desertup: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@freespiritoox: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@deannelu: RT @FrontLineHRD: We mourn the loss of Abdullah Al-Hamid, a courageous defender of human rights who died today in #SaudiArabia due to the m… - 5 years ago

@max77max7777: RT @abo1fares: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, died on Thursday, activists and a source c… - 5 years ago

@HereZmyself: RT @m3takl_en: The Guardian: Reported death of Abdullah al-Hamid puts spotlight back on kingdom’s human rights record #اغتيال_الحامد_بالسجن… - 5 years ago

@sam301271: RT @abo1fares: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, died on Thursday, activists and a source c… - 5 years ago

@Abdulrahman5766: RT @abo1fares: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, died on Thursday, activists and a source c… - 5 years ago

@Desertup: RT @abo1fares: Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid, imprisoned since 2013, died on Thursday, activists and a source c… - 5 years ago

@khabeerS: RT @dwnews: Saudi Arabian human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention. Al-Hamid, who was in prison from 2013, had suffer… - 5 years ago

@lizrutl: RT @dwnews: Saudi Arabian human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention. Al-Hamid, who was in prison from 2013, had suffer… - 5 years ago

@deCustine: RT @dwnews: Saudi Arabian human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention. Al-Hamid, who was in prison from 2013, had suffer… - 5 years ago

@dwnews: Saudi Arabian human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention. Al-Hamid, who was in prison from 2013… - 5 years ago

@qsolcorporation: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @OBS_defenders: 🇸🇦#SaudiArabia: We are deeply saddened by the passing while in custody of Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, co-founding member of A… - 5 years ago

@QatarTarget: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@FLE20421587: RT @myriamkhelifi1: «Abdullah al-Hamid est décédé à 69 ans des suites d’un AVC dont il a souffert début avril dans sa cellule, selon plusie… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @englishpen: Deeply saddened by the news that award-winning activist, poet and professor Abdullah Al-Hamid has died in detention in Saud… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @ALQST_En: ALQST holds the #Saudi authorities responsible for the death of human rights pioneer Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. - 5 years ago

@rupaab314: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@ChrisForges: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@michael41861109: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@Matar_Matar: RT @Hammonda1: Abdullah al-Hamid was brave. He was prepared to reach across ideological divides - that was key to the regime’s problem with… - 5 years ago

@AngieForward: RT @amnestygulf: . @amnesty: "We are devastated to learn of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid’s passing while he remained in detention for his peaceful… - 5 years ago

@Aladalh9: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@Croupeton: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@cslingsby: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@heindf: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@mohamed_yq: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@l6TU4LjCEKb5nfe: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@lulua_b: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@xM0wuBySY7inIJe: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@mazzettam: RT @kdiwaniya: There are multiple sources reporting the death in prison of Abdullah al-Hamid. The argument could be made that he was the… - 5 years ago

@MichaelARPage: RT @cooglea: .@ALQST_ORG reports that a giant of the Saudi human rights movement, Abdullah al-Hamid, has died. He spent the final 7 years o… - 5 years ago

@interactivepuls: RT @eha_news: BREAKING: Renowned Saudi human rights activist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in prison. In 9 April 2020, al-Hamid was comatose and… - 5 years ago

@Bob_cart124: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @kdiwaniya: There are multiple sources reporting the death in prison of Abdullah al-Hamid. The argument could be made that he was the… - 5 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @kdiwaniya: The coverage of the trials of Abdullah al-Hamid - incl statements and back-and-forth w/judges - offered a public education… - 5 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @kdiwaniya: To read more on Abdullah al-Hamid & HASM the best source in English is @MadawiDr Muted Modernists: - 5 years ago

@LindaHemby: #HumanRights Watch: “It is unconscionable that Abdullah al-Hamid was forced to spend his final years in prison me… - 5 years ago

@RRmpinero: Abdullah al-Hamid, Saudi human rights pioneer, dies in custody [@The_NewArab] - 5 years ago

@Faiyla: RT @kdiwaniya: There are multiple sources reporting the death in prison of Abdullah al-Hamid. The argument could be made that he was the… - 5 years ago

@himazey: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@DrJhajia16: RT @cooglea: Freedom of speech under siege in the Gulf. Read about Abdullah al-Hamid, from Saudi Arabia. #140GulfCharacters @hrw - 5 years ago

@gmaal1963: RT @DanielWickham93: Tributes have been pouring in for the iconic Saudi reformer Abdullah al-Hamid (@Abubelal_1951), who tragically passed… - 5 years ago

@omesh: RT @The_NewArab: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a leading Saudi human rights advocate, has died in prison while serving his sentence for his activis… - 5 years ago

@qasem43: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that when Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid -may God have mercy on him- was taken to the hospital, he was left lyi… - 5 years ago

@FilippiMichel: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@iamfree2019: RT @ALQST_En: ALQST holds the #Saudi authorities responsible for the death of human rights pioneer Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. - 5 years ago

@tweesop: RT @EliasGeoffroy: #ArabieSaoudite - Triste nouvelle aujourd'hui en ce premier jour du Ramadan, avec la disparition du Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@rferrigno77: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@khassen213: RT @AzzamTamimi: Dr. Mdawi Al-Rashid writes about Professor Abdullah Al-Hamid, who died in a Saudi prison cell today, having spent most of… - 5 years ago

@Ziad__rv: RT @rightlivelihood: Abdullah al-Hamid was a fearless Saudi #HumanRights defender. He received the 2018 #RightLivelihoodAward along with M… - 5 years ago

@Ziad__rv: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Salwa0404: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@aseelrm_: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@juliettetorrez: RT @The_NewArab: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a leading Saudi human rights advocate, has died in prison while serving his sentence for his activis… - 5 years ago

@saltiresatire1: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@acobasi: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@TahirRMalik: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@BagalueSunab: RT @MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his views o… - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: WATCH: This old interview with Jamal Khashoggi is circulating online, where the late Saudi journalist shares his vi… - 5 years ago

@MohamedcasaM: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@evet_alp: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@myriamkhelifi1: «Abdullah al-Hamid est décédé à 69 ans des suites d’un AVC dont il a souffert début avril dans sa cellule, selon pl… - 5 years ago

@JoseBarrosViana: RT @LotteLeicht1: We've lost a leading light of #SaudiArabia’s human rights movement, but his message & the activists he inspired will live… - 5 years ago

@OpsCentral: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@arwaib: RT @ALQST_En: ALQST holds the #Saudi authorities responsible for the death of human rights pioneer Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. - 5 years ago

@ALQST_En: ALQST holds the #Saudi authorities responsible for the death of human rights pioneer Dr Abdullah al-Hamid.… - 5 years ago

@S3lf_M8D_Beats: RT @MiddleEastEyeFr: Le Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, figure de proue du mouvement des droits de l'homme et des réformes politiques en Arabie saoud… - 5 years ago

@Ilyxs9: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@jamesalanazi: RT @OBS_defenders: 🇸🇦#SaudiArabia: We are deeply saddened by the passing while in custody of Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, co-founding member of A… - 5 years ago

@HassibaHS: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@HumanRightsPath: BBC News - Saudi Arabia: Prominent human rights activist 'dies in jail' Abdullah al-Hamid, a founder of the Saudi… - 5 years ago

@iHussainRadhi: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@TheBlackMeister: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We will be changing our PROFILE PHOTO for 24 hours to the photo of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid in order to remind the w… - 5 years ago

@Abdulrahman5766: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We will be changing our PROFILE PHOTO for 24 hours to the photo of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid in order to remind the w… - 5 years ago

@olivier_bigare: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@NINJAZX6RH: RT @ESOHumanRights: Human Rights Defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid @Abubelal_1951 Dead after Unfair Targeting and Deliberate Medical Neglect… - 5 years ago

@cactuss4: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@orencio10_: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@S_Tirreau_pol: RT @MiddleEastEyeFr: Le Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, figure de proue du mouvement des droits de l'homme et des réformes politiques en Arabie saoud… - 5 years ago

@nasrshahada: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@irvida: RT @loucharbon: #Saudi rights pioneer dies in prison. 😢 @hrw's @MichaelARPage: “It is unconscionable that Abdullah al-Hamid was forced to s… - 5 years ago

@stairwaytoerwan: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@igsaiyed: RT @MiddleEastEye: Who was Abdallah al-Hamid? - 5 years ago

@igsaiyed: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@s54450: RT @ESOHumanRights: Human Rights Defender Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid @Abubelal_1951 Dead after Unfair Targeting and Deliberate Medical Neglect… - 5 years ago

@ALQST_En: ALQST holds the #Saudi authorities responsible for the death of human rights pioneer Dr Abdullah al-Hamid.… - 5 years ago

@mdtaufiquealam: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@nathirhussein: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@Justice4all1980: RT @OBS_defenders: 🇸🇦#SaudiArabia: We are deeply saddened by the passing while in custody of Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, co-founding member of A… - 5 years ago

@AndrewRose11: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@Ahad22166266: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@katana_karisa: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, a pioneering Saudi human rights defender has died in custody while serving an eleven-year sentence fo… - 5 years ago

@fqadi: RT @fqadi: With great sadness and anger I convey news of passing of Saudi #HumanRights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid 69 years; jailed since 2… - 5 years ago

@ettrick49: RT @FrontLineHRD: Abdullah Al-Hamid was a founding member of the NGO Saudi Civil & Political Rights Association (ACPRA/@acprahr). He was se… - 5 years ago

@ettrick49: RT @FrontLineHRD: We mourn the loss of Abdullah Al-Hamid, a courageous defender of human rights who died today in #SaudiArabia due to the m… - 5 years ago

@Hammonda1: On Abdullah al-Hamid’s death #عبدالله_الحامد_شهيداً - 5 years ago

@wrafter_colin: RT @FrontLineHRD: We mourn the loss of Abdullah Al-Hamid, a courageous defender of human rights who died today in #SaudiArabia due to the m… - 5 years ago

@OvaisSultanKhan: RT @alyn_ware: Sad and angry at the death in a Saudi prison of my fellow @rightlivelihood Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. I hope this strengthe… - 5 years ago

@brave_right: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We will be changing our PROFILE PHOTO for 24 hours to the photo of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid in order to remind the w… - 5 years ago

@MCabaup: RT @OBS_defenders: 🇸🇦#SaudiArabia: We are deeply saddened by the passing while in custody of Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, co-founding member of A… - 5 years ago

@Desertup: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@soomsoong86: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Mohamed87703236: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@OBS_defenders: 🇸🇦#SaudiArabia: We are deeply saddened by the passing while in custody of Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, co-founding member… - 5 years ago

@alruge1: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@momorsy1998: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@b9AcE: "Prominent Saudi rights activist dies in prison" Abdullah al-Hamid was one of the 11 founding members of the Saudi… - 5 years ago

@BeshirWaleed: RT @ALQST_En: Today’s #VirtualVigil clouded by the sad news of the death of @acprahr co-founder Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@Faisal_Magzoub: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@RealOlaudah: Prominent Saudi rights activist dies in prison: sources Prominent Saudi Arabian rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid,… - 5 years ago

@Am079H: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@_sa7ara: RT @LaurieHanna: Sad news that Dr Abdullah al-Hamid has died while in detention in #SaudiArabia "Dr al-Hamid was a fearless champion for h… - 5 years ago

@Sarmad_AlJilane: RT @nouraaljizawi: Heartbreaking news from Saudi Arabi prisons. The pioneer of human rights and civil society, the great academic; Abdullah… - 5 years ago

@Niluccio: RT @NewsFromAmnesty: The 'fearless' human rights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention in Saudi Arabia #SaudiArabia https:/… - 5 years ago

@Ammhol: RT @FrontLineHRD: Abdullah Al-Hamid was a founding member of the NGO Saudi Civil & Political Rights Association (ACPRA/@acprahr). He was se… - 5 years ago

@frankctangberg: RT @amnestygulf: . @amnesty: "We are devastated to learn of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid’s passing while he remained in detention for his peaceful… - 5 years ago

@NewsFromAmnesty: The 'fearless' human rights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention in Saudi Arabia #SaudiArabia - 5 years ago

@portopop: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@joshcooperate: RT @amnestygulf: . @amnesty: "We are devastated to learn of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid’s passing while he remained in detention for his peaceful… - 5 years ago

@ALABBASIM: RT @Dania_Thafer: Today, I am saddened by the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a prominent Saudi human rights activist. الله يرحمه ويغفرله..… - 5 years ago

@Stan_Brabant: RT @AvnerGidron: .@amnesty mourns the death in detention of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a fearless champion for #HumanRights in #SaudiArabia and… - 5 years ago

@banyous: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Saudi24N: Abdullah Al-Hamid: News of the death of a prominent human rights activist in his prison in Saudi Arabia… - 5 years ago

@fqadi: With great sadness and anger I convey news of passing of Saudi #HumanRights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid 69 years; j… - 5 years ago

@dgtcidi: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@SienceTalk: RT @MiddleEastEye: The death of Arabic professor Abdullah al-Hamid on Friday after his health deteriorated in a Saudi prison is both shocki… - 5 years ago

@Charmin37689302: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@RadioFranCoxion: RT @MiddleEastEye: The death of Arabic professor Abdullah al-Hamid on Friday after his health deteriorated in a Saudi prison is both shocki… - 5 years ago

@Mostafa27754667: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@kwt0110: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@nouraaljizawi: Heartbreaking news from Saudi Arabi prisons. The pioneer of human rights and civil society, the great academic; Abd… - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: The death of Arabic professor Abdullah al-Hamid on Friday after his health deteriorated in a Saudi prison is both s… - 5 years ago

@RichardHWood: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@RichardHWood: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@SofiaTuvestad: RT @ole_uexkull: We are heartbroken about the passing of our Saudi Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold Saudi authorities directly responsib… - 5 years ago

@WaseemTelfah3: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@MarieS37746038: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@NicolaCrow2: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@PComunication: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@ramotari: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@_AFDH_: Today we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a prisoner of conscience who passed away in detention in… - 5 years ago

@Messgorough: RT @fqadi: With great sadness and anger, I convey the sad news of passing of human rights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid today's early morning… - 5 years ago

@AbufaisalBH: RT @m3takl_en: 🔴 BREAKING We confirm that authorities refrain till now from performing the surgery for Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid, who is still… - 5 years ago

@RednRuff: RT @ALQST_En: Today’s #VirtualVigil clouded by the sad news of the death of @acprahr co-founder Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@RednRuff: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@bdaiwi_historia: RT @malimusawi: Saudi rights advocate Abdullah Al-Hamid died today after suffering a stroke in his prison cell. He called for a constitutio… - 5 years ago

@RednRuff: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@3qb14: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@arminarefi: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@s54450: RT @m3takl_en: Rest in power, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. #اغتيال_الحامد_بالسجن - 5 years ago

@alaingresh: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@malimusawi: Saudi rights advocate Abdullah Al-Hamid died today after suffering a stroke in his prison cell. He called for a con… - 5 years ago

@ma_khodabandeh: Academic #HumanRights activist Abdullah Al-Hamid died today in prison, as a result of deliberate medical negligence… - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@FreeIrishGirl1: RT @GulfCentre4HR: #SaudiArabia: The Gulf Centre for Human Rights mourns the death of prominent human rights defender Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid… - 5 years ago

@suezeecue: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@i_ibraheemy: RT @rightlivelihood: Abdullah al-Hamid was a fearless Saudi #HumanRights defender. He received the 2018 #RightLivelihoodAward along with M… - 5 years ago

@World_Govern: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, founder of the #Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association and renowned academic, jailed si… - 5 years ago

@i_ibraheemy: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@AnnaAnthro: RT @MaudeBarlow: Terrible injustice for a fellow Right Livelihood Award winner. We must not forget his fight for justice. Abdullah al-Ham… - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @drewerydyke: Tragic loss 4 #HumanRights rights in #Gulf. #Saudi #HRD Dr Abdullah al-Hamid has died in custody. Dear @KSAmofaEN @Shura… - 5 years ago

@janfromthebruce: RT @MaudeBarlow: Terrible injustice for a fellow Right Livelihood Award winner. We must not forget his fight for justice. Abdullah al-Ham… - 5 years ago

@mohaboelazm: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@khd80: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@yaghi_ayman: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Brainy20050: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid: Saudi human rights advocate and 'national hero' - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @MadawiDr: My piece on saudi human right advocate Abdullah al-Hamid who died today in Saudi prison - 5 years ago

@3kassem112: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@arbag777: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @amnestygulf: . @amnesty: "We are devastated to learn of Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid’s passing while he remained in detention for his peaceful… - 5 years ago

@JoanaAMorais: RT @ole_uexkull: We are heartbroken about the passing of our Saudi Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold Saudi authorities directly responsib… - 5 years ago

@FreemanThaer: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Mustafe_Ahmad: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Haferlasche: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@soltanlife: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@TheDergam: RT @rightlivelihood: Abdullah al-Hamid was a fearless Saudi #HumanRights defender. He received the 2018 #RightLivelihoodAward along with M… - 5 years ago

@TheDergam: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@salamonlinecom: Aktivis HAM Saudi Abdullah Al-Hamid Meninggal di Penjara - 5 years ago

@SalamNewsChanel: Aktivis HAM Saudi Abdullah Al-Hamid Meninggal di Penjara - 5 years ago

@myvictorious: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد Some of Abdullah Al-Hamid words ( These are the Inquisition .. This is the rule of Qaraqosh.... The River i… - 5 years ago

@myvictorious: RT @Hammonda1: Abdullah al-Hamid was brave. He was prepared to reach across ideological divides - that was key to the regime’s problem with… - 5 years ago

@PhelimKine: RT @AvnerGidron: .@amnesty mourns the death in detention of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a fearless champion for #HumanRights in #SaudiArabia and… - 5 years ago

@fulvioscaglione: È morto in un carcere di Riad Abdullah al-Hamid, 70 anni, fondatore dell'Associazione saudita per i diritti civili… - 5 years ago

@myvictorious: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@myvictorious: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International: Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid was told 3 months ago by a doctor that he needed to undergo heart surgery. He w… - 5 years ago

@myvictorious: RT @detainedin: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi #HumanRights defender, dies in custody. #SaudiArabia | #KSA | #MiddleEast | #Ramadan20… - 5 years ago

@SalmaAlNafjan: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@RLCBonn: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@JoshyCastillo: RT @pen_int: Poet, professor, and award-winning human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention in Saudi Arabia. Rights grou… - 5 years ago

@najlaaron: RT @pen_int: Poet, professor, and award-winning human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention in Saudi Arabia. Rights grou… - 5 years ago

@annasilvani: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Simo1399: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@visodiprimavera: RT @RiccardoNoury: Abdullah al-Hamid, prigioniero di coscienza saudita, è morto. Il 9 aprile aveva avuto un infarto ed era entrato in coma.… - 5 years ago

@WritesRights: RT @AvnerGidron: .@amnesty mourns the death in detention of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a fearless champion for #HumanRights in #SaudiArabia and… - 5 years ago

@MadawiDr: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@truealerts: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@Hammonda1: Abdullah al-Hamid was brave. He was prepared to reach across ideological divides - that was key to the regime’s pro… - 5 years ago

@pen_int: Poet, professor, and award-winning human rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid has died in detention in Saudi Arabia.… - 5 years ago

@Elfegiery: RT @FrontLineHRD: We mourn the loss of Abdullah Al-Hamid, a courageous defender of human rights who died today in #SaudiArabia due to the m… - 5 years ago

@Manadragon: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@BismillaFawzia: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@MohamadEllahib1: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@BismillaFawzia: RT @m3takl_en: The Right Livelihood Foundation decries #Saudi cruelty resulting in the passing of imprisoned Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. #ا… - 5 years ago

@ReneeXiaCHRD: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@SalmaAlNafjan: RT @detainedin: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi #HumanRights defender, dies in custody. #SaudiArabia | #KSA | #MiddleEast | #Ramadan20… - 5 years ago

@pop1990_: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@KhairShaw: RT @ALQST_En: Today’s #VirtualVigil clouded by the sad news of the death of @acprahr co-founder Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@pop1990_: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@alemee12: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@MqpLe4YO9GVmjvt: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@AvnerGidron: .@amnesty mourns the death in detention of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a fearless champion for #HumanRights in… - 5 years ago

@detainedin: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi #HumanRights defender, dies in custody. #SaudiArabia | #KSA | #MiddleEast |… - 5 years ago

@Taoufik25278491: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International: Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid was told 3 months ago by a doctor that he needed to undergo heart surgery. He w… - 5 years ago

@salh_ysh: RT @m3takl_en: Front Line Defenders: Human rights defender Abdullah Al-Hamid passed away in hospital after being in a coma for 15 days. #اغ… - 5 years ago

@m3takl_en: Front Line Defenders: Human rights defender Abdullah Al-Hamid passed away in hospital after being in a coma for 15… - 5 years ago

@SalmaAlNafjan: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International: Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid was told 3 months ago by a doctor that he needed to undergo heart surgery. He w… - 5 years ago

@amoor81eg: RT @m3takl_en: Rest in power, Dr Abdullah al-Hamid. #اغتيال_الحامد_بالسجن - 5 years ago

@saeedalqatari: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ALABBASIM: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@SalmaAlNafjan: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@Justice4all1980: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@salh_ysh: RT @amnestygulf: Rest in power Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid. #StandWithSaudiHeroes #SaudiArabia - 5 years ago

@tueetterin: RT @michelegiorgio2: #Arabiasaudita Dopo 15 giorni di coma è morto Abdullah Al-Hamid, noto prigioniero di coscienza. Gli attivisti sauditi… - 5 years ago

@DanielWickham93: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@hogihogarth: RT @LaurieHanna: Sad news that Dr Abdullah al-Hamid has died while in detention in #SaudiArabia "Dr al-Hamid was a fearless champion for h… - 5 years ago

@VBicheler: RT @LaurieHanna: Sad news that Dr Abdullah al-Hamid has died while in detention in #SaudiArabia "Dr al-Hamid was a fearless champion for h… - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@amnestypress: RT @LaurieHanna: Sad news that Dr Abdullah al-Hamid has died while in detention in #SaudiArabia "Dr al-Hamid was a fearless champion for h… - 5 years ago

@saadaldosari21: RT @SalmaAlNafjan: Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamid who dedicated his life to help human rights and democracy in #SaudiArabia died (killed) in prison… - 5 years ago

@Amnesty_Schweiz: Vor einer Woche haben gefordert, dass dem Gewissensgefangene Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid dringend eine Herz-Operation erl… - 5 years ago

@elshony_adel: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@salh_ysh: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@Kamal070: RT @amnestygulf: Rest in power Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid. #StandWithSaudiHeroes #SaudiArabia - 5 years ago

@donmezumit: RT @aa_french: Mort en #prison de l'universitaire saoudien, Abdullah al-Hamid #AbdullahalHamid - 5 years ago

@Ina_Tin: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@femenisim: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Sixth_Cell: RT @englishpen: Deeply saddened by the news that award-winning activist, poet and professor Abdullah Al-Hamid has died in detention in Saud… - 5 years ago

@IFEX: RT @fqadi: With great sadness and anger, I convey the sad news of passing of human rights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid today's early morning… - 5 years ago

@BieVds: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@osamahfakih: RT @ALQST_En: Today’s #VirtualVigil clouded by the sad news of the death of @acprahr co-founder Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@Tomkefitz: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@Sauq_p: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@HassanP74683545: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@AhmedTala: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@tates5a: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@matnouk_007: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@Aladalh9: RT @ALQST_En: Today’s #VirtualVigil clouded by the sad news of the death of @acprahr co-founder Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@hossambahgat: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@jalalaeddine: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@ElizabethSchils: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ForstMichel: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@loloushalmuslim: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Congo21bros: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Be11a_ela: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@RPanh: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@hatchetfoot: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@markoulvila: RT @ole_uexkull: We are heartbroken about the passing of our Saudi Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold Saudi authorities directly responsib… - 5 years ago

@seth_binder: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@dndnma: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@aa_french: Mort en #prison de l'activiste des droits de l'homme saoudien Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@hackneywick: RT @MiddleEastEye: Abdullah al-Hamid, pioneering Saudi human rights defender, dies in custody - 5 years ago

@fqadi: With great sadness and anger, I convey the sad news of passing of human rights icon Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid today's… - 5 years ago

@DrewOCCRP: The autocratic #SaudiArabia follows Putin's lead of killing activists by denying them medical care in prison. 2018… - 5 years ago

@tweetyb99572047: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@1948Bonheur: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@emokebebiak: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@Mbdris: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@benjbarthe: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@k______nz: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@SherifaZuhur: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@Talalalkuwari: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@CiLuna27: RT @ECDHRbxl: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, another #victim of #denial of #medicalcare in #SaudiArabia , while the rest of the world is fighting fo… - 5 years ago

@Emalmisbah: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@julie_maxon: RT @ECDHRbxl: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, another #victim of #denial of #medicalcare in #SaudiArabia , while the rest of the world is fighting fo… - 5 years ago

@TYBileYK47USzyZ: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@rafiksul: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@CiLuna27: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@kuwbedmov: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@tobeornot1st: RT @anadoluagency: #BREAKING Renowned Saudi human rights activist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in prison - 5 years ago

@tweeting_kar: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@DOLLATALINA: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@yvonnedusabe: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@carglouss: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@anewscomtr: Saudi human rights activist and renowned academic Abdullah al-Hamid has died in prison, according to a media report… - 5 years ago

@farisurrum1: He was an advocate of "civil #jihad" and political reform in #Saudi-Arabia. Imprisoned since 2005, Abdullah al-Hami… - 5 years ago

@adjovisrjb: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@MBSJackass: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Batool8910: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@Batool8910: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ECDHRbxl: Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, another #victim of #denial of #medicalcare in #SaudiArabia , while the rest of the world is f… - 5 years ago

@i_01s: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@carisbrook5: Saudi rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid dies in prison: Report - 5 years ago

@rebecca_vincent: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Ghadeerology: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@NYCJulieNYC: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@S3d_78: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@dw_freedom: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@SyeViktib: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@AgenciaAnadolu: #ÚltimaHora | Muere en prisión el activista de derechos humanos saudí Abdullah al-Hamid. - 5 years ago

@ECDHRbxl: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ECDHRbxl: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@ECDHRbxl: RT @amnestygulf: Rest in power Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid. #StandWithSaudiHeroes #SaudiArabia - 5 years ago

@drhussahmm: RT @ole_uexkull: We are heartbroken about the passing of our Saudi Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold Saudi authorities directly responsib… - 5 years ago

@tb_pik: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@AbdulGhelleh: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@aa_balkans: Saudijski akademik Abdullah al-Hamid umro u zatvoru - 5 years ago

@waddey20: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@rossellabea: RT @RiccardoNoury: Abdullah al-Hamid, prigioniero di coscienza saudita, è morto. Il 9 aprile aveva avuto un infarto ed era entrato in coma.… - 5 years ago

@ellaivyjeffers: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ole_uexkull: We are heartbroken about the passing of our Saudi Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold Saudi authorities directly re… - 5 years ago

@anadoluagency: Saudi rights activist Abdullah al-Hamid dies in prison: Report - 5 years ago

@LyndonPeters01: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@skirchy: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@MENA_Rights: RT @rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We hold… - 5 years ago

@JulietteLauzza: RT @cooglea: Freedom of speech under siege in the Gulf. Read about Abdullah al-Hamid, from Saudi Arabia. #140GulfCharacters @hrw - 5 years ago

@mre017: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@_South_Spirit: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@rightlivelihood: We are deeply saddened and shocked by the passing of Saudi #RightLivelihoodAward Laureate Abdullah al-Hamid. We ho… - 5 years ago

@BoffleSpoffle: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@TheDergam: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@giulia_murace: RT @RiccardoNoury: Abdullah al-Hamid, prigioniero di coscienza saudita, è morto. Il 9 aprile aveva avuto un infarto ed era entrato in coma.… - 5 years ago

@DaisyB_77: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@walidha70074347: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@IDAHIM260: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@marneemorris: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Moh_Jamea: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@claytonswisher: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@b_alkharousi91: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@anissadab: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Halil75009: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@Bujenin_bh: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@SunjeevBery: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@JuriXtl: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@SunjeevBery: RT @cooglea: .@ALQST_ORG reports that a giant of the Saudi human rights movement, Abdullah al-Hamid, has died. He spent the final 7 years o… - 5 years ago

@AlhawaliAa: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@AlhawaliAa: RT @cooglea: .@ALQST_ORG reports that a giant of the Saudi human rights movement, Abdullah al-Hamid, has died. He spent the final 7 years o… - 5 years ago

@ali_adubisi: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ali_adubisi: RT @cooglea: .@ALQST_ORG reports that a giant of the Saudi human rights movement, Abdullah al-Hamid, has died. He spent the final 7 years o… - 5 years ago

@atiftalha1: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@cooglea: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@AndyrMichel: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@stefa_neddu: RT @RiccardoNoury: Abdullah al-Hamid, prigioniero di coscienza saudita, è morto. Il 9 aprile aveva avuto un infarto ed era entrato in coma.… - 5 years ago

@Arabeman2012: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Fjohmont: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@YusufErim79: RT @anadoluagency: #BREAKING Renowned Saudi academic Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in prison: Human rights activists - 5 years ago

@HZayadin: RT @cooglea: .@ALQST_ORG reports that a giant of the Saudi human rights movement, Abdullah al-Hamid, has died. He spent the final 7 years o… - 5 years ago

@mashhoor986: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@KhuloodBadawi: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@BChumma: RT @anadoluagency: #BREAKING Renowned Saudi academic Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in prison: Human rights activists - 5 years ago

@hikam_dahir: RT @anadoluagency: #BREAKING Renowned Saudi academic Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in prison: Human rights activists - 5 years ago

@LTazeroualti: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@Diyardan: RT @anadoluagency: #BREAKING Renowned Saudi academic Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in prison: Human rights activists - 5 years ago

@aa_balkans: #BREAKING Aktivisti za ljudska prava: U zatvoru umro poznati saudijski akademik Abdullah Al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@aa_french: 🔴 DERNIÈRE MINUTE | Compte “Prisonniers d'opinion” sur Twitter : décès de l’activiste saoudien Abdullah al-Hamid en… - 5 years ago

@Sindhleak: #BreakingNews Renowned #Saudi academic Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in prison: Human rights activists - 5 years ago

@AvnerGidron: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@hazelglasgow: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@anadoluagency: #BREAKING Renowned Saudi academic Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in prison: Human rights activists - 5 years ago

@Cutte111: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@lio_l_oil: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@X8xj02JSWBWgHxM: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@fidaazaanin: RT @cooglea: .@ALQST_ORG reports that a giant of the Saudi human rights movement, Abdullah al-Hamid, has died. He spent the final 7 years o… - 5 years ago

@Heelspurs00: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@TBoE_7: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@amnestygulf: Rest in power Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid. #StandWithSaudiHeroes #SaudiArabia - 5 years ago

@FabienGoa: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@cieletetoiles: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@ANTIFAgGmbH: RT @cooglea: Freedom of speech under siege in the Gulf. Read about Abdullah al-Hamid, from Saudi Arabia. #140GulfCharacters @hrw - 5 years ago

@Sam_hanryon: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@Coeur2Pattate: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@Sam_hanryon: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@Antongiulio2: RT @RiccardoNoury: Abdullah al-Hamid, prigioniero di coscienza saudita, è morto. Il 9 aprile aveva avuto un infarto ed era entrato in coma.… - 5 years ago

@Mel_Storni: RT @cooglea: Freedom of speech under siege in the Gulf. Read about Abdullah al-Hamid, from Saudi Arabia. #140GulfCharacters @hrw - 5 years ago

@batoossss: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@abo1fares: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@CircoloDiNoto: RT @RiccardoNoury: Abdullah al-Hamid, prigioniero di coscienza saudita, è morto. Il 9 aprile aveva avuto un infarto ed era entrato in coma.… - 5 years ago

@AlamriFagad: RT @zaidseed: #عبدالله_الحامد The Saudi reformist Abdullah Al-Hamid dies in the prisons of theSaudi regime after deliberate😔 medical neglec… - 5 years ago

@JulieKebbi: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@Mohamad_dhmoosh: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@rita68455390: RT @RiccardoNoury: Abdullah al-Hamid, prigioniero di coscienza saudita, è morto. Il 9 aprile aveva avuto un infarto ed era entrato in coma.… - 5 years ago

@drhussahmm: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@RiccardoNoury: Abdullah al-Hamid, prigioniero di coscienza saudita, è morto. Il 9 aprile aveva avuto un infarto ed era entrato in… - 5 years ago

@jgmariner: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@womensmarchgbal: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@btboot: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@janethanderson: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@MeAdnanSiddiqui: RT @cooglea: Freedom of speech under siege in the Gulf. Read about Abdullah al-Hamid, from Saudi Arabia. #140GulfCharacters @hrw - 5 years ago

@hrw: RT @cooglea: Freedom of speech under siege in the Gulf. Read about Abdullah al-Hamid, from Saudi Arabia. #140GulfCharacters @hrw - 5 years ago

@raphael25894529: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@don7mood1: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ArabMediaDem: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@SSnedHayman: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@cole_stephen: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@AzuBosss: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@umajmishra: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@rheem801991: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@BarisBayram2045: RT @AgnesCallamard: Very sad news on this 1st day of #Ramadan2020: Prisoner of conscience, Poet, #humanrights activist Dr Abdullah al-Hamid - 5 years ago

@ALKTaif: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@lio_l_oil: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@cooglea: Freedom of speech under siege in the Gulf. Read about Abdullah al-Hamid, from Saudi Arabia. #140GulfCharacters @hrw… - 5 years ago

@DoctoraAzma: RT @3yyash: Abdullah Al-Hamid has died earlier today in his prison following a stroke. The late activist is seen by many as the most influe… - 5 years ago

@Nabhan80: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@Mbushaban: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@Mista_176: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@gill_joe: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@AmenahMasri: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@ALQST_En: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@history_seeker: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@AvnerGidron: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Abdullah al-Hamid @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #Abdullahal-Hamid add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@aydinour: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Abdullah al-Hamid has passed away - #AbdullahalHamid #Abdullah #al-Hamid #rip - 5 years ago

@Zas3as: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@soumia_e: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@3yyash: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@KadamBabacar2: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@3yyash: RT @cooglea: .@ALQST_ORG reports that a giant of the Saudi human rights movement, Abdullah al-Hamid, has died. He spent the final 7 years o… - 5 years ago

@shelovesmcqueen: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@ImBlaaZ: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@cawak_l: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@DalilBoubakeur: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@mauredepeur: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@ahmd2801qtr: RT @m3takl_en: Amnesty International: Dr. Abdullah al-Hamid was told 3 months ago by a doctor that he needed to undergo heart surgery. He w… - 5 years ago

@AydinOnsoy: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@XHNFZDBMqF8EF27: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@3yyash: Abdullah Al-Hamid has died earlier today in his prison following a stroke. The late activist is seen by many as the… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @MENA_Rights: Today, we mourn the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, who dedicated his life to advancing human rights in #SaudiArabia. May h… - 5 years ago

@MANUKDT: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@AhlKaw: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@BotanDeLaJungle: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @ALQST_En: It is with great sadness and anger we report the death of Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, co-founder of @acprahr, who suffered a stroke… - 5 years ago

@diluachris: RT @RestitutorOrien: Arabie Saoudite: Abdullah al-Hamid, un avocat pro-démocratie luttant pour les droits de l'homme appelant à des réforme… - 5 years ago

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