Aaron Hernandez

American Football Player and Convicted murderer.
Died on Wednesday April 19th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Aaron Hernandez:

@WorldNewsNgayon: Lawyers want Aaron Hernandez's murder conviction dismissed - 8 years ago

@Zxblastxd_12: RT @SexualGif: Aaron Hernandez played the system - 8 years ago

@telos_saldana: Jury in Aaron Hernandez acquittal invited to private funeral, juror says - 8 years ago

@RealVideoTank: Lawyers want Aaron Hernandez's murder conviction dismissed - 8 years ago


@1Krisis: RT @vladtv: Exclusive! Flashback: Aaron Hernandez's Fiancee Calls 911, Operator Asks if He's Suicidal - 8 years ago

@SpacedadUNI: [Yahoo News] Lawyers want Aaron Hernandez's murder conviction dismissed - 8 years ago

@vladtv: Exclusive! Flashback: Aaron Hernandez's Fiancee Calls 911, Operator Asks if He's Suicidal - 8 years ago

@djvlad: Exclusive! Flashback: Aaron Hernandez's Fiancee Calls 911, Operator Asks if He's Suicidal - 8 years ago

@barnicoz: I've just posted a new blog: They Just Released The ALLEGED PICS Of NFL Star Aaron Hernandez GAY JAILHOUSE LOVER .… - 8 years ago

@yaboii_E: RT @turbothotaholic: aaron hernandez gon beat his case n be free jus wait on it - 8 years ago

@C0JgjHGJ6IIGWo9: RT @NECN: JUST IN: Prison officials say Aaron Hernandez was found dead of an apparent suicide in his cell this morning. More to come. - 8 years ago

@6V7tWCbePXQ35Rz: RT @KatiePavlich: 22 veterans commit suicide everyday after experiencing hell for our freedom. If only they got as much attention as murder… - 8 years ago

@Trahps: RT @turbothotaholic: aaron hernandez gon beat his case n be free jus wait on it - 8 years ago

@instanflupdates: Jury in Aaron Hernandez acquittal invited to private funeral, juror says - 8 years ago

@BaltimoreCP: Aaron Hernandez hinted at suicide weeks before his death, an attorney said. - 8 years ago

@wolfie3559: RT @Newsweek: New: Aaron Hernandez asked to share cell with prison boyfriend before suicide - 8 years ago

@_RemainG: RT @_TonyHilfiger: Yall tried to make that man gay im cryin RT @TMZ: Aaron Hernandez’s 3rd Suicide Note Was for Attorney, Not Gay Lover htt… - 8 years ago

@BSAFunds: New: Aaron Hernandez asked to share cell with prison boyfriend before suicide — Newsweek… - 8 years ago

@jenrobertsontoo: RT @Newsweek: New: Aaron Hernandez asked to share cell with prison boyfriend before suicide - 8 years ago

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