Aamir Zaki

Pakistani guitarist
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Aamir Zaki:

@TheseLongWars: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@BeeFaauBee09: @PeerSayeen @champagne_lassi Especially Aamir Zaki's solos, junaid jamshed national songs. Uncountable songs i coul… - 8 years ago

@AchaBsssFreeNhe: RT @BeeFaauBee09: @champagne_lassi Back in 90s and 2000. Haroon, faakhir, Aamir zaki etc especially nazia hassan. She really was pop icon f… - 8 years ago

@champagne_lassi: RT @BeeFaauBee09: @champagne_lassi Back in 90s and 2000. Haroon, faakhir, Aamir zaki etc especially nazia hassan. She really was pop icon f… - 8 years ago


@BeeFaauBee09: @champagne_lassi Back in 90s and 2000. Haroon, faakhir, Aamir zaki etc especially nazia hassan. She really was pop icon for Pakistani Music. - 8 years ago

@KalaPoet: Remembering Aamir Zaki #WorldMusicDay - 8 years ago

@Swami_843: Aamir Zaki, guitar legend.#Music - 8 years ago

@Shehla_12: RT @uaminhas: Aamir Zaki's last lesson for me. From 2009. The secret to it all. Simple, true, concise, deep. Thank you Aamir bhai. - 8 years ago

@ozd_10: RT @patarimusic: @aamir_zaki It featured his greatest hit, Mera Pyar. Easily one of the most covered songs in Pakistani history its video w… - 8 years ago

@KaafPay: @hyzaidi "Aamir’s score fit it like a glove. “Next time, at least show me the visuals,” That was Zaki for you...alw… - 8 years ago

@sabaarshadali: RT @patarimusic: @aamir_zaki It featured his greatest hit, Mera Pyar. Easily one of the most covered songs in Pakistani history its video w… - 8 years ago

@BloodyNasreen: RT @faisalrafi: Street Signs Ft. Zoe Viccaji & Maaz Moeed, a track by Aamir Zaki on Patari! Produced by Faisal Ra… - 8 years ago

@SenoraDelGato: ‘Time and Place. Aamir Zaki and Shafqat Amanat Ali.’ #np - 8 years ago

@hisBaajaness: RT @faisalrafi: Street Signs Ft. Zoe Viccaji & Maaz Moeed, a track by Aamir Zaki on Patari! Produced by Faisal Ra… - 8 years ago

@faisalrafi: Street Signs Ft. Zoe Viccaji & Maaz Moeed, a track by Aamir Zaki on Patari! Produced by Faisal Rafi - 8 years ago

@BreakingNewPak: Ace guitarist Aamir Zaki passes away at 49 - - 8 years ago

@Project3dworld: Aamir Zaki Passed away June 2, 2017. He was Pak's George Michael. God bless. So sad hardly anyone talked about. He was pure & unique talent - 8 years ago

@asifmunawar6_: RT @IamAyeshaAhad: Aamir Zaki who passed away last week, was an unparalleled musician. - 8 years ago

@khmahmed: RT @AmmarRashidT: This report about Amir Zaki's last days is one of the most heartbreaking things I've read. The man was broken. - 8 years ago

@HafsaKhatib: RT @iamkhiofficial: Last seen: IAK Music Festival The industry has lost a true innovator, a rare genius and a gentle soul #RIP #AmirZaki ht… - 8 years ago

@Shehla_12: RT @wesmalik: The sweetest people leave the sweetest memories. The most humblest of human beings I ever met. - 8 years ago

@auroralfloydist: #nowplaying Money - Aamir Zaki - 8 years ago

@fizodizo: Aamir zaki - Mera Pyar - 8 years ago

@Shehla_12: RT @dawn_images: "Aamir Zaki was the best music man that came into my life," says Alamgir - 8 years ago

@kidvai: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@beluga73: @abhic4ever One of the group members Aamir Zaki passed away recently - 8 years ago

@ah_asma: Few truly embody the phrase 'tortured artist' like Aamir Zaki did - 8 years ago

@iamjktt: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@SaadRashid09: RT @itisimrankhan: Few truly embody the phrase 'tortured artist' like Aamir Zaki did. - 8 years ago

@XxSoniaAslamxX: RT @eplawiuk: Few truly embody the phrase 'tortured artist' like Aamir Zaki did - 8 years ago

@XxSoniaAslamxX: RT @Tehseen282: 'RIP Aamir Zaki, I've lost my reason to play guitar' One more gem have been taken from us... - 8 years ago

@ubbermensch: . @wesmalik Guitars on Namumkin were played by Aamir Zaki or Assad Ahmed ? - 8 years ago

@ArslanBaig: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@PointlessGiant: @arooj_aftab is it Aamir Zaki in your Comfortably Numb cover? On soundcloud the singer is named Aamir Alaavi but the tags say Aamir Zaki. - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Aamir Zaki is no longer with us - #AamirZaki #Aamir #Zaki #rip - 8 years ago

@Tehseen282: 'RIP Aamir Zaki, I've lost my reason to play guitar' One more gem have been taken from us... - 8 years ago

@eplawiuk: Few truly embody the phrase 'tortured artist' like Aamir Zaki did - 8 years ago

@Izdiher: Sometimes love is a golden cage. #aamirzakilove #Melissa My soul song. - 8 years ago

@labejoy: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@im901020: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@KhalilSamiPK: RT @JararOnline: Sad about Zak's demise. Stunning talent. He took care of his mother, if anyone wants 2 help his family out & can, please d… - 8 years ago

@Tipsstricks86: Aamir Zaki Passed Away😢😢😢: - 8 years ago

@Fame_World: Few truly embody the phrase 'tortured artist' like Aamir Zaki did - 8 years ago

@swayinthewoods: RT @odysseuslahori: @hyzaidi Hasan, thank you for the beautiful tribute to the little known Aamir Zaki - 8 years ago

@Zobhi9: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@sweetsila10: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@ravennafestival: RT @oas_yama: Zakir Ali Qawwal & Zaki Ali Qawwal, Aamir Bhiyani & Hazmat @Ravenna Festival June 2nd, 2017 - 8 years ago

@adnanfarooqui: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@taimur_org: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@IftikharFirdous: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@phoolermoton: Aamir Zaki...The Day She Left - 8 years ago

@phoolermoton: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@DanQayyum: RT @hyzaidi: My piece on the prodigiously talented but mercurial Aamir Zaki, who passed away last week - 8 years ago

@jinxxxx: RT @oas_yama: Zakir Ali Qawwal & Zaki Ali Qawwal, Aamir Bhiyani & Hazmat @Ravenna Festival June 2nd, 2017 - 8 years ago

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