A. R. Shaw

American politician
Died on Saturday March 9th 2013

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to A. R. Shaw:

@deathwizard57: RT @ARShawAuthor: What the World Dreads Most has Happened! The China Pandemic (Graham's Resolution Boo... by A. R. Shaw http://t.co/UbXGlam…

@crystalseries: RT @ARShawAuthor: What the World Dreads Most has Happened! The China Pandemic (Graham's Resolution Boo... by A. R. Shaw http://t.co/UbXGlam…

@Rhonda_Shaw: Help strengthen your neighborhood with a Nextdoor website and get a $25 Amazon Gift Card. https://t.co/mAjNOpBtgv via @Nextdoor

@DougJCooper: RT @ARShawAuthor: What the World Dreads Most has Happened! The China Pandemic (Graham's Resolution Boo... by A. R. Shaw http://t.co/UbXGlam…


@ortegarudy6: BOOK – POEMS BY B. R. SHAW 1874, (REVISED EDITION.) SEVILLE, OHIO http://t.co/yp5LOCvBaD http://t.co/IAyOFBBZGL

@Youkai_Shaw: @FatherDovah Wow we got a H A T E R over here

@CortezAI12: | meet Amai J.R. Shaw · my nephew. He looks just like my big brother when he was a baby. https://t.co/629LIoGTQm

@jeff_shaw: RT @MotorTrend: We Hear: #Hyundai could build a luxury SUV based on the Genesis sedan: http://t.co/qFCdBv5aLA

@savincalifornia: RT @eyonnie_lopez: @GOP Why isn't there a lot of GOP support for the Jamiel Shaw Jr. Memorial Act, H.R 1041? ...disappointed it still isn't…

@Danielle_R_Shaw: Love the Dynamics boys 😂 today Dylan got a rip and goes "well my rip isn't a baby anymore, now it's a teenager!" 😂😂😂

@r_u_shaw_: RT @PersonInterest: This is why Finch & Root are the ultimate team: http://t.co/F9MnU1kgj9 #PersonOfInterest http://t.co/SvorCWIA1p

@R_U_Shaw: RT @DeludedBrendan: Now I have a new strike force assembled Milner, Ings, Sterling and Sturridge (MISS)

@JACK__SHAW: Read DisInfoBahn – Daily Edition http://t.co/96UVhrYZn5

@lexuus_shaw: Life can be taken from us with a blink of an eye. 19 was a young age. But R.I.P Thomas. Missed but never forgotten ❤️

@r_u_shaw_: RT @kendricksnowhuh: THEY ARE SUCH A CUTE AND WONDERFUL FAMILY http://t.co/fIG8PYTkMy

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