A Land for All

Spanish actor (A Land for All
Died on Friday August 21st 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to A Land for All:

@beth_stamey: RT @WDWNT: The Land Pavilion at EPCOT is utilizing a queue system today. All guests must line up to enter the building, and then split off… - 5 years ago

@StrangeAttract5: Anyway. First thing to happen, was Cousin Lee sent me a wad of paperwork that signed over all mineral rights to him… - 5 years ago

@elizabe40241520: RT @waltshaub: For this to be thought of as weakness, we’d have to believe they want it to stop. They don’t. They’d rather rule in a fascis… - 5 years ago

@KwameTriKs_WDR: RT @Mochievous: Been having a strong itch to leave Amerika for a few months now. I honestly do not know where I would land but excited to f… - 5 years ago


@Ayee_Chelsaye: @pulte Take care of my momma, family and friends 🥰 then buy a farm house with lots of land and run a rescue for all… - 5 years ago

@DrunkAustrian: Are austrian aren’t u made that the prussian took almost all of germanic land and left you with tiny little austr…… - 5 years ago

@mothrflunkr: RT @donnamellon1: VP Joe Biden has held office for 43 years, and the GOP is still trying to find corruption.Meanwhile,you could throw a dar… - 5 years ago

@Land_of_Myth: should I rewatch titanic for the nth time this year? I’m having a self care evening after all - 5 years ago

@jusclickme: RT @ajaeys: 4/n Zakat Foundation provided land and build concrete housing for Rohingyas in national capital itself. They put the maps of th… - 5 years ago

@MooAkee: @DeleMomodu That land border will remain close for 600 years o.Let Ghana deport all Nigerians in Ghana & let them d… - 5 years ago

@dljr2018: @Imaginecreates Yeah that was a little bit odd especially for the technology back then, and that was back in the 1… - 5 years ago

@birddog3346: @BoogerBottom Deer hunting for me I am 71 and hunting in a dead zone now a man bought all the land and road around… - 5 years ago

@ImsBsen: RT @ajaeys: 4/n Zakat Foundation provided land and build concrete housing for Rohingyas in national capital itself. They put the maps of th… - 5 years ago

@GangulyLeonel: @DontShikhar @ghoshsap777 @TheDeshBhakt @MisaBharti @Google @Facebook I don't think you understand finance. But nev… - 5 years ago

@brooks_alyss: I love working with only queer people cause I can say shit like “I’d step on a land mine for that girl” and they al… - 5 years ago

@HambrookUtd: Time for a beauty! Donkey of the Season. Never have I seen a land slide this big. All the players got to vote, an… - 5 years ago

@PakiReasoner: RT @MJibranNasir: How DHA & KPT's land grab under the name of reclamation led to our current flooding situation. For years citizens were fo… - 5 years ago

@purplezato: RT @TheAthleticMIN: 🏈 The #Vikings put to use Sunday all that draft capital they'd been stockpiling, making a move to land defensive end Ya… - 5 years ago

@tzpr: @chelseahandler Broke up a fight? Are you some kind of moron? Get out of la la land. His ex called in a report of s… - 5 years ago

@svnthreeshy: Are you guys ready for the next “Land Of 73” drop? Im naming my S/F 20’ line up the “Tactical Espionage Collection”… - 5 years ago

@PrasunTiwarit: RT @rakeshsoni12345: #प्रकृति_वंदन #PrakrutiVandan The earth we live in is the only option for all living things on earth. Our environment… - 5 years ago

@Batman000000011: I'm not a History scholar but I know for Unity in any location, people must denote themselves as a people of their… - 5 years ago

@Zoha59041125: RT @ali_zare6065: He never asked for any position from his father, who ruled all Islamic countries. Imam Hussein was a farmer and worked on… - 5 years ago

@_RLMT: @AnconaDanielle @kady54033 @B_K_Bass @thatsjhendricks @ericlahti1 @rowena_tisdale @TheWife101 @Author_Devika… - 5 years ago

@ElectriCally: Like, we all get it. If I'm attracted to you, you're 100% annoying... like that's not the issue. It's the lack of r… - 5 years ago

@JacksonZman: @Archer64234817 Like past wars, they get interred. All Chinese property goes to the State. So, we get back our land… - 5 years ago

@petestones: RT @QLPthequilp1: @marcdaalder @Jasonwalls92 we are all brain dead ne'er do wells here in Media consumer land...basically morons. When a re… - 5 years ago

@ali_zare6065: He never asked for any position from his father, who ruled all Islamic countries. Imam Hussein was a farmer and wor… - 5 years ago

@BhagwaMyPride: RT @rakeshsoni12345: #प्रकृति_वंदन #PrakrutiVandan The earth we live in is the only option for all living things on earth. Our environment… - 5 years ago

@rakeshsoni12345: #प्रकृति_वंदन #PrakrutiVandan The earth we live in is the only option for all living things on earth. Our environme… - 5 years ago

@ghostchibi: This concept has existed in my mind for so long in a variety of flavors but all are about Ryuunosuke having the utm… - 5 years ago

@Mmusiwadira: RT @dalawhatiwant: It is not crazy that Steve Harvey an American national can within minutes learn, attempt & master African names(Family F… - 5 years ago

@ShivaShetty2484: @Murf_EFC @SilverBecky1 @milindrunning It's all the resources and grazing land being utilised for 'food animals' th… - 5 years ago

@mickey_dempsey: RT @donnamellon1: VP Joe Biden has held office for 43 years, and the GOP is still trying to find corruption.Meanwhile,you could throw a dar… - 5 years ago

@manickammohan1: Namasthi Modiji and Amithshaw Ji, we all indians are happy when our constitutional change of article 370 & 35A we… - 5 years ago

@1KermodeBear: RT @HerrickMartina: @1KermodeBear @SCC_eng Examine who sits on the SCC, & you will see that it is full of 'conflict of interests'. It's not… - 5 years ago

@james_zulker: RT @IGN: Fight for survival in Blazing Sails from @get_up_games, a pirate battle royale where you create your own ship, navigate land and s… - 5 years ago

@lueurniki: RT @tatanosefreckle: This is a 14 year old boy :/ y’all aren’t ready for 18 year old Niki... not to mention 25 year old Niki... 👀 Good luck… - 5 years ago

@tomyalkadry: @SundenDaniel @coachhemanti @maikiki30056067 @Julita56795382 @Fizzytwizler @Brennan_and_Riz @MRogersWrites… - 5 years ago

@Notgonnafindme: RT @IGN: Fight for survival in Blazing Sails from @get_up_games, a pirate battle royale where you create your own ship, navigate land and s… - 5 years ago

@Teh_Husky: @Namelesscryptid We do have some new destroyers in the Navy that can fire hypersonic rounds. We focus mainly on the… - 5 years ago

@__Zainudin: RT @najdi_hunter: @KampfUndArbeit They want eradicate all memories of the prophet ﷺ and the blessed sahaba e kiraam. Then they will try rew… - 5 years ago

@Davywidetie: #RESET "Set apart the JUBILEE RESET and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a… - 5 years ago

@Songstress28: RT @OneDishOneMic: The last live report from #1492LandBackLane by @KarlDockstader for this week. All people want here is to build a peacefu… - 5 years ago

@najdi_hunter: @KampfUndArbeit They want eradicate all memories of the prophet ﷺ and the blessed sahaba e kiraam. Then they will t… - 5 years ago

@satru_ajata: @PradeepJenaIAS Sir can you please look at indalo ,derabish,Kendrapara as no one yet visited for checking of submer… - 5 years ago

@_banksworth_: election day is coming soon & all i ask from you is to: VOTE we are a family, we need to protect each other. our E… - 5 years ago

@Jjradaraid: RT @IGN: Fight for survival in Blazing Sails from @get_up_games, a pirate battle royale where you create your own ship, navigate land and s… - 5 years ago

@TbwoodsWoods: RT @GOP: America is a land of GREATNESS! President Trump’s pro-growth economy has led to more opportunity & bigger paychecks for ALL Ameri… - 5 years ago

@DMarieMaga: RT @GOP: America is a land of GREATNESS! President Trump’s pro-growth economy has led to more opportunity & bigger paychecks for ALL Ameri… - 5 years ago

@uncommonnongull: RT @Koalateaofmercy: @halalipop Personal property is stuff you keep to use (your home, clothes, car)& is fine. Private property is extra s… - 5 years ago

@NancyRubeck: I have wanted for years, send in the top ppl and all the way down. Those that choose war. Let them go first. We wil… - 5 years ago

@Koalateaofmercy: @halalipop Personal property is stuff you keep to use (your home, clothes, car)& is fine. Private property is extr… - 5 years ago

@emilytheperez: RT @chenchenwrites: Poetry is a thing I do with the love and chaos I feel for my beloveds and this land and the energy in every living bein… - 5 years ago

@NitraQueen: @news4_real Yes love, all lives matter. Young mothers, children in the system, lgbtq+ kids kicked out by their par… - 5 years ago

@EmmacoEmmanuel3: RT @ElochukwuOhagi: There was absolute peace and tranquility in North & West during the time war raged for 3 years between 1967 & 70 in Bia… - 5 years ago

@LambdaRenamon: 6/? Finally, the control system of the unit was significantly altered to account for these extensive changes. In th… - 5 years ago

@valannin: @IlhanMN You literally *freely* posted a picture of thousands of people, from all ethnicities and backgrounds, *fre… - 5 years ago

@rohingya_update: RT @beaostermann: They grabbed whatever they could as they fled their homes in 2017. A cell phone photo, a land ownership document, a mando… - 5 years ago

@scotts_3101: @Rev_Beaker @washingtonpost Hahahahaha haha. Hahahahaha. Hahahahaha haha. Ahahahaha There’s no way you can functio… - 5 years ago

@MohamedAlnaqbi_: RT @AlexGavriilidis: @mkulunk Dear Mr. Kulunk For sure you know a small part of history either you did not read the complete of it or on pu… - 5 years ago

@kristinophotos: This is HUGE for the populations that live in the same areas as these stadiums/arenas were built. I think it's imp… - 5 years ago

@ms_gainings: RT @barungi17: ON SALE ALERT; 4bedrooms all self contained , spacious garden all sitted on 25decimals with a ready land title , located in… - 5 years ago

@BibbyMaxwell: @ShaileshVara My Dad was a Trade Unionist for British Rail. Early 70s he had a case when an Indian member objected… - 5 years ago

@rabincool_UG: RT @barungi17: ON SALE ALERT; 4bedrooms all self contained , spacious garden all sitted on 25decimals with a ready land title , located in… - 5 years ago

@Mzhooddiva36: The 2nd civil war fought &blacks lost was Jim Crow which was post slavery without a plantation but in schools, hosp… - 5 years ago

@Thetavision: @RobbieEnRikki @MikeMoo47971437 @jessssiesgirl @tommyyy22 @TheRightMelissa You live in a fantasy land. I am not vot… - 5 years ago

@RealKanyeTwitty: @johnrobertsFox And when I Democrat does it all of a sudden you guys will find using public land for personal gain abhorrent. - 5 years ago

@Soyoye_Psi: @Mazigburugburu1 If u like swine business but you prefer it done for you by a trust worthy Swine Farmer, a try wl c… - 5 years ago

@heiglandreas: @cfp_land @rickvdbosch @papercall_io @cfp_exchange @SessionizeCom @joindin @symposiumtweets @callingallpaper TBH: I… - 5 years ago

@zoutebier: @nmladenov @TheRightsForum #UN, the organisation, that didnt follow its own rules and gave away land in #Palestine… - 5 years ago

@Ianmac611: RT @JamesMi50324127: @MckellarCarrie @jamiegreeneUK All projections are for a massive majority next election. It's only in Yoon land that p… - 5 years ago

@rborges94: RT @faintestofheart: Our new concept, "Strangers in a Broken Land", is a fight for Earth. Do we dare battle our otherworldly opponents? 👽… - 5 years ago

@IlliniPulseRy: A NEW Swami Selection for basketball..WAIT, it’s been there for MONTHS. #illini poised to land its second 2021 bask… - 5 years ago

@MoneyMindset13: @Shelby_Grace21 I have a website i go on called - 5 years ago

@egbunonur: RT @DavidOl57450723: is it a surprise thing that a fulani police commissioner is asking the indigenous people of the land to live there lan… - 5 years ago

@Doc1415: Everyone on the left. Mind you in either events between that and the Bundy ranch standoff, which all were peaceful… - 5 years ago

@Pawar_Amit_A: @ra_akshat @mickeymalik Were there no hindus ever serving Muslim rulers to do land grabbing and dirty works for the… - 5 years ago

@svtglosss: I land might make our btsvt dreams come true,, don't me y'all I'm just setting myself up for a heartbreak - 5 years ago

@simplystephanye: Remember that song you used to sing as a kid “#ThisLandisYourLand”? Remember that part where it says “this land w… - 5 years ago

@deadabovethelip: @TomorrowFoundry @BABYLON_2020 all that property is going to get bought up for a steal. this is a land & cash grab.… - 5 years ago

@Keno17588876: "For we did not win the country we dwell in by expelling others from it, or by seizing it when uninhabited, nor are… - 5 years ago

@softfemboybf: @drivemetodoubt @totallynotfilip I will now sell it because I'm a lonely recluse with no need for all that land - 5 years ago

@Victon_Land_: RT @biastal: chorong said all of apink gathered today... not for a schedule or anything, just because they wanted to be together and she sa… - 5 years ago

@thetree_man: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@badlucksabrina: @kaceyross14 500 Days of Summer made me sad but I loved the story. La La Land had me LIVID. Beautiful film, but I w… - 5 years ago

@davidkingphoto: RT @msbamf2you: @Breaking911 It might have been founded by some people who are racist, but it was not founded on racist ideals. Life, liber… - 5 years ago

@kaycdgreat: RT @Akinjoshua2017: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@silhelmina: @kariebookish @aonghasphadraig @A_M_Q Åland (autonomous island group in the Baltic between Sweden and Finland) has… - 5 years ago

@shebulldog: RT @FergusPower1: @Lrihendry @4bluesky1 Lori I'd say if you donated blood it would come out red, white & blue 🇺🇲 it's because of patriotic… - 5 years ago

@NuranHuseynova: RT @Kibo_Returns: Pakistan is not a Muslim Zion! Pakistan wasn't even built for all the Muslims in the world, just those who wanted to succ… - 5 years ago

@xGumpita: After WEEKS of doing GoS on all 3 characters and to no avail, ya girl finally got a decent Omniscient Eye! Not the… - 5 years ago

@duckman02062: @jdeclue @realchrisrufo @SandiaLabs I was at UMass Amherst in the early eighties. I saw the birth of the SJW diseas… - 5 years ago

@issueno28: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@junebug3122: RT @msbamf2you: @Breaking911 It might have been founded by some people who are racist, but it was not founded on racist ideals. Life, liber… - 5 years ago

@habpipes: @calmudge0n @LindaMae4 I'm too young for those days. My aunt and uncle lived on a farm and owned land where a one r… - 5 years ago

@PlaysTrumpCard: RT @FergusPower1: @Lrihendry @4bluesky1 Lori I'd say if you donated blood it would come out red, white & blue 🇺🇲 it's because of patriotic… - 5 years ago

@JalaAliyeva: RT @Kibo_Returns: Pakistan is not a Muslim Zion! Pakistan wasn't even built for all the Muslims in the world, just those who wanted to succ… - 5 years ago

@meyveis21: RT @barungi17: ON SALE ALERT; 4bedrooms all self contained , spacious garden all sitted on 25decimals with a ready land title , located in… - 5 years ago

@arielkay: These are all so neat (I use a few) I wanted to take a moment to share my favorite app when outdoor adventuring- th… - 5 years ago

@RoC0Ms: RT @XampDZN: Full twitch packs back on sale! Please share to help me reach my goal! 🎨: 3 screens, 5 panels, bann… - 5 years ago

@OfiliOgechukwu: RT @DavidOl57450723: is it a surprise thing that a fulani police commissioner is asking the indigenous people of the land to live there lan… - 5 years ago

@meredyddbarker: @geraint_evs All of those things. It's how they'd be about the French if there was no channel. For them it's inexpl… - 5 years ago

@DonxSenn: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@Silque4: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@EvelynS51868235: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@BurakGn72581078: Guys and social media listen to me, we Turks and Kurds have been living in the same land as brothers for centuries.… - 5 years ago

@LinwoodJr2: @TheCompanyMan See I wish everybody would stop using the word America to define racism because AmericaIt’s not the… - 5 years ago

@krutarthjoshi16: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@AliceGlass19: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@Mikayla_ACNL: Loving all the autumn woodland themed islands popping up on my Twitter feed. Kinda want to do one as well, but I do… - 5 years ago

@OfficialParblo: RT @KatyJayne101: I'm all for singing "Land of Hope and Glory" as long as we can sing it when some low-life is videoing a migrant bailing o… - 5 years ago

@AntonWeye: RT @KatyJayne101: I'm all for singing "Land of Hope and Glory" as long as we can sing it when some low-life is videoing a migrant bailing o… - 5 years ago

@Century21NorthW: #SOLD Congratulations, Jeremiah Anderson and to the owner of this amazing residential 5 acre lot. All land usable a… - 5 years ago

@itsbenknight: RT @ProperMuppet: @itsbenknight I agree. When you don't like "activist lawyers" asking to apply the laws of the land, be careful what you w… - 5 years ago

@popular_demand2: @JamaalBowmanNY Sorry for what happened to you, but it doesn't mean that ALL cops are the same, do we throw out the… - 5 years ago

@donahugh216: RT @rexglacer: @CTVNews More Trudeau media bullshit! Over 9000 Canadians are dead because of Trudeau's China pandering, the country is in d… - 5 years ago

@elibdev: RT @karlitaliliana: My brother Nick Tilsen is fighting a 17 year sentence and three felony charges for his brave stand at Paha Sapa with te… - 5 years ago

@sonofa12: RT @toeppas: @VariJStylez @retro4214 I have no idea why americans dont just leave to europe. I mean we all know america is extreme and was… - 5 years ago

@unbeat4best: RT @DavidOl57450723: is it a surprise thing that a fulani police commissioner is asking the indigenous people of the land to live there lan… - 5 years ago

@DDawn0: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@HeartNWNews: This is Susan Jackson, 50, who was hit by a Land Rover and killed in Bolton on Sunday, her husband, said: "As a fam… - 5 years ago

@VisitDoncaster: 1 day to go until the Love Lakeside Festival, @LakesideOutlet 🙌 It's going to be fun for all the family! Free dance… - 5 years ago

@CapitalNWNews: This is Susan Jackson, 50, who was hit by a Land Rover and killed in Bolton on Sunday, her husband, said: "As a fam… - 5 years ago

@Ackattackack: @CanYouPleaseBe1 @RitaPanahi I'm mad and I have a side? Jeez, and all this time I thought that I had independent th… - 5 years ago

@MuleRetired: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@BeddoeRoger: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@zigm0nd: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@Stamford38: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@trdhorseracing: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@ILANDK1097: //I believe there are a lot of weverse users (BTS, SVT, GFRND &TXT fans) who are now watching I-land. Some of them… - 5 years ago

@Paul2204Paul: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@rawilson1610: Oxfam has always been a scam. When I was in junior school in the 60's we used to collect bottle tops for oxfam. The… - 5 years ago

@ShooStreet: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@Redemption252: @tariqnasheed Tariq quit trying to change a devil.....it ain't happening. We need a separate land from this beast..… - 5 years ago

@revmagdalen: @Mark87792 @SamGrady4House @MarxReverend @kyleivan31004 More than one indigenous group can share a land, that's not… - 5 years ago

@GarryB34834731: @mikepk417 @ABC He had his ranch confiscated, a few in his group where shot by police. All for trespassing on BLM l… - 5 years ago

@christi73224817: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@AishTracy: RT @seicilop: @robertcp @femiokes @BenJolly9 Israel does have a right to exist but not in any land grabbing, international law breaking way… - 5 years ago

@rleou: RT @oliviabirding: I can be angry about a lot of things at once. Pet cats account for 30% of all cat-caused bird mortality in the US. It's… - 5 years ago

@boblee33408589: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@cosyalbom: RT @NnamdiFans: @MaziNnamdiKanu It is a task we must defend ourselves and our ancestral land because, If we don't nobody will do it for us.… - 5 years ago

@bobbybell19: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@AnastasiaKLynch: RT @Scribejohnm: @DaveMamnix @nifkadimnohahim @Byrnzie800 @gagne_laurent @danlivni @yes_we_cat @fatennajjar @Anticonspiracy2 @glaser_holly… - 5 years ago

@NativeEuropean: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@slscwg: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@lucascvvuuren: 5. No longer would destitution and joblessness plague our beautiful land, no longer would our people have to live… - 5 years ago

@James_Thorburn: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@Margaretb2107: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@lifeoutsideEU: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@backdoorpol: RT @LloydMarcus: “America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. Anything else is a l… - 5 years ago

@blaiklockBP: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@ickleflutterby2: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@KiKiPosting: @VP You claim that Trump will give the US a land of "Law & Order".GIVE ME A BREAK! Law & Order for who? Everyone bu… - 5 years ago

@CALLITHOWISEEI2: @shossy2 @IslandGirlPRV *Less overwhelmed healthcare workers *Fewer crooked cops *Karen and Ken wouldn't feel as en… - 5 years ago

@kashurnafar007: RT @HaiderGaxi: Today honest , courageous , brave journalists of my land completed 2 years of detention Because he spoke For his Kashmir .… - 5 years ago

@caroleh00575762: RT @blaiklockBP: The sadness for the loss of our beloved dear country . From a green and pleasant proud land with magnificent architecture… - 5 years ago

@Nkechi15077869: RT @NnamdiFans: @MaziNnamdiKanu It is a task we must defend ourselves and our ancestral land because, If we don't nobody will do it for us.… - 5 years ago

@zainul_muttaqi: RT @gumpnhell: "He's a real nowhere man Sitting in his nowhere land Making all his nowhere plans for oligarchy." 🎵 (plesetan "Nowhere Man"… - 5 years ago

@KMadumisi: You are the hand touching & healing every wounded heart You are the arm holding closer to subside all fear You are… - 5 years ago

@Adidasonfoot: RT @maxdurkin: @Adidasonfoot @adiFamily_ On my list but not a priority so just keep scanning ebay and on here looking for a bargain really… - 5 years ago

@kennedythacode: RT @maduabuchipens: @OG_Warden @Allen4Dray @AfamDeluxo @YemieFASH A taboo. A man in Igbo land might choose to will all of his Properties t… - 5 years ago

@ShazzBakes: @PiperJambo @SFScotland I came here to create a business, & was vocal in my support of a community buy-out of land/… - 5 years ago

@rememberingDCG: 1930s crowdrousing meeting swastika scary faceless mob brainwashed with a single message they went all the land fro… - 5 years ago

@hifi679: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@BraxtonAdam: thy seed, forever, for the land of their inheritance; for it is a choice land, saith God unto me, above all other l… - 5 years ago

@BraxtonAdam: the Gentiles, and there shall be no kings upon the land, who shall raise up unto the Gentiles. 12 And I will fortif… - 5 years ago

@MattBellina3: From a distance I just cannot comprehend What all this fighting's for From a distance there is harmony And it echoe… - 5 years ago

@dave1772: RT @nlygo: @toryboypierce for all those moaning about a wordless Rule Britannia at the Last Night of the Proms this year, in 2001 it was di… - 5 years ago

@maxshanly: @shirleymush Sidney Webb wrote Clause IV, largely as a response to the fact millions of young armed men were return… - 5 years ago

@Jada_Tyelle: RT @fuckyouasean: My grandpa died when I was 1. He left me his house and acre of land it was on. At age 11 my pops and aunt sold my house.… - 5 years ago

@1st_Marine_Div: enabled them to withstand aerial, land, and sea bombardment, to surmount all obstacles, and leave a disorganized an… - 5 years ago

@iolanthe: RT @leytonb: A) Radio 1 don’t play the ‘download’ chart 🤷🏻‍♂️ B) The ‘Sunday chart countdown’ hasn’t existed for years C) The Friday char… - 5 years ago

@WRFoxKidsNation: RT @wildearthguard: The Big Canyon project, which calls for building four huge dams near the Little Colorado River, along with reservoirs a… - 5 years ago

@Gemra10: RT @mill123and: Nikki you are right the land, the rivers, the mountains, the trees are not racist As for the people? I suggest you do a se… - 5 years ago

@MeganHockett: If I can ask one thing from each one of you today, I ask this. Please take a moment to pray for all who are about t… - 5 years ago

@NwaBiaf66565450: RT @NnamdiFans: @MaziNnamdiKanu It is a task we must defend ourselves and our ancestral land because, If we don't nobody will do it for us.… - 5 years ago

@Rk80567397: @saifurrhmn90 @indiamyjaan_ @Srini2087 @Ambreenzaidi Now Plz go and tell that army ethos are closest to God as irre… - 5 years ago

@sureshkk255: @PMOIndia Sir everything is all right in your administration simple a land line dies for 7 months , please ask conc… - 5 years ago

@Sha0909: RT @BanjoCrashland: .@n0hats is the 13th job hunting livestream viewer to land a new job. All credit goes to him for his diligence, persi… - 5 years ago

@spinart7: RT @GeecheeSociali1: Peep how he describes the use and "ownership" of the land. He refers to the land as the community and "ours" not indiv… - 5 years ago

@msvegas2010: @KarluskaP Yes! I agree! She outlined all of his crimes, including a few that I didn't know about. He never should… - 5 years ago

@Anarchohoodism: RT @GeecheeSociali1: Peep how he describes the use and "ownership" of the land. He refers to the land as the community and "ours" not indiv… - 5 years ago

@PFLab: RT @Enric_Sala: It’s finally here! Today, my book “The Nature of Nature: Why We Need the Wild,” is on the bookshelves. I can’t wait for you… - 5 years ago

@ElikemV: RT @Lubudonkere: @CuntessLady Please save that money. Invest it. In a few years buy land. Build. Become a landlord. And then you can spoil… - 5 years ago

@ImJutti: RT @itsrabia0: The UAE has accepted the ISRAELI ANNEXATION of all Palestinian land just leaving a few pieces & has the audacity to sign an… - 5 years ago

@Stephen09555613: @ChrisGPackham Done! All land is 'common'. Of course it must be managed to ensure it is respected and not abused, b… - 5 years ago

@ElaineM11584892: RT @lionheartleojai: I laughed when I saw this Qanon banner for the first time. It reminded me of a bumper sticker I had on my car in my Un… - 5 years ago

@PaoloPeppoli: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@bhuda_Thobz: RT @donaldmohale: There was a boy who told us to grab land illegally and build houses. Now this happens and he is quiet as snake @Julius_S… - 5 years ago

@normal_over: RT @Enric_Sala: It’s finally here! Today, my book “The Nature of Nature: Why We Need the Wild,” is on the bookshelves. I can’t wait for you… - 5 years ago

@EkehIke: RT @Xpsilver1: Is high time all the fraternity & confratanity in Biafra land stand together as one. Stop being puppets to these politician… - 5 years ago

@YDimages: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@cyb803: RT @itsrabia0: The UAE has accepted the ISRAELI ANNEXATION of all Palestinian land just leaving a few pieces & has the audacity to sign an… - 5 years ago

@lionheartleojai: I laughed when I saw this Qanon banner for the first time. It reminded me of a bumper sticker I had on my car in my… - 5 years ago

@lionheartleojai: @KlausBremner @7NewsMelbourne @cassiezervos I laughed when I saw this Qanon banner for the first time. It reminded… - 5 years ago

@thesuparb: @TarekFatah They is a rule of the land and it applies to all. Lockdown is for the safety of everyone and herself. A… - 5 years ago

@MarkCHIKA2: RT @Xpsilver1: Is high time all the fraternity & confratanity in Biafra land stand together as one. Stop being puppets to these politician… - 5 years ago

@Brian13878614: RT @ClydeSSB: "He is definitely a young, exciting talent and all the right noises are coming from everywhere. Everybody likes him, he's a g… - 5 years ago

@patriotic_unity: RT @havingagiraf: Buy land of hope and glory on iTunes for 39p, just a small act of defiance but one we can all do in safety to show this c… - 5 years ago

@RKneeshaw87: @roblevitt33 @CoachLockey @CallawayGolfEU @ApparelCallaway @ECCO_GOLF @puttoutgolf Maybe for you 🤪🤪 jokes, I like t… - 5 years ago

@StephenAchi7: RT @Xpsilver1: Is high time all the fraternity & confratanity in Biafra land stand together as one. Stop being puppets to these politician… - 5 years ago

@alpinejan: RT @roberthulands: @SBSNews We sure are a sick country with an even sicker government. Thanks Mr Murdoch you have done yourself proud spre… - 5 years ago

@Harshil27299: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@graham240760: RT @havingagiraf: Buy land of hope and glory on iTunes for 39p, just a small act of defiance but one we can all do in safety to show this c… - 5 years ago

@rk47_ra: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@Zama30162777: RT @donaldmohale: There was a boy who told us to grab land illegally and build houses. Now this happens and he is quiet as snake @Julius_S… - 5 years ago

@brenaissance19: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@bowingtomyQueen: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@VISHALS50085364: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@mol_george: RT @snb19692: @ABridgen Oh Andrew, Andrew, Andrew! The Land of Hope & Glory was never a solitary island full of hate, racism & xenophobia.… - 5 years ago

@MikeDav08453567: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@CreativeEngin16: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@RealIanPoulter: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@Prateekzone: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@Bushwood__CC: @zoso_007 @ProlixRedux @TRHLofficial Not exactly and such a simple belief could land one in jail. Ability, Oppor… - 5 years ago

@doc_kami: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@BongzTheGreat: RT @donaldmohale: There was a boy who told us to grab land illegally and build houses. Now this happens and he is quiet as snake @Julius_S… - 5 years ago

@kalashetty1994: RT @liberal_slayerr: A 17-year-old girl from UP's Lakhimpur Kheri was raped and murdered. This is the 2nd case from the district in 10 days… - 5 years ago

@Delight_Ntusi: RT @donaldmohale: There was a boy who told us to grab land illegally and build houses. Now this happens and he is quiet as snake @Julius_S… - 5 years ago

@rjber15: RT @jfsolnet: Reminder to all that @KimReynoldsIA awarded a no bid $7.2 million contract to a guy under investigation for sex trafficking a… - 5 years ago

@MusicHead2011: RT @manolo_realengo: Brazil’s govt have no shame.. burning homes, crops, demolishing a school, injuring protestors... all to evict people f… - 5 years ago

@DailyUSANews: RT @easyproperty: പ്രതീക്ഷക്കൊത്ത a/c വീട് വിൽപ്പനക്ക് #House for Sale At Kanjirappally #Realestate #Property: കൂടതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്കു വിളിക്കുക… - 5 years ago

@Network_Easy: RT @easyproperty: പ്രതീക്ഷക്കൊത്ത a/c വീട് വിൽപ്പനക്ക് #House for Sale At Kanjirappally #Realestate #Property: കൂടതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്കു വിളിക്കുക… - 5 years ago

@Easy_Branches: RT @easyproperty: പ്രതീക്ഷക്കൊത്ത a/c വീട് വിൽപ്പനക്ക് #House for Sale At Kanjirappally #Realestate #Property: കൂടതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്കു വിളിക്കുക… - 5 years ago

@easyjanjansen: RT @easyproperty: പ്രതീക്ഷക്കൊത്ത a/c വീട് വിൽപ്പനക്ക് #House for Sale At Kanjirappally #Realestate #Property: കൂടതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്കു വിളിക്കുക… - 5 years ago

@ThomasD49126776: America IS the land of opportunity and @realDonaldTrump has been a historic leader for ALL Americans, delivering re… - 5 years ago

@easyproperty: പ്രതീക്ഷക്കൊത്ത a/c വീട് വിൽപ്പനക്ക് #House for Sale At Kanjirappally #Realestate #Property: കൂടതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്കു വി… - 5 years ago

@OdeiPk: RT @Lubudonkere: @CuntessLady Please save that money. Invest it. In a few years buy land. Build. Become a landlord. And then you can spoil… - 5 years ago

@Poetinthehat: RT @GeecheeSociali1: Peep how he describes the use and "ownership" of the land. He refers to the land as the community and "ours" not indiv… - 5 years ago

@abbamt2: @CBSNews “As a graduate she can relate looking for a job.”, I actually think it’s not their fault. They are all in… - 5 years ago

@t_bafana: RT @donaldmohale: There was a boy who told us to grab land illegally and build houses. Now this happens and he is quiet as snake @Julius_S… - 5 years ago

@cogitatotomato: Im sympathetic to the need for some nobility to the trauma of pulling up roots and resettling in a hostile alienati… - 5 years ago

@pudgeyale92: For all of the handwringing over violating the Hatch Act, Pompeo is the one who is actually doing it. Look at this… - 5 years ago

@PardonTherage: @TeamTrump @Mike_Pence Land of Opportunity for whom exactly? A few short weeks ago your administration put a stop t… - 5 years ago

@DoreenBlair13: RT @AshleyMoodyFL: My friend @LtGovNunez did a fantastic job tonight presenting President @realDonaldTrump as the best person to ensure our… - 5 years ago

@GeecheeSociali1: Peep how he describes the use and "ownership" of the land. He refers to the land as the community and "ours" not in… - 5 years ago

@JimSatone: RT @greenwoodae: Pretty much all pasture is habitat and pasture managed with wildlife in mind is generally even better habitat. Just a remi… - 5 years ago

@GeecheeSociali1: @naomiedu Also peep how he describes the use and "ownership" of the land. He refers to the land as the community an… - 5 years ago

@Shadibakr: 3) In OTC penny land don’t fall for the “Don’t sell” horns when all indicators tell you stock has overbought moment… - 5 years ago

@sawdy_land: RT @TheTremontiPick: For all you youngsters out there, Gareth Southgate once put in a transfer request at Aston Villa because he wanted to… - 5 years ago

@Barrell7Paul: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@PitchforkPolit2: @dream_insomniac @TomCottonAR And one on brutality on police, there is bad on all sides, don’t act like it is one s… - 5 years ago

@scotlandjock1: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@PFhunting: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@Navydan4: RT @lizmoblubuckeye: ‘Twas two months before the election And all through the land Trump associates are indicted And the prison door sla… - 5 years ago

@leenewtonm10: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@riot_rebecca: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@rachel_all_over: RT @marsupialpuddng: every queer + neurodivergent person i know either wants to buy a plot of land to start a commune with all their friend… - 5 years ago

@ThewholeTruthN1: RT @WhiteMo93829447: @CyrilRamaphosa @DDMabuza Voetsek! Crooks! Thieves! Communists! Not my leaders! I wish Anc to have a short life! You… - 5 years ago

@will89472739: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@AndyDavies4268: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@softpiscean: RT @JazzCochina: The last thing I’ll say: Mr. Trade could get him the hottest T girls in all the land if he wanted. He did NOT have to fuc… - 5 years ago

@matisnothere365: @melted_mafia @mvbenoit37 @shepaintsalot @jannarden As I said in a different tweet, I think they’re all the same. I… - 5 years ago

@Fidelisprince10: RT @Xpsilver1: Is high time all the fraternity & confratanity in Biafra land stand together as one. Stop being puppets to these politician… - 5 years ago

@CarolineBaynton: RT @havingagiraf: Buy land of hope and glory on iTunes for 39p, just a small act of defiance but one we can all do in safety to show this c… - 5 years ago

@funky_tweeter: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@Shepez4x4Andrea: RT @lizmoblubuckeye: ‘Twas two months before the election And all through the land Trump associates are indicted And the prison door sla… - 5 years ago

@Timjone82886003: RT @AJ_Cats_: My father @JCats2013 was a poor immigrant, but because he was in AMERICA, he had the opportunity to succeed. I believe in Ame… - 5 years ago

@Vikki__137: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@chuksjomeje: RT @Xpsilver1: Is high time all the fraternity & confratanity in Biafra land stand together as one. Stop being puppets to these politician… - 5 years ago

@Tochukw25816012: RT @Xpsilver1: Is high time all the fraternity & confratanity in Biafra land stand together as one. Stop being puppets to these politician… - 5 years ago

@bigmalc1959: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@PictorMary: RT @snb19692: @ABridgen Oh Andrew, Andrew, Andrew! The Land of Hope & Glory was never a solitary island full of hate, racism & xenophobia.… - 5 years ago

@bear44willis: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@JuneOwens42: RT @JDScholten: At a grain elevator in Craig a few weeks ago, corn was $2.77 — that's not enough for farmers to stay on their land. Farmers… - 5 years ago

@ForEngland567: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@FTsunshine4ever: RT @AJ_Cats_: My father @JCats2013 was a poor immigrant, but because he was in AMERICA, he had the opportunity to succeed. I believe in Ame… - 5 years ago

@sammyonye3: RT @Xpsilver1: Is high time all the fraternity & confratanity in Biafra land stand together as one. Stop being puppets to these politician… - 5 years ago

@sunshinelunabay: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@Westie66167541: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@KarenF64754987: RT @lizmoblubuckeye: ‘Twas two months before the election And all through the land Trump associates are indicted And the prison door sla… - 5 years ago

@Jand1381: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@Chuks773: RT @Xpsilver1: Is high time all the fraternity & confratanity in Biafra land stand together as one. Stop being puppets to these politician… - 5 years ago

@fmobuk: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@khenlyesq: RT @aliceclara69: Buy ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ on iTunes now for 99p to take it to number 1 in the charts and send a middle finger up to th… - 5 years ago

@Ruel1776: FYI: for those who don't know, the Jim Crow laws were made and enacted by #Democrats now they want to enslave us al… - 5 years ago

@TruthSpread33: @Lukewearechange Can we all just chip in and buy a giant plot of land and move there? I’m tired of this broken ass… - 5 years ago

@georgekastanz12: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@Sue43736430: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@rajamabdullah0: An important Message for Pakistanis All People of Pakistan should stand up for passing a law that "Foreigners Cann… - 5 years ago

@Wasi_410: RT @Noumaan22: 😢Today all the hair of the young Dr. Zakir Naik is White. In the war of life, a man deprived of home, land and property ju… - 5 years ago

@adambomb_7: @JerryPDias @ErinOTooleMP @CPC_HQ @jkenney Huh, as a working Albertan, my rights haven’t been attacked at all. In f… - 5 years ago

@Billow_Abdi: @TheStarKenya Actually he is a regional governor & he minds about his people and land. What is in Wajir Mandera and… - 5 years ago

@KinggEtalia: Y’all...This man really just bought a plot of land in Ireland for me so I have the title ‘Lady’. I am officially Lady E 😂❤️🥰 - 5 years ago

@ellenmsullivan: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@RealKSridharan: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@lizditz: RT @Art_Criostoir7: @ParveenKaswan u can hear the terror in his voice. the fear for me would be the same as being shot at. a tiger is the l… - 5 years ago

@britboy77: RT @SusieOre: @Bret_Sears hope everyone understands that the Wildlands project north America is a huge part of agenda21 and it leaves very… - 5 years ago

@daniel_massey: @EmbryEthan I’ll definitely read at least one. I’ve heard lots of good stuff about Slaughterhouse. I also feel for… - 5 years ago

@Writernoodle: @DeanNicolle1 I'd like to think it being a national park will protect it for future generations. I hope my saplings… - 5 years ago

@RoodGridance: RT @leloupdesmers: ...decent, English folk living in a traditional way in harmony with the land - maybe that world isn’t such a bad thing t… - 5 years ago

@aitaile1: If y'all are pushing this hard for a known r*pist to be elected to the highest office in the land y'all can die too. - 5 years ago

@A_TanyaCollins: RT @WordsandGuitar: If old irrelevant white people who only care about themselves but publicly pretend otherwise DON'T send any money to @1… - 5 years ago

@Naren_Reddy23: @RRPSpeaks 3 language policy is a cunning ploy by hindians to force hindi on all. We dont want any hindi. State lan… - 5 years ago

@Naren_Reddy23: @Asop11Satu @PMOIndia @AmitShah @JPNadda @ashokgehlot51 @drcpjoshi @OfficeOfGSS @arjunrammeghwal @DrSatishPoonia… - 5 years ago

@angrymom80: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@jaxlef14: I sold some beef to local gentleman: Me: Are we "pasture neighbors"? Sir: Sorry all my land is spoken for... Me: I… - 5 years ago

@Patriot_S1: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@John46771078: ⁦@BorisJohnson⁩ You must be Joking This BLM BS is not about what they say These people are troublemakers & just wan… - 5 years ago

@juanbernalm: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@drcstuff: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@222t: #RNC2020 Don Jr: we build the greatest economy in world before COVID, and with Donald Trump we'll BUILD IT AGAIN!… - 5 years ago

@amalio47: RT @TheTB5Reports: If my son was a tennis player I would do any and everything to educate myself on everything about the sport and the lay… - 5 years ago

@Politicalmarke2: In 90s at Shiv Mandir, Cornfield Road, Kolkata a Hindu priest in his 70s told one Mr Pandey a Police Commissioner,… - 5 years ago

@HyungminJeon: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, don’t forget to cast all of your votes for K today! Encourage your followers, friends, & fami… - 5 years ago

@Jhonbeme: RT @PhilEhr: It's ironic that the RNC selected 'Land of Promise' as a theme tonight. It feels as though the promise is only for a select… - 5 years ago

@Naren_Reddy23: @srinathiyer7 @rahulmurali @Mariappan0487 @ashoswai 3 language policy is a cunning ploy by hindians to force hindi… - 5 years ago

@Naren_Reddy23: @prasadkarkare @ShashiTharoor 3 language policy is a cunning ploy by hindians to force hindi on all. We dont want a… - 5 years ago

@Naren_Reddy23: @TheJayVyas @niranjan2428 3 language policy is a cunning ploy by hindians to force hindi on all. We dont want any h… - 5 years ago

@Naren_Reddy23: @sacaggarwal 3 language policy is a cunning ploy by hindians to force hindi on all. We dont want any hindi. State l… - 5 years ago

@Naren_Reddy23: @srinathiyer7 @rahulmurali @Mariappan0487 @ashoswai 3 language policy is a cunning ploy by hindians to force hindi… - 5 years ago

@beckybuck: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@BestyRoss2020: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@JudeRanch: RT @PhilEhr: It's ironic that the RNC selected 'Land of Promise' as a theme tonight. It feels as though the promise is only for a select… - 5 years ago

@rehafer: RT @THEHermanCain: If she was willing to land such heavy punches a few short months ago, then abandon all her heart-felt pain the minute th… - 5 years ago

@kirundiray: Like nearly all great fortunes in Kenya are made on land stolen while the public's back is turned — and by people w… - 5 years ago

@yojeong09: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, don’t forget to cast all of your votes for K today! Encourage your followers, friends, & fami… - 5 years ago

@Ducky11115: RT @PhilEhr: It's ironic that the RNC selected 'Land of Promise' as a theme tonight. It feels as though the promise is only for a select… - 5 years ago

@SaysoTheOutlaw: A game where you start as a tribe from anywhere in the world, you settle the land and start a state. You pick the t… - 5 years ago

@ChrisBurkeNFL: RT @m_bultman: First busy day in a while in Red Wings Land! — Zadina’s big Czech debut (with thoughts from Trinec coach Václav Varad’a) — F… - 5 years ago

@vickyrubzow: @SenSchumer @NLIHC I disagree with you Chuck. As a landlord of one suite, one suite, I can't afford or live without… - 5 years ago

@JLEdwardsIII: RT @m_bultman: First busy day in a while in Red Wings Land! — Zadina’s big Czech debut (with thoughts from Trinec coach Václav Varad’a) — F… - 5 years ago

@m_bultman: First busy day in a while in Red Wings Land! — Zadina’s big Czech debut (with thoughts from Trinec coach Václav Var… - 5 years ago

@naomioddly: RT @NABPInstitute: A private land development company is all that stands in the way of @BernCounty being able to pipe drinkable running wat… - 5 years ago

@Ladymacin_ride: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@GP76335748: RT @PhilEhr: It's ironic that the RNC selected 'Land of Promise' as a theme tonight. It feels as though the promise is only for a select… - 5 years ago

@VoteForChanges: RT @PhilEhr: It's ironic that the RNC selected 'Land of Promise' as a theme tonight. It feels as though the promise is only for a select… - 5 years ago

@dmzhukova: RT @PhilEhr: It's ironic that the RNC selected 'Land of Promise' as a theme tonight. It feels as though the promise is only for a select… - 5 years ago

@Gwally86: @ghirapurigears Tap land for mana, sac to squandered, get whatever value from gitrog/korvold etc and do stuff. May… - 5 years ago

@HemantBorkar7: RT @Naren_Reddy23: @BoycottHindi @shibanidandekar 3 language policy is a cunning ploy by hindians to force hindi on all. We dont want any h… - 5 years ago

@DMSpinharney: RT @PhilEhr: It's ironic that the RNC selected 'Land of Promise' as a theme tonight. It feels as though the promise is only for a select… - 5 years ago

@ThePhoneRebel: RT @GOP: America is a land of PROMISE! The American Federation for Children 2020 poll found MOST voters back School Choice. Pres. Trump… - 5 years ago

@skippyboy5555: @HerschelWalker when i was 8 years old i was lucky enough to see you in Oxford. Jump into the pile for a yard, land… - 5 years ago

@Composed_Khaos: @kinucakes Holy fuck. I'm sorry for everything you and the others have been put through by the person who is suppos… - 5 years ago

@LoreyJeanene: RT @PhilEhr: It's ironic that the RNC selected 'Land of Promise' as a theme tonight. It feels as though the promise is only for a select… - 5 years ago

@honestdialog: Please study history, neither party did anything for blacks in this country, they were free but to what extent, no… - 5 years ago

@Em_TeeGee: @daviekumd @thespikefeeders I can't speak for what others. I can only represent my words here, but will continue to… - 5 years ago

@chrissy7pink: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@reg_gurney: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@gjn2401: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@MartinWWicks: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@DadAllOver77: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@DavePar73417021: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@maca_13_9: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@PHandwright: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@whitehurstjack3: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@spannerfarm: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@sabinabien: @mhairiforrest @KEBrightbill Yeah, I’m all for a redistribution of wealth, including land. Not sure how that happens successfully. - 5 years ago

@philipson1979: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@cuckooblofeld: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@Flixtondan: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@DavidRodwell12: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@KateAus1976: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@rospay15: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@udrivebarnsley: RT @DefundBBC: VICTORY: The BBC have backed down and confirmed that they will play Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory after all. We… - 5 years ago

@EjikeEmmanuel18: Searching for a place where time could stop and start all over again I recall my walks in thorny paths and rough l… - 5 years ago

@IgnorantBeing: RT @orfonline: China is seeking to gain control of strategic ports, natural resources and land in debt trapped countries through aid for in… - 5 years ago

@LeahtheMoon: @Truthse83100326 @stringertowers @SholaMos1 @BBC It’s part of a disgraceful and embarrassing past for all the count… - 5 years ago

@Aryavrat1111: RT @DARU_BRAHMa: While our bodhi tree stands for enlightenment, the enlightenment that banishes all sensual plasr,the biblical tree affords… - 5 years ago

@easyproperty: RT @easyproperty: [English] I Took Land Property Chapter 02 | Read Manhua English: Hello everyone A NEW SERIES PLEASE DO CHECK OUT???? Hell… - 5 years ago

@NigelRoberts23: RT @BUnwrap: @howardcornwall @BradtGuides Ongoing events are heartbreaking to observe. It’s a tragedy for the country and a human tragedy f… - 5 years ago

@jerankin: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@mak_properties: FOR SALE* A newly built 4 bedroom fully detached duplex all en-suite, 2 living room. with 4 no's of 2bedrooms flat… - 5 years ago

@onetokebloke: @WC1Robert We all get different #experience I been told #bollocks for 2nd time because i was ill for a period of t… - 5 years ago

@DebfromPA: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@Mseve_byakuleka: RT @kiyonga_jr: Happy Sunday to all land Preparations for the new season #YouthinAgriculture #MechanisedFarming “Genesis 26:12 And Isaac so… - 5 years ago

@ogprovocateur: RT @reddy2002_varun: Pakis never waged wars against India. They launched operations/battles. India was the one which waged a full blown war… - 5 years ago

@DavidjhWelch: RT @stevenson_les: @Iromg Playing Land of Hope and Glory as an intro for @andrejpwalker is a great idea. Imagine the lefty outrage & tears… - 5 years ago

@boofixboo: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@suesustainable: @greymaregallery @Ruralpay And follow up all the other farming rules for water breaches on this and other land arou… - 5 years ago

@Patrick08336980: RT @mazinwakamma: Ifeajuna of this era are so many. We cannot afford to have them continue their exchanging of our lives for their politica… - 5 years ago

@Iromg: RT @stevenson_les: @Iromg Playing Land of Hope and Glory as an intro for @andrejpwalker is a great idea. Imagine the lefty outrage & tears… - 5 years ago

@Sharif02771620: RT @PyeparFaisal: So if NEMA is okying the distraction of 21 square miles of forest land all for a sugar factory, why the fuck are they str… - 5 years ago

@honeylin25_: RT @sunkirves: [🎥] A gift we were all wishing for #SunKiDay—sunki crumbs from I-LAND CAM! We got it, everyone! 💛 #Happy30DaysWithSunKi #… - 5 years ago

@CarnelianHeart: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@KelceyPoe: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@lexilivimom: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@GadflyQuebec: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@AdamAddict: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@CracktheYank: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@KJWC1: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@DTPORGE: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@ayawill: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@LawrenceEStant1: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@SwingLeftNC13: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@YourGirlJ111: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@Citygirlgoula: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@davaldod: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@silent_brother1: @MacadSheikh @Arweelo101 @XamdiTaako We all now since they took the land of Somalis but this girl said Kenya is mos… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Dreamthief: I am either the most liberal conservative or the most conservative liberal in all the local land. I still don't kno… - 5 years ago

@ChristineMRobe6: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@Curilta: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@Oldude9: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@ballinaboula1: RT @GeorgeTakei: I want normal back. I would love just a normal news cycle and a normal day where we could be with friends out to dinner.… - 5 years ago

@MyShock34AD: RT @Spec_tacular98: Dunno if this was an idea that's been had before but A game where you traverse the land and all macros are super hard… - 5 years ago

@BornSapphire: Y’all need to be held in contempt for the way y’all are lying on this land talking about Brandy has a regular voice… - 5 years ago

@nopewrongsry: calling myself a native of every planet I land on, getting caught blatantly lying for clout, selling Phineas to the… - 5 years ago

@4inspiration2: RT @LloydMarcus: “America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. Anything else is a l… - 5 years ago

@grizatlcp: RT @JDScholten: At a grain elevator in Craig a few weeks ago, corn was $2.77 — that's not enough for farmers to stay on their land. Farmers… - 5 years ago

@SHENSATIONAL: RT @JDScholten: At a grain elevator in Craig a few weeks ago, corn was $2.77 — that's not enough for farmers to stay on their land. Farmers… - 5 years ago

@PourSomeMo: @victoriiyuhh I don’t give a fuck where their people go, they can stay leave or go jump in the Mediterranean for al… - 5 years ago

@Trumpgot2go: RT @JDScholten: At a grain elevator in Craig a few weeks ago, corn was $2.77 — that's not enough for farmers to stay on their land. Farmers… - 5 years ago

@nai84003316: You Are A Beacon of Light Just as a ship at sea can find the land it is seeking through the beacon light on shore,… - 5 years ago

@participatriot: @arvalis YOU: We should give back the land we promised the natives ME: It was all stolen. So what is your argument… - 5 years ago

@bananasinhavana: RT @JDScholten: At a grain elevator in Craig a few weeks ago, corn was $2.77 — that's not enough for farmers to stay on their land. Farmers… - 5 years ago

@avaloneye: RT @PetersonUtah: One reason I’m running for Governor is to protect Utah’s beautiful public lands. Our outdoor industry adds billions to ou… - 5 years ago

@justwantquiet: RT @JDScholten: At a grain elevator in Craig a few weeks ago, corn was $2.77 — that's not enough for farmers to stay on their land. Farmers… - 5 years ago

@NativeAmHHS: RT @WTOP: Under federal law, Native American tribes can decide whether they want their citizens subjected to the death penalty for a set of… - 5 years ago

@Salleelvis: RT @DejaCam45256871: 2020 has been a tough year for us all. We are all yearning for God to heal our land. A world wide fast is what we need… - 5 years ago

@Vibenwithky: RT @notthenicestt: All I want for my birthday is a piece of land lord 🥺 - 5 years ago

@DaniPants86: RT @PetersonUtah: One reason I’m running for Governor is to protect Utah’s beautiful public lands. Our outdoor industry adds billions to ou… - 5 years ago

@AmyWilsonGA: RT @JDScholten: At a grain elevator in Craig a few weeks ago, corn was $2.77 — that's not enough for farmers to stay on their land. Farmers… - 5 years ago

@KnownAsPeter: RT @JDScholten: At a grain elevator in Craig a few weeks ago, corn was $2.77 — that's not enough for farmers to stay on their land. Farmers… - 5 years ago

@JolieBlonde: RT @Jordan49077844: Well it's been a busy Twitter day! Only pointed out that I would no longer pay for or use the BBC if they remove a coup… - 5 years ago

@jjd022980: RT @PhilDL616: They had Bianca on NXT all that time and never made her champion. She set a record at Royal Rumble and still lost. Nah. It a… - 5 years ago

@WheelyJonUK: It's not my country but this is horrendous globally so much for the land of the free and free speech by all means p… - 5 years ago

@dyhall1964: RT @DurrantDevin: 1 Nephi 2:20 And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea,… - 5 years ago

@MakiRedChillies: @AbhiFour @bapu_caa these mother fcukers who happily fcuk their own s!sters got no affection with anybody except th… - 5 years ago

@Josieee_33: RT @notthenicestt: All I want for my birthday is a piece of land lord 🥺 - 5 years ago

@Jonthoughts01: RT @M_R_K786: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire. The… - 5 years ago

@timetotryagain1: @flancian We've got the problem that the corporations control the government. They can silence us by cutting off al… - 5 years ago

@ravikr: RT @orfonline: China is seeking to gain control of strategic ports, natural resources and land in debt trapped countries through aid for in… - 5 years ago

@a_saintlysinner: RT @ReneeCarrollAZ: 🚨Attention Patriots🚨 Please watch the trailer of @DineshDSouza's new film, "Trump Card" & then SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! W… - 5 years ago

@Kay_mariee00: RT @notthenicestt: All I want for my birthday is a piece of land lord 🥺 - 5 years ago

@Abu__Khairi: RT @Amalik_Abunakla: Allahu Akhbar! Today all the hair of the young Dr. Zakir Naik is White. In the war of life, a man deprived of home, la… - 5 years ago

@__Glennaye: RT @notthenicestt: All I want for my birthday is a piece of land lord 🥺 - 5 years ago

@ZamzamShuja: RT @M_R_K786: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire. The… - 5 years ago

@dirtypawslou: yuzuru doesnt get enough credit for all his accomplishments like?? just to name a few, hes a double olympic champi… - 5 years ago

@improper_ganda: RT @improper_ganda: @LouDobbs @robertjeffress @realDonaldTrump got on a silver platter the rare chance to send 2 judges to Scotus to overtu… - 5 years ago

@KingMargs_: RT @notthenicestt: All I want for my birthday is a piece of land lord 🥺 - 5 years ago

@hbgcougarcoach: RT @beenlikethis: Sad SAd SAD!! 😪 praying for all our student athletes at Harrisburg. Please find something positive to indulge in while sp… - 5 years ago

@burrowdown1: @TheOtaconDon @whimsical_turd Should people not be allowed to own land? If you think so, you might be a #Marxist, o… - 5 years ago

@gyuhansekai: RT @svtbillboard: Thank you to all the Carats for the creative hashtags! 💖 To celebrate Carats debut, select a hashtag so we can make Carat… - 5 years ago

@JoeBowe19783574: RT @JoeBowe19783574: @SallyannMcclel1 @realDonaldTrump Put an end to these over inflated costs for Medical devices eliminate this practice… - 5 years ago

@DrJ_Music: It would be nice if certain plots of land in communities could be set up so that fruit trees of all varieties could… - 5 years ago

@wazhure: RT @ReidCashman: Thank you to @Capitals for the last 4 years. You allowed me to work with the best players in the world, be a part of a St… - 5 years ago

@1969cath: @AlboMP Staff to patient ratios need attention. Focus on a platform based on ALL government services for our most v… - 5 years ago

@jakeunoodlesoup: RT @jakeysglobal: 📣 NOTICE 📣 Jakeys we will be having a mass YouTube streaming party tomorrow on all Jake's fancam. We will also make a gd… - 5 years ago

@guilt_manager: RT @heritageok: @sundersays @keithhann Singing Land of Hope & Glory & Rule Britannia has been a hilarious misnomer for many years really, m… - 5 years ago

@jnewsombot: Time will tell if I can be well, and rise to meet you rightly. While, moving across my land, brandishing themselves… - 5 years ago

@heritageok: @sundersays @keithhann Singing Land of Hope & Glory & Rule Britannia has been a hilarious misnomer for many years r… - 5 years ago

@JuneMccarthy10: @andywigmore Why can’t our country be a land of hope and glory for all , black and white people?It’s what we do now… - 5 years ago

@grimacescarf: ㅤ ㅤ" In the end, it was my sire who saved me. I had to evacuate all my people to an ally's land far from here for a… - 5 years ago

@Cloudywmoodz: RT @jakeysglobal: 📣 NOTICE 📣 Jakeys we will be having a mass YouTube streaming party tomorrow on all Jake's fancam. We will also make a gd… - 5 years ago

@intotheonedream: RT @jakeysglobal: 📣 NOTICE 📣 Jakeys we will be having a mass YouTube streaming party tomorrow on all Jake's fancam. We will also make a gd… - 5 years ago

@wingedfyre: as a scorpio this virgo szn......I'm just waiting for when the virgos I want to land on my lap...... that's all I'm asking - 5 years ago

@BwahaDenise: RT @kiyonga_jr: Happy Sunday to all land Preparations for the new season #YouthinAgriculture #MechanisedFarming “Genesis 26:12 And Isaac so… - 5 years ago

@yaarrahul: RT @ed_lamon: And shewedst signs and wonders upon Pharaoh, and on all his servants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest tha… - 5 years ago

@icicle_icy: RT @jakeysglobal: 📣 NOTICE 📣 Jakeys we will be having a mass YouTube streaming party tomorrow on all Jake's fancam. We will also make a gd… - 5 years ago

@__jkhoon: RT @jakeysglobal: 📣 NOTICE 📣 Jakeys we will be having a mass YouTube streaming party tomorrow on all Jake's fancam. We will also make a gd… - 5 years ago

@CHlCKENJAKE: RT @jakeysglobal: 📣 NOTICE 📣 Jakeys we will be having a mass YouTube streaming party tomorrow on all Jake's fancam. We will also make a gd… - 5 years ago

@say7legends: RT @jakeysglobal: 📣 NOTICE 📣 Jakeys we will be having a mass YouTube streaming party tomorrow on all Jake's fancam. We will also make a gd… - 5 years ago

@kiyonga_jr: Happy Sunday to all land Preparations for the new season #YouthinAgriculture #MechanisedFarming “Genesis 26:12 And… - 5 years ago

@BePositiveLucy: The life of a royal is not that simple, it worked many years ago because people were just killing each other for th… - 5 years ago

@pandaforApinkk: RT @__mulgokizary__: Lemme add both of the lead vocal 😌🤩🤩 Now Play M have 11 Idol with a dimple 🤩 all(7) from Victon, 2 from Apink and 2 fr… - 5 years ago

@ThilJala: RT @BlancheMedia: @Know_More_News He somehow thinks he owns all of it to give it away, from Jerusalem, to the Golan, and now the West Bank.… - 5 years ago

@DoniBradley: RT @PhilDL616: They had Bianca on NXT all that time and never made her champion. She set a record at Royal Rumble and still lost. Nah. It a… - 5 years ago

@cabezadecoco__: RT @PhilDL616: They had Bianca on NXT all that time and never made her champion. She set a record at Royal Rumble and still lost. Nah. It a… - 5 years ago

@panafriKanguru: RT @wewesamwewe: @panafriKanguru @moneyacademyKE Here in Kenya they steal buy land and build highrises and malls which stay for decades wit… - 5 years ago

@BlancheMedia: @Know_More_News He somehow thinks he owns all of it to give it away, from Jerusalem, to the Golan, and now the West… - 5 years ago

@FunRageDie: @forestminish For me the main thing i want is a compliation game for all the wario land games and a compliation gam… - 5 years ago

@manucaddie: RT @Forest_and_Bird: MEDIA RELEASE: This week Oceana Gold was granted a 40-year mining permit to mine conservation land in the Coromandel,… - 5 years ago

@akaCharter: RT @BoxingEGO: Bradley sounds foolish talking about he gotta land a “Lucky shot” I don’t believe in luck he punches so what the fuck do the… - 5 years ago

@Royalklin: RT @CACCOT1: If the so called elders see Nigeria as a project worth dying for, they would have done everything to reduce the hatred in the… - 5 years ago

@NurtureGirl: @antonjw @johnkellden Yes. An older story about land. One where land is not owned, but held in common. One where we… - 5 years ago

@RandyMa63934481: @BuckyBones1 @mmpadellan I’m ridin’ with BIDEN! Trumps nothing more than a pervert who got caught, LOTS OF TIMES! I… - 5 years ago

@Tpack5: RT @JBrownPG: What a pickup here for #Stetson as they land one of the top uncommitted 2022s in Jayden Hylton out of NJ. Ultra-projectable 6… - 5 years ago

@UlyssesReader: and all the Doyles said he was going to stand for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe all his… - 5 years ago

@BoxingEGO: Bradley sounds foolish talking about he gotta land a “Lucky shot” I don’t believe in luck he punches so what the fu… - 5 years ago

@God1fam2USA3: Seriously. CA, Land wise is Red, but as we all know shit hole cities like LA, SanFran and so on rule. Please P… - 5 years ago

@jenny2x4: @Craeft Creating a society where he no longer needs to farm for mega corporations that order him to destroy all his… - 5 years ago

@PookztA: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@DominoRoe: RT @donnamellon1: VP Joe Biden has held office for 43 years, and the GOP is still trying to find corruption.Meanwhile,you could throw a dar… - 5 years ago

@LlynnelleL: That is incorrect and un-American.Our first Colonist were granted land to come America & to be able to follow the p… - 5 years ago

@superwomanjenni: @EmacInSTL @LeftistFun @LeftistPolls @USPoliticsPoll @Politics_Polls You see it your way. I see women and children… - 5 years ago

@faithfulgirlie: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@LolitaB72760065: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@hr130130: RT @HareYorkshire: We call out over the water To the land where a castle shone Towering high over all around The sea may batter the land… - 5 years ago

@vanelawrence: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@UncleMohamz: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@RalphieBag: RT @ciderali: @DavidPaisley @ChrisFalconer16 @ramendik @HotchkissRhona @MistresSinestra @GraceBrodie @JennyMarra @NHSLanarkshire @womensaid… - 5 years ago

@BiyiThePlug: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@iam_topboii: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@tommy_viccetti: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@djsheylex: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@chubiei: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@mrspanstreppon: RT @GrandJackie2: @mrspanstreppon @ElliAdventurer First of all, the Kolfages had just sold a home in AZ for around $350k. They had to agre… - 5 years ago

@OgunAkoni: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@HaYoMiDe_: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@Allezamani: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@ktinfl: @thehill @Scaramucci Hell, I keep tell you all that. it will be Thompson by a land slide. Morris Kent Thompson Fo… - 5 years ago

@V_eektorr: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@King_Chris_Jr: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@Ewatomhie: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@meettherichard: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@mr_kems4: RT @HaYoMiDe_: We are also happy to inform y'all that the current lawmakers and senators from Esan land are for PDP so Governor Obaseki sec… - 5 years ago

@hrandbiz: @DerekSloanCPC @robdoel Bravo. Put Canada first. Lots of generosity and opportunities to incorporate rational, pos… - 5 years ago

@kelbelle10: @realDonaldTrump Hmm... so does the same apply for North Carolina voters? We all know you pulled your convention ou… - 5 years ago

@desros_alex: Timing questions, intensity questions, center relocations, land interaction, and Fujiwhara effect all clouding the… - 5 years ago

@KingofSeclusion: RT @queenlindethiel: 💧: Just one last OOC note before I slip into MMO land-- I got a message in my DMs of someone asking what 'series' my… - 5 years ago

@MichelleWeil09: “For thus says ADONAI -Tzva’ot: “In just a little while I will shake the heavens & the earth, the sea and the dry l… - 5 years ago

@periclod_: @shaneriderMA @TimMurtaugh Liberty and justice for all. Land of the free. A country where everybody can feel safe no matter who they are. - 5 years ago

@chillsandshocks: RT @DarkLordMatabu: He wrote books & waited. A sunken treasure will remain in bed Without a signed form of bravery. Years pass over a wreck… - 5 years ago

@MusicCityMemo: RT @jesseterrymusic: Looking forward to seeing everyone today for a special Saturday edition of LIVE from Lily Land ✨ Same time and place,… - 5 years ago

@HarryAk90: @azkhawaja1 It’s a tough question for all Armenian diaspora members to answer. Lebanon is my home, where as Armenia… - 5 years ago

@Oromo84559411: RT @KiyaDesalegn: Abiy is just doing what he knows best.. stealing ideas from other organizations and claiming it is his legacy #AbiyMustG… - 5 years ago

@land_sacred: @AnaCabrera Will he vote for Biden or not vote at all which IS a vote for tRump? - 5 years ago

@fofeclivert: This street game so dangerous, most niggas move with a criminal mindset cuz that’s all the know/knew...from me to y… - 5 years ago

@Truela8: @ScottPresler Thank you for helping in my Home State! God bless you and your team for all you do to make America gr… - 5 years ago

@ThomasesWillia3: ps 37 8 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil. 9 For evil men will be cut off,… - 5 years ago

@rimmelak: RT @sleepyb101: it's crazy how everyone has a decent amount of respect for those following different religions but as soon as they find out… - 5 years ago

@boonanners: RT @marsupialpuddng: every queer + neurodivergent person i know either wants to buy a plot of land to start a commune with all their friend… - 5 years ago

@enits5: @MotichoorLadoo @MahiksWordWorld @Bellemoon99 @lumbiepie @J_A_Duncan @l_lockheart @GoalScorinMaria @Chrissy_Clarke… - 5 years ago

@theAjeetSpeaks: RT @shailen_pratap: Dear #HoorSupplier, #BharatiyaSena sent a Jlhadl to u after putting p0rk soaked buIIets in him. Pls arrange 36 #Gilma +… - 5 years ago

@doctorfaustroll: @Trishp0147 @jilevin If only the best did not lack all conviction while the worst remain f… - 5 years ago

@KaTetDihn2012: RT @Ancapsterdam: @Bruce35dc @truthrightmeow @rosemcgowan @JoeBiden @DNC But what if not voting at all or even voting Trump was my back up… - 5 years ago

@JohnUzzell1: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@TBeansprout: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@AAScott300: @seanhannity Then by this philosophy a anyone who was culpable for any oppression in the past did so on racist pred… - 5 years ago

@BH_Kazimov: @irenaakbar @Myaa0 Behan, every day is Ashura and every land is Karbala. It’s a matter of faith for ALL of us (Shia… - 5 years ago

@Spongeb26421118: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@ArwinLevinson: RT @Stchuuu2: @seanhannity I don't get it. What's all the fascination with the Bureau of Land Management???? Asking for a buffalo. - 5 years ago

@DPlorableGrzyB1: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@ResourcesK: Capitalism : - The economic system in which all or most of the means of production and distribution, as land, facto… - 5 years ago

@GobanPuppy: Fight NOW. It's all been a Lie. Here's a Helpful Graphic for you. If "Brown" people, with all the land & natural re… - 5 years ago

@MobChimp: RT @Ivan_Is_Back: There's a certain amount of irony in the cat PFP simping for the drug addict who failed to land with any grace at all. ht… - 5 years ago

@Garryk4rvsGarry: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@LeilaniAWagner: “Take care of the land, the land takes care of us.” Give thanks/respect to Earth & it will in return give to us. T… - 5 years ago


@DMSWC: @gtconway3d Land of Promise: We will promise a lot but deliver nothing! Land of Opportunity: We will say that every… - 5 years ago

@Tony_Perez2024: ⁦@AndrewYang⁩ Thank you for all you do. Next, Could I have a 5 min convo to pick your brain about an idea I had abo… - 5 years ago

@utsamania: @iloveprem Not that I am looking for an argument, tara hamro country ko context ma herda shithole life in itself is… - 5 years ago

@shamnadxb: @NeelaPanchi @Sal75290704 @AsimAli6 Stupid of you to consider to have a KFC is a sign of development. Only land maf… - 5 years ago

@PrincessTochtli: The amount of ignorance in this tweet 🥴 nothing inappropriate about teaching her students about racial injustice. A… - 5 years ago

@Elizabe09430971: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@TomGulittiNHL: RT @ReidCashman: Thank you to @Capitals for the last 4 years. You allowed me to work with the best players in the world, be a part of a St… - 5 years ago

@barmore27: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@1776North: @albertaFreedom1 /4 for years to buy land and build a home and when we do (we're getting close) it will all be beca… - 5 years ago

@CRRJA5: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@Juls713: @Jet1Jack It’s awful! Incredibly sad for the humans, the animals, the land. I remember fires all the time when I li… - 5 years ago

@Texbelle1: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@ItzlitCloudz: @topntran @joselisceline I don’t usually comment. I’m from nyc. My dad gets screwed with tenants all time. The ny… - 5 years ago

@Freyy_is: RT @faithfulgirlie: Promo! Promo!! Promo!!! PROPERTIES FOR SALE NATIONWIDE. Be a Land owner with as low as 525K, 750k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 3M. Y… - 5 years ago

@shadipetosky: I’m from a rural area that has been discovered over the last 20 years and land prices hyper-inflated. All of my fam… - 5 years ago

@wakeuphumanity2: @PhydeauxL @doqholliday Who do u think antifa is? And the wife beating rapist Muslims that terrorized Europe for a… - 5 years ago

@standardDiego: @raphael_amuri You just don't know what you're talking about. You're asking for a railway instead but have you mad… - 5 years ago

@WolfgangHANDY: RT @ReidCashman: Thank you to @Capitals for the last 4 years. You allowed me to work with the best players in the world, be a part of a St… - 5 years ago

@YC727USA: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@LindsayRBarnes: RT @ReidCashman: Thank you to @Capitals for the last 4 years. You allowed me to work with the best players in the world, be a part of a St… - 5 years ago

@NatiMottaM: Today I woke up with a question. What does #war mean ? Why do we create and prolong war? It saddens me to say th… - 5 years ago

@rskaggs55: @ViciousV510 @GavinNewsom @RedCross There is & has been serious drought in CA. There is a lot of federal land that… - 5 years ago

@TransparentToMe: @RickSacrop Africa has more gold\oil\minerals than all white countries combined & 60% of the worlds arable land & s… - 5 years ago

@SoftSculpture: RT @UnpubWrites: @MichaelRosenYes He's a real algorithm man Sitting in his algoritm land Making all his algorithm plans for everyone. - 5 years ago

@87zooLemons: @AshleyCorbett13 @SassyRebelPilot @sw_holocron You cannot play a fair game if the field isn't first level. You make… - 5 years ago

@ProfessrFnesser: RT @BlueDogPatriot: Personally I'd like the deal they gave to the Native American Indians 🤔 get us a big ol patch of land and build our own… - 5 years ago

@Abreezy23zz: The words “under god” were only added during the Cold War, for the reason to make us look like a more “holy” Land t… - 5 years ago

@ElvenesTor: @DemInRedOK It's time to think! If you want: -America to continue being destroyed and ridiculed. -your economy and… - 5 years ago

@samsegz: RT @CACCOT1: If the so called elders see Nigeria as a project worth dying for, they would have done everything to reduce the hatred in the… - 5 years ago

@Dutch_Mandel: Great story: Guy knows of this Triumph TR3 for 14 years. Owner is a missionary who, 8 years ago, gave up his house,… - 5 years ago

@leslisawake: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@EshaMal22723491: RT @DanishRafiq_: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire.… - 5 years ago

@inittowinit007: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@naumantaibsidhu: RT @DanishRafiq_: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire.… - 5 years ago

@frediecruze: RT @CACCOT1: If the so called elders see Nigeria as a project worth dying for, they would have done everything to reduce the hatred in the… - 5 years ago

@hmsofficial_MS: RT @DanishRafiq_: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire.… - 5 years ago

@CDMillionSmiles: RT @DanishRafiq_: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire.… - 5 years ago

@NehalMajid: RT @DanishRafiq_: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire.… - 5 years ago

@NORBET: RT @RespectIsVital: FAO @MirrorPolitics, @DailyMailUK et all. The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 allows access to most land for recreatio… - 5 years ago

@EOLeinberger: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@Reallaruz1: RT @CACCOT1: If the so called elders see Nigeria as a project worth dying for, they would have done everything to reduce the hatred in the… - 5 years ago

@BintEAsif10: RT @DanishRafiq_: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire.… - 5 years ago

@PakizaMS: RT @DanishRafiq_: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about desire.… - 5 years ago

@Army_skyle3: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@no_silenced: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@DanishRafiq_: The battle between two men over a girl is the same as the fight for two men over a piece of land. It is all about d… - 5 years ago

@4TrueTime: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@suezq7369: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@Lissa118: @Jungkook__China @BTS_twt Wow 🤩 love everything this is absolutely stunning is like a fairy tale . Or like jungkoo… - 5 years ago

@GlynHotz: Sorry didn't mean it that way so here's what I mean. I considered all the candidates myself. One of the things I lo… - 5 years ago

@PVTrump: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@jlaubhan: RT @jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the Democrat… - 5 years ago

@09221na: @bklynymk @nooranhamdan @halaljew lol your pathetic to provide a reason for them teargassing and killing innocent p… - 5 years ago

@amgamble: Now I work for some animal health companies, though, and I'm reading about pet care all the time, and I have come b… - 5 years ago

@Raene: RT @drdulosis: OH MY GOD.... in a which witch au yiling laozu seeks a successor and falls for all the most talented wicked cultivators in t… - 5 years ago

@Beya64607971: RT @JRRTolkien: For a while the hobbits continued to think of the past journey and of the perils that lay ahead; but such was the virtue of… - 5 years ago

@BamaJeans24: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@hawari_amgad: @merkblack00702 @RedStatePatrio1 @thehill @tedcruz 😂😂okay. It’s not a dream, it’s a goal. I rather shoot for the st… - 5 years ago

@yangirekun: RT @BrianEngh_Art: These trees evolved in a high CO2 climate alongside the largest land herbivores that ever existed 🦕 They've survived f… - 5 years ago

@AzureMistory: RT @JodiKoberinski: @berryonline @tomjgalloway14 @Michaelharrispc @EClarkeYW were you all at the Region's last meeting at which a delegatio… - 5 years ago

@queenlindethiel: 💧: Just one last OOC note before I slip into MMO land-- I got a message in my DMs of someone asking what 'series'… - 5 years ago

@TammyBa96627143: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@Jerry91095235: @AccuRayno Looks like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off in the Gulf of Mexico early next week. The only problem… - 5 years ago

@JustinVox: Well, they are right, so what's the problem? Oh yea, the Dems have no bull in the fight, Biden is the towel and its… - 5 years ago

@babymulatto_: RT @YungHomieG: @iamcardib Not them being on STOLEN AND OCCUPIED Indigenous land, throwing it back to a Black Woman's music...ALL THE WHE S… - 5 years ago

@heretosaveday07: RT @JanetTXBlessed: 💜Good Morning Everyone 💜 Father we come to you with a humble heart 💜 asking for your strength, peace and joy to fulfill… - 5 years ago

@pankaj_joshee: @DhaniCares Its a total fraud company. All hidden charges. Dey took 6k in 1 month for 25k credit line. foreclosure… - 5 years ago

@Udayredi5140: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@AnneSto37650304: Mandated flu shot demanded for all Massachusetts children even if they are remote only! Last time I checked this wa… - 5 years ago

@ravishbharti: @MrunalMhatre11 @AshishR54405618 @deepakojha3003 @ARJUNJA38948098 @mr_tassawar @DrSJaishankar Yeah I know what you… - 5 years ago

@kheartluv: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@Taimur_land: RT @SriRamGKashyap: We have @Swamy39 in our side! We all are with you Sir. Hoping for a positive outcome @narendramodi ji #INDIAunitedtoP… - 5 years ago

@AnalystJoseph: "And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three da… - 5 years ago

@Onebiskuit: @roodave That’s England. In Scotland there is a general right of access on foot to *all* land, save for what can re… - 5 years ago

@centerinventor1: @montanaorganic @PaulCaw05364381 @Sports_Graphs @LibertyCat2 @cannabis420weed @grants4usa @PeterRdeV @robertjensen… - 5 years ago

@DaddyFolajimi: RT @SuccessMateu: @segalink Please sir help me out on this... #SARS from A division Lokoja invaded our house at about 1am on Sunday and too… - 5 years ago

@zurriadil: And women in my life, lol. Until, i started a job, I wasn't groomed at all, I would land women just by telling them… - 5 years ago

@svnghoonism: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@RespectIsVital: @ThatTimWalker Please stop. The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 allows freedom to roam and camp in nearly all situa… - 5 years ago

@VickiRoseArt: RT @BackboneRadio: Not a position of confidence for Brennan, now running to MSM friendlies with clear instructions: Should any accountabili… - 5 years ago

@Idahosa_1: RT @SuccessMateu: @segalink Please sir help me out on this... #SARS from A division Lokoja invaded our house at about 1am on Sunday and too… - 5 years ago

@Mireyu: RT @coatesdr1: @RickinMontreal @Mireyu @Terrilltf @Realistology Colonialism only ends when the question of land is decided once and for all… - 5 years ago

@mummy_temi: RT @SuccessMateu: @segalink Please sir help me out on this... #SARS from A division Lokoja invaded our house at about 1am on Sunday and too… - 5 years ago

@srndpity: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@sheyman4phy: RT @SuccessMateu: @segalink Please sir help me out on this... #SARS from A division Lokoja invaded our house at about 1am on Sunday and too… - 5 years ago

@shepherd_byron: @Mbalenhlexoxo @ADaniel26099125 @alfred_cabonena Many sell everything they have to be afforded the chance to immigr… - 5 years ago

@kingpenuel: They have you constantly shouting for land and schoolfees and WMC... ...while they have land, send their kids to p… - 5 years ago

@Pidge: @ClareOC_ @ZoeHealy3 This isn't a map of lands for development. This is an ongoing, incomplete list of all state ow… - 5 years ago

@PfdoctorM: "As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to rea… - 5 years ago

@Hunterr1: @CoeCeolwulf @UKDefJournal @YJM_YJM Crimea is a land grab purely for strategic use for the ports. Please don't try… - 5 years ago

@ukeplayeruk: RT @DawnWestcott: @jjcwow Well, it could be sending out such a clear message to all British over-75's that, if you can avoid jail for somet… - 5 years ago

@YoungMadala: this is why a large percent of us don't own land. all yu are good for is parking your cars in front of peoples hou… - 5 years ago

@Amit__G: RT @semubhatt: Seclibs go all the way back to the Mughals to find a few things that they might have done for the Hindus or this land. But n… - 5 years ago

@SusobhanF1: @_Pb_swain_ @otvnews Well! Owner of Land Reserves all Right to do as per their Interests! BJP has done a lot of Rig… - 5 years ago

@fancywookiee: RT @marsupialpuddng: every queer + neurodivergent person i know either wants to buy a plot of land to start a commune with all their friend… - 5 years ago

@VirginiaArella5: a balance on life certiorari for the person from conception to birth because nobody cares for them for reals, all t… - 5 years ago

@Badge111Ret: If ALL BAR OWNERS would stand together and open their businesses the tyrannical gov't would be overwhelmed. What's… - 5 years ago

@PWL_34: @Adachicel Nono not at all, maybe I should've been more clear, my bad. If you have a big plot of land for your kids… - 5 years ago

@BackalleyD: RT @marsupialpuddng: every queer + neurodivergent person i know either wants to buy a plot of land to start a commune with all their friend… - 5 years ago

@itsShash1: RT @marsupialpuddng: every queer + neurodivergent person i know either wants to buy a plot of land to start a commune with all their friend… - 5 years ago

@Inglewood237: @MrLekanAdigun It's The Daddy GOs Who Obviously Run Their Churches As Thier Personal Businesses That Are So Angry C… - 5 years ago

@httppkei: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@JoanDevizes: RT @RespectIsVital: FAO @MirrorPolitics, @DailyMailUK et all. The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 allows access to most land for recreatio… - 5 years ago

@AKR1969: RT @dawn_com: Op-ed: The UAE claims this to mean a cancellation of the annexation policy, we all know that when it comes to land, the Israe… - 5 years ago

@BillDevizes: RT @RespectIsVital: FAO @MirrorPolitics, @DailyMailUK et all. The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 allows access to most land for recreatio… - 5 years ago

@EcowasMiss: Are you looking for a property or land to buy in a very serene Estate in port Harcourt at a very affordable price?… - 5 years ago

@febquarius_: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@DAVIDDR82451380: @GhostGoneGhost @outsidethedcbox @cthagod The Persian empire would come to a land tell them to fight for thier army… - 5 years ago

@Being_NK: @indian7199917 @mesme_rising 9500 posts in MES, 3845 posts in Railways were removed.... lateral entry to the post o… - 5 years ago

@BeingBoycie: RT @sjwebb51: Thanks all who have purchased my Arsenal Face Masks,funds have enabled a Malawi Family I support to buy plot of land to build… - 5 years ago

@nerrad4now: I HATE BRITISH PEOPLE. How did they manage to colonize like half the planet?? I stg they're all 90 pounds cum stain… - 5 years ago

@strawman_a: RT @PeteWishart: We’ve had so many issues with ‘dirty’ camping in the Highlands this year. People coming on to land without permission, dis… - 5 years ago

@Luul_Jon: #Somalis we've to collectively cooperate to eat well & to build a society that is prosperous for all. We are tied t… - 5 years ago

@SuccessMateu: @segalink Please sir help me out on this... #SARS from A division Lokoja invaded our house at about 1am on Sunday a… - 5 years ago

@indigocreate: RT @EarthgemsJewel1: Good morning all! Have a lovely day...it's raining here in Earthgems Land, so my #SaturdayThoughts are leaning toward… - 5 years ago

@Augustinus123: @realDonaldTrump The idea that a developer can make a covenant running with land in spite of the wishes of later pu… - 5 years ago

@Ajayshettipspk: "In religion, India is the only millionaire... The one land that all men desire to see and having seen once, by eve… - 5 years ago

@taki_i_land: RT @TakiILikeDisGuy: Do you remember how all the participants voted for Taki in the entrance test,how about the producers pick him to be in… - 5 years ago

@April50809691: RT @sladeofyaupon: A heads up to my new followers: I fully support land-back and full autonomy for Indigenous people, and the abolition of… - 5 years ago

@Kimbaleigh1: @PrinceBongani12 @Leratokganyago I need a job as a safety officer, I am applying yes! May all the cvs not land in t… - 5 years ago

@Dunedin_Media: RT @EarthgemsJewel1: Good morning all! Have a lovely day...it's raining here in Earthgems Land, so my #SaturdayThoughts are leaning toward… - 5 years ago

@vidit_sethi: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@NanaAzmi5: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@0lawale_: RT @0lawale_: For Sale A twin bungalow, 3Bed & a 2Bed all en suite flat. Locational description: Kemta Housing Estate, FMC Abeokuta. Land… - 5 years ago

@0lawale_: RT @0lawale_: For Sale An exquisitely finished 5 bedrooms bungalow with two living rooms, all rooms en suite sitting of a land measuring a… - 5 years ago

@lecturer111: Flights to Iasi are very cheap now, then a line of carutzas off to a "Commune" like Lungani , plenty of land, house… - 5 years ago

@reform_tax: @anubeon @SJK415 @grumpy_as_hell @josephjaylufc @AyoCaesar I think there is a argument for a modest LVT to bring la… - 5 years ago

@Sick_Land: @FlyByKnite All for an expiring mike muscala contract. Lebron forces you to do strange things as a front office. - 5 years ago

@PinkyDonaldson: RT @SquadSussex: Hear ye! Hear Ye!🔔 If thy have not yet scribed a message to us asking for the link to Madam @tanisha_fave 's yoga class on… - 5 years ago

@taxtmi: RT @taxtmi: Exemption from GST - lease rent charged by the municipality for land i.e., water channel used for fish farming falls within the… - 5 years ago

@chrissnox: @jaredsheth Then you should know about some laws here, they are called Jantelagen and Allemansrätten. Allemansrät… - 5 years ago

@BobKoinonia: @LoraAConnor Good for @VP Pence! Keep doing more of this as the #1 surrogate. Come flying in like a meteor cutting… - 5 years ago

@clowncursed: @clowncursed Find the nearest newsagent, buy a newspaper you disagree with, read it for nineteen pages, then leave… - 5 years ago

@Ritesh_Here: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@ksk_pamuk: RT @SquadSussex: Hear ye! Hear Ye!🔔 If thy have not yet scribed a message to us asking for the link to Madam @tanisha_fave 's yoga class on… - 5 years ago

@saeed_mohtasham: @hourkor Joker Green book Cold war All the money in the world Mother! A monster calls Lion La la land Up for love… - 5 years ago

@awholelotloser: RT @mehyphen11: A standing Ovation for @tofu_talks for all her efforts to bring life to the Hyphen Land 👏👏👏 - 5 years ago

@Mystery_Tomes: RT @EarthgemsJewel1: Good morning all! Have a lovely day...it's raining here in Earthgems Land, so my #SaturdayThoughts are leaning toward… - 5 years ago

@Rubndraw: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@teleporttruth: Being able to change the location of cloud cover and humidity, rainstorms and lakes, all in the hopes of providing… - 5 years ago

@AnchalV23907321: RT @_Storiyaan_: Happy Ganesh Chaturthi! We live in India, a country known for its cultural heritage and as a land of festivities. Keeping… - 5 years ago

@tae_sheilan_k: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@yoshimiakimoto1: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago


@keisji97: RT @kvotingteam: [DAILY REMINDER] 🗳: Keiys, have you casted all of your votes towards K for today? Let’s help him achieve a higher rankin… - 5 years ago

@HuckMS: @Meeqs I tend to think the same way, but on the other hand, they have 3 more years to take advantage of Mackinnons… - 5 years ago

@muscles5781: The Darkness- Permission To Land is such a fantastic album. That's all I have to say about that really.… - 5 years ago

@LapsaH: @Providence_777 @ToccoTrevor Also, there has to be some irony in you putting this in your bio and then holding the… - 5 years ago

@RandomGuy_900: @Thoriq52188532 Lord = owner of something or someone in a higher rank. God = Owner of all and greater than all. F… - 5 years ago

@kauspet: @DesiMogli @Ra_Bies For every instance you could google out, I could unfortunately quote 10! And I dont usually see… - 5 years ago

@kathymitchell56: RT @ETommyBS1: Then it came to pass. Everything Trump was banished from the land. The signs upon the buildings were removed, the relatives… - 5 years ago

@Ancapsterdam: @Bruce35dc @truthrightmeow @rosemcgowan @JoeBiden @DNC But what if not voting at all or even voting Trump was my ba… - 5 years ago

@fire_grayson: Okay, this is fucking cool as hell! Could spark a whole gaming revolution overhaul for fan creators to land in offi… - 5 years ago

@jungwoniii: RT @teamyangjungwon: [🗳️] Here's a 60 second video from @VOCALYJW Summary of the video: #VOTEFORJUNGWON because he is a HIDDEN ACE & ALL… - 5 years ago

@romeob_live: RT @Tendayizinyama: @bustoptv @TembaMliswa We all wants Mnanangagwa and Zanu pf to go but audio leaks won't make us a shortcut to Promised… - 5 years ago

@koropaul: @amscanlon last year a man on flight SYD to MEL called for pilot to "just land the *#!^ing plane" - he went all the… - 5 years ago

@gulshanzaadu: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@sanjbhargava68: Let this day be a celebration for all... On my birth, let the elements make a call; Air, Water, Land or Soil Kee… - 5 years ago

@_Gaurav__Kumar_: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@CanadiansHateT1: @Sundae_Gurl Biden has to win or we are ALL fucked. I'm trying to get a wall started on the border but Thigh Land w… - 5 years ago

@DivyeshTheSlayr: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@vipin132013: A mosque can’t be built on stolen land ?People would give up their worship places for mosque ? This is how ALL the… - 5 years ago

@clearwaterwitch: @YairNetanyahu ++ People are aware of what you are trying to do! We do not accept such a country. This flag means n… - 5 years ago

@BackboneRadio: Not a position of confidence for Brennan, now running to MSM friendlies with clear instructions: Should any account… - 5 years ago

@WheatonsStore: @MathsParty_MPA @DazzHeadspace Our area is pretty much all dry land broadacre farming. Very few 457 visa if any, so… - 5 years ago

@MarcAda25657297: @Politics2014Sa As a coloured person, I will say nothing, all I say this is pure racism... What if the Europeans, A… - 5 years ago

@kimyaf: Anyway just ordered Policing the Womb by Michelle Goodwin, the Poet X, Clap When You Land, and With the Fire on Hig… - 5 years ago

@youngbiha: RT @ChamorroTweets: Some plus sides and some negative sides. But I’m just bitter the casino dug them up is all. Would have been better to n… - 5 years ago

@Uju_Land: RT @RitzGainGreen: Broke up with my barber after 11yrs because he lacks professionalism. Found another good one, that ended after a year an… - 5 years ago


@chillingmarias: I'm praying for those who are affected from those fires. California needs to come up with a mitigation to stop thes… - 5 years ago

@kabirazad2017: RT @syedrafi: @ShefVaidya Bhagyamma has been married for 17 years & gives birth 12th time. The family owns 1.30 acres of dry land & 20 shee… - 5 years ago

@taki_i_land: RT @SheTAKI23: Please don't hate Taki. Taki feels bad, because of what happened too. He is very sorry. Please don't hate the boy. I know it… - 5 years ago

@SuperSpeedRonny: The Ten Commandments “And God spoke all these words, saying, "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the la… - 5 years ago

@stopline9toront: RT @WordsandGuitar: With all this absolutely embarrassing vote or die rhetoric going around, seems like a good time to post the donation pa… - 5 years ago

@ohfairycakes: even the destruction of wildflowers in spring for the sake of a perfect instagram shot. all the while still believi… - 5 years ago

@lelandnixon: @Bob26755483 @dallasmavs @Chime I'm incredibly proud of these MAVS. Been a fan since before JJJ. It's my NBA team.… - 5 years ago

@StevenMovit: @IngrahamAngle Those fires just like 911 That was what you call a FIRE SALE These corporations are going to buy all… - 5 years ago

@CarlaMarco20: @Chileman55 @garber_clare @ida_skibenes @rosemcgowan You can see all the work he's done as President. Look at every… - 5 years ago

@jgperes19: @Stardust_Clouds @DistortBot you're scaring my family. They all left me now. Why would bring this upon this land?… - 5 years ago

@JessiSowden: @itsmyoreads $400?! who in their right mind would charge $400 for a book, that's insane - it better be nonprofit an… - 5 years ago

@its_me_bikash97: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@priscillast: This sentence gave me so much comfort when I was a long-hauler decades ago after ordinary influenza. Debilitating f… - 5 years ago

@NoyahKing: RT @georgegroegx: @SilvaDOGG @TheOGBCorp @B_REInvest @Shawn_Cotton Aye💀 I’m all here for more black cowboys, weed only gonna get bigger and… - 5 years ago

@Davosiii: RT @DawnWestcott: @jjcwow Well, it could be sending out such a clear message to all British over-75's that, if you can avoid jail for somet… - 5 years ago

@KristinRitter7: Ive got a piece of land picked out. I am going to build an amazing garden for folks to come and stroll through anyt… - 5 years ago

@neilnagy: @frogindafog @USAPatriot_DAR @worldchmps @Acosta Yeah, for this assumption that countries don’t mount a land invasi… - 5 years ago

@displacedbeing: Have a good night AB. All I have time for today. Let's celebrate 115yrs of freakmasonry! And here's a sign made by… - 5 years ago

@NBAfollowupstat: @DaveSwartz8 @AndrewYang Uh, theres enough good soil and land for everyone to farm? I'm pretty sure all the farmabl… - 5 years ago

@leeheeseunged: Since this is a new account dedicated for all my thoughts on #I_LAND I just want to applaud the talent of Bang PD i… - 5 years ago

@GraemePowell3: Perth rental market tightening. It's just the beginning of the mother of all land booms that is coming between 2024… - 5 years ago

@MmMin57: RT @SquadSussex: Hear ye! Hear Ye!🔔 If thy have not yet scribed a message to us asking for the link to Madam @tanisha_fave 's yoga class on… - 5 years ago

@BernittWilliam: @QAnon_Report Their so transparent I just think they’re in for a good old fashion ass kicking behind the old wood… - 5 years ago

@Red_Pilled_Day: RT @susandunncobb1: @land_terri @kacsandi_m Next comes the part where we find out how they got all their kids...nearly half a million per y… - 5 years ago

@PoliticaIPanda: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@coatesdr1: @RickinMontreal @Mireyu @Terrilltf @Realistology Colonialism only ends when the question of land is decided once an… - 5 years ago

@neolibagenda: @lexfridman Land is still essentially free. Perhaps you need to work for a couple of months to buy some land in the… - 5 years ago

@MohammedAsimFa2: We all want justice for #ssr Wait we also have big problems Corona cases daily 📈 81 lakh affected in bihar Recessi… - 5 years ago

@tallwillowppl: RT @WordsandGuitar: With all this absolutely embarrassing vote or die rhetoric going around, seems like a good time to post the donation pa… - 5 years ago

@musin_masamune: He's a real nowhere man, Sitting in his nowhere land, Making all his nowhere plans for nobody. - 5 years ago

@Dallalipop: @MetcalfeMegan This is not true. I was a federal wild-land firefighter for years in California. All federal lands (… - 5 years ago

@VC4Hindus: RT @UshaNirmala: Not a small feat at all as they have to factor: -safety & regulatory reqs of ICAO -road to handle plane's weight -'highwa… - 5 years ago

@ApiecalypseNow: And understand it has never been a dangerous place for all the folks who claim this danger. Bradbury left and was f… - 5 years ago

@teamraksan: RT @UshaNirmala: Not a small feat at all as they have to factor: -safety & regulatory reqs of ICAO -road to handle plane's weight -'highwa… - 5 years ago

@DobroMichael: RT @WordsandGuitar: With all this absolutely embarrassing vote or die rhetoric going around, seems like a good time to post the donation pa… - 5 years ago

@canscot1969: @ProjectLincoln @marcorubio @SenateGOP @realDonaldTrump Quelle surprise! The land of the desperadoes let’s it happe… - 5 years ago

@vrschikaa: RT @UshaNirmala: Not a small feat at all as they have to factor: -safety & regulatory reqs of ICAO -road to handle plane's weight -'highwa… - 5 years ago

@himdevs: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@thinkinghindu: RT @UshaNirmala: Not a small feat at all as they have to factor: -safety & regulatory reqs of ICAO -road to handle plane's weight -'highwa… - 5 years ago

@RK_ATP: RT @LAFDtalk: Your #LAFD Fire Station 80 started early this morning with a response to @flyLAXairport for an emergency landing They were at… - 5 years ago

@K4Trump_: RT @jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the Democrat… - 5 years ago

@Robert09221: @ronylbravo To much blood and bones! will add more if they do that... They will become a common enemy for all the… - 5 years ago

@SillyMetsFan: @ScottAdamsSays You were there to be piled on. MSNBC viewers all believe in the hoax. To them you're a cartoonist w… - 5 years ago

@LacysLoveCavemn: RT @CousinEddyOR: @HillaryClinton @JoeBiden C’mon MAN! What a load of BS. Watch the coming landslide. Even with all the voter fraud the dem… - 5 years ago

@CousinEddyOR: @HillaryClinton @JoeBiden C’mon MAN! What a load of BS. Watch the coming landslide. Even with all the voter fraud t… - 5 years ago

@DanielF737EBook: Thanks all for the launch. I will never not retweet La La Land as my do you guys thing a Joe Skrebels bot would be in lockdown now. - 5 years ago

@MorschMaryjane: RT @jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the Democrat… - 5 years ago

@MariaSteinrueck: For myself, I am still trying to figure out what steps I can personally take to address these injustices--because f… - 5 years ago

@Gway2500: RT @mtgreenee: May America always have a President that stands for Law and Order like @realDonaldTrump Huge thank you to all of the wonder… - 5 years ago

@StewartMills: @Scribejohnm @bklynymk @nifkadimnohahim @Anticonspiracy2 @gagne_laurent @danlivni @yes_we_cat @fatennajjar… - 5 years ago

@RealJensJ: @Breedlove22 @BrandenEspinoza Example:Here in Norway there is a government program for protecting wolf populations.… - 5 years ago

@watanabe_takami: RT @marsupialpuddng: every queer + neurodivergent person i know either wants to buy a plot of land to start a commune with all their friend… - 5 years ago

@_OnlyDaFamily: @kem_kem30 And where not to go, on the same land we put our blood, sweat and tears on. 😒 y’all can all cry us a riv… - 5 years ago

@jeff_urizen: @rasmansa Religion of democracy and this religion was supposed to make us all free. Americans went into a deep st… - 5 years ago

@JaksMimi2: @WallWatchmanRC There was a time not long ago I talked about taking Jack on the train to ChiTown to the Aquarium. B… - 5 years ago

@Ali4omNY: @KathyACunning1 @pilatesgirl333 @JoeBiden Obama and Biden were arming Saudi Arabia - and the war against Yemen had… - 5 years ago

@tedmcgavran: RT @jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the Democrat… - 5 years ago

@mmonge77: @kcdismee @mchooyah He sees the November writing on the wall. It’s a last gasp land grab for all these assholes who… - 5 years ago

@kem_kem30: Imagine thinking that a land that has 63 other tribes belongs to you & your family.... IMAGINE!! Before y’all com… - 5 years ago

@UAburgerguy: @Jadams_U9 How far does this leash go? I’m all for heeding to the laws of the land that don’t conflict scripture, b… - 5 years ago

@JackTheScruffin: @KFCBarstool Dude it was a state sponsored genocide by the English. They owned all the land and would jail people f… - 5 years ago

@ECHenryinWA: @StPat_Dee @AntonioSabatoJr You never know who God is going to use. God led a generation for 40 years, and yet O… - 5 years ago

@stanleypaskiew1: @TeamTrump The pole is in and team dump💩has lost by a land slide now all the girl’s and boy’s can have their storie… - 5 years ago

@JuanFel6532195: RT @Jay_Carper: 1/2: There is another hinted possibility for the survival of Canaanites in the Promised Land: If a Canaanite would immediat… - 5 years ago

@extnsionapparel: RT @MSI__UK: It's OK, we get it, it's been busy, the sun's been out, we've all melted, maybe you didn't find time to grab a new Z490 board.… - 5 years ago

@RawehBandsome: I can care less about jewels and designer I been had that shit and all it did was feed my ego and starve my soul. I… - 5 years ago

@LyonsMme: RT @jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the Democrat… - 5 years ago

@ArizArmedComm: @justaflatbat Back to at least the declaration by the British empire in 1917 that it was “Jewish land” so they coul… - 5 years ago

@GGforthepeople: @Alysson @PeachyInNJ @WolvesforKamala @RhinoReally @FF_fanster @Like_H2O @Rogue4Brat @LeifNanna @BeninBiloxi… - 5 years ago

@LatimerBrett: RT @jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the Democrat… - 5 years ago

@icountryatheart: RT @jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the Democrat… - 5 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the Democrat… - 5 years ago

@jdanbishop: Just about to land in DC. Taxpayers paying to return all members of the House for a Saturday session — except the D… - 5 years ago

@amaksssssss: RT @amaksssssss: He said it all,currently a plot of land in Sangotedo is now 14m..this is what he bought for 40k per plot in the 90s Make… - 5 years ago

@StanI_Land_K: RT @K_ing1021: Seeing K's votes standing broke my heart. If you watch ep8 or from prev eps all K was thinking about group performance, pls… - 5 years ago

@avivmiz12: @Jab_1992_ @AHart1974 @TheMendozaWoman On the contrary, he is totally right. For the past month Hamas has been ter… - 5 years ago

@symptomatic: RT @rogerbellin: @flglmn JAD: so you know, I used to be a Navy Seal [record scratch; military bagpipes] BOB: Seal. Seal. It stands for "Sea… - 5 years ago

@kevinsha1: @DKsmokeybags new study shows virus can travel up to 16ft indoor. No social distancing on the plane is like having… - 5 years ago

@mymoongeonu: RT @mymoongeonu: To all those that have been in pain for the past few hours due to this sudden news. Please sign this petition. It's for ge… - 5 years ago

@SuzanneVickiJ1: No One Race "owns" a country. God "owns" ALL of His Creations. We are given land for our needs, our resources. USA… - 5 years ago

@SuzanneVickiJ1: @seanhannity No One Race "owns" a country. God "owns" ALL of His Creations. We are given land for our needs, our re… - 5 years ago

@rogerbellin: @flglmn JAD: so you know, I used to be a Navy Seal [record scratch; military bagpipes] BOB: Seal. Seal. It stands f… - 5 years ago

@georgegroegx: @SilvaDOGG @TheOGBCorp @B_REInvest @Shawn_Cotton Aye💀 I’m all here for more black cowboys, weed only gonna get bigg… - 5 years ago

@GodswillOsasum1: Story story: So my friend is expecting a girl to come see him from edo state Nigeria to ctown benin republic🇧🇯 Pai… - 5 years ago

@CoonassHitler: @nfrek99 @PapaDomi_ @foureyedviet That is not really the case. Louisiana was still a french land up until the mid 2… - 5 years ago

@FlaudingJayce: $15 million for all the land in the Louisiana Purchase seems like a great deal. It's amazing to me that there are n… - 5 years ago

@georgegroegx: @TheOGBCorp @B_REInvest That‘s a much better start, farmland prices are increasing in Wisconsin so whether you plan… - 5 years ago

@mekhiholloway: RT @marsupialpuddng: every queer + neurodivergent person i know either wants to buy a plot of land to start a commune with all their friend… - 5 years ago

@jnewsombot: Time will tell if I can be well, and rise to meet you rightly. While, moving across my land, brandishing themselves… - 5 years ago

@NormalityQuake: Wait right here for now, until we figure how. To overthrow the land, and finish our demands And Go! go! Go! go! Go!… - 5 years ago

@juaxix: RT @demonware: Since everyone at Demonware hasn't been together in a while, we're partnering with @grownforest to plant trees for each of u… - 5 years ago

@neoerik: @Jakeshears I've said it before but there's absolutely nothing like your amazing voice! When I pull up a playlist a… - 5 years ago

@Lazio_Land: A Turkish bidding war might be on for Bastos. Fenerbahçe, Besiktas & Basaksehir all keen on our backup defender.… - 5 years ago

@JoelNWeberII: @Robotbeat @JohnMChristoph Does it make the case that the US should immediately and unilaterally get rid of all lan… - 5 years ago

@jesseimae: I guess I will have to wait for my next life to have a life The evil rotten cops destroyed mine so they could all s… - 5 years ago

@HimboHive: Mod Syrup here, back from hiatus land. Hope you're all ready for a surprise announcement soon... ♡ - 5 years ago

@kem_kem30: From day one, The Nuer have always fought for the liberation of SOUTH SUDAN AS A WHOLE!!!To be free from any foreig… - 5 years ago

@NABPInstitute: A private land development company is all that stands in the way of @BernCounty being able to pipe drinkable runnin… - 5 years ago

@BastFu: @gurdubuim @YassineNassib @commiewife @Solidarity_Star I reject all states and capitalist claims to land and I mean… - 5 years ago

@realpeterkel: An elected official calling for the state to grab privately-owned land on a mass national scale. I like how… - 5 years ago

@Farm_Machinery_: RT @eartheats: “Winter-kill cover crop is the most beautiful thing because it’s gonna do all the work for you basically, and get you where… - 5 years ago

@mu95z: PILGRIMAGE TO MAKKAH: The last of the pillar of islam is making a pilgrimage to the holy land of Makkah for those w… - 5 years ago

@eartheats: “Winter-kill cover crop is the most beautiful thing because it’s gonna do all the work for you basically, and get y… - 5 years ago

@v_kalifa: RT @OrenGross: Israelis are imperialists. That is why Israel gave up the Sinai for peace w/ Egypt, land for peace w/ Jordan and removed all… - 5 years ago

@suryadalimunthe: RT @niphomadondo: "As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap wher… - 5 years ago

@BarbraHarriso18: @JohnCusackNews now I know where failed actors go to retire. The Democrat party. You’ve got a home for all your cra… - 5 years ago

@john_kees: @RaptorPersScot @keithtordoffMBE @NYPRuralTF @N_E_R_F @RSPBbirders @ChrisGPackham @natalieben @MarkAvery… - 5 years ago

@wakingup1045: @mil_ops WHEN Trump wins, there will be total chaos and uprising from the far left. We will all need to be prepared… - 5 years ago

@AntoonvanMaris: @tokertim 😉👍🙏 But one could say, the u.s. has been a two faction-one party system for decades all ready, no ? Like,… - 5 years ago

@Tdooley0: RT @SheldrickTrust: Treating some of the world’s largest land mammals is all in a day’s work for the SWT/KWS Mobile Vet Units and last year… - 5 years ago

@StuartCab205: @estherk_k Have to say from my we hut in bonnie Scotland .... what a pair to pick from joe Biden who is lucky he re… - 5 years ago

@janetlgus: @altassi3331 @Surf696969 @Shadowpa24 @PassTheSalty @BeschlossDC His tax plan only helped the super rich He would no… - 5 years ago

@avivmiz12: @awdhmo @IsraelArabic but of course not all of it, we value life a lot more than land and we will do the painful sa… - 5 years ago

@SeveralMadmen: Soon, now, one who holds a throne Used not for all, but just his own Will call upon those he's beguiled With his wo… - 5 years ago

@DBSchenkerUSA: If you’re looking for a Partial or Full Truckload solution, look no further than DB SCHENKER land transport. Our fa… - 5 years ago

@Out_Of_Phase_: RT @latimeralder: If Covid is really a deadly plague stalking the land, why do the medics have to do 'tests' to see if you've got it? Sure… - 5 years ago

@mamadresden1: RT @EllaCoreleone: STUNNING PROOF That HCQ Could Have Saved Thousands of Lives in the US from Virus. Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the libe… - 5 years ago

@gina_asada: RT @SquadSussex: Hear ye! Hear Ye!🔔 If thy have not yet scribed a message to us asking for the link to Madam @tanisha_fave 's yoga class on… - 5 years ago

@VSchloredt: RT @EllaCoreleone: STUNNING PROOF That HCQ Could Have Saved Thousands of Lives in the US from Virus. Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the libe… - 5 years ago

@mayzwatson: @shar_nolan i read a book about Rewilding recently and the thought of all of the natural beautiful land that’s been… - 5 years ago

@OliyabTinky: آسمان کی طرف بلند یہ ہاتھ  پھیلا کے جو آہ نکلی ہوگی آپ کو کیا لگتا ہے خالی جائے گی۔ Muhammad Hayat, Dear we are s… - 5 years ago

@flowersseun: RT @jus2bam: @flowersseun breaks my heart. mark didn’t give up his whole life to start a new one in unfamiliar land, put his body thru insa… - 5 years ago

@jus2bam: @flowersseun breaks my heart. mark didn’t give up his whole life to start a new one in unfamiliar land, put his bod… - 5 years ago

@tvfan00: RT @SquadSussex: Hear ye! Hear Ye!🔔 If thy have not yet scribed a message to us asking for the link to Madam @tanisha_fave 's yoga class on… - 5 years ago

@SquadSussex: Hear ye! Hear Ye!🔔 If thy have not yet scribed a message to us asking for the link to Madam @tanisha_fave 's yoga c… - 5 years ago

@MusicCityMemo: RT @jesseterrymusic: Excited to see y'all tomorrow for a special Saturday edition of "LIVE From Lily Land"! We'll be streaming live from my… - 5 years ago

@PundirSR: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@Pratiksha_mm: RT @_NaazAish: Bruhh,y'all sure live in NaazAish land because a) y'all religiously read my threads B) never gave a link for a thread by m… - 5 years ago

@lbgoldfinsh: @OmarTamo19 @dan_azzi I will take ur word for it but please with all do respect if u r a true patriot please help r… - 5 years ago

@AllanAndrew15: RT @HEBobiwine: Heading to Mbale, to attend a court session in which we are suing the IGP, RPC, DPC and OC Station for illegally blocking o… - 5 years ago

@kalpanabheda: RT @_NaazAish: Bruhh,y'all sure live in NaazAish land because a) y'all religiously read my threads B) never gave a link for a thread by m… - 5 years ago

@_i_Am_Bhawna: RT @_NaazAish: Bruhh,y'all sure live in NaazAish land because a) y'all religiously read my threads B) never gave a link for a thread by m… - 5 years ago

@Saina19339562: RT @_NaazAish: Bruhh,y'all sure live in NaazAish land because a) y'all religiously read my threads B) never gave a link for a thread by m… - 5 years ago

@MuthaDivine: RT @IzmsHasRisen: From the "LA Creoles aren't Haitian" to "Slavery means I don't belong to Africa anymore" and all that nonsense. 1. Thank… - 5 years ago

@_NaazAish: Bruhh,y'all sure live in NaazAish land because a) y'all religiously read my threads B) never gave a link for a th… - 5 years ago

@jesseterrymusic: Excited to see y'all tomorrow for a special Saturday edition of "LIVE From Lily Land"! We'll be streaming live from… - 5 years ago

@Ganosono: RT @WordsandGuitar: With all this absolutely embarrassing vote or die rhetoric going around, seems like a good time to post the donation pa… - 5 years ago

@5her10ck: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@waldkerl: RT @WordsandGuitar: With all this absolutely embarrassing vote or die rhetoric going around, seems like a good time to post the donation pa… - 5 years ago

@NLB1971: RT @EllaCoreleone: STUNNING PROOF That HCQ Could Have Saved Thousands of Lives in the US from Virus. Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the libe… - 5 years ago

@AlisonJ07230322: We have a fault broad band not working and land line not working ....the email address you have on our account does… - 5 years ago

@beyond_process: This hero is accusing me of being a Marxist for saying property owners should be allowed to build apartments on lan… - 5 years ago

@BrigmanVirgile: @Blue26Jackson I sifted the ground and removed all the pebbles there remains a stone diameter of 5x5 the grid was s… - 5 years ago

@CoelhoRapetsoa: RT @mabhusulagc: Egyptian day. We were going for “maiden from a distant land” but we scratched that and went for “Warrior from a distant la… - 5 years ago

@RobinNature: RT @SheldrickTrust: Treating some of the world’s largest land mammals is all in a day’s work for the SWT/KWS Mobile Vet Units and last year… - 5 years ago

@mayuraggarwal7: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@flowerbbysunoo: VOCAL, VISUAL, DANCE. Kim Sunoo got it all! He's talented and has a lot of potential. Stan Talent, VOTE FOR KIM S… - 5 years ago

@JelIyDoughnut: RT @TaraTomahawk: I hate "This Land is Your Land" by Woody Guthrie. It's anti-Indigenous. It promotes Manifest Destiny. Before y'all get ma… - 5 years ago

@ektat: RT @ReSt_AsSuReD2: A slight discomfort in their cushy lifestyle and all the "concern for environment" would go to trash. Many made the cas… - 5 years ago

@gabrielle0316: RT @ETommyBS1: Then it came to pass. Everything Trump was banished from the land. The signs upon the buildings were removed, the relatives… - 5 years ago

@mstewartsloan: So MAGA sends We Build The Wall Money. WBTW uses those funds to buy private land in New Mexico to build a small por… - 5 years ago

@ethchan17: WAIT CAN I BE PROUD OF NIKITTIES FOR A SEC,, I AIN'T SEEING ANY HATE TOWARDS K. y'all are amazing.… - 5 years ago

@ETommyBS1: Then it came to pass. Everything Trump was banished from the land. The signs upon the buildings were removed, the r… - 5 years ago

@kkm_ARS: RT @NBSSLUP_RCJ: A virtual meeting held 20 Aug to discuss SOP for landform delineation of Land Resource Inventory flagship project of ICAR-… - 5 years ago

@Mondise24119176: RT @mabhusulagc: Egyptian day. We were going for “maiden from a distant land” but we scratched that and went for “Warrior from a distant la… - 5 years ago

@Mtolooooh: RT @ntuthuko_nr: @SAF_SouthAfrica We hear yo call comrades. It is a call we will answer unanimously, for yo struggle is all our struggles… - 5 years ago

@DavidSam777: @SP_A_Bad_Idea I've been practicing a combo I've been working on all day but could never land it in an online match… - 5 years ago

@chargingwookie: The POC who built this country had a fundamentally different understanding of the “All men are created Equal” than… - 5 years ago

@dangereuxdanzer: RT @marsupialpuddng: every queer + neurodivergent person i know either wants to buy a plot of land to start a commune with all their friend… - 5 years ago

@faybijou: @mizzledrizzle For £3 you can check the house is registered with the Land Registry. Thats all you need now. Just ha… - 5 years ago

@SnackDaddy0: My school had a fucking HELICOPTER land during the demonstration they were that intense😂 they put all the “dead kid… - 5 years ago

@BeyiKarluk: @great123410 @Sarah97851167 @MailOnline I live in İstanbul and my ancestors have lived in this land for a thousand… - 5 years ago

@irene_hsiung: @_TheDailyChels_ @crackaco1a @TrippettaRaffe @JasonRobergeVA almost all the cases now are imported, like students g… - 5 years ago

@aushif__: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@gowthamshankar8: @Rajesh25307208 @Naren_Reddy23 @TheDeshBhakt Having such hugh population of north states like UP, MP, Rajasthan, Bi… - 5 years ago

@Lambykinz: Sometimes I wish I was a duck. I would be a land, water, and air animal all at once. I wouldn't really have to wo… - 5 years ago

@plows_sean: @JulianFlamer @Michael28135781 The United Kingdom has been multicultural for a thousand years. Multiculturalism isn… - 5 years ago

@ldwclarke: RT @chilly_willy_jr: "Giving the invocation for the #RNC2020 Convention, visiting all the way from the land down under your feet, he needs… - 5 years ago

@Michael46214943: RT @LAFDtalk: Your #LAFD Fire Station 80 started early this morning with a response to @flyLAXairport for an emergency landing They were at… - 5 years ago

@ACEMeSkinny: RT @alexmjordan: Democrat Vision: ANTIFA/BLM agenda + Green New Deal America is nothing but a racist, sinful nation that owes reparations… - 5 years ago

@tilted_quill: RT @johnhand9: Submarines been at sea alone running the Oceans ,No friends all are enemy's to the time meat again ?.Russia Vast… - 5 years ago

@AskvishwaRaj: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@I30mki: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@WhutzupKitty: 100% for identifying there's an issue. Yet, no matter the label you'd like to give it - it's NOT tolerated in my co… - 5 years ago


@01jjangmanbbong: RT @angelicsunoo: Some says I-LANDʼs the worst survival shows theyʼve watched but for me, I think so too— but still, thereʼs a part of me l… - 5 years ago

@Tombotee: @DonnaMgraduates “The land of the free” unless it is explained that a freeman back in the day was reserved for one… - 5 years ago

@Herding__cats: @CelesteKirby98 @natashadalua @KatieOGrady4 @soledadobrien Lefties need to chill on the Jesus references cuz it's s… - 5 years ago

@angelicsunoo: Some says I-LANDʼs the worst survival shows theyʼve watched but for me, I think so too— but still, thereʼs a part o… - 5 years ago


@double_u_land: RT @LEEGEONU_: in case y'all are wondering. we worked hard for Geonu. we were supporting him quietly. we had sleepless nights, sacrificed a… - 5 years ago

@jmthrivept: @ff_intervention @ff_spaceman Needs a good line to be able to get sufficient yards. Happens to land with the worst… - 5 years ago

@OhDunnZo: Palestine shoots rockets at Israel all the time and yes Israel shoots back. There isn’t a victim in this conflict.… - 5 years ago

@noooor__f: @Nordiques1991 @_yarah94 your “country” doesnt even have a culture, they’ve been at war for over 70 years over a la… - 5 years ago

@BraunSugarBunny: RT @wphamilton: Political prisoner in a US prison. Reality did nothing wrong except for trying to expose the truth about an attack on all… - 5 years ago

@kintotheiland: also i want to create a groupchat for my fellow K stans, let’s give him all our love and support #ILAND #I_LAND #ILAND_EP8 - 5 years ago

@memeinghimanshu: RT @SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 countries.… - 5 years ago

@paqtasit: @ram_ultravue @Excuss4Piss @mack3636 Dude I studied polisci as a minor to my double major I’m far from stupid I kno… - 5 years ago

@SanAlekraa: } Tirupati temple feeds 100,000 people each day for free. } ISKCON feeds 2 million people for free in over 50 coun… - 5 years ago

@jxnxchy: It's just let's appreciate K more he's talented and all. you might see him for a bad guy because it looks like he… - 5 years ago

@Not_real_jeff: and just to note: all of the medicine is going to the center for our indigenous community members. they've had thei… - 5 years ago

@EgyGoddessCleo: @j3ger1x @holismrocks @yesnicksearcy @benshapiro @BernieSanders @lsarsour Yes I believe in borders but not borders… - 5 years ago

@ZoeHess13: RT @wphamilton: Political prisoner in a US prison. Reality did nothing wrong except for trying to expose the truth about an attack on all… - 5 years ago

@DJConniption: @BrianKolfage @DonaldJTrumpJr @gatewaypundit Children Raising money for racism and xenophobia. Great things you all… - 5 years ago

@cincycher: RT @wphamilton: Political prisoner in a US prison. Reality did nothing wrong except for trying to expose the truth about an attack on all… - 5 years ago

@gypsymtngirl: RT @wphamilton: Political prisoner in a US prison. Reality did nothing wrong except for trying to expose the truth about an attack on all… - 5 years ago

@miss__tick: Thinking about how all the forest land burning down is a home for wildlife and offers so many ecosystems services I’ll be over here crying - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A Land for All, you will be missed - #ALandforAll #A #LandforAll #rip - 5 years ago

@libbyliberalnyc: RT @MPeakeOfficial: ‘Was the earth made to preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, & for them to bag & barn up the treasures of… - 5 years ago

@Ty__Land: So much for that “Life Detox”.... I need to cut up a bit before I start all dat. 😂🤣 - 5 years ago

@ra_ol_bass: My proposal, fellow colonizers hear me out: Resume a largely hunter-gatherer social order. Give all land back to… - 5 years ago

@KellyLewisSmith: Just some Biblical food for though.... Between land hurricanes in Iowa, earthquakes in North Carolina and now this… - 5 years ago

@hotracehorse: RT @wphamilton: Political prisoner in a US prison. Reality did nothing wrong except for trying to expose the truth about an attack on all… - 5 years ago

@rudy_rochman: One of the most important indigenous plants to Judea & Samaria are the grape vineyards, which have been used for th… - 5 years ago


@PhireAndFury: RT @wphamilton: Political prisoner in a US prison. Reality did nothing wrong except for trying to expose the truth about an attack on all… - 5 years ago

@WolfgangWalt: RT @wphamilton: Political prisoner in a US prison. Reality did nothing wrong except for trying to expose the truth about an attack on all… - 5 years ago

@Kafkaesque_Blog: @IamEdCat Alas, there's no higher ground in this entirely flat area built on a previous swamp. I'm hopeful that thi… - 5 years ago

@JamesMacAoidh: I’m bidding farewell to the land of my youth, And the home I love so well, And the mountains so grand ‘round my ow… - 5 years ago

@wphamilton: Political prisoner in a US prison. Reality did nothing wrong except for trying to expose the truth about an attack… - 5 years ago

@asiameoww: @keyara_nickole Have a plot of land to grow all the fruit & veg I need to sustain myself (and fam) & also provide s… - 5 years ago

@CitizenCrabgras: @Franklin_Graham We think we are United States citizens, united under a Constitution that is the Supreme Law of the… - 5 years ago

@jayahar_ma: RT @Naren_Reddy23: @homoduos 3 language policy is a cunning ploy by hindians to force hindi on all. We dont want any hindi. State lang(s) &… - 5 years ago

@demost9: Ugh, this news story about a tiny house in little Italy selling for way above asking is infuriating. They didn't bu… - 5 years ago

@loganulrich: With all the buzz about Yannick Ngakoue this week, worth bumping this again. Most of it holds up. #Jaguars haven’t… - 5 years ago

@P4Stan: @KuntMonki @Josesintomma That's banking on Poirier landing a shot to himself the fight all at once. If Hooker can p… - 5 years ago

@JustinTranYT1: Can we all just appreciate Araki for letting someone like Cioccolata land on a soft spot like a trash can, unlike S… - 5 years ago

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