A. Gopalakrishnan

Indian nuclear engineer.
Died on Tuesday October 11th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to A. Gopalakrishnan:

@4331Subhash: Guru Dutt and Mala Sinha in K.S. Gopalakrishnan's SUHAGAN (1964). SUHAGAN was a Hindi remake of Tamil film SARADA… - 2 years ago

@Oiedecravan: RT @gopalears: Graceful 14 minutes to walk into a beautiful day. Composition: Sarasa Sama Dana Bheda Danda Chatura Ragam: Kapinarayani Arti… - 2 years ago

@gopalears: Graceful 14 minutes to walk into a beautiful day. Composition: Sarasa Sama Dana Bheda Danda Chatura Ragam: Kapinara… - 2 years ago

@chpratap: RT @herstoryYS: Our #WomaninTech this week is Padmini Gopalakrishnan of #AMD India. She leads a team of over 90 engineers who work on softw… - 2 years ago


@JVadakkanchery: With Great Grand Son of Mahatma Gandhi and A Freedom Fighter at Calicut. Dr . N. Gopalakrishnan Nair, Thushar Gand… - 2 years ago

@herstoryYS: Our #WomaninTech this week is Padmini Gopalakrishnan of #AMD India. She leads a team of over 90 engineers who work… - 2 years ago

@rkprofnct44: As of now God is to me, Mr Gopalakrishnan Ji... Thanks a lot! There are some bachelor things that really matters,… - 2 years ago

@digitaltransf11: RT @Man0jPatel: 70% of change initiatives fail. Why? Too much emphasis on technology and not enough on organizational change management, or… - 2 years ago

@mysteriousaga: @afsinX For a sec I've thought it's ramcharan in the left side. It's adoor gopalakrishnan movie nah ? - 2 years ago

@Man0jPatel: 70% of change initiatives fail. Why? Too much emphasis on technology and not enough on organizational change manage… - 2 years ago

@Inc42: RT @kris_sg: - 2 years ago

@Krishnan8gk: RT @kris_sg: - 2 years ago

@n_dayasindhu: RT @kris_sg: - 2 years ago

@karnanupam: RT @kris_sg: - 2 years ago

@kris_sg: - 2 years ago

@FabricNsdf: RT @TauferLab: We concluded our fantastic time at @escience and in Utah with a visit to @UtahSoC Thank you Mary Hall and Ganesh Gopalakrish… - 2 years ago

@MichelaTaufer: RT @TauferLab: We concluded our fantastic time at @escience and in Utah with a visit to @UtahSoC Thank you Mary Hall and Ganesh Gopalakrish… - 2 years ago

@TauferLab: We concluded our fantastic time at @escience and in Utah with a visit to @UtahSoC Thank you Mary Hall and Ganesh Go… - 2 years ago

@Man0jPatel: 70% of change initiatives fail. Why? Too much emphasis on technology and not enough on organizational change manage… - 2 years ago

@stocksnewsfast: Inspirisys Solutions : Shareholders Approved Appointment of Mr.Murali Gopalakrishnan as a Whole-Time Director to be… - 2 years ago

@TheWireScience: A. Gopalakrishnan passed away on October 9. He was chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board in 1993-1996 and… - 2 years ago

@shivanandkanavi: In 1994 CBS(US) did a program on Indian reactors called "Another Chernobyl ?". I met Dr A Gopalakrishnan, head of s… - 2 years ago

@contentplace: RT @LKhere: ‘Before Covid, wastewater epidemiology was a niche technology .. primarily found in research papers focused on tropical disease… - 2 years ago

@PublicHealthBot: RT @LKhere: ‘Before Covid, wastewater epidemiology was a niche technology .. primarily found in research papers focused on tropical disease… - 2 years ago

@deena_jacob: RT @officialRNTBCI: #storytime Our employee Dinesh Kumar Gopalakrishnan shares his coast2coast experience traveling to Varkala, Kerala in #… - 2 years ago

@officialRNTBCI: #storytime Our employee Dinesh Kumar Gopalakrishnan shares his coast2coast experience traveling to Varkala, Kerala… - 2 years ago

@TAVSrinivas1: Thanks @Som_mulugu for penning a informative and inspiring story of Dr A Gopalakrishnan. He is not just nuclear sci… - 2 years ago

@ameershahul: RT @Som_mulugu: @nuclearsafety @d_s_thakur @dineshcsharma - 2 years ago

@dineshcsharma: Dr A Gopalakrishnan, as Chairman of AERB between 1993 and 1996, set off a debate over the need for autonomy to the… - 2 years ago

@Som_mulugu: @nuclearsafety @d_s_thakur @dineshcsharma - 2 years ago

@baputee: RT @gopalears: यही पार गंगा ,वही पार जमुना! A beautiful rendition of the bhajan 'Kaise Dine Kate Hai' by Shruti Sadolikar of the Jaipur- At… - 2 years ago

@gopalears: यही पार गंगा ,वही पार जमुना! A beautiful rendition of the bhajan 'Kaise Dine Kate Hai' by Shruti Sadolikar of the J… - 2 years ago

@asianewsnetwork: 1 year-old Akshra Ragavendra's parents, pilot Ragavendra Gopalakrishnan, 32, and yoga instructor Sheena Prasannan,… - 2 years ago

@ynagarjunaprasa: Gopalakrishnan, a no-nonsense technocrat and nuclear safety expert passes away - 2 years ago

@NotShuvayan: @bilal_jhob Culture? 🤣 i stay in the cultural capital of India, Kolkata. The national anthem that you sing in theat… - 2 years ago

@taxmannindia: #SEBILaw #PressRelease Shri Ananth Narayan Gopalakrishnan takes charge as a Whole Time Member of SEBI Read the SE… - 2 years ago

@KAVIR96: @ananthnani @east_bengaluru Krris Gopalakrishnan, Chairperson, State IT vision Group, said that the government stan… - 2 years ago

@ynagarjunaprasa: Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan passes away - 2 years ago

@bipin_raj2: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@ArmanR_verma: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@Keralaonlinenew: എഇആർബി മുൻ ചെയർമാൻ ഡോക്ടർ എ. ഗോപാലകൃഷ്ണൻ അന്തരിച്ചു - 2 years ago

@YaduvanshiVeer4: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@Kailash3Singh: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@DugharaBaba: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@DhaneshYad: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@TashTufan: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@AYUSHTi2003: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@Dhirajdhir91: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@JoshNamita: RT @BureaucratsInd: #BIBreaking The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved extension in central deputation tenure of Shri S.… - 2 years ago

@rashmiprasan: RT @sundar_s1955: Was fortunate to spend 3 months in 1985 in @MMCNephro under the Doyen of South Indian Nephrology brilliant Prof MS Amares… - 2 years ago

@FlatheadRod: 70% of change initiatives fail. Why? Too much emphasis on technology and not enough on organizational change manage… - 2 years ago

@sundar_s1955: Was fortunate to spend 3 months in 1985 in @MMCNephro under the Doyen of South Indian Nephrology brilliant Prof MS… - 2 years ago

@I_A_P_1494: RT @taxmannindia: #SEBILaw #PressRelease Shri Ananth Narayan Gopalakrishnan takes charge as a Whole Time Member of SEBI Read the SEBI Pre… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A. Gopalakrishnan, you will be missed - #AGopalakrishnan #A. #Gopalakrishnan #rip - 2 years ago

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