A. George Pradel

American politician
Died on Tuesday September 4th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to A. George Pradel:

@FriedrichJones: Naperville's Bright Light: A. George Pradel | Naperville NCTV17 - 7 years ago

@Mfnaughton: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago

@DTNaperville: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago

@OraLabora411: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago


@coyne4council: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago

@LindaSokolowski: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago

@eandersonMJHS: RT @NapervilleSun: A funeral procession stretched for blocks Monday morning as Naperville paid its last respects to its longest-serving may… - 7 years ago

@ColinDalough: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago

@PaulsonTracy: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago

@ballinhamilton: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago

@NapervillePD: RT @ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A. Ge… - 7 years ago

@ChiefRMarshall: A heartfelt show of respect today in honor of a 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department - retired Lt. A… - 7 years ago

@Lambothirteen: RT @NapervilleSun: A funeral procession stretched for blocks Monday morning as Naperville paid its last respects to its longest-serving may… - 7 years ago

@erin_hegarty: RT @NapervilleSun: A funeral procession stretched for blocks Monday morning as Naperville paid its last respects to its longest-serving may… - 7 years ago

@allara_cindy: RT @KidsMatter2U: The Visitation for Mayor Emeritus Pradel was still out the door at 4:45 yesterday afternoon. We can’t think of a man who… - 7 years ago

@rafaguerrero14: RT @NapervilleSun: A funeral procession stretched for blocks Monday morning as Naperville paid its last respects to its longest-serving may… - 7 years ago

@DuPageFdn: We're sad to share the passing of George Pradel, @NapervilleIL's longest-serving mayor. Family have encouraged mem… - 7 years ago

@chitribsuburbs: RT @NapervilleSun: A funeral procession stretched for blocks Monday morning as Naperville paid its last respects to its longest-serving may… - 7 years ago

@NapervilleSun: A funeral procession stretched for blocks Monday morning as Naperville paid its last respects to its longest-servin… - 7 years ago

@SpiritedQuill: RT @StacyStClair: The city of @NapervilleIL bids farewell to Mayor Emeritus George Pradel, a man who loved his city and was very kind to yo… - 7 years ago

@ColinDalough: Thank you to the Pradel family for sharing this intimate moment with us. Our hearts go out to you. It meant a lot t… - 7 years ago

@NaperChamber: We paid tribute one final time to our biggest Chamber Cheerleader, Mayor Emeritus A. George Pradel, as his processi… - 7 years ago

@KidsMatter2U: The Visitation for Mayor Emeritus Pradel was still out the door at 4:45 yesterday afternoon. We can’t think of a ma… - 7 years ago

@dancingvaidya: RT @McBrideCats97: Such a fitting tribute to George Pradel this afternoon at his visitation. He was always a great example for Neuqua stude… - 7 years ago

@kspak: RT @StacyStClair: The city of @NapervilleIL bids farewell to Mayor Emeritus George Pradel, a man who loved his city and was very kind to yo… - 7 years ago

@CathyPiehl: RT @McBrideCats97: Such a fitting tribute to George Pradel this afternoon at his visitation. He was always a great example for Neuqua stude… - 7 years ago

@BilMalik15: RT @McBrideCats97: Such a fitting tribute to George Pradel this afternoon at his visitation. He was always a great example for Neuqua stude… - 7 years ago

@McBrideCats97: Such a fitting tribute to George Pradel this afternoon at his visitation. He was always a great example for Neuqua… - 7 years ago

@TeskilatAkp: RT @TRConsulChicago: We remember w/ respect and gratitude George Pradel, former Mayor of #Naperville who passed away on Sep 4. Mr Pradel wa… - 7 years ago

@StacyStClair: The city of @NapervilleIL bids farewell to Mayor Emeritus George Pradel, a man who loved his city and was very kind… - 7 years ago

@draccah: RT @toddstocke: Our thoughts at Sourcebooks are with family and friends of former Naperville mayor George Pradel, a legend, a city-builder,… - 7 years ago

@TRConsulChicago: We remember w/ respect and gratitude George Pradel, former Mayor of #Naperville who passed away on Sep 4. Mr Pradel… - 7 years ago

@Ratsaurus11: People used to say that even Vegas bookmakers refuse to take bets on me showing up AT MY OWN funeral but George P… - 7 years ago

@NCTV17: PRADEL VISITATION: Today and tomorrow, the public may pay their respects to Mayor Emeritus A. George Pradel at City… - 7 years ago

@Bruce_Hanson: George Pradel was a friend. Pretty much anyone who met him would feel that way. To us, he was so special. How he to… - 7 years ago

@news2alan: RT @cbschicago: A public visitation for George Pradel, the former mayor of Naperville, is set for Saturday and Sunday. - 7 years ago

@MetroPulseUSA: RT @cbschicago: A public visitation for George Pradel, the former mayor of Naperville, is set for Saturday and Sunday. - 7 years ago

@chicagopixels: #Visitation For Former #Naperville Mayor George Pradel: CHICAGO (CBS) — A public visitation… - 7 years ago

@cbschicago: A public visitation for George Pradel, the former mayor of Naperville, is set for Saturday and Sunday. - 7 years ago

@erin_hegarty: Naperville Fire Department with a flag raised outside the municipal center for Mayor Emeritus George Pradel’s publi… - 7 years ago

@lmcraig80: RT @NapervilleIL: Public visitation hours for Mayor Emeritus A. George Pradel have been announced: 10a to 6p on Sept. 8 &9 at the Napervill… - 7 years ago

@donlazati31: RT @MeteaMusic: Thank you @meteavalley Chamber Singers for a moving performance at today’s @Rotary meeting in Naperville to honor long-time… - 7 years ago

@TomNeiman: RT @neuquavalley: Former Naperville Mayor George Pradel was always a great fan and friend to our school and community. He brought an enthus… - 7 years ago

@DTNaperville: RT @NapervilleIL: Public visitation hours for Mayor Emeritus A. George Pradel have been announced: 10a to 6p on Sept. 8 &9 at the Napervill… - 7 years ago

@NaperParks: RT @NCTV17: PRADEL THE VET: Of course George Pradel had a warm spot in his heart for veterans, being one himself. Find out more about how h… - 7 years ago

@naperbells: In memory of the late Mayor George Pradel who will be lying in state at City Hall this weekend the recital at Noon… - 7 years ago

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