A. B. Raj

Indian film director (Ormikkaan Omanikkaan
Died on Sunday August 23rd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to A. B. Raj:

@Mindit_raj: RT @ANI: Sumit Nagal (in file pic) becomes the first Indian man to win a match at the US Open in 7 years. He's onto the second round after… - 4 years ago

@raj_keelu3: RT @RaamAchanta: Happiest B’day to @PawanKalyan gaaru..Admire him a lot for his style in movies & simplicity straight forwardness in genera… - 4 years ago

@n_praveen_raj: RT @salmanbinnu: Happy b'day sir ,,,have a long and beautiful life #HBDPawanKalyan - 4 years ago

@arjun_raj_nani: RT @rameshlaus: Here is the B'day spl CDP for @PawanKalyan sir As a small token of love from our side..... Design: @Infyn8_Off 👍 #HBDPawa… - 4 years ago


@Raj_Hinduwadi: RT @indiaAnkita: UPSC लेवल का एक प्रश्न... एक रुपया कितने आने के बराबर होता है A- चार आना B- आठ आना C- बारह आना D- सौलह आना - 4 years ago

@b_sairajesh: RT @SaiNachiketu: #HBDPawanKalyan Many people have kind nature but he is the ONE who can be able to empower others to take care of deprived… - 4 years ago

@prudhvi__raj_: RT @PSPK_Edits: Here Is the B'day Spl Design For @PawanKalyan Sir As A small Token Of Love from Our Side.. ✊️ " KING MAKER " 👑 Design… - 4 years ago

@prudhvi__raj_: RT @TejaaKalyan: Here is the B'day Spl Design for @PawanKalyan sir As a small token of love from our side..✊ Designed By @Swamy_Official… - 4 years ago

@Raj_Pinninti: RT @TejaaKalyan: Here is the B'day Spl Design for @PawanKalyan sir As a small token of love from our side..✊ Designed By @Swamy_Official… - 4 years ago

@Kranthi_Raj_: RT @RahulDevRising: Here's the Special CDP! Wishing People's Leader JANASENANI @PawanKalyan Ji a very Happy & Healthy B'day on behalf of Th… - 4 years ago

@Aug92021: RT @RSReddy_8055: 39.M.KARUKKUVEL Raj B positve -9087425095 40.NARENDRAN A1B+(9500148984) 41.edwin. O- 9791150119 42. Selvaganesh A+ (99401… - 4 years ago

@sarath027: RT @RSReddy_8055: 39.M.KARUKKUVEL Raj B positve -9087425095 40.NARENDRAN A1B+(9500148984) 41.edwin. O- 9791150119 42. Selvaganesh A+ (99401… - 4 years ago

@Kirun_View: RT @RSReddy_8055: 39.M.KARUKKUVEL Raj B positve -9087425095 40.NARENDRAN A1B+(9500148984) 41.edwin. O- 9791150119 42. Selvaganesh A+ (99401… - 4 years ago

@jetlicult: RT @RSReddy_8055: 39.M.KARUKKUVEL Raj B positve -9087425095 40.NARENDRAN A1B+(9500148984) 41.edwin. O- 9791150119 42. Selvaganesh A+ (99401… - 4 years ago

@RSReddy_8055: 39.M.KARUKKUVEL Raj B positve -9087425095 40.NARENDRAN A1B+(9500148984) 41.edwin. O- 9791150119 42. Selvaganesh A+… - 4 years ago

@raj_speak: RT @SingleSingla: Teacher: ABC sunao? She: A B C E F G H I J K L N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Teacher: Where is DM? She: Sir, No DM Please. - 4 years ago


@K9Vishal: @R_A_J_B @KapilSharmaK9 @KapilDelhiFC @kapiliansfans @ChanchalJainK9 @rajii_nayak @kapil_is_mylife @ManaliJaiswal9… - 4 years ago

@raj_3H: @ShimaelaTariq @AbeerKh22 @HrithikFanGirl6 @iHrithik I'm sorry for that but that cuteness , beauty and innocence ca… - 5 years ago

@raj_3H: I'm a huge @BenAffleck #Batman fan but I'm really so excited for #TheBatman #RobertPattinson .. I believe it will b… - 5 years ago

@Nag___Raj: RT @PSPK_Edits: Here is the B'day Spl Design For @PawanKalyan Sir As a Small Token Of Love From Our Side... ✊✊ 🙏 Designed By @Pranay__pr… - 5 years ago

@PuraneSher: Wat a tribute to gang leader of jungle raj, Lalu yadav on his birthday Can't imagine a be… - 5 years ago

@raj_pawanist: RT @CinePeek: Here is the B'day spl CDP for @PawanKalyan sir As a small token of love from our side..... Design: @Infyn8_Off 👍 #HBDPawanK… - 5 years ago

@korada_raj: RT @VijayFC_Telugu: It's really happy to see a special b'day CDP from our side ( Vijay Fans ) to the beloved @pawankalyan gaaru 💙 Wish you… - 5 years ago

@itz_Raj_twtz: RT @NareshAK_: Here's the Special CDP! Wishing People's Leader JANASENANI @PawanKalyan Garu 😍 a very Happy & Healthy B'day on behalf of Tha… - 5 years ago

@MegastarFan2712: RT @Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Very true Raj :( #NepaliFansSupportSalman - 5 years ago

@R_A_J_B: RT @Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Very true Raj :( #NepaliFansSupportSalman - 5 years ago

@bb_loyal: RT @Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Very true Raj :( #NepaliFansSupportSalman - 5 years ago

@n_praveen_raj: RT @IliyazSheik: Here is the B'day Small Design For @PawanKalyan sir As a small token of love from our side..✊✊ 🙏 Designed By @solosagar2… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Very true Raj :( #NepaliFansSupportSalman - 5 years ago

@n_praveen_raj: RT @venkate680: Here's the Special CDP! Wishing People's Leader JANASENANI @PawanKalyan Ji a very Happy & Healthy B'day on behalf of Thala… - 5 years ago

@Shruthi_raj_: RT @its_TFT: It's really happy to see a special b'day CDP from our side ( Vijay Fans ) to the beloved @pawankalyan gaaru 💙 Wish you a Very… - 5 years ago

@Shruthi_raj_: RT @mastersuresh27: It's really happy to see a special b'day CDP from our side ( Vijay Fans ) to the beloved @pawankalyan gaaru 💙 Wish you… - 5 years ago

@korada_raj: RT @RahulDevRising: Here's the Special CDP! Wishing People's Leader JANASENANI @PawanKalyan Ji a very Happy & Healthy B'day on behalf of Th… - 5 years ago

@prudhvi__raj_: RT @BhanuPr11123109: Here's the Special CDP! Wishing People's Leader JANASENANI @PawanKalyan Ji a very Happy & Healthy B'day on behalf of T… - 5 years ago

@thans_raj: RT @RahulDevRising: Here's the Special CDP! Wishing People's Leader JANASENANI @PawanKalyan Ji a very Happy & Healthy B'day on behalf of Th… - 5 years ago

@n_praveen_raj: RT @RahulDevRising: Here's the Special CDP! Wishing People's Leader JANASENANI @PawanKalyan Ji a very Happy & Healthy B'day on behalf of Th… - 5 years ago

@prudhvi__raj_: RT @RahulDevRising: Here's the Special CDP! Wishing People's Leader JANASENANI @PawanKalyan Ji a very Happy & Healthy B'day on behalf of Th… - 5 years ago

@prudhvi__raj_: RT @ch_kka: Here is the B'day spl CDP for @PawanKalyan sir As a small token of love from our side..... #HBDPawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@thalor_raj: RT @Muskanvarsha: #speakupforSSCRaliwaystudents Dear central government , this isn't a party led protest,This is the frustration coming out… - 5 years ago

@me_saurav_raj: RT @shreyanksisodia: #speakupforSSCRaliwaystudents Dear central government , this isn't a party led protest,This is the frustration coming… - 5 years ago

@thalor_raj: RT @ShivrajRahul2: #speakupforSSCRaliwaystudents Dear central government , this isn't a party led protest,This is the frustration coming o… - 5 years ago

@thalor_raj: RT @Ranjeet62109657: #speakupforSSCRaliwaystudents Dear central government and the state governments , this is not a party led protest , Th… - 5 years ago

@imRaushan_raj: RT @Dharma2X: Great Visionary, Dr. @Swamy39 jee, had warned of economy crash in 2015 & 2016 ! 🌟💥 Indian economy contracted by 23.9% in Q1F… - 5 years ago

@raj_ismd: RT @vikramchandra: A) 2020 is not 1962 B) Even the clash in 1967 wasn’t the same as 1962 C) The whole south bank of Pangong Tso is NOT unde… - 5 years ago

@Rajkuma87796841: #Likee #HelloLikee ♥Forhad Raj♥ is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@raj_uru: RT @vickypaul5: @lostsoul_apu @republic What a Bang On !!! @Taapsee @reallyswara now please start maintaining your B-Grade Skills. B or… - 5 years ago

@renukaVyavahare: #beechamhouse is no #DowntonAbbey but I liked the British Raj drama set in India especially for #Tombateman The cha… - 5 years ago

@fempsych1: @CarolynFahm @adave_NHS @DrMutleyMoss @suzypuss @apksachar @helencrimlisk @AlysColeKing @SameiHuda @raj_psyc… - 5 years ago

@raj_0303: RT @Mission2024PSPK: Please Help B+ ve or AB + ve plasma Needed From a Covid-19 Recovered Patient ! Location :- Care Hospital, Vizag C… - 5 years ago

@hiphopsych: RT @fempsych1: @adave_NHS @CarolynFahm @DrMutleyMoss @suzypuss @apksachar @helencrimlisk @AlysColeKing @SameiHuda @raj_psyc @hiphopsych @cs… - 5 years ago

@fempsych1: @adave_NHS @CarolynFahm @DrMutleyMoss @suzypuss @apksachar @helencrimlisk @AlysColeKing @SameiHuda @raj_psyc… - 5 years ago

@CliveDavisInst: RT @PopMatters: #PREMIERE: ​Electro/hip-hop producer, Gromo teams with pop/R&B singer Rhea Raj for a beat-filled, Latin- and Indian-influen… - 5 years ago

@b_raj_kumar: RT @naralokesh: Leader, teacher, journalist, statesman, minister, President and an eternal optimist who put duty towards citizens above pol… - 5 years ago

@Raj_EndraCholan: @kaamna_ That we d b used up in a single day - 5 years ago

@SHAHAAN2712: @R_A_J_B @EmbarSalman Kisi ko khush hona hai Raj - 5 years ago

@Kabi_is_Back: @R_A_J_B Tysm Raj bro 💗 - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @KanganaTeam: More than a decade ago I got two wings on the nape of my neck but they didn’t make any sense, after few months I added a c… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @Swamy39: It sad that the Govt does not realise the Chinese have made a decision about India. We must make a decision about China. Get t… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Raj 🙈🙈😂 - 5 years ago

@Deewan18: @shinamah @KocharMonu @bhat_xahoor @pbhushan1 Thts 1 of the view point,I agree ...but accepting 2nd punishment woul… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @KanganaTeam: In a democracy we can’t simply look at the positive side of our privileges and refuse to acknowledge the negative aspects,… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @Swamy39: Why not a minimum IQ test, which I had earlier proposed to BJP in 2014? - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @TigerRajaSingh: Is #Telangana still a part of India? #SupremeCourt has given a ruling against any kind of #Muharram procession & here… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Thnx Raj 😍☺️❤ - 5 years ago

@I_am_Raj_: RT @ThereGoTerry: They stay throwing The Weekend in the R&an category and that’s a lie. I don’t know what that depressing shit is, but it’s… - 5 years ago

@Aditya____raj: RT @IPL: A. B. D. 😎 Excited to watch @abdevilliers17 play those 360-degree shots in #Dream11IPL? 💥🙌 Kick-start your week by revisiting h… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @Alekya_k_: కష్టంలో ఉన్నారు, మీ సహాయాన్ని అందించండి. Please Help Him Everyone B. Vannurappa SBI A/C No :-34229838702 IFSC Code :-SBIN0… - 5 years ago

@Raj_cu2: RT @adv_chandnishah: 8. There is a chance of a very big drug nexus being unearthed which exists in this so called elite political society w… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @KanganaTeam: I was also called bipolar, a sexual predator, I was sl*t shamed, they isolated and banned me, eventually entire media bann… - 5 years ago

@co_tesla: RT @nickshanks: @co_tesla @elonmusk @TeslaParaTodos @B_Energized @Teslatunity @UnpluggedTesla @tesla_master @TeslaUnofficial @tesla_raj @ev… - 5 years ago

@raj_virgo: @Mohansinha And for the cases too where Modi is not even a party. These Xtra brain think tht ppl can b fooled all… - 5 years ago

@nickshanks: @co_tesla @elonmusk @TeslaParaTodos @B_Energized @Teslatunity @UnpluggedTesla @tesla_master @TeslaUnofficial… - 5 years ago

@WarmTheCockles: @zlibinioks @Raj_Singh2019 @JamesBenamor @KlaudioPetoshi Correction: there isn’t a b, c, or d shared on twitter! - 5 years ago

@hubbard_jay: @walkingcrow @co_tesla @elonmusk @TeslaParaTodos @B_Energized @Teslatunity @UnpluggedTesla @tesla_master… - 5 years ago

@raj_is_back: @ajaya_dgms @royalmomink Well, there used to be a difference b/w bewkoofi and andh bhakti Thanks to some ppl, this has been bridged now - 5 years ago

@Its_Prince0: @raj_skdhoni_ Hn Ye wala hi B Grade Actor for a Reason 29 MELODIOUS YEARS OF SAAJAN - 5 years ago

@GarySlegg: RT @masumkhwaja: @SteveWatkinsNHS @Asifmbachlani @nuwandiss @DrG_NHS @skalidindi1 @SuhanaAhmed10 @EllenWilkinson6 @raj_psyc @DrVeisi @wendy… - 5 years ago

@timkendall1: RT @masumkhwaja: @SteveWatkinsNHS @Asifmbachlani @nuwandiss @DrG_NHS @skalidindi1 @SuhanaAhmed10 @EllenWilkinson6 @raj_psyc @DrVeisi @wendy… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @TrendPSPK: Friends, Need plasma donors who successful became negative for COVID-19 and completed 14 days of strict quarantine. Donor… - 5 years ago

@R_A_J_B: RT @KomalThorat: Raj Kapoor - Mukesh Dev Anand - Rafi AB - Kishore Kumar SPB- Salman Khan Some of best Actor Singer duo. Periodt 29 MEL… - 5 years ago

@raj_pspk: RT @TrendPSPK: Friends, Need plasma donors who successful became negative for COVID-19 and completed 14 days of strict quarantine. Donor… - 5 years ago

@jampala_raj: RT @manabalayya: #manabalayya Vintage Pic -5 Next Milestone 650 K let's do it for our beloved hero B A L A Y Y A 🤘 #46GloriousYearsOfNBK… - 5 years ago

@jampala_raj: RT @IAmDhanush99: 4 , 5 , 8 , 10 nd 12 .... Since 1985 nundi IH movies ki vachina closing share numbers .... But with margine of 5Cr to… - 5 years ago

@007_s_a_q_i_b: RT @advocate_alakh: No listing date in 6 State Ministers’ Review Petition! In Kasab, Nirbhaya, Raj. Exam etc., Urgent Listing was allowed… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @imNikhilAnudeep: V A K E E L S A A B SPECIAL POSTER 🔥😍 #VakeelSaabSpecialPoster #PosterWork #PawankalyanBirthdayCarnival #HBDPawa… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @ChhBong: Need plasma donors who have successful became negative for COVID-19 and completed 14 days of strict quarantine ! Donor's wit… - 5 years ago

@Raj___8: @a_bee1994 @osa__M_B يارب 💜💛❤ - 5 years ago

@a_bee1994: @Raj___8 @osa__M_B ربي يفرح قلبها اوسا الصفراء💛 - 5 years ago

@raj_ankur_: @Hamzakh73439632 @Sidharthspeaks1 hmmm my fathers lives in delhi too😅😅 and he is a news monitor in I&B ministry.… - 5 years ago

@AmanMis8455969h: RT @Indian_Index: Achieved 60% + literacy rate in the census year. 1961: Delhi 1971: Kerala 1981: Goa, Puducherry 1991: Gujarat, HP, Maha,… - 5 years ago

@Sudharshan32: RT @TheEmissaryCo: @_Kongu_ I think Sikh Raj did have an impact in protecting Hindus/Dharma in NW India. But the demarcations b/w Sikh/Hin… - 5 years ago

@Shruthi_raj_: RT @Peace_Brw: Did you know? #Thirupaachi was a humongous BB in B and C centres. It completed 200 days in 30+ theaters across the state and… - 5 years ago

@matsburaas: @co_tesla @elonmusk @TeslaParaTodos @B_Energized @Teslatunity @UnpluggedTesla @tesla_master @TeslaUnofficial… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @saibandreddi: Need plasma donors who have successful became negative for COVID-19 and completed 14 days of strict quarantine ! Donor's… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @imNikhilAnudeep: V A K E E L S A A B🔥 SPECIAL POSTER Tomorrow #VakeelSaabSpecialPoster #PosterWork #PawankalyanBirthdayCarnival #H… - 5 years ago

@hubbard_jay: @co_tesla @elonmusk @TeslaParaTodos @B_Energized @Teslatunity @UnpluggedTesla @tesla_master @TeslaUnofficial… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @KanganaTeam: In this week itself I saw plenty of videos and pictures humiliating Hindu Gods, even using our holy books as toilet paper,… - 5 years ago

@TheEmissaryCo: @_Kongu_ I think Sikh Raj did have an impact in protecting Hindus/Dharma in NW India. But the demarcations b/w Sik… - 5 years ago

@NickGroene: @co_tesla @elonmusk @TeslaParaTodos @B_Energized @Teslatunity @UnpluggedTesla @tesla_master @TeslaUnofficial… - 5 years ago

@Praveen_Raj__B: RT @anandmahindra: The perfect way to coexist. @nitin_gadkari ji if you can make this a standard feature when building highways through par… - 5 years ago

@_prinse_raj: @R_A_J_B Agree bhai 😐 - 5 years ago

@R_A_J_B: @_prinse_raj Sabke sab faida utha rahe hai uski maut kaa ek baap ne kya khoya hai woh sirf useh hee pataa hai bhai 🙏 - 5 years ago

@_prinse_raj: @R_A_J_B Khaskar news channels ko bhai - 5 years ago

@raj_venkat444: RT @rahmanonline109: A L L U A R J U N M A L L U A R J U N A L L U B H A I names may be different but our emotion Towards Bunny is...H… - 5 years ago

@WarmTheCockles: @Raj_Singh2019 @JamesBenamor @KlaudioPetoshi I’m sure there’s a plan B,C and D. Let’s hope he doesn’t need to use them! - 5 years ago

@lanka_jagadeesh: RT @Mrsinginaadham: 39.M.KARUKKUVEL Raj B positve -9087425095 40.NARENDRAN A1B+(9500148984) 41.edwin. O- 9791150119 42. Selvaganesh A+ (994… - 5 years ago

@Shruthi_raj_: RT @Sripriyan41: Did you know? #Thirupaachi was a humongous BB in B and C centres. It completed 200 days in 30+ theaters across the state a… - 5 years ago

@FidecaM3: RT @co_tesla: Who said a Tesla can’t go track racing??? 🔥 Desde Querétaro MX nuestros miembros del Club se preparan para una carrera espect… - 5 years ago

@Mrsinginaadham: 39.M.KARUKKUVEL Raj B positve -9087425095 40.NARENDRAN A1B+(9500148984) 41.edwin. O- 9791150119 42. Selvaganesh A+… - 5 years ago

@AkashSDRaj1: #Likee #HelloLikee AKASH SD RAJ is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@btw_raj: RT @DevourYarn: Our Editing Pack with @peeelyy and @PenguinVFX is out now! 🎁We're giving away a free copy of the pack every 20 Retweets🎁… - 5 years ago

@DrNikhil_P_B: RT @rohini_sgh: Gautampalli is barely half a kilometre from CM house. Complete breakdown of law and order. Complete jungle raj. - 5 years ago

@co_tesla: Who said a Tesla can’t go track racing??? 🔥 Desde Querétaro MX nuestros miembros del Club se preparan para una carr… - 5 years ago

@raj_nab: @a_dureha @DFS_India @PMOIndia I agree. With the results out & the entire country knowing, doesn't it become a bind… - 5 years ago

@raj_seen: RT @sridhar_sri__: Did you know? #Thirupaachi was a humongous blockbuster in B and C centres. It completed 200 days in 30+ theaters across… - 5 years ago

@Raj_Dave_27: RT @nidhiindiatv: JEE, NEET students: The review petition filed in SC does NOT seek cancellation of exams. but only: (a) Postponement by… - 5 years ago

@Itz_vijay_raj: Did you know? #Thirupaachi was a humongous blockbuster in B and C centres. It completed 200 days in 30+ theaters a… - 5 years ago

@raj_kanumuri: RT @ICTbayern186: @d_i_b_y_a_ is a N0nce #1YearForBOMonsterSaaho - 5 years ago

@raj_virgo: @ZeeNews @aditi_tyagi How so rude and aggressive way. Almost Every tom, dik & Harry anchor has become the judge, ju… - 5 years ago

@Sai_Raj_2525: RT @Cyborg_Shukafa: Yesterday Bihar B.Ed Exam Gone so smoothly right 🌚 What a social distancing scene right? Corona will not catch us till… - 5 years ago

@Nikhil_P_B: RT @rohini_sgh: Gautampalli is barely half a kilometre from CM house. Complete breakdown of law and order. Complete jungle raj. - 5 years ago

@Raj_Alexandrah: Micheal B Jordan would become the new Black Panther but still he wouldn't be as Fine as Chadwick Boseman was😭. This… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B @Namrata_Salkat @Hunnysi9818789 @AmanSalmaniac Thnx Raj ☺️❤ - 5 years ago

@VijayBh26213453: #Likee #HelloLikee Bhaskar Raj is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@R_kaz2000: RT @ryt2swati: @lostboy54 He was drugged so tht he fail 2 defend himself while he gets killed d way murderers want,n prove it a suicide.dis… - 5 years ago

@Himansh82540336: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Jhatkalover: RT @Jhatkalover: Interesting interview w/an ex-soldier of Ranjit Singh. In 1857 the Sikhs chose to crush the mutiny b/c they a) despised th… - 5 years ago

@SHASHIRAJAMAN1: @SonuSood Sir, I am Shashi Raj Aman, Student of Glagotias University. B sc.(CS). I am belongs from Bihar. I need a… - 5 years ago

@Jhatkalover: Interesting interview w/an ex-soldier of Ranjit Singh. In 1857 the Sikhs chose to crush the mutiny b/c they a) desp… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B @BeingSalmanKhan Raj ☺️❤❤ - 5 years ago

@masumkhwaja: @SteveWatkinsNHS @Asifmbachlani @nuwandiss @DrG_NHS @skalidindi1 @SuhanaAhmed10 @EllenWilkinson6 @raj_psyc @DrVeisi… - 5 years ago

@husain_a_bloger: RT @BloodAid: #Ranchi #Urgent Need 2 units B+ #Blood plasma from #Covid19 recovered person @ Raj Hospital. Call 9955329521, 8002317062 #Bl… - 5 years ago

@ProfessorToffee: RT @ryt2swati: @lostboy54 He was drugged so tht he fail 2 defend himself while he gets killed d way murderers want,n prove it a suicide.dis… - 5 years ago

@ajayrajgaur: @_kwhr_studio Done Team answered on insta page 1.Swiggy - A.Sriharsha Majety 2.Oyo - B.Ritesh agarwal 3. Flipkart… - 5 years ago

@Raj_Dave_27: RT @anandobhakto: JEE-NEET is neither about ego nor about politics. It's about students' future. If million students are saying they need… - 5 years ago

@Aryan_Raj__: RT @P_Bhushan1: JEE-NEET is neither about ego nor about politics. It's about students' future. If million students are saying they need m… - 5 years ago

@b_Vishwadeep: RT @pragyapandeyIND: Poor Rajdeep in true sense is a walking talking Joke of India ! 🤣🤣 Epic Insult of Sardesai by MNS Chief Raj Thackeray… - 5 years ago

@Raj_drrk: RT @P_Bhushan1: JEE-NEET is neither about ego nor about politics. It's about students' future. If million students are saying they need m… - 5 years ago

@Gayathri_raj: RT @analyticbridge: Why Logistic Regression should be the last thing you learn when becoming a Data Scientist - 5 years ago

@amitabalaji: @sachinbambhniya @punarutthana @UNESCO @LostTemple7 @narendramodi @madhukishwar @IndiaTales7 @KashmiriPandit7… - 5 years ago

@_abhay_raj_: RT @anandobhakto: JEE-NEET is neither about ego nor about politics. It's about students' future. If million students are saying they need… - 5 years ago

@rishv_raj: RT @anandobhakto: JEE-NEET is neither about ego nor about politics. It's about students' future. If million students are saying they need… - 5 years ago

@aruj_raj: RT @anandobhakto: JEE-NEET is neither about ego nor about politics. It's about students' future. If million students are saying they need… - 5 years ago

@Sai_Raj_2525: RT @anandobhakto: JEE-NEET is neither about ego nor about politics. It's about students' future. If million students are saying they need… - 5 years ago

@SamJosh62942873: RT @ryt2swati: @lostboy54 He was drugged so tht he fail 2 defend himself while he gets killed d way murderers want,n prove it a suicide.dis… - 5 years ago

@B_raj: My sister; a hero the nation needs but doesn’t truly deserve. - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @Swamy39: The decimation of Congress has been initiated by TDK in preparation for her horizontal or vertical departure from India. Who e… - 5 years ago

@ryt2swati: @lostboy54 He was drugged so tht he fail 2 defend himself while he gets killed d way murderers want,n prove it a su… - 5 years ago

@Raj_Alexandrah: RT @omar_peyton7: I post dope shit on my status for boyfrnd to view n b lyk "how much bby i send u 💰" he instead views n moves on wth lyf😂… - 5 years ago

@ashwinrao200: @srikant41231441 @sardesairajdeep @IndiaToday There are other issues too which all news channel have to bring out.… - 5 years ago

@Raj_CricketBull: Fundamental right tera Bh*sdaaaa M**** F***** Arnab Goswami 🖕 Intimidating people Intimidating Police force is a f… - 5 years ago

@Sai_Raj_2525: RT @RuchiraC: I'd like to ask govt what sense it makes to carry on with this stubborn decision of holding JEE-NEET exams during a pandemic?… - 5 years ago

@jeetu_tweet: @SanjeevSanskrit Civil Services is left over vestiges of the British Raj. Get rid of it lock stock and barrel. A pe… - 5 years ago

@gromomusic: RT @PopMatters: #PREMIERE: ​Electro/hip-hop producer, Gromo teams with pop/R&B singer Rhea Raj for a beat-filled, Latin- and Indian-influen… - 5 years ago

@samlalapare: RT @PopMatters: #PREMIERE: ​Electro/hip-hop producer, Gromo teams with pop/R&B singer Rhea Raj for a beat-filled, Latin- and Indian-influen… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @PawanismNetwork: Dear friends, this is an EMERGENCY: B+ Plasma of a Covid-Recovered person required at Uday Omni Hospital, Hyderabad.… - 5 years ago

@RebeccaRShapiro: RT @PopMatters: #PREMIERE: ​Electro/hip-hop producer, Gromo teams with pop/R&B singer Rhea Raj for a beat-filled, Latin- and Indian-influen… - 5 years ago

@rhearajmusic: RT @PopMatters: #PREMIERE: ​Electro/hip-hop producer, Gromo teams with pop/R&B singer Rhea Raj for a beat-filled, Latin- and Indian-influen… - 5 years ago

@PopMatters: #PREMIERE: ​Electro/hip-hop producer, Gromo teams with pop/R&B singer Rhea Raj for a beat-filled, Latin- and Indian… - 5 years ago

@mrsrinivas_raj: RT @Prasad_Darling: P R A B H A S 🔥 - 5 years ago

@Nikhil_P_B: RT @DearthOfSid: A movie about "nepotism in Bollywood" starring Arya Babbar, son of Raj Babbar, a film actor-politician. Wow. - 5 years ago

@R_A_J_B: @CcrKaphle @BeingSalmanKhan @siddarthachaud6 @Being__Sanjeev @beingvivekrathi @_prinse_raj @samu_gautam… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @TrendPSPK: Dear friends, this is an EMERGENCY: B+ Plasma of a Covid-Recovered person required at Uday Omni Hospital, Hyderabad. Cont… - 5 years ago

@raj_keelu2: RT @TrendPSPK: EMERGENCY: B+ or B- Plasma of a Covid-Recovered person required at Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad. Contact Venkat: 998944442… - 5 years ago

@raj_nab: @lucknowtraffic @LkoCp @LoJcp @dcptrafficlko Grt effort. No doubt there has been a remarkable improvement in the tr… - 5 years ago

@SahodarIndia: #In1Case of #cyber law #Delhi H/C held that Mobile Phone used as a camera, containing material photograph adm… - 5 years ago

@Shruthi_raj_: RT @SabinSa96996222: Did you know? #Thirupaachi was a humongous blockbuster in B and C centres. It completed 200 days in 30+ theaters acros… - 5 years ago

@UgcNetJrfExam: Q) The Tenth Schedule to the Constitution of India relates to: Options: A)Panchayati Raj Institutions B) Anti-defe… - 5 years ago

@raj_3H: RT @SamyGioia: The World's Most Handsome Men in 2020 #HrithikRoshan T. Cruise J.Trudeau Z.Malik C.Evans O.B. Al Gala I.Somerhalder D.Beckha… - 5 years ago

@b_raj_kumar: RT @unexpected5678: On one side this paytm batch and @YSRCParty leaders did a propaganda that @ncbn said “vyavasayam dandaga”. On other si… - 5 years ago

@shahryar_raj: @KanganaTeam Kisi ne not kiya jb se cbi ai hai. Karan johar mahesh bhat dono ka nam khatam ho gaya. Or sara burden… - 5 years ago

@ab_abd01: @filmyguftgu Now that I look back, I think 60’s had a lot of good films in this genre. And Vijay Anand, B R Chopra… - 5 years ago

@raj_virgo: @PANCHOBH @IYC @srinivasiyc Wowww, these donkeys are protesting bcz there is a danger of CORONA #COVID19 if student… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B @Leena02570126 @FanclubJaipur @AtulRaj98451716 @bhaibeingbaba Thnx Raj ☺️❤ - 5 years ago

@b_raj_kumar: RT @PattabhiRamK1: Good morning friends Getting back to work from today after an irreplaceable personal loss,, Addressing a press meet on… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Thnx Raj gudnoon ☺️❤❤ - 5 years ago

@raj_lokesh1: RT @TrendPSPK: Dear friends, this is an EMERGENCY: B+ Plasma of a Covid-Recovered person required at Uday Omni Hospital, Hyderabad. Cont… - 5 years ago

@marwa_raj: RT @nehabatham03: @Akshita_N @shakti_sree Congratulations... This wedding wl b remmbered fr a long time... Beautiful pics - 5 years ago

@vartinam: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@b_raj_kumar: RT @Satyanewshi: 13 years of Hyderabad Bomb Blast . This Computer engineer was to leave for US in a week but became a victim of Jihadi terr… - 5 years ago

@martin_a_raj: RT @ShwetaSri13: @iArmySupporter @anky1912 This lady is now getting on our nerves.... It's too much... These ...bi... Should b immediately… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @ABVPVoice: ABVP held a massive protest in front of Hyderabad Commissioner Office demanding #JusticeForSavitha, who was raped by 139 peo… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @KanganaTeam: Thank you friends for trending #कंगना_राणावत_को_सुरक्षा_दो 🙏 means a lot, I don’t feel alone in this battle anymore, this… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @Swamy39: PTs: Please beware the handle swamy39 of swamy396. It is a fraud which aims to infiltrate into my nearing 10 million followers… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @KanganaTeam: If narcotics Control Bureau enters Bullywood, many A listers will be behind bars, if blood tests are conducted many shocki… - 5 years ago

@Ancey_Raj: RT @JungkookTimes2: The PD of Korean TV show “House on Wheels” said in an interview that Jungkook’s in the list of celebrities that he’d mo… - 5 years ago

@SalgotraRakesh: RT @CvpppLimited: Kiru HEP E&M Pkg: Kick-Off meeting b/w CVPPPL & M/s AHPL was chaired by Sh AK Chaudhary, MD-CVPPPL on 26.08.2020. Sh NS P… - 5 years ago

@juhirajput24: @R_A_J_B @varun_tyagi09 Raj tum yaha? Kese 😂 what a wonderful surprise - 5 years ago

@B_Jendra: RT @shekharsuman7: Do a Rhea..lity check Mr.Raj 'deep' 'Sardard'esai. A Rhea..ilty show on India थू day! You two made a complete 'hash' of… - 5 years ago

@raj_7820: RT @RoshniD199: If anyone needs a kidney, Just DM me, Mine is in good condition, Blood group is B+ As moratorium is ending on this month en… - 5 years ago

@mesatya_B: RT @shekharsuman7: Do a Rhea..lity check Mr.Raj 'deep' 'Sardard'esai. A Rhea..ilty show on India थू day! You two made a complete 'hash' of… - 5 years ago

@AMANGALAV: i am a student of 5 year B.A. LL.B. course in Raj. uni. and my fee is 43000 per semester , but in last semester the… - 5 years ago

@sumanebot: RT @ZayeemZiyadh: Prominent Malayalam - Sinhala Film director Antony Basker Raj (A. B. Raj) passed away on 23 August 2020 He directed 10 #… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Deep Raj ❤❤ - 5 years ago

@prabhas__raj: RT @SaaiSanaath: Indian hero screen prescence range yento world cinema ki chupettadu P R A B H A S 👑 - 5 years ago

@KGMandokhel: @ImranKhanPTI @OfficialDGISPR @BabarIftekhar_ :Dilip Kumar,Raj Kapoor&Ashok Kumar were 3 legendary Indian actors,al… - 5 years ago

@Vaibhav__Raj: RT @TheVariga: I rqst @Swamy39 @DrRPNishank 2 cndct a poll on official site Wid application no nd reg mob no. nd OTP to fill d poll or else… - 5 years ago

@AkashSDRaj1: #Likee #HelloLikee AKASH SD RAJ is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@SHAHAAN2712: @R_A_J_B @EmbarSalman @BeingSalmanKhan Raj Bhai Hindi nahi attitude but jo bi likha hai 🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 5 years ago

@KetanG_2002: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B @BeingSalmanKhan True Raj 🙌🙌❤ - 5 years ago

@SudhirK84584884: RT @CvpppLimited: Kiru HEP E&M Pkg: Kick-Off meeting b/w CVPPPL & M/s AHPL was chaired by Sh AK Chaudhary, MD-CVPPPL on 26.08.2020. Sh NS P… - 5 years ago

@Sun2405: RT @CvpppLimited: Kiru HEP E&M Pkg: Kick-Off meeting b/w CVPPPL & M/s AHPL was chaired by Sh AK Chaudhary, MD-CVPPPL on 26.08.2020. Sh NS P… - 5 years ago

@sidlianprashant: @R_A_J_B Woh toh Raj Bhai 🤣🤣🤣 Aadmi shaadi karne ke baad Pachtata hai 🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@GHULAMR21935172: RT @CvpppLimited: Kiru HEP E&M Pkg: Kick-Off meeting b/w CVPPPL & M/s AHPL was chaired by Sh AK Chaudhary, MD-CVPPPL on 26.08.2020. Sh NS P… - 5 years ago

@prem_raj_555: RT @soyyHeisenberg: Manam records kotalekapothe em cheyali? A)Porapatuna vere evadu break chesina 'slipper shot' ani first twt esi credit k… - 5 years ago

@CvpppLimited: Kiru HEP E&M Pkg: Kick-Off meeting b/w CVPPPL & M/s AHPL was chaired by Sh AK Chaudhary, MD-CVPPPL on 26.08.2020. S… - 5 years ago

@madrascourier: Raj Thaker, a research scholar in immunology at the University of Essex, explains the T Cells and B Cells. #Opinion… - 5 years ago

@raj_virgo: @CNBCTV18News @UnionBankTweets @latha_venkatesh @_soniashenoy @kothariabhishek Of course any bank can report the in… - 5 years ago

@sumanebot: RT @ZayeemZiyadh: Prominent Malayalam - Sinhala Film director Antony Basker Raj (A. B. Raj) passed away on 23 August 2020 He directed 10 #… - 5 years ago

@Raj_drrk: RT @bainjal: Suresh Chavanke is a hate monger who needs to be taken off air & arrested. The I&B ministry needs to cancel his channel’s lice… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B @BeingSalmanKhan Raj ☺️☺️❤😍 - 5 years ago

@choppybaba: RT @porbotialora: Sonthi Boonyaratglin is a former commander of chief of the Thai royal army. He's a Shia with descent from Sheikh Ahmad fr… - 5 years ago

@Nikhil_P_B: RT @free_thinker: A video of a cop beating a minor boy was tweeted by Mojo Story. BJP leader Kapil Mishra and TOI journalist Raj Shekhar Jh… - 5 years ago

@lakshmisrikant7: RT @porbotialora: Sonthi Boonyaratglin is a former commander of chief of the Thai royal army. He's a Shia with descent from Sheikh Ahmad fr… - 5 years ago

@PNachiket13: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@chaitoo154: RT @porbotialora: Sonthi Boonyaratglin is a former commander of chief of the Thai royal army. He's a Shia with descent from Sheikh Ahmad fr… - 5 years ago

@urmiundone: RT @porbotialora: Sonthi Boonyaratglin is a former commander of chief of the Thai royal army. He's a Shia with descent from Sheikh Ahmad fr… - 5 years ago

@fight4URIndia: RT @porbotialora: Sonthi Boonyaratglin is a former commander of chief of the Thai royal army. He's a Shia with descent from Sheikh Ahmad fr… - 5 years ago

@marwa_raj: RT @RaviKum43297969: @BBCWorld please help us students are not safe in india govt are using us as a testing Till now no exam is conducted w… - 5 years ago

@Madhav00: RT @porbotialora: Sonthi Boonyaratglin is a former commander of chief of the Thai royal army. He's a Shia with descent from Sheikh Ahmad fr… - 5 years ago

@porbotialora: Sonthi Boonyaratglin is a former commander of chief of the Thai royal army. He's a Shia with descent from Sheikh Ah… - 5 years ago

@abdurrhaman255: #Likee #HelloLikee Ahmed Raj is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@raj_1403: Would have gone for a Tag or Reg and build a team rather than dish out the money.What I am saying is in today's wor… - 5 years ago

@raj_1403: now that we have processed under the Roman Empire, we have become the big club like what Manutd used to b in older… - 5 years ago

@laxmina92497023: @Raj_drrk @anjanaomkashyap @BBCHindi Why there is a media-trial on whether SSR was taking drugs? In my view most of… - 5 years ago

@pravi202: @shwetasinghkirt Mediocre guy like Raj deep-in-S*** & corruption, & also a member of Presstitutes should be ignored… - 5 years ago

@Vendraz23: @NagpurKaRajini @rahulkanwal @anjanaomkashyap Raj Bhai you don't know @sardesairajdeep accepted he is a vulture...… - 5 years ago

@thatzanygirl: @UnamPillai @ananthu_raj_ @DearthOfSid Dts like saying Sambandanam culture, gave women the freedom to have multiple… - 5 years ago

@ManaliRoyChowd3: @ReallySwara We, as a Nation r proud of our Media & journos like #ArnabGoswami. U al will b brutally exposed now. N… - 5 years ago

@Classical_Raj: B&D for a reason ! - 5 years ago

@raj_raj09877: Lets teach a lesson to @IndiaToday lets boycott aajtak Shame on bhaade ka tattoo @sardesairajdeep #ShameOnAajTak going to b trend #1 - 5 years ago

@BhavyaGoswami17: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Sandepkaushish: Light clouds at some places C. Africa, N.Afghanistan,Tajikistan, W&F.E Russia,S.Korea,Japan, Taiwan,Philipines,Viet… - 5 years ago

@raj_1403: @SamLee @David_Ornstein Is he goes on a free, many clubs might b interested, nothing interesting about that. No-o… - 5 years ago

@Priiya_raj: RT @SrBachchan: T 3639 - A : भैया सुनो , आजकल Corona की वजह से , अम्माजान की दुकान खूब चल रही है ! B : 'अम्माजान ' ? कौन अम्माजान ? A :… - 5 years ago

@Aadesh4831: RT @gussaye_fufa_g: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah… - 5 years ago

@Priyank82477613: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Himansh80882935: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@sumanebot: RT @ZayeemZiyadh: Prominent Malayalam - Sinhala Film director Antony Basker Raj (A. B. Raj) passed away on 23 August 2020 He directed 10 #… - 5 years ago

@mikejohansenmd: @NoahHaber @venkmurthy @raj_mehta I put a paper on medrxiv tonight. I refused to create a model b/c important varia… - 5 years ago

@gandhi_nikhitha: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Mansigu70600740: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@_arun_raj: @Poudelsagar518 when ever u feel down 4 something then have a look at all the people who wish 2 b like u and the pe… - 5 years ago

@Shruthi_raj_: RT @WalterWhite63: @JasonSanjayOff Becz of the only reason that this ID is on ThalapathyVijay son's name I can't curse you 🤐 Stop this B.… - 5 years ago

@jkarji: RT @haryanv36531768: @sunilssihag @Raj_Dwiv3 @pbhushan1 I mush have been watching a different show to you he is always been on the left an… - 5 years ago

@bossavinas: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@iam_abdulahad_: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@PBalaji16169100: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@nabendu_sekhar: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Adi39gupta: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Tulsira36849883: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@smruti_ranjan_b: RT @free_thinker: After a Delhi cop was filmed beating a child, BJP leader Kapil Mishra and TOI journalist Raj Shekhar Jha claimed Barkha D… - 5 years ago

@CryptoStorm3: @bg38l @catrionalewis Then your dad must have told you all about Imperialism in India. I'm surprised that you aren'… - 5 years ago

@impr_raj: RT @SrBachchan: T 3639 - A : भैया सुनो , आजकल Corona की वजह से , अम्माजान की दुकान खूब चल रही है ! B : 'अम्माजान ' ? कौन अम्माजान ? A :… - 5 years ago

@SakirBiswas3: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@RjaRmeeZ1: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@sheikhs80885609: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@dhatwalianku001: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@SobersChristia1: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@FatmaShajra: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@SuraseAniket: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Dora43332787: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Prashant____98: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Avinash15374872: @XpressCinema @prashanth_neel @sharadasrinidhi It might b a replacement or not sir , We hate prakash raj thats it ,… - 5 years ago

@fc_b_vb_: RT @Madjid_SERRAH: 🔴 Le militant du Rassemblement Action Jeunesse (#RAJ) Nassim Ould Ouali vient d'être arrêté par la police à #Tizi_Ouzou.… - 5 years ago

@imnikhil_raj: RT @SrBachchan: T 3639 - A : भैया सुनो , आजकल Corona की वजह से , अम्माजान की दुकान खूब चल रही है ! B : 'अम्माजान ' ? कौन अम्माजान ? A :… - 5 years ago

@Aish12689044: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@PritamD69350455: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@RavvaNagaraju: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@RanjanK08126136: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Shivans02650121: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@MillerBrailey: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@SaiPava29831908: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Anandi81457957: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@shivamkumar411: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Akilesh90078107: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@B_Being_Human: RT @zoo_bear: After a Delhi cop was filmed beating a child, BJP leader Kapil Mishra and TOI journalist Raj Shekhar Jha claimed Barkha Dutt'… - 5 years ago

@Rajveer83221650: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@RiteshK33558415: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Abhishe20027565: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@RajeshwariVish7: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@AlishaM35379099: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@Prathamrao2001: RT @okskylove1999: This is a very big news: Finally our voices are listen by opposition party in good manner, & May be all 7 CMs of Mah.… - 5 years ago

@_nirmal_raj_: RT @anandobhakto: JEE-NEET is a student's dream of a lifetime. Their efforts can't b wasted by forcing it in d midst of a pandemic. Govt mu… - 5 years ago

@sumanebot: RT @ZayeemZiyadh: Prominent Malayalam - Sinhala Film director Antony Basker Raj (A. B. Raj) passed away on 23 August 2020 He directed 10 #… - 5 years ago

@Raj_Twetzzzz: RT @WriterRavikumar: “Law can punish a single solitary recalcitrant criminal. It can never operate against a whole body of people who are d… - 5 years ago

@suhant_raj: RT @wowthatshiphop: Happy anniversary to the one of the best albums of all time. Not just by a woman, not just in hip-hop/r&b, but of all t… - 5 years ago

@Mohamme63519640: @I_Me_Raj_ @AmaalMallik Yes Bhai ab waqt agaya B H A D W A.. Amaal Malik. Ko nanga karenge - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Thnx Raj 🙌❤ - 5 years ago

@Ashmika_raj: RT @sujeetneet: 🛑ATTENTION 🛑 Hey guys on 26th August neet admit card are going to b issued by NTA plzz don't hurry up to download the admit… - 5 years ago

@raj_gaming_5: RT @nice2meetyou_p: @SoumyaMSm2M @DrRPNishank @iitbombay Didn't understand a single word but LIKING it because I am sure Bhai.... Dard tumh… - 5 years ago

@sumanebot: RT @ZayeemZiyadh: Prominent Malayalam - Sinhala Film director Antony Basker Raj (A. B. Raj) passed away on 23 August 2020 He directed 10 #… - 5 years ago

@Sportskeerthi: RT @TheHinduCinema: National Award winning actress Saranya Ponvannan speaks about her father A.B. Raj, who passed away on August 23 https:/… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @Swamy39: With so many State Governments calling for postponement of NEET/JEE examination, and even Allen Coaching also, why the Ministr… - 5 years ago

@Priyankatweetss: @R_A_J_B Yups raj💛🙌 - 5 years ago

@TheHinduCinema: National Award winning actress Saranya Ponvannan speaks about her father A.B. Raj, who passed away on August 23 - 5 years ago

@ZayeemZiyadh: Prominent Malayalam - Sinhala Film director Antony Basker Raj (A. B. Raj) passed away on 23 August 2020 He directe… - 5 years ago

@juhirajput24: @R_A_J_B @Twitter @TwitterSupport @naaz___22 Delete kro raj ye - 5 years ago

@sidlianprashant: @R_A_J_B Boycott walo ka ram naam satya hai aur ram bolo bhai ram 🤣🤣 Raj Bhai - 5 years ago

@DirAnique: Does #karachi now needs to have governor raj? @PakPMO @PakistanPMDU @ImranKhanPTI @ImranIsmailPTI @ArifAlvi or ther… - 5 years ago

@Nikhil_P_B: RT @RanaAyyub: Television Journalist Ratan Singh shot dead in UP, second such incident within a month. If this is not jungle raj, what is ?… - 5 years ago

@raj_mehta: @MaartenvSmeden I think every AI/ML project in medicine should be held to the same standard as the IT world. How m… - 5 years ago

@d_pamel: RT @Katrinma2: @reinaravenna @PameIssabelg @LoremartiMym @Pekittas1 @d_pamel @criacanvald @Gala69111469 @cecyvielma @ReneMValenzuel1 @tatty… - 5 years ago

@Katrinma2: @reinaravenna @PameIssabelg @LoremartiMym @Pekittas1 @d_pamel @criacanvald @Gala69111469 @cecyvielma… - 5 years ago

@KapilzLoverx__: @R_A_J_B @k9_rahul @KapilSharmaK9 @SharaniaJ @kapilianAngel @N_Loves_Angel @juhirajput24 @sidlianprashant… - 5 years ago

@iprachi_raj: RT @AnjanaR32159750: #SidNaaz Quotes which suits the situation b/w SidNaaz the best ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ a thread ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ @sidharth_shukla @ishehna… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B @BeingAshish25 Thnx Raj ❤ - 5 years ago

@KnowledgeExcha4: #generalknowledge #CTSP Q. #Islamabad was known by the name of: A. Raj Shahi B. Gandhara C. Suri Nagar D. None of… - 5 years ago

@Shanak_Msd: @Raj_twetz @L_o_c_a_l_b_o_y @Suriya_offl Ivarum first oppose Pannathan senjaru - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B @FizaKtweets Thnx Raj ☺️❤ - 5 years ago

@ETVBharatTN: நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்வண்ணனின் தந்தை காலமானார்! #ABRaj #RIPABRaj #AntonyBaskarRaj #SaranyaPonvannan - 5 years ago

@biren_b: RT @Satyanewshi: FORMER Congress Bengaluru Mayor Sampath Raj's personal assistant arrested for mobilizing the mob to attack the home of Co… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @soundarya_20: Dreams Do Come true ❤️🔥 When there’s a will there’s a way. As they say nothing is impossible. Today I hiked uptill d most… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @KanganaTeam: Amma, my great grandma who was almost 100 when she passed away in 2010, she adopted me when I was a new born, taught me la… - 5 years ago

@a_ibhiya_neev: RT @b_jodh: @trustyoftruth @AMITA0744 @begu_im @manoj_begu @singhch40 @0sona_IND @sayarideewani @SGT_01 @PriyaSh52 @sonu_cnc @Suvinod1 @Shr… - 5 years ago

@NiloyRa41443815: #Likee #HelloLikee NILOY RAJ is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@B_Being_Human: RT @RanaAyyub: Television Journalist Ratan Singh shot dead in UP, second such incident within a month. If this is not jungle raj, what is ?… - 5 years ago

@b_abhijit: @RanaAyyub Jungle Raj is not a literary expression. Call it Ram Rajya 😎 - 5 years ago

@DrNikhil_P_B: RT @RanaAyyub: Television Journalist Ratan Singh shot dead in UP, second such incident within a month. If this is not jungle raj, what is ?… - 5 years ago

@NextInCareer: Mahishadal Raj College Merit List 2020 (28th Aug) | Revised Schedule, B.A., - 5 years ago

@NextInCareer: Mahishadal Raj College Merit List 2020 (28th Aug) | Revised Schedule, B.A., - 5 years ago

@imRaushan_raj: RT @RohitRa69000079: #MODIJI_POSTPONEJEENEET 🙏TRUE STORY🙏 writing with a heavy heart. Around 12 AM my relative passed away due to Corona… - 5 years ago

@Varun86711498: @b_raj_kumar @aravindgogineni No no, it's not about a negative reply brother. I'm looking for suggestions and solut… - 5 years ago

@PRIMUS771: RT @SSTweeps: Ace director A.B. Raj passes away... RIP.. - 5 years ago

@A_B_shek: RT @Being_Humor: Udit Raj ji ke shashan me .. meme batenge ration me #UditRajForCongressPresident - 5 years ago

@Simashah26: @R_A_J_B Thank you 🙏 Raj same to you.😇 - 5 years ago

@raj_uru: RT @BollywoodSkele: Today by end of day I was taken aback by how deep down humanity has fallen. They hav started a PR machine 2 malign SSR'… - 5 years ago

@Girl_Raj: RT @SikhPA: A jewellery designer and hat designer have apologised after collaborating to create a turban for R&B singer @fatbellybella, whi… - 5 years ago

@GITADORA_Phrase: BOBBY SUE AND SKINNY JIM Artist:Raj Ramayya BPM:133 Version:GF6dm5 ① Intro ② Phrase A ③ Phrase B ④ Phrase C ⑤ Spe… - 5 years ago

@A_deAline: RT @rkhamsi: Do you want more explanation of these cells? WHY?!!! It's the weekend! Get outside and pull your eyeballs off Twitter. Once… - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @narendramodi: On this day, last year, we lost Shri Arun Jaitley Ji. I miss my friend a lot. Arun Ji diligently served India. His wit,… - 5 years ago

@abdurrhaman255: #Likee #HelloLikee Ahmed Raj is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@Opportunis_T: @Being_Humor @RahulGandhi @Dr_Uditraj @ahmedpatel A talented person like udit raj should b given the charge - 5 years ago

@SanjoyS53951599: Aisa puchtaj bahut ho gaya !Abhi C.B.I ko 3rd degree dena chahiye! Do min. Pe pithani sara raj khol dega!Sare naam samne a jeyega. - 5 years ago

@Real_Adam_B: @HoopoeMohican My dad and his family were Indians born in The Raj. They had a far more nuanced view of things... bu… - 5 years ago

@_dreamer__neha: @R_A_J_B @Luv4Virat Thank you Raj❤️ - 5 years ago

@sreemadh36: @ChitraParamesw3 @OnlySush73650 @Cons_Raj @republic Exactly!! All d pics floating arnd by our very own Twitter ke C… - 5 years ago

@Raj_Bisht5: RT @kanimozhi: I wonder why what B Grade Item girls like Swara Bhakar and presstitute like Arfa or Rana says becomes sensational national n… - 5 years ago

@smart_raj_: RT @Alekya_k_: ఈ రాష్ట్రం లో కుల పిచ్చి ఎక్కువుగా ఉన్న కులం ఏదీ?? A.కమ్మ B.రెడ్డి C.కాపు - 5 years ago

@b_n_chaturvedi: RT @GaramDal4India: Shivaram Hari Rajguru was an Indian revolutionary known mainly for his involvement in the assassination of a British Ra… - 5 years ago

@Raj_9792: RT @MajorPoonia: 3 कांग्रेसी #CongressPresident A-सोनियाजी को ही रखो B-वो नहीं मानेंगी A-राहुल को बना दो B-वो नहीं मान रहे A-तो प्रियंका को… - 5 years ago

@Raj_K_Poot1: RT @_tnr1: #DostiGroup @Bszrih @_tnr1 @O__HSH @Rbb786 @TM_YZ1 🟣🟣 @ja_ed1 @Aahhyan @Sbr_Nz @Zara__b @_GR19 @MLK_165 @us_na1 @Z10AP @9SNA8… - 5 years ago

@Raj_K_Poot1: @_tnr1 @Bszrih @O__HSH @Rbb786 @TM_YZ1 @ja_ed1 @Aahhyan @Sbr_Nz @Zara__b @_GR19 @MLK_165 @us_na1 @Z10AP @9SNA8… - 5 years ago

@manumavelil: RT @BrutalCandour: A B Raj, the director of 49 Malayalam movies, passed away in Chennai @pendown @xpresskerala - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @KanganaTeam: I am not a patch on her but this fills my heart with immense gratitude #झांसी_की_रानी_कंगना 🙏 - 5 years ago

@Raj_B_15: RT @rohanjaitley: It’s been a year since you left us, dad @arunjaitley. In many ways, it feels like it was just yesterday. The pain is stil… - 5 years ago

@Rameshdas_: @ShreyaR5055 @0sona_IND @manoj_begu @Vaide_0105 @Ram__raj @ModiNama01 @RoyalAlok1 @cute_rupali_1 @Bhaskar_ckt… - 5 years ago

@dumasiam: 📷 Director A B Raj is no more via Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Latest Movie News, Breaking News | Entertainm… - 5 years ago

@dumasiam: Director A B Raj is no more - 5 years ago

@s_priya531: Its not far off that she'll call every newcomer a B grade Actor that involves actors like Raj Kumar Rao,Vicky Kaush… - 5 years ago

@PyckerMollywood: Senior Director A B Raj Passes Away - 5 years ago

@Raj_Manown: RT @NellaiVMI_Offl: Happieee b'dayyy @imKBRshanthnu Anna ❤ Have a great year ahead na!😊 Always be happy wid @KikiVijay Akka 🙌 Wishes from A… - 5 years ago


@kayaldevaraj: R.I.P Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B.Raj passes away பழம்பெரும் மலையாளப் பட இயக்குனரும், நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்வ… - 5 years ago

@Narasim63289430: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@Durai11854177: RT @PRO_Priya: R.I.P Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்வண்ணன் அவ… - 5 years ago

@mathrubhumi: വിലയേറിയ താരങ്ങള്‍പോലും മുഖത്ത് ഛായം തേച്ച് സംവിധായകന്റെ വിളിക്കായി കാത്തുനിന്ന കാലത്തെ സംവിധായകന്‍ - 5 years ago

@mb4frames: വിലയേറിയ താരങ്ങള്‍പോലും മുഖത്ത് ഛായം തേച്ച് സംവിധായകന്റെ വിളിക്കായി കാത്തുനിന്ന കാലത്തെ… - 5 years ago

@Raj_Patil_INC: RT @srivatsayb: B&D @RahulKanwal, when will you gather some guts to speak about Nepotism in BCCI? Jay Shah was a cricketer? Did he teach yo… - 5 years ago

@keralapoly: ഡേവിഡ് ലീനിന്റെ പ്രശസ്തമായ ‘ബ്രിജ് ഓൺ ദ് റിവർ ക്വായ്’ എന്ന സിനിമയിൽ സഹസംവിധായകനായിരുന്നു. ... #ഹരിഹരൻ, ഐ.വി.ശശി, പി… - 5 years ago

@KochTimes: Filmmaker A B Raj, who debuted in Malayalam through 'Kaliyalla Kalyanam' movie, passes away at the age of 95 - 5 years ago

@RazuRaj11: #Likee #HelloLikee 💥♨Razu_Raj♨💥 is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@spp_media: R.I.P Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்… - 5 years ago

@PRO_Priya: R.I.P Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்… - 5 years ago

@CinePeek: R.I.P 😔🙏🏻😔 Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்… - 5 years ago

@BotCongo: RT @Sandepkaushish: Light clouds at some places over Congo,C.A.R.,Ethopia,East Europe,Kazakhstan,West & F.E.Russia,Japan,Myanmar,Manipu, W.… - 5 years ago

@thatsMalayalam: സംവിധായകന്‍ എ.ബി.രാജ് അന്തരിച്ചു, വേദനയോടെ സിനിമാലോകം! അച്ഛന് പിന്നാലെ മകളും സിനിമയിലെത്തി - 5 years ago

@FilmibeatMa: സംവിധായകന്‍ എ.ബി.രാജ് അന്തരിച്ചു, വേദനയോടെ സിനിമാലോകം! അച്ഛന് പിന്നാലെ മകളും സിനിമയിലെത്തി - 5 years ago

@Sandepkaushish: Light clouds at some places over Congo,C.A.R.,Ethopia,East Europe,Kazakhstan,West & F.E.Russia,Japan,Myanmar,Manipu… - 5 years ago

@Jacu5000george2: RT @RIAZtheboss: Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்வண்ணன் அவர்க… - 5 years ago

@Buhari7654: RT @RIAZtheboss: Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்வண்ணன் அவர்க… - 5 years ago

@RIAZtheboss: Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்வண்ணன்… - 5 years ago

@manoramanews: മലയാളത്തിൽ സൂപ്പർ ഹിറ്റുകളൊരുക്കിയ സംവിധായകൻ എ.ബി.രാജ് അന്തരിച്ചു - 5 years ago

@itsme_karthik85: RT @meenakshicinema: R.I.P Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்வண்… - 5 years ago

@meenakshicinema: R.I.P Veteran Malayalam Film Director A.B .Raj passes away... பழம்பெரும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனரும் , நடிகை சரண்யா பொன்… - 5 years ago

@RenjitRajendran: RT @manoramaonline: സൂപ്പർ ഹിറ്റുകളുടെ സംവിധായകൻ; എ.ബി.രാജിന് വിട - 5 years ago

@manoramaonline: സൂപ്പർ ഹിറ്റുകളുടെ സംവിധായകൻ; എ.ബി.രാജിന് വിട - 5 years ago

@Grandhapriya: RT @asianetnewstv: സംവിധായകന്‍ എ ബി രാജ് അന്തരിച്ചു - 5 years ago

@CKusumasai: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@filmistreet: சரண்யா பொன்வண்ணனின் தந்தையும் மலையாள பட இயக்குனருமான ஏபி ராஜ் காலமானார் #ABRaj… - 5 years ago

@doolnews: പ്രശ്‌സത സംവിധായകനും നടി ശരണ്യ പൊന്‍വണ്ണന്റെ പിതാവുമായ എ.ബി രാജ് അന്തരിച്ചു - 5 years ago

@prabhat91288661: RT @BrutalCandour: A B Raj, the director of 49 Malayalam movies, passed away in Chennai @pendown @xpresskerala - 5 years ago

@KeralaNews24x7: സംവിധായകന്‍ എ.ബി.രാജ് അന്തരിച്ചു - Mathrubhumi - 5 years ago

@livenewskerala: സംവിധായകന്‍ എ.ബി.രാജ് അന്തരിച്ചു - 5 years ago

@SHAHAAN2712: @RehanaA47390081 @R_A_J_B @dabbang22khan Nahi di main aur Raj Kuch baat kar rahe hain - 5 years ago

@KMSHETTYP: @ReAndromeda @Faariiiaa Thanks beautiful Andromeda, I had seen it. It's prod by Karan Johar&others, dir by Raj Meht… - 5 years ago

@R_A_J_B: @dabbang22khan Koi baat nahi shishye baba Raj hamesha yahi milege but with jeans no dhoti 🤧🤧🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@R_A_J_B: @dabbang22khan Try karlo warna Raj baba toh hai hee yahaa pe nayaa nuska leke dege 🙏🙏🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@varunep: RT @vip_nair: A B Raj's daughter is national award winning Tamil movie (predominantly) actress Saranya Ponvannan. - 5 years ago

@DivakarJanasena: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@Rinkulovessallu: @R_A_J_B Jz luv this song Raj ❤ - 5 years ago

@NotSoSnob: RT @BrutalCandour: A B Raj, the director of 49 Malayalam movies, passed away in Chennai @pendown @xpresskerala - 5 years ago

@mukeshmenon: RT @BrutalCandour: A B Raj, the director of 49 Malayalam movies, passed away in Chennai @pendown @xpresskerala - 5 years ago

@Ravindra_TNIE: RT @BrutalCandour: A B Raj, the director of 49 Malayalam movies, passed away in Chennai @pendown @xpresskerala - 5 years ago

@NewIndianXpress: RT @BrutalCandour: A B Raj, the director of 49 Malayalam movies, passed away in Chennai @pendown @xpresskerala - 5 years ago

@vip_nair: A B Raj's daughter is national award winning Tamil movie (predominantly) actress Saranya Ponvannan.… - 5 years ago

@PRADEEP44708494: #Likee #HelloLikee Raj is broadcasting a Magic Live, come and join in! - 5 years ago

@BrutalCandour: A B Raj, the director of 49 Malayalam movies, passed away in Chennai @pendown @xpresskerala - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, A. B. Raj dies - #ABRaj #A. #B.Raj #rip - 5 years ago

@HariSha97194771: RT @SSTweeps: Ace director A.B. Raj passes away... RIP.. - 5 years ago

@SSTweeps: Ace director A.B. Raj passes away... RIP.. - 5 years ago

@asianetnewstv: സംവിധായകന്‍ എ ബി രാജ് അന്തരിച്ചു - 5 years ago

@Abhishek_Raj___: RT @AISA_tweets: BHU Student shatrudhan Tiwari who appeared in UP B.Ed examination is covid positive & on 24th August he has to appear in B… - 5 years ago

@KishoreCM3: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@348hakeem: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@SrinivasMN6: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373… - 5 years ago

@Charanchinnu16: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@yours_draj: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@Its_Ritik_Raj: RT @AISA_tweets: BHU Student shatrudhan Tiwari who appeared in UP B.Ed examination is covid positive & on 24th August he has to appear in B… - 5 years ago

@barbaarik: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@Sidhu1990199115: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@manutdfanvoice: @Akabash01 @raj_mufc7 @ethanLUHTRAO Lvg and Jose at one point said. I and ceo are exactly In same page. If u really… - 5 years ago

@Balaji504: RT @chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373 38… - 5 years ago

@chandrasekarJSP: 34. V.Mohan 0+ 9940639557 35. Jawahar B+ 9600162581 36. V.Karthick A1+ 9578828854 37. C.Rajkumar B+ 9790844373… - 5 years ago

@IndliaSohan: RT @YogeshM39: Why we suffer burden of unemployment due to your poor systems and a bad job policy Give us our right to job A request to… - 5 years ago

@b_raj_kumar: RT @renuka_jetti: A small interview 👍 - 5 years ago

@Sujay__Raj: RT @iSachinDeshwal: Sri Sampige Siddeshwara Devasthana. It's said to b named after d Sampige tree which was supposedly planted by d ancesto… - 5 years ago

@raj_venkat444: RT @bunnyfangirl65: One slogan " J A I B U N N Y " #GetReadyForAug29thTrend || #AA21 ! #Pushpa !! #Alluarjun - 5 years ago

@SAM35521784: @R_A_J_B Raj bhai please dm kren mujhe - 5 years ago

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