2020 Beirut explosion

French architect.
Died on Friday August 21st 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to 2020 Beirut explosion:

@Starmanmax: RT @Uncle_clique: A reminder of how shitty 2020 have been - WW3 scares - Kobe Bryant's death - Australia Burning - Global pandemic - Sport… - 5 years ago

@JaarezaReza: RT @adam_tooze: Assuming it is found to be an accident, the Beirut explosion is going to destroy Lebanon’s insurance industry, which is lin… - 5 years ago

@hserdarcop: RT @timourazhari: 4. Of note: Sawan’s history of issuing harsh terrorism judgements against Syrians at the military court, even allegedly f… - 5 years ago

@AquelRojiblanco: RT @GolDeGodin_: Incendios en el Amazonas y Australia, muere Kobe Bryant, Covid, volcanes, vuelve Anonymus, explosión de Beirut, muere Chad… - 5 years ago


@Carla_Slim: RT @middleeast: Senegal is removing about 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate — a larger volume of the chemical involved in the Beirut explosion… - 5 years ago

@chellemania: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Rafidi: "Okay, your majesty. [...]" - 5 years ago

@KwachSt: RT @BBGAfrica: Senegal is removing about 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate — more than was involved in the Beirut explosion — from the port of… - 5 years ago

@dk_dax: RT @BBGAfrica: Senegal is removing about 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate — more than was involved in the Beirut explosion — from the port of… - 5 years ago

@naomimoleka: RT @business: Senegal is removing about 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate — more than was involved in the Beirut explosion — from the port of… - 5 years ago

@mycrazyfangirl1: 2020 itinerary January: WW3 memes, Kobe’s death February: Australian Wildfires, Ahmaud Arbery’s death March: Covid1… - 5 years ago

@TIRWorldNews: #EXPLOSION IN BEIRUT | New shocking video of the explosion in the capital of #Lebanon MORE: - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Rafidi: "He is more learned than you will ever become. So everyone who raises a word is now a suicide bomber? [...]" - 5 years ago

@kingston_v: RT @business: Senegal is removing about 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate — a larger volume of the chemical involved in the Beirut explosion —… - 5 years ago

@EMagistah: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@Horn_Africa: RT @BBGAfrica: Senegal is removing about 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate — more than was involved in the Beirut explosion — from the port of… - 5 years ago

@hultuti: RT @wired_jp: レバノンの爆発事故が、あれほど破壊的な規模になった化学的メカニズム - 5 years ago

@WanjohiK: RT @Refugees: With Lebanon reeling from the Beirut explosion, COVID-19 and financial crisis, @UN High Commissioner for Refugees @FilippoGra… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: TayyarBeino: "في الاثناء، أعلن بهاء الحريري أمس ترشحه لرئاسة الحكومة، رافضا ان تذهب الحكومة الى تكنوقراط مجهول يفتق… - 5 years ago

@AfriWoman: RT @BBGAfrica: Senegal is removing about 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate — more than was involved in the Beirut explosion — from the port of… - 5 years ago

@TheBabsAderoju: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@akua_lizbetty: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@koredeklassic: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@glenna990: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@citmnks_: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@FreebornAjibode: RT @Uncle_clique: A reminder of how shitty 2020 have been - WW3 scares - Kobe Bryant's death - Australia Burning - Global pandemic - Sport… - 5 years ago

@emzitto_: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@DahDominator: RT @Uncle_clique: A reminder of how shitty 2020 have been - WW3 scares - Kobe Bryant's death - Australia Burning - Global pandemic - Sport… - 5 years ago

@7lone7: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@AndrewsJemimah1: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@HOPEWELL_HND: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@haywhyfresh3: RT @Uncle_clique: A reminder of how shitty 2020 have been - WW3 scares - Kobe Bryant's death - Australia Burning - Global pandemic - Sport… - 5 years ago

@gilbert_worgbah: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@KuziwaGowero: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@ayowiz16: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@HenryAfam4: RT @Uncle_clique: A reminder of how shitty 2020 have been - WW3 scares - Kobe Bryant's death - Australia Burning - Global pandemic - Sport… - 5 years ago

@Mcvictor4life: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@Radioactivemuzq: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@dami_dabiri: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@Dakalo_Ramuddb: RT @bigdaddyvinz: January- Kobe death Feb- Pop smoke death March & April: Corona virus outbreak and deaths May: Floyd Death June: Rape case… - 5 years ago

@PampanEscuelas: RT @Zabayar: Digan ustedes si esta explosión no les recurda la explosión de Beirut-Libano, vean el tamaño de la explosión y los edificios.… - 5 years ago

@ocaso_amanecer: RT @Zabayar: Digan ustedes si esta explosión no les recurda la explosión de Beirut-Libano, vean el tamaño de la explosión y los edificios.… - 5 years ago

@AC_y_DC: RT @Zabayar: Digan ustedes si esta explosión no les recurda la explosión de Beirut-Libano, vean el tamaño de la explosión y los edificios.… - 5 years ago

@ANERAorg: "Desperate to Leave Beirut, Young Lebanese Are Also the Ones Fixing It" | @VivianHYee for @nytimes [soft paywall] - 5 years ago

@chirikayen29: RT @Zabayar: Digan ustedes si esta explosión no les recurda la explosión de Beirut-Libano, vean el tamaño de la explosión y los edificios.… - 5 years ago

@RRmpinero: RT @arwaib: The majority of #Lebanon's imports were redirected for a week after the explosion until Beirut’s port became operational again.… - 5 years ago

@wilfred59324499: RT @Zabayar: Digan ustedes si esta explosión no les recurda la explosión de Beirut-Libano, vean el tamaño de la explosión y los edificios.… - 5 years ago

@ricasoli99: Have you tasted any #Lebanese wine? 🍷🍷🍷 Lebanese wine is superb. After the Beirut explosion, we should all be buyin… - 5 years ago

@germanalexlopez: RT @Zabayar: Digan ustedes si esta explosión no les recurda la explosión de Beirut-Libano, vean el tamaño de la explosión y los edificios.… - 5 years ago

@rvalentwit: "As #Beirut reckons with the destruction, thousands of Lebanese in their teens, 20s and 30s — rather than governmen… - 5 years ago

@AUB_Lebanon: RT @MITarchitecture: Howayda Al-Harithy (SMArchS ’87) shares her work as professor of architecture at @AUB_Lebanon with the Beirut Urban L… - 5 years ago

@mayfunes11: RT @Zabayar: Digan ustedes si esta explosión no les recurda la explosión de Beirut-Libano, vean el tamaño de la explosión y los edificios.… - 5 years ago

@edsantistevan55: RT @SulomeAnderson: “People who are outside love the country but don’t want to come back in, and people who are inside hate the country but… - 5 years ago

@MRGUMEDE15: RT @arwaib: The majority of #Lebanon's imports were redirected for a week after the explosion until Beirut’s port became operational again.… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: JB81: "Turkey??? [...]" - 5 years ago

@MidWestMet: "Many #Lebanese were already looking for such escape hatches before the Aug. 4 explosion. An exodus now seems inevi… - 5 years ago

@hebaemalik: RT @nytimes: "As Beirut reckons with the destruction, thousands of Lebanese in their teens, 20s and 30s — rather than government personnel… - 5 years ago

@margaritalemus: RT @Zabayar: Digan ustedes si esta explosión no les recurda la explosión de Beirut-Libano, vean el tamaño de la explosión y los edificios.… - 5 years ago

@geopol77: RT @ForeignAffairs: Lebanon was in crisis even before the explosion in Beirut. @DanielSerwer and @rmslim argue that the country’s long-term… - 5 years ago

@marsufan: RT @SulomeAnderson: “People who are outside love the country but don’t want to come back in, and people who are inside hate the country but… - 5 years ago

@iwanttolearn: RT @rayajalabi: "Night fell. The volunteers left. On the street along the port, the air felt unnaturally still... The air inside their hove… - 5 years ago

@Modestorean: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@JenniferWarters: 'I lost everything I did in my life': Beirut explosion aftermath @AJENews - 5 years ago

@BRAVATTIdalia: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@Irvin21342399: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@Googlenauta: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@Whodexter: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@LEOMONR: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@rayajalabi: "Night fell. The volunteers left. On the street along the port, the air felt unnaturally still... The air inside th… - 5 years ago

@JennSmith_Ink: Desperate to Leave Beirut, Young Lebanese Are Also the Ones Fixing It - 5 years ago

@syafiqbakrii: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@L_QwesiCarter: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@sidchukku: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@ayaxcatl: RT @NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@kathleenmwade: RT @UN_News_Centre: 300,000 people in #Beirut facing lack of access to safe water & sanitation, exposing them to risk of disease, more than… - 5 years ago

@NatGeo: After the explosion in Beirut, a journalist reckons with another tragedy in her country - 5 years ago

@__RedLily__: RT @joanne_stocker: Utterly devastating but brilliant reporting and photos here: After port explosion, Lebanese excavate their dreams https… - 5 years ago

@Jupiter_Census: @p_hdb @JoeBiden @BarackObama @realDonaldTrump And the Lebanese government? - 5 years ago

@DesertBlooms00: RT @arwaib: The majority of #Lebanon's imports were redirected for a week after the explosion until Beirut’s port became operational again.… - 5 years ago

@eldiario: Beirut, las imágenes más impactantes de la explosión de un almacén - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: JB81: "Canada is interfering in our country. Neutrality please [...]" - 5 years ago

@EngrMansoor78: RT @UN_Women: “The explosion has opened my eyes…giving back to my community is fulfilling and important to me." Lama Najdi is one of the… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: proIsrael-nonIsraeli: ""Ammonium nitrate behind Beirut blast traced to Hezbollah-linked bank"… - 5 years ago

@Iscetic1: RT @_SJPeace_: August 4, 2020, two explosions occurred at the port of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The second explosion was extremely po… - 5 years ago

@nyshkac: RT @smkaram: calling all alcoholics of the western world 🥰 drown your covid sorrows while helping one of the worlds oldest winemaking reg… - 5 years ago

@yoko_y12: RT @nytimes: "As Beirut reckons with the destruction, thousands of Lebanese in their teens, 20s and 30s — rather than government personnel… - 5 years ago

@The_NewArab: Canada willing to join Lebanon's investigation into the Beirut port explosion, Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe C… - 5 years ago

@keitheldermusic: RT @nytimes: "As Beirut reckons with the destruction, thousands of Lebanese in their teens, 20s and 30s — rather than government personnel… - 5 years ago

@TracyJan: MUST READ by @leloveluck. Her 6-year-old had been more violent since the blast, harrying the dog and telling visi… - 5 years ago

@MaryAliceBisho2: RT @nytimesworld: “We hope that we have a country to come back to," said a college student in Beirut. "But the more we discuss it, we’re al… - 5 years ago

@UrbanCityCowboy: RT @ninjatune: The Beirut Musicians' Fund is raising money to replace instruments and gear destroyed in the explosion ↓ ↓ - 5 years ago

@travelling_owen: RT @UN_Women: “The explosion has opened my eyes…giving back to my community is fulfilling and important to me." Lama Najdi is one of the… - 5 years ago

@anthon1200: RT @UN_Women: “The explosion has opened my eyes…giving back to my community is fulfilling and important to me." Lama Najdi is one of the… - 5 years ago

@veracruz777: RT @nytimesworld: “We hope that we have a country to come back to," said a college student in Beirut. "But the more we discuss it, we’re al… - 5 years ago

@luckydoc2: RT @nytimes: "As Beirut reckons with the destruction, thousands of Lebanese in their teens, 20s and 30s — rather than government personnel… - 5 years ago

@yabooarat: RT @ninjatune: The Beirut Musicians' Fund is raising money to replace instruments and gear destroyed in the explosion ↓ ↓ - 5 years ago

@janicedickson: Desperate to Leave Beirut, Young Lebanese Are Also the Ones Fixing It - 5 years ago

@gattisuitetti: just found out that the explosion in Iebanon has damaged the lgbt+ area, and reminder that it is the only country i… - 5 years ago

@dlonorse: RT @nytimesworld: “We hope that we have a country to come back to," said a college student in Beirut. "But the more we discuss it, we’re al… - 5 years ago

@A1am2A: RT @kpfa: On @FlashpointsNews, a look at that 'Blue Lives Matter' militia member who killed two protesters in #Kenosha and an in-depth repo… - 5 years ago

@transportehaba2: RT @Granma_Digital: Unesco ayudará en la reparación de escuelas y monumentos dañados por explosión en #Beirut - 5 years ago

@TerekMedia: RT @disorient_do: #Libanon nach der #Explosion: Am 8. August, 4 Tage nach der Explosion in #Beirut, kam es bei Protesten zu unverhältnismäß… - 5 years ago

@itsmekali_: 2020: pandemic. murder hornets. riots. lynchings. shootings. fires. concentration camps. voter suppression. femmici… - 5 years ago

@KINGjeorge: RT @nytimes: "As Beirut reckons with the destruction, thousands of Lebanese in their teens, 20s and 30s — rather than government personnel… - 5 years ago

@FarahShoucair: RT @bassel67: My piece for ⁦⁦@monkeycageblog⁩ on how the #Beirut_Explosion connects to the pathologies of power-sharing in #Lebanon https:/… - 5 years ago

@Faby_Nava77: RT @Granma_Digital: Unesco ayudará en la reparación de escuelas y monumentos dañados por explosión en #Beirut - 5 years ago

@Nour50006572: RT @bahaa_hariri_: This is devastating for #Lebanon and #Beirut but, given the destruction of society over 15 years by warlords and #Hezbol… - 5 years ago

@fotogarrido: RT @Granma_Digital: Unesco ayudará en la reparación de escuelas y monumentos dañados por explosión en #Beirut - 5 years ago

@Granma_Digital: Unesco ayudará en la reparación de escuelas y monumentos dañados por explosión en #Beirut - 5 years ago

@Varun8Vijay: RT @PostWorld: Covid surge in Lebanon compounds the misery in a battered country - 5 years ago

@Flam_freedom: RT @may_chidiac: Head of Beirut Relief Committee Ground-0,former Minister May Chidiac,will hold a press conference to launch a petition to… - 5 years ago

@BarrieFreeman: RT @unwomenlebanon: Pregnant women are among those impacted by the #BeirutExplosion. 171 households w/ pregnant or lactating women live in… - 5 years ago

@SaadRuber: RT @bahaa_hariri_: This is devastating for #Lebanon and #Beirut but, given the destruction of society over 15 years by warlords and #Hezbol… - 5 years ago

@AffairsEast: After explosion, UNESCO in massive fundraising drive for Beirut - 5 years ago

@InterActionOrg: Already among the most vulnerable in Lebanese society, refugees from #Syria are struggling to cope in the aftermath… - 5 years ago

@PierreSawaya: - 5 years ago

@AM97348559: RT @may_chidiac: Head of Beirut Relief Committee Ground-0,former Minister May Chidiac,will hold a press conference to launch a petition to… - 5 years ago

@Riskline: Riskline's analyst on the ground in #Beirut describes her experience during the deadly explosion on 4 August 2020 a… - 5 years ago

@ElinUhlin1: RT @nytimes: Videos of the aftermath of deadly explosions in Beirut show wounded people staggering through dust and rubble, and extensive d… - 5 years ago

@avoccidental: RT @uvoccidental: ⏩Noticia: ADRA continúa su labor humanitaria después de la explosión en Beirut. . .Esta más reciente asistencia está ayud… - 5 years ago

@newhumanitarian: In Lebanon, “donors and aid groups have worked hand in hand with the very same government they now decry as illegit… - 5 years ago

@UkFujix: Phoblographer: "What I mostly feel when looking at my pictures is, again, a mix of sadness and anger, which is a fe… - 5 years ago

@pablonavasq: RT @el_Periodico: Militares libaneses y franceses removieron escombros equivalentes al peso de la Torre Eiffel del lugar de la enorme explo… - 5 years ago

@el_Periodico: Militares libaneses y franceses removieron escombros equivalentes al peso de la Torre Eiffel del lugar de la enorme… - 5 years ago

@Photographynnu: Zayn Abunnasr Photographs the Aftermath of the Beirut Explosion - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Walidos: "They have nothing to do with oil, they have to do with connections and linking the multinational with loc… - 5 years ago

@MehdiMemari3: RT @HeshmatAlavi: 25) Al-Hadeth News Says MASSIVE Beirut Explosion Was Warehouse for Iranian Missiles to Hezbollah - 5 years ago

@STehraniparsa: RT @HeshmatAlavi: 25) Al-Hadeth News Says MASSIVE Beirut Explosion Was Warehouse for Iranian Missiles to Hezbollah - 5 years ago

@FastnFuryan: RT @The_NewArab: Lebanon's security forces accused by @hrw of using excessive and lethal force on peaceful protesters after the explosion a… - 5 years ago

@EsoClose: RT @The_NewArab: Lebanon's security forces accused by @hrw of using excessive and lethal force on peaceful protesters after the explosion a… - 5 years ago

@scabbyscribe56: RT @The_NewArab: Lebanon's security forces accused by @hrw of using excessive and lethal force on peaceful protesters after the explosion a… - 5 years ago

@The_NewArab: Lebanon's security forces accused by @hrw of using excessive and lethal force on peaceful protesters after the expl… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Viral: "Here is the verdict. Look no more:) 20826 [...]" - 5 years ago

@UnidasPodemosRT: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 Sira Rego (@sirarego) y Manu Pineda (@Manu_Abu_Carlos) piden desde #Beirut acompañar la reconstrucción tras la explosión con… - 5 years ago

@chrisgampat: "What I mostly feel when looking at my pictures is, again, a mix of sadness and anger, which is a feeling that many… - 5 years ago

@Phoblographer: "What I mostly feel when looking at my pictures is, again, a mix of sadness and anger, which is a feeling that many… - 5 years ago

@Welshbeard: RT @pauloCanning: Preparing to give birth, Chrystelle was given an epidural — then a blast tore through her hospital room - 5 years ago

@Diurma1: RT @ACNURamericas: Estamos con el Líbano, la gente de #Beirut y todas las personas que participan en la respuesta para que la ciudad se rec… - 5 years ago

@Diurma1: RT @ONU_es: "La ONU acompañará al Líbano para ayudar a aliviar el sufrimiento y apoyar su recuperación". -- @AntonioGuterres en una sesión… - 5 years ago

@moelove76: @ABC Australia bushfire Qasem Soleimani Corona Ukrainian flight crash Trump impeachment Kobe Bryant The UK leaves f… - 5 years ago

@xpombo: RT @sirarego: 🇱🇧 Junto a @Manu_Abu_Carlos, ayer llegamos a Beirut para comprobar in situ la situación tras la terrible explosión de princip… - 5 years ago

@xpombo: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@frahhhjolly: RT @RedCrossLebanon: Beirut Port Explosion - Intervention Report from 4 August to 23 August 2020. Save Lives, Donate Online: - 5 years ago

@felipecl1: Alguien tiene que parar al 2020, ronaldiño en prisión, explosión en beirut, incendios, volcanes y ahora #messi deja… - 5 years ago

@danikruegergt: RT @josemelgarMKT: Incendios en 🔥🇦🇺 Rumores de guerra por asesinato del Gral. Soleimani🇮🇷 COVID19🦠 Muere Kobe Bryant🥺 Disturbios históricos… - 5 years ago

@AliceMulheron: Beirut explosion blew out hospital windows and doors, forcing some women to flee while in labour - 5 years ago

@VictoriaMorett5: RT @emitomassetti1: Que añito el 2020, casi empieza una 3ra guerra mundial, se incendió media Australia, llegó el coronavirus, falleció Kob… - 5 years ago

@emitomassetti1: Que añito el 2020, casi empieza una 3ra guerra mundial, se incendió media Australia, llegó el coronavirus, falleció… - 5 years ago

@alcoleamolina: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@pablo46344751: RT @fran_amarillo: Analicemos 2020: - Incendio en Australia - Plaga langosta en África - Inundaciones en España - #COVID19 - Explosión… - 5 years ago

@paynoismysoul: RT @RedCrossLebanon: Beirut Port Explosion - Intervention Report from 4 August to 23 August 2020. Save Lives, Donate Online: - 5 years ago

@le_chah_diplo: While Lebanon is certainly reeling from the port explosion, the country is not yet as vulnerable as Haiti was follo… - 5 years ago

@EIDSLFTV: RT @RedCrossLebanon: Beirut Port Explosion - Intervention Report from 4 August to 23 August 2020. Save Lives, Donate Online: - 5 years ago

@hrrykissies: RT @RedCrossLebanon: Beirut Port Explosion - Intervention Report from 4 August to 23 August 2020. Save Lives, Donate Online: - 5 years ago

@RubenCzpZ: Sira Rego y Manu Pineda visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas - 5 years ago

@Nordin42017439: RT @arwaib: ‘Without an eye, I’m nothing. I’m half a man.’ At least 150 people have become permanently disabled as a result of the devast… - 5 years ago

@MdeMigraciones: RT @Pablosanchezvol: Hoy escribo en Público un artículo sobre lo que hay detrás de la explosión de Beirut de hace unas semanas. Números imp… - 5 years ago

@izanito7: 2020 -3a Guerra Mundial -Ovnis en el área 51 -Incendios, terremotos, huracanes masivos por todo el mundo -Explosió… - 5 years ago

@josemelgarMKT: Incendios en 🔥🇦🇺 Rumores de guerra por asesinato del Gral. Soleimani🇮🇷 COVID19🦠 Muere Kobe Bryant🥺 Disturbios histó… - 5 years ago

@NICOLASRAMOSAL7: RT @sirarego: 🇱🇧 Junto a @Manu_Abu_Carlos, ayer llegamos a Beirut para comprobar in situ la situación tras la terrible explosión de princip… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Jesus-is-the-Lord: "No government before Trump reelections. After that, Nawaf Salam could be favorite [...]" - 5 years ago

@mlnangalama: via @PerilofAfrica Scarred for life: Beirut blast victims and life-altering wounds: At least 150 people have become… - 5 years ago

@meiartsculture: Lebanon Then & Now: Photography from 2006 to 2020 is on show for another month @ #MEIArtGallery. Click here to see… - 5 years ago

@margaiges: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@MagdaAbuFadil: In battered #Lebanon, a spike in #coronavirus cases adds to the misery - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@iacbe: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@MaiteMolinaN: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@europeanleft: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@JFP59807910: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@rubenperezEU: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@Julia28e: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@Osquirivers: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@IU_Madrid: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@IUInternacional: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@sirarego: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@Manu_Abu_Carlos: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@IUEuropa: RT @iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 personas. Man… - 5 years ago

@iunida: 🇱🇧 @sirarego y @Manu_Abu_Carlos visitan Beirut tras la explosión en el puerto que acabó con la vida de más de 200 p… - 5 years ago

@itslleeaa: RT @katnasraoui: My 6 year old baby cousin after the #BeirutBlast #Beirut_Explosion imagine being 6 and your first reaction is to check up… - 5 years ago

@gleekchikk: RT @Los40: .@mikasounds se vuelca con su tierra 💔 y anuncia el concierto benéfico ‘I Love Beirut’ El cantante de origen libanés, ofrecerá… - 5 years ago

@mjk_4mjk: @AP "EPA enforcement drops sharply in Trump’s 2nd year in office" - 5 years ago

@LowellSunNews: Three weeks after a catastrophic explosion ripped through Beirut, killing nearly 200 people and rendering thousands… - 5 years ago

@SentandEnt: Three weeks after a catastrophic explosion ripped through Beirut, killing nearly 200 people and rendering thousands… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: My Moria Moon: "Welding accident w ammonium nitrate or no accident w ammonium nitrate , HA weapons involved or no H… - 5 years ago

@Life_Channel: Explosion in Beirut: Waren Terroristen schuld? | Schweizergarde muss dem Virus vorbeugen | Streit um unerreichte Vö… - 5 years ago

@Ripplezoo: As if the people of Lebanon did not have enough to cope with these days with the struggle against the corona virus… - 5 years ago

@FelixMantz: Important article on happenings in Lebanon by @akassem68 - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: SeaAb: "Take it with a grain of salt... [...]" - 5 years ago

@bexxmodd: RT @AnyChart: 📊💥 #DataViz Weekly is here with a new dose of awesome #charts and #maps for data visualization addicts! 🚩 Stop and search inc… - 5 years ago

@MatthiasFranck: RT @DIEZEIT: Wir Libanesen waren immer Spielball fremder Interessen und Mächte. Davon erzählt die Katastrophe von #Beirut – doch die Explos… - 5 years ago

@PieroCastellano: RT @SofiaBarbarani: International aid can help Lebanon rid itself of its ruling junta: - 5 years ago

@jelmod1: RT @BW: Lebanon was already in economic crisis before the Beirut blast - 5 years ago

@SofiaBarbarani: International aid can help Lebanon rid itself of its ruling junta: - 5 years ago

@PNUDLAC: La explosión en #Beirut dejó a más de 100.000 personas sin empleo, causando una gran #inseguridad alimentaria. Cono… - 5 years ago

@newhumanitarian: “The fact that it will be hard is no reason to shirk this process.” - 5 years ago

@DIEZEIT: Wir Libanesen waren immer Spielball fremder Interessen und Mächte. Davon erzählt die Katastrophe von #Beirut – doch… - 5 years ago

@Cookie_and_Alan: RT @katnasraoui: My 6 year old baby cousin after the #BeirutBlast #Beirut_Explosion imagine being 6 and your first reaction is to check up… - 5 years ago

@artcrimeHQ: Explosion Took a Heavy Toll on Beirut’s Arts and Culture Scene - Al-Fanar Media - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Resign: "What we know for sure is 'Mosta7il ykoun Hezbollah elo 3ale2a' Judge lead investigator Michel Aoun ruled i… - 5 years ago

@JobGuideME: Mika to Stage ‘I Love Beirut’ Livestream Benefit for Lebanon Explosion Relief - 5 years ago

@Pablosanchezvol: RT @Pablosanchezvol: Hoy escribo en Público un artículo sobre lo que hay detrás de la explosión de Beirut de hace unas semanas. Números imp… - 5 years ago

@NadaGhazalJewel: Honored to be featured in @retailjeweller Thank you! #siobhanholt #valerydemure #retailjeweller #NadaGhazal… - 5 years ago

@RaviBatra: Beirut’s Shiites Like the Idea of Change, but Like Hezbollah More - The New York Times - “I’m not convinced of what… - 5 years ago

@lilmort_: RT @IR0NSPIDEY: STOP using the explosion videos for jokes and dark humour tweets. Stop using beirut as an excuse to get clout with tweets l… - 5 years ago

@avildsen: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@katnasraoui: My 6 year old baby cousin after the #BeirutBlast #Beirut_Explosion imagine being 6 and your first reaction is to ch… - 5 years ago

@J_A_Serrano: Cientos de miles de niños están atrapados en ese círculo de haber vivido una experiencia demasiado traumática tras… - 5 years ago

@pilibasian: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@Diem25Skopje1: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@BCrowe40765630: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@delver_rootnose: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@IndieSindie: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@castello2: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@Alex_theGRM: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@RaeyHan: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@ZeroTwoWaifu6: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, thos… - 5 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @newhumanitarian: The very state dysfunction that may have led to the Beirut explosion has created something else in Lebanon: a flourish… - 5 years ago

@Sey_Something: RT @Los40: .@mikasounds se vuelca con su tierra 💔 y anuncia el concierto benéfico ‘I Love Beirut’ El cantante de origen libanés, ofrecerá… - 5 years ago

@DerrickWarinda: RT @newhumanitarian: The very state dysfunction that may have led to the Beirut explosion has created something else in Lebanon: a flourish… - 5 years ago

@AshirvadLobo: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@CityNewsWPG: After Beirut explosion, helpers tend to shock and trauma - 5 years ago

@politic4history: RT @businessinsider: The Russian owner who abandoned the ship full of ammonium nitrate that caused the Beirut explosion has been questioned… - 5 years ago

@politic4history: RT @nytimes: The countdown to catastrophe in Beirut started more than 6 years ago when a troubled, Russian-leased cargo ship made an unsche… - 5 years ago

@agr8golfa: RT @jacobinmag: The explosion in Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon for decades. Now, however, those partie… - 5 years ago

@mikelayestaran: RT @ICRC: These refugees escaped the war in Syria. Then lost everything in the Beirut explosion. - 5 years ago

@apfelZ: COVID craziness, and I sent out 2 care packages to friends (Jakarta flooding and Beirut explosion). 2020, it‘s okay, you can go skip winter. - 5 years ago

@circleofblue: Thousands of people in Beirut face intense water, sanitation, and food shortages as Covid-19 cases spike in the day… - 5 years ago

@Ziya_Meral: RT @ICRC: These refugees escaped the war in Syria. Then lost everything in the Beirut explosion. - 5 years ago

@Phil_Free_: RT @themintmag: Local groups in Beirut have established informal initiatives to provide for society where the government has not. - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: shadow1: "And obviously blinded by its brightness. You weren't by any chance on the road to Damascus were you? [...… - 5 years ago

@Ploiuy9: RT @_SJPeace_: August 4, 2020, two explosions occurred at the port of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The second explosion was extremely po… - 5 years ago

@januszcwikla: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@GhrossMellody8: RT @businessinsider: The Russian owner who abandoned the ship full of ammonium nitrate that caused the Beirut explosion has been questioned… - 5 years ago

@GhrossMellody8: RT @nytimes: The countdown to catastrophe in Beirut started more than 6 years ago when a troubled, Russian-leased cargo ship made an unsche… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Genius: "Troll. [...]" - 5 years ago

@calvincasino: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@fredbteich: Contributing to the @guardian following the #Beirut explosion! 'Our stitches ran out': Beirut's struggle to deal w… - 5 years ago

@Breza35796855: RT @HeshmatAlavi: 14) Al-Hadeth News Says MASSIVE Beirut Explosion Was Warehouse for Iranian Missiles to Hezbollah - 5 years ago

@Qanon_QT: RT @emilia_suze: The Dems since Obama have deep ties to terrorist group Hezbollah Days Before Tuesday's MASSIVE Explosion in Beirut Demo… - 5 years ago

@sarahleah1: RT @LizSly: Now begins the epic task of rebuilding the beautiful old Beirut neighborhoods destroyed by the port explosion. It will fall to… - 5 years ago

@nattyray11: RT @leloveluck: Lebanon is seeing an alarming rise in covid cases. Tragically inevitable: Beirut’s Aug 4 blast saw 1000s rushed to hospital… - 5 years ago

@hadik_official: RT @BeirutBased: Fadi Sawan: The 'questionable' man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@Amouli20: RT @g_mastropavlos: Owner of ship tied to #Beirut #Lebanon explosion connected to FBME Bank linked to #Hezbollah - 5 years ago

@samza_zaza: RT @Allio_De_Corato: "Nous faisons ce que les dirigeants devraient faire." "Laissez-nous sans les dirigeants. Ce serait peut-être mieux."… - 5 years ago

@Amouli20: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: The real owner of the Rhosus tanker that offloaded 2,750 tons of explosive ammonium nitrate at #Beirut port has links to… - 5 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @newhumanitarian: Lebanese people have once again proven their “resilience” in their response to the Beirut explosion. But is bearing su… - 5 years ago

@Kataeb_Eng: The real owner of the ship at the core of the #Beirut explosions investigation has links to the FBME Bank accused o… - 5 years ago

@Yoangelapacheco: RT @CGTNOfficial: "And it all went blank" Clara described the scene saying after her mom called her to another room, see the big cloud of s… - 5 years ago

@TaaviS: ‘Maybe people here felt a bit more special because of the hip bars and life and art, but we are all waste-people wh… - 5 years ago

@JulieLBartlett: RT @leloveluck: Lebanon is seeing an alarming rise in covid cases. Tragically inevitable: Beirut’s Aug 4 blast saw 1000s rushed to hospital… - 5 years ago

@angelic52175357: RT @CGTNOfficial: "And it all went blank" Clara described the scene saying after her mom called her to another room, see the big cloud of s… - 5 years ago

@TaaviS: Three weeks after the #BeirutBlast ‘practitioners are warning of a national mental health emergency as people begin… - 5 years ago

@owl_denouncer: RT @CGTNOfficial: "And it all went blank" Clara described the scene saying after her mom called her to another room, see the big cloud of s… - 5 years ago

@bennu161012: RT @CGTNOfficial: "And it all went blank" Clara described the scene saying after her mom called her to another room, see the big cloud of s… - 5 years ago

@blackhawkPPT: RT @CGTNOfficial: "And it all went blank" Clara described the scene saying after her mom called her to another room, see the big cloud of s… - 5 years ago

@brulla_micha: RT @KuesterTill: The international aid system isn't designed for political transformation but switched to a pure technical matrix to implem… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Tayyar9: "How did you decide that the parliament is obsolete and no longer represents the people? [...]" - 5 years ago

@ireland_acn: Lebanon was already in crisis before the explosion in Beirut earlier this month. You can read more below. - 5 years ago

@aurelian_costel: RT @graham_iff: How a vessel owned by a Russian, registered to a company in Bulgaria, flagged to Moldova and on its way to an explosives ma… - 5 years ago

@inzmam_khan: RT @manjileo: Lebanon's capital Beirut has been hit by an explosion. 2020 hitting the world so hard. Prayers for #Lebanon - 5 years ago

@kinterano_2020: RT @almayadeen_es: ➡️ #Unicef: Mitad de los niños en Beirut tienen signos de trauma tras explosión - 5 years ago

@per_scarecrow: RT @TheNorth_A: براساس گزارش جدید تحقیقاتی «اشپیگل»، صاحب واقعی نفتکش «روسوس» که 2,750 تن نیترات آمونیوم را در بندر بیروت تخلیه کرده بود، ب… - 5 years ago

@TheNorth_A: براساس گزارش جدید تحقیقاتی «اشپیگل»، صاحب واقعی نفتکش «روسوس» که 2,750 تن نیترات آمونیوم را در بندر بیروت تخلیه کرد… - 5 years ago

@CivilEngAcad: Are you a water professional that can help in Beirut? There is a call for #Civil_Engineers to register to help duri… - 5 years ago

@brennana: RT @Levitt_Matt: After Beirut explosion, ports around the world searched for a dangerous chemicals. Some didn’t like what they found. http… - 5 years ago

@ACNURamericas: Como parte de la respuesta de emergencia para cubrir las necesidades de las personas afectadas por la explosión en… - 5 years ago

@neocatepa: RT @cjacks1717: Beirut explosion - 5 years ago

@MpWondet: RT @MarinelaPavleti: Pray for Beirut! 🙏“A massive explosion ripped through central Beirut on Tuesday, killing dozens of people, injuring th… - 5 years ago

@JonUPS_: RT @Levitt_Matt: After Beirut explosion, ports around the world searched for a dangerous chemicals. Some didn’t like what they found. http… - 5 years ago

@HelmutKramer: Presidente del Líbano anuncia que no hay retrasos en las investigaciones de la explosión de Beirut - 5 years ago

@The_NewArab: More than 180 people were killed when an explosion rocked the Lebanese capital #Beirut earlier this month, devastat… - 5 years ago

@AndreasKlamm: RT @WillieHandler: What 2020 has thrown our way. ☑︎ Pandemic ☑︎ Fires in Australia, California, ☑︎ Murder Hornets ☑︎ Beirut explosion ☑︎… - 5 years ago

@libra_rising: The Beirut, Lebanon Explosion And The Eclipses - 5 years ago

@AndreasKlamm: RT @BW: Lebanon was already in economic crisis before the Beirut blast - 5 years ago

@Levitt_Matt: After Beirut explosion, ports around the world searched for a dangerous chemicals. Some didn’t like what they found… - 5 years ago

@NNabbouli: RT @LizSly: Now begins the epic task of rebuilding the beautiful old Beirut neighborhoods destroyed by the port explosion. It will fall to… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: light-in-dark: "We still morning our brothers how come people are there to take pics and making tourism there. Poli… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: light-in-dark: "3an jad 3am ti7keh [...]" - 5 years ago

@WillieHandler: What 2020 has thrown our way. ☑︎ Pandemic ☑︎ Fires in Australia, California, ☑︎ Murder Hornets ☑︎ Beirut explosio… - 5 years ago

@ShareUbuntu_: RT @newhumanitarian: If donors and aid agencies want to really help the Lebanese people after the Beirut blast, they will have to change th… - 5 years ago

@woozleweasels: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@VintiquesMark: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@sebasmarco_: Incendios forestales, dengue, sarampión, covid, EEUU vs china, explosión en Beirut, asteroides rozando la tierra, P… - 5 years ago

@AnorveRaul: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@wsternks: RT @nytimes: Lebanon imposed a partial lockdown on Friday as coronavirus cases spike in the aftermath of the Beirut port explosion. The bla… - 5 years ago

@CusicaVzla: Lanzan fondo para ayudar a los músicos afectados por la explosión en Beirut - 5 years ago

@Koaowner: For days after the Aug.4 explosion, dazed Beirutis abandoned all coronavirus precautions as they swarmed hospitals… - 5 years ago

@shailjapatel: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@robert_hove: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@hel1706: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@QueenUggi: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@TvInternet2: Owner of ship tied to Beirut explosion connected to FBME Bank linked to Hezbollah - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Owner of ship tied to Beirut explosion connected to FBME Bank linked to Hezbollah - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Resign: "Good job Dima [...]" - 5 years ago

@Johnadoyle1974: RT @BW: Lebanon was already in economic crisis before the Beirut blast - 5 years ago

@pujajha: RT @guardian: Full report: at least 73 killed as huge explosion rocks Beirut - 5 years ago

@MichelRacine7: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@RightsAction: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@still_NunyaDB: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@GeneZog: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@johnjoechad: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@MaraIsa57116913: RT @EmbacubaCol: El Presidente de la República Libanesa, General Michel Aoun agradece solidaridad de #Cuba tras la explosión en Beirut. Ver… - 5 years ago

@readErichFromm: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@seantkeenan: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@lysallyn: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@movimike: RT @mhdksafa: This happened to me on 7/7/2020. The tweet was removed among many other tweets. I tweeted it again as a friendly reminder ab… - 5 years ago

@SChenHayes: RT @codepink: Lebanon is enduring a period of incredible suffering, yet the Trump admin is still planning to move forward with cruel sancti… - 5 years ago

@RachelGraciano: Coronavirus surge in Lebanon compounds the misery in a battered country - 5 years ago

@hichamharb: RT @firassabiad: Few months ago, ⁦@LizSly⁩ wrote about how well 🇱🇧 was doing in the fight against #Covid19. As It spirals out of control, w… - 5 years ago

@LauraBergerol: RT @JoyceHutchens3: - 5 years ago

@helenesallon: RT @firassabiad: Few months ago, ⁦@LizSly⁩ wrote about how well 🇱🇧 was doing in the fight against #Covid19. As It spirals out of control, w… - 5 years ago

@syiramurshid: RT @staronline: "Beirut’s youth have been significantly active and persistent in the movement to rebuild the city." - Akshit Anchan https:/… - 5 years ago

@staronline: "Beirut’s youth have been significantly active and persistent in the movement to rebuild the city." - Akshit Anchan - 5 years ago

@haidar_joseph: RT @firassabiad: Few months ago, ⁦@LizSly⁩ wrote about how well 🇱🇧 was doing in the fight against #Covid19. As It spirals out of control, w… - 5 years ago

@firassabiad: Few months ago, ⁦@LizSly⁩ wrote about how well 🇱🇧 was doing in the fight against #Covid19. As It spirals out of con… - 5 years ago

@IanLanouette: RT @AIIAmericanGirI: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@JoyceHutchens3: - 5 years ago

@islasmalvinas01: Presidente del Líbano anuncia que no hay retrasos en las investigaciones de la explosión de Beirut - 5 years ago

@derxwithit420: Beirut explosion: Injured Syrians struggling to survive - 5 years ago

@yiayia1234: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@Ricardo_Gardel: Coronavirus surge in Lebanon compounds the misery in a battered country - 5 years ago

@TwitSlvtBlocker: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@ccinthemiddle: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@michaelboomer3: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@la_patilla: La cifra de muertos por la explosión en Beirut sigue en ascenso - 5 years ago

@LuzanoB: Coronavirus surge in Lebanon compounds the misery in a battered country - 5 years ago

@AscanioMatt: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@justdeplorible: RT @Texastweetybird: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@KirbyChristy: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@TammerR81: RT @asadabukhalil: Liz Sly, the worst correspondent: In a county of 400,000 in California (not 5 million like in Lebanon), we just had 400… - 5 years ago

@truffle57: RT @WILPF: Shirine Jurdi, #peacebuilder from WILPF Lebanon, calls on the international community for prevention and protection in the after… - 5 years ago

@WilpfAustralia: RT @WILPF: Shirine Jurdi, #peacebuilder from WILPF Lebanon, calls on the international community for prevention and protection in the after… - 5 years ago

@GLeutz: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@AbbasAdo1: RT @AJStream: This month, the #BeirutBlast in Lebanon killed around 200 people, with dozens still missing and at least 6,000 wounded. The… - 5 years ago

@AJStream: This month, the #BeirutBlast in Lebanon killed around 200 people, with dozens still missing and at least 6,000 woun… - 5 years ago

@sdarkwah: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran… - 5 years ago

@hecch: RT @AIIAmericanGirI: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@RLL2005: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@SandraHelena39: RT @asadabukhalil: Liz Sly, the worst correspondent: In a county of 400,000 in California (not 5 million like in Lebanon), we just had 400… - 5 years ago

@joncrite74: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@Marsides: RT @icare4america16: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@MUMU_2_2: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@sarc201: A Beacon of Hope in a Broken Beirut | News & Reporting | Christianity Today @sarc201 - 5 years ago

@sarc201: A Beacon of Hope in a Broken Beirut | News & Reporting | Christianity Today ⁦@nchenga⁩ ⁦@psnicosmit⁩ ⁦@pcoussa⁩ - 5 years ago

@fred7722: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@bearclaw_d: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@asadabukhalil: Liz Sly, the worst correspondent: In a county of 400,000 in California (not 5 million like in Lebanon), we just ha… - 5 years ago

@mikejblankman: RT @hrkbenowen: NEW REPORT: The Explosion in Beirut Is Connected to the Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by ... Iran https… - 5 years ago

@timothypmartin2: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@davidjenders: RT @glcarlstrom: "Only a few homeowners have insurance, and they are being told they can't receive a payout until the cause of the explosio… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: JB81: "I see you too in the same basket. Mouhem neshla7 akel hawa. [...]" - 5 years ago

@JoanneR29877306: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@LonnieLongino: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@mrdeplorablem: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@ALIANZAAMERICAS: 🗣️Want to know what to do for Beirut, Lebanon? We share with you some ways of how you can send help to those who ne… - 5 years ago

@visitJanet: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 5 years ago

@MyBrianLeyh: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@lcwiring: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@HogueJennings: RT @DebbieAAldrich: NEW REPORT: Explosion In Beirut Connected To Hezbollah Stockpile Of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered By Iran - Tsarizm https:… - 5 years ago

@AnnLemieux2: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@mjmjalonso62: RT @javinsan: Beirut, el tamaño de la desgracia. Cientos de miles de niños están atrapados en ese círculo de haber vivido una experiencia… - 5 years ago

@KrystalHiller: RT @DebbieAAldrich: NEW REPORT: Explosion In Beirut Connected To Hezbollah Stockpile Of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered By Iran - Tsarizm https:… - 5 years ago

@RichardDeLaGar4: RT @DebbieAAldrich: NEW REPORT: Explosion In Beirut Connected To Hezbollah Stockpile Of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered By Iran - Tsarizm https:… - 5 years ago

@mastrolyn: RT @Choice_News_Net: NEW REPORT: Explosion In #Beirut Connected To #Hezbollah Stockpile Of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered By #Iran - 5 years ago

@Titospinelli: RT @infobae: El crudo relato de una argentina que sobrevivió a la explosión en Beirut: “Pensé que me había muerto” | Por Florencia Illbele… - 5 years ago

@Tru1dy: RT @jushangininther: ~Moloch News Network~ Report by UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Released Today: Facts Regardi… - 5 years ago

@bakertg: When you make a deal with the devil... - 5 years ago

@HambySr: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@Dmacleod59: RT @hippyghosted: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@AlFanarMedia: "Beirut’s libraries and independent bookstores have long been more than a place to buy or borrow books..." Read on… - 5 years ago

@warrenmcclellan: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@elnacionalred: 🌎 #INTERNACIONAL Aumentan a 182 los muertos por explosión de #Beirut Continúa leyendo ➡ - 5 years ago

@LTDFOREVER1: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@Isaiah_53_: RT @LToddWood: NEW REPORT: Explosion In Beirut Connected To Hezbollah Stockpile Of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered By Iran - 5 years ago

@HovisMark: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@Bear11Momma: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@HowardBraeckle1: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@NuAgePatriot: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran… - 5 years ago

@SilasHodgson: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@Swamika1: RT @rubble30: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@avibebert: RT @ASimplePatriot: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@amyob1234: RT @AIIAmericanGirI: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@darciegmoran: Yes, it was a small earthquake. But I was struck by an interview with a woman yesterday. She is Lebanese and has be… - 5 years ago

@PVNews1: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@lmst1383: RT @hrkbenowen: NEW REPORT: The Explosion in Beirut Is Connected to the Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by ... Iran https… - 5 years ago

@LaneGrooms: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@GriffithsDVM: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@moorenovich: RT @lloyd4man: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@Fgarcia2849Jr: RT @hrkbenowen: NEW REPORT: The Explosion in Beirut Is Connected to the Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by ... Iran https… - 5 years ago

@MarciaSessler: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran… - 5 years ago

@fit4queen: RT @batalysta: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@JamesThe17th: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran… - 5 years ago

@Dlw20161950: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@sintesisweb: 🌍 Y aún hay 30 desaparecidos desde el 4 de agosto en Beirut 😞 - 5 years ago

@RemoveFromPower: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@tjb719: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@LiannaP: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@jushangininther: ~Moloch News Network~ Report by UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Released Today: Facts Rega… - 5 years ago

@JMHaircut: RT @SilasLongshot: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@hbcampbell: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@solanyrodriguez: RT @AlbertoRavell: La cifra de muertos por la explosión en Beirut sigue en ascenso - 5 years ago

@MarkMetts3: RT @trinareyes: CONFIRMED: We already knew but now it’s confirmed. Hezbollah in Lebanon had just received a large shipment of ammonium n… - 5 years ago

@K_Car967: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@LeeBeam5: RT @trustrestored: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@ChatChristi: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@Allio_De_Corato: L'ampleur des besoins de reconstruction est+importante que ce que l'État &citoyens peuvent supporter Cela marquera… - 5 years ago

@dhrxsol1234: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran… - 5 years ago

@Katheri90196174: RT @123RHGreen: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@WrendyKulick: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@CloneDwarf: RT @AIIAmericanGirI: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@beau3161: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@WilliePete19: RT @hrkbenowen: NEW REPORT: The Explosion in Beirut Is Connected to the Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by ... Iran https… - 5 years ago

@newsreview86: RT @hippyghosted: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@Texastweetybird: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@MasonKay14: RT @123RHGreen: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@realDebforTrump: RT @DrNealHouston: NEW REPORT: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran It’s now confirm… - 5 years ago

@understood1776: RT @BAMAPERRY: CONFIRMED: Explosion in Beirut Connected to Hezbollah Stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate Delivered by Iran - 5 years ago

@AlArabiya_Eng: Credit ratings agency S&P downgrades more #Lebanese government debt issues after missed payments, citing the countr… - 5 years ago

@kaiedak: RT @wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@snarktune: RT @wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@nana_blackcat: RT @wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@tigusa_ouka: RT @CarbonBirdSNS: ・大量の爆発物を一か所に集める ・都市部に集める というダブル御法度ブレイク。 そもそもこの時点からダメダメなんだな。 レバノンの爆発事故が、あれほど破壊的な規模になった化学的メカニズム @wired_jp - 5 years ago

@buddhacanvas: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@mkc28973679: RT @CarbonBirdSNS: ・大量の爆発物を一か所に集める ・都市部に集める というダブル御法度ブレイク。 そもそもこの時点からダメダメなんだな。 レバノンの爆発事故が、あれほど破壊的な規模になった化学的メカニズム @wired_jp - 5 years ago

@CarbonBirdSNS: ・大量の爆発物を一か所に集める ・都市部に集める というダブル御法度ブレイク。 そもそもこの時点からダメダメなんだな。 レバノンの爆発事故が、あれほど破壊的な規模になった化学的メカニズム @wired_jp - 5 years ago

@byzantinologue: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation @AJENews - 5 years ago

@yos1325: RT @wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@z_c5j: RT @wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@nueru: RT @wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@SlaveGenerator: RT @wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@1U9TDWZvf2d6cDu: RT @wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@ThomasVitins: RT @glcarlstrom: "Only a few homeowners have insurance, and they are being told they can't receive a payout until the cause of the explosio… - 5 years ago

@wired_jp: 「絶対禁止」のルールが守られず - 5 years ago

@lofonti: RT @mikelayestaran: Éxodo de #Beirut tras la explosión - 5 years ago

@Kataeb_Eng: "The recent catastrophic explosion in #Beirut is deepening the country's economic crisis," S&P said in a statement. - 5 years ago

@AteoAnalitico: - 5 years ago

@4484: Qaa - Suicide Bomber Arsal - Car Bomb Zahle - Car Bomb 2020: #Beirut Port Explosion #BeirutExplosion #LebanonExplosion - 5 years ago

@joanneziadeh: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@sarahjustcan: RT @newhumanitarian: In the aftermath of the Beirut explosion, Lebanese volunteers pulled people from collapsed homes, carried the injured… - 5 years ago

@NordhessenJ: (ots) Nach der Explosion im Hafen von Beirut und der sich dadurch verschlechterten hygienischen Zustände steigt akt… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Resign: "Dude I'm against all these clowns starting from Aoun passing by Berri and HA all the way to Hariri but the… - 5 years ago

@xabycastro: RT @mikelayestaran: Éxodo de #Beirut tras la explosión - 5 years ago

@J_infinitegrace: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@WFP_Media: Here are our #weekendreads👇🏾 🗞Lebanese Face Threat of Widespread Hunger After Beirut Explosion… - 5 years ago

@eldesconcierto: Dakar tiene 3.000 toneladas del mismo fertilizante que causó la explosión en Beirut ➡ - 5 years ago

@GeorgeJDaniel: RT @glcarlstrom: "Only a few homeowners have insurance, and they are being told they can't receive a payout until the cause of the explosio… - 5 years ago

@MilitarisCath: RT @mark_vernooij: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@joshuakarthikr: RT @glcarlstrom: "Only a few homeowners have insurance, and they are being told they can't receive a payout until the cause of the explosio… - 5 years ago

@newhumanitarian: In the aftermath of the Beirut explosion, Lebanese volunteers pulled people from collapsed homes, carried the injur… - 5 years ago

@opelenge: RT @glcarlstrom: "Only a few homeowners have insurance, and they are being told they can't receive a payout until the cause of the explosio… - 5 years ago

@Bosphiz: RT @glcarlstrom: "Only a few homeowners have insurance, and they are being told they can't receive a payout until the cause of the explosio… - 5 years ago

@6NIVOAQE6cqdJFt: RT @UKTheDutch: A new exodus from #Lebanon after deadly #Beirut blast | Beirut explosion News | Al Jazeera - 5 years ago

@kathleenmwade: RT @glcarlstrom: "Only a few homeowners have insurance, and they are being told they can't receive a payout until the cause of the explosio… - 5 years ago

@Koucoutsi: RT @Allio_De_Corato: Une enquête sur l'enquêteur... Lumière sur l'opacité autour du choix du Juge Fadi Sawan qui dirige l'enquête de l'exp… - 5 years ago

@elenaIbor: RT @mikelayestaran: Éxodo de #Beirut tras la explosión - 5 years ago

@marginoferror: RT @glcarlstrom: "Only a few homeowners have insurance, and they are being told they can't receive a payout until the cause of the explosio… - 5 years ago

@MilitarisCath: RT @UKTheDutch: A new exodus from #Lebanon after deadly #Beirut blast | Beirut explosion News | Al Jazeera - 5 years ago

@DaliaTarabay: RT @AbirGhattas: Fadi Sawan was not the first choice to lead investigations into Lebanon's single-most destructive explosion. Nor was he th… - 5 years ago

@AJStream: Lebanon’s government resigned after the #BeirutBlast and 25 people are facing charges over the August explosion tha… - 5 years ago

@insidernews: The $15 billion hit from the devastating Beirut explosion will be a gut-punch to Lebanon's hobbled economy - 5 years ago

@bluesunquake: RT @BerkeleySeismo: Seismo Blog: The terrible explosion which devastated the port of Beirut and large parts of the downtown area of the Leb… - 5 years ago

@Rev_Willie: RT @churchofireland: Down & Dromore news: Bishop opens Diocesan Lebanon Appeal: Bishop David has written to every parish in the diocese and… - 5 years ago

@ExtraVzla: ACNUR asiste a al menos 100.000 afectados por explosión en puerto de Beirut - 5 years ago

@PR_Turd: Que año de mierda el 2020: -Pandemia mundial que nos deja encerrados por meses -Muere Kobe Bryant - Explosion en b… - 5 years ago

@Smc20174: RT @LToddWood: The August 4th explosion had regional aftershocks and its first fragments landed in Iran. Protests and strikes are erupting… - 5 years ago

@jamesinparis: RT @sarahleah1: Bit ridiculous that #Lebanon has arrested 16 port workers for the #BeirutBlast when it was port workers who were begging th… - 5 years ago

@t_charn522: RT @ElizabethDPower: So happy to see @chefjoseandres @WCKitchen working with my favorite restaurant in #Beirut @Tawlet to feed thousands af… - 5 years ago

@govtcntfndmenow: RT @Ziziian: 2020 has been a year of tragedy & calamity after tragedy & calamity. The pandemic, Kobe's death, George Floyd, Uwa's rape & mu… - 5 years ago

@dev_discourse: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@Poopldoople: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via: Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@SunnySparks01: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via: Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@gough1963: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via: Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@villalvazo_pam: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via: Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@elsiglocomve: #Internacionales | ACNUR: apoyo “inmediato” a afectados por explosión en Beirut #elsiglocomve📲… - 5 years ago

@SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via: Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@iamjoshstowers: RT @BW: Lebanon was already in economic crisis before the Beirut blast - 5 years ago

@mrbertie: RT @RoyalNavy: Ship @HMSEnterprise has been in #Beirut delivering vital stores and surveying the city's port following the devastating expl… - 5 years ago

@NArulappan: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion - 5 years ago

@hallman_j: RT @LToddWood: The August 4th explosion had regional aftershocks and its first fragments landed in Iran. Protests and strikes are erupting… - 5 years ago

@TanzMargot: RT @AJENews: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation will have to show great independence and perseverance, especially given chr… - 5 years ago

@marcoardila10: RT @Medicoblassto: Lamentable tragedia, terrible explosión en Beirut #Libano de los peores años este 2020. - 5 years ago

@TonyLopezNav: RT @elmundoes: Gran explosión en el puerto de Beirut. Las autoridades aseguran que hay decenas de heridos. Fuentes libanesas aseguran que… - 5 years ago

@AdelZouheiry: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@RonFarra: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation @AJENews - 5 years ago

@LToddWood: The August 4th explosion had regional aftershocks and its first fragments landed in Iran. Protests and strikes are… - 5 years ago

@bbyadaora: RT @Ziziian: 2020 has been a year of tragedy & calamity after tragedy & calamity. The pandemic, Kobe's death, George Floyd, Uwa's rape & mu… - 5 years ago

@tutemc_: RT @CordobaBeat: 📌 @NicoleMoudaber y la plataforma musical @beatport crearon “Together For Beirut”, un maratón de streaming de 24 horas rep… - 5 years ago

@CordobaBeat: 📌 @NicoleMoudaber y la plataforma musical @beatport crearon “Together For Beirut”, un maratón de streaming de 24 ho… - 5 years ago

@sasyecat: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation @AJENews - 5 years ago

@CaroKipsang: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@rocits: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@venezolanocomum: RT @ipsnoticias: Trabajadores examinan daños que dejó la explosión en el puerto de Beirut y que causó la muerte de al menos 160 personas, m… - 5 years ago

@ipsnoticias: Trabajadores examinan daños que dejó la explosión en el puerto de Beirut y que causó la muerte de al menos 160 pers… - 5 years ago

@NelaBarry: RT @drbairdonline: The minimum 5 kt also precludes any consideration that this was some kind of Hezbollah "tactical nuclear weapon" as some… - 5 years ago

@OzrenV: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@BarnetLimonta: RT @cubadebatecu: La mitad de los niños en Beirut tienen signos de trauma tras explosión, afirma Unicef - 5 years ago

@NelaBarry: RT @drbairdonline: NYTimes reports 2750 tons (tonnes?) of ammonium nitrate was "roughly equivalent to 1,155 tons of TNT" (assumes RE factor… - 5 years ago

@ExtraVzla: ACNUR asiste a al menos 100.000 afectados por explosión en puerto de Beirut - 5 years ago

@JucheComrade: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@jadbaaklini: RT @QifaNabki: Informative piece by @timourazhari on the background of Fadi Sawan, the judicial investigator of the #Beirut port explosion.… - 5 years ago

@ExtraVzla: ACNUR asiste a al menos 100.000 afectados por explosión en puerto de Beirut - 5 years ago

@nvenezuela19: ACNUR asiste a al menos 100.000 afectados por explosión en puerto de Beirut - 5 years ago

@SocaEddy: RT @cubadebatecu: La mitad de los niños en Beirut tienen signos de trauma tras explosión, afirma Unicef - 5 years ago

@AshirvadLobo: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@larrywasslen: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@TheMikeOldfield: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@perezhabib: RT @rf_morelos: Afirma ACNUR apoyo “inmediato” a más de 100 mil afectados por explosión en Beirut @perezhabib - 5 years ago

@rf_morelos: Afirma ACNUR apoyo “inmediato” a más de 100 mil afectados por explosión en Beirut @perezhabib - 5 years ago

@ruthedith: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@sarabolition: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@schazadh: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@praise_thor: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@ActivistEuro: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@Hwangjeani: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@compartycanada: RT @PVNews1: In a statement issued just after the huge explosion in Beirut, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) called for renewed and escal… - 5 years ago

@Brunowicaksono: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@hatchdent: RT @wef: #OurHomesAreOpen: Lebanese offer spare beds to Beirut blast victims - 5 years ago

@JohnOtakwa6: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@mmaritato: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: A #Lebanese football star is recovering after being accidentally shot in the head from festive gunfire during a funeral… - 5 years ago

@vikianuk: HMS Enterprise supports Beirut after port explosion - 5 years ago

@GreyWol08482159: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: A #Lebanese football star is recovering after being accidentally shot in the head from festive gunfire during a funeral… - 5 years ago

@ElliePharmakeia: RT @Adam_Lucente: Latest on the post-explosion COVID-19 case surge in Lebanon: - 5 years ago

@ONUMX: #NoticiasONU El Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, Filippo Grandi, expresó este viernes e… - 5 years ago

@rheytah: Beirut explosion tests Lebanon’s mental health - 5 years ago

@AlArabiya_Eng: A #Lebanese football star is recovering after being accidentally shot in the head from festive gunfire during a fun… - 5 years ago

@PedroLopez0403: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@LuismaCmg: La mitad de los niños en Beirut tienen signos de trauma tras explosión, afirma Unicef - 5 years ago

@SAvoglio: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Resign: "على خلفية تعليق راية عاشورائية [...]" - 5 years ago

@Levin78159268: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@a_nadimcfc: RT @mona_harb_: Such excellent reporting by @timourazhari! No change will happen in this wretched place without an independent judiciary th… - 5 years ago

@Mar_maemae: RT @TexasLulu: @LelePeche @kdscheffer1 @MstryRdr @swhughes1 Probably the explosion at West, Texas fertilizer plant would equal one LNG tank… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: SoFP1: "labayka ya houssein? The country is united! [...]" - 5 years ago

@idklizzie: RT @DionNissenbaum: Beirut After the Blast: @SeemaJilani writes eloquently about having to put her war zone medical training to use on our… - 5 years ago

@marianeantonios: Niña afectada por explosión de Beirut aparece en portada de la edición árabe de Vogue - 5 years ago

@k385429: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@PETERRO16220: RT @RoyalNavy: Ship @HMSEnterprise has been in #Beirut delivering vital stores and surveying the city's port following the devastating expl… - 5 years ago

@alonsodrift: RT @ACNURamericas: Luego de reunirse con las familias afectadas por la explosión en #Beirut, el Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Refugia… - 5 years ago

@AJHolland01: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@itsaykay: RT @Ziziian: 2020 has been a year of tragedy & calamity after tragedy & calamity. The pandemic, Kobe's death, George Floyd, Uwa's rape & mu… - 5 years ago

@Aragalanmartin: RT @el_pais: Hiba tiene 7 años, y cara de tristeza. Está en el parque de Karantina, una de las zonas afectadas por la explosión en el puert… - 5 years ago

@asturkmani: RT @mona_harb_: Such excellent reporting by @timourazhari! No change will happen in this wretched place without an independent judiciary th… - 5 years ago

@HabibFHH: RT @krcs_org_kw: #الهلال_الاحمر_الكويتي #لبنان #معك_يا_لبنان #كورونا #كوفيد_19 #مرفأ_بيروت - 5 years ago

@AlMonitor: RT @Adam_Lucente: Latest on the post-explosion COVID-19 case surge in Lebanon: - 5 years ago

@Rina1Rise: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - Al Jazeera English - 5 years ago

@HannahMcNeish: RT @newhumanitarian: The Beirut blast was destructive and devastating. It also created a pivotal moment for how the international aid syste… - 5 years ago

@DeTalesman: RT @BW: Lebanon was already in economic crisis before the Beirut blast - 5 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@FortezaYoe: RT @cubadebatecu: La mitad de los niños en Beirut tienen signos de trauma tras explosión, afirma Unicef - 5 years ago

@vvanwilgenburg: RT @Adam_Lucente: Latest on the post-explosion COVID-19 case surge in Lebanon: - 5 years ago

@Adam_Lucente: Latest on the post-explosion COVID-19 case surge in Lebanon: - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: SoFP1: "Khayfin 3ala Lebanon! [...]" - 5 years ago

@Ridim_Luv: RT @SafetyPinDaily: Lebanese public health crisis includes trauma, mental health after explosion || Via Al-Monitor - 5 years ago

@vkgn17: RT @Bishwajeet_wins: On the Nitrate Trail: India Today OSINT desk uses satellite imagery to nail the possible source of Beirut explosion th… - 5 years ago

@ACNURamericas: Luego de reunirse con las familias afectadas por la explosión en #Beirut, el Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Re… - 5 years ago

@Amir0sharif: RT @k_pouyan: In my latest article for @Diplomacy_Peace, I discussed the imperative of helping #Lebanon amid the recent explosion in Beirut… - 5 years ago

@AndreaBradbury1: RT @RoyalNavy: Ship @HMSEnterprise has been in #Beirut delivering vital stores and surveying the city's port following the devastating expl… - 5 years ago

@XavSocialAnimal: RT @StatesmanWorld: A new wave of coronavirus is further exposing government failings in the aftermath of the Beirut explosion. - 5 years ago

@geopsychiatry: International aid can help #Lebanon rid itself of its ruling junta: #ForeignAid - 5 years ago

@saadbassem: the judge now being tasked with investigating the #BeirutBlast, Fadi Sawan, is known for dealing with people in a "… - 5 years ago

@JeremyCliffe: RT @StatesmanWorld: A new wave of coronavirus is further exposing government failings in the aftermath of the Beirut explosion. - 5 years ago

@oritperlov: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@GroHasselknippe: #AlMonitorLebanon returns to lockdown after post-explosion surge in virus - 5 years ago

@Frank_Walle: Libanon: Mein Leben als Kollateralschaden - 5 years ago

@CubaFelipeG: RT @cubadebatecu: La mitad de los niños en Beirut tienen signos de trauma tras explosión, afirma Unicef - 5 years ago

@RachelJ_Scott: RT @newhumanitarian: The Beirut blast was destructive and devastating. It also created a pivotal moment for how the international aid syste… - 5 years ago

@SamuelM42488704: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@bicolana_: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@mijomojo1: RT @CivilEats: .@chefjoseandres efforts to feed people in Beirut after a deadly explosion - 5 years ago

@newhumanitarian: The Beirut blast was destructive and devastating. It also created a pivotal moment for how the international aid sy… - 5 years ago

@StatesmanWorld: A new wave of coronavirus is further exposing government failings in the aftermath of the Beirut explosion. - 5 years ago

@amoniaco1005: Se elevan a 181 los muertos por la explosión en el puerto de Beirut - 5 years ago

@laura21130291: RT @arquitect_viva: Explosión en Beirut ¿Qué queda de la floreciente arquitectura de la ciudad? Bofill, Foster, Moneo, Herzog & de Meuron,… - 5 years ago

@heraldosaltillo: ACNUR asiste a más de 100 mil afectados por la explosión del puerto de Beirut - 5 years ago

@Algemeiner: RT @Efune: "Western intelligence agencies are questioning the veracity of Hezbollah’s insistence that it had nothing to do with the devasta… - 5 years ago

@paul_PottersSon: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@MeruemFolarin: that bombing was definitely the Beirut explosion. 😂😂😂. Fuck you 2020 - 5 years ago

@NCiperle: RT @zeitonline: Die libanesische Autorin Rasha Salti entging der Explosion im Hafen von #Beirut nur knapp. Hier schildert sie ihre Eindrück… - 5 years ago

@Chriss104: Fadi Sawan's past points to his proximity to security forces and deference to political in @AJEnglish… - 5 years ago

@RepentanceIndia: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@yegon_hellen: RT @PstPeterBJ: PROPHECY OF A MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TO BEIRUT, LEBANON !! Given on: February 4, 2013 August 12, 2019 June 5, 2020 THE LO… - 5 years ago

@ghana_politico: RT @mona_harb_: Such excellent reporting by @timourazhari! No change will happen in this wretched place without an independent judiciary th… - 5 years ago

@ghana_politico: RT @QifaNabki: Informative piece by @timourazhari on the background of Fadi Sawan, the judicial investigator of the #Beirut port explosion.… - 5 years ago

@Sabine_Niels: RT @zeitonline: Die libanesische Autorin Rasha Salti entging der Explosion im Hafen von #Beirut nur knapp. Hier schildert sie ihre Eindrück… - 5 years ago

@Efune: "Western intelligence agencies are questioning the veracity of Hezbollah’s insistence that it had nothing to do wit… - 5 years ago

@consy_amulen: RT @Ziziian: 2020 has been a year of tragedy & calamity after tragedy & calamity. The pandemic, Kobe's death, George Floyd, Uwa's rape & mu… - 5 years ago

@SteelCityAdy: RT @RoyalNavy: Ship @HMSEnterprise has been in #Beirut delivering vital stores and surveying the city's port following the devastating expl… - 5 years ago

@Kleene75: RT @zeitonline: Die libanesische Autorin Rasha Salti entging der Explosion im Hafen von #Beirut nur knapp. Hier schildert sie ihre Eindrück… - 5 years ago

@zeitonline_kul: "Aufzuräumen ist vielleicht der erste therapeutische und auch hoffnungsvolle Akt, während der nächste Schritt, die… - 5 years ago

@zeitonline: Die libanesische Autorin Rasha Salti entging der Explosion im Hafen von #Beirut nur knapp. Hier schildert sie ihre… - 5 years ago

@lababila: Who is Fadi Sawan: The man leading the #Beirut explosion investigation - his past points to his proximity to securi… - 5 years ago

@PHLNewsInsider: RT @interaksyon: Migrants, mainly from Ethiopia, Bangladesh and the Philippines, make up about 25,000 of the 300,000 people affected by the… - 5 years ago

@MarySal2020: La mitad de los niños en Beirut tienen signos de trauma tras explosión, afirma Unicef #Cuba - 5 years ago

@BuyukaFestus: RT @business: The huge explosion in Lebanon’s capital of Beirut destroyed tonnes of food stocks, stoking fears of shortages in a nation tha… - 5 years ago

@elmarcelcst: RT @yamatopodcast: - 5 years ago

@Cecalli_Helper: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: A #Lebanese judge leading investigations into the #Beirut explosion has issued two new arrest warrants, AFP reports citi… - 5 years ago

@jasminexxelle: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@NordhausenFrank: RT @Pucemargine: Beirut explosion tests Lebanon’s mental health - 5 years ago

@nonina1994: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@Tomas_Javier14: RT @arquitect_viva: Explosión en Beirut ¿Qué queda de la floreciente arquitectura de la ciudad? Bofill, Foster, Moneo, Herzog & de Meuron,… - 5 years ago

@macarenacdl: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@ThomasVitins: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@CIVICUSMonitor: 🇱🇧#Lebanon ➡️Calls for an independent investigation into #BeirutExplosion ➡️Thousands protest for political accou… - 5 years ago

@newhumanitarian: In Lebanon, “donors and aid groups have worked hand in hand with the very same government they now decry as illegit… - 5 years ago

@bencnn: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@uzora5: RT @Emilydische: Ergreifender Essay von der wunderbaren Rasha Salti - 5 years ago

@natty4bumpo: Link: - 5 years ago

@AliTahmizian: Lebanon's judiciary calls on the country "not to question the investigations that have taken place and are taking p… - 5 years ago

@Emilydische: Ergreifender Essay von der wunderbaren Rasha Salti - 5 years ago

@samizog: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@Steven_Strauss: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@sabathenomad: RT @waeltaleb23: My latest for Al Monitor @ElChammay - 5 years ago

@NJoseph4: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@jeremyarbid: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@SarahDadouch: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@Louise_M_Oliver: “A sudden, violent blast that sucked the oxygen out of this city and its people. It has left many gasping for air.” - 5 years ago

@byzantinologue: RT @waeltaleb23: My latest for Al Monitor @ElChammay - 5 years ago

@AlMonitor: RT @waeltaleb23: My latest for Al Monitor @ElChammay - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Resign: " - 5 years ago

@russellespina: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@julielkaye: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@uamuzik: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@Mahad_A_M: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@natasharibeiro: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@Z_Nabs: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@RoulaDouglas: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@al_horalistani: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army' in his… - 5 years ago

@Bassam_Khawaja: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@faysalitani: Sounds promising 😂 Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@HeidiWhitaker: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@SAT7UK: RT @jnjcasper: A Beacon of Hope in a Broken Beirut - 5 years ago

@TheFadiAmer: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@suzieskhf: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@waeltaleb23: My latest for Al Monitor @ElChammay - 5 years ago

@Haferlasche: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@Haferlasche: RT @AbirGhattas: Fadi Sawan was not the first choice to lead investigations into Lebanon's single-most destructive explosion. Nor was he th… - 5 years ago

@KFDWB: @kfdwb talk about SDGs - 5 years ago

@marwantaher: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@seagullnflight2: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@DrRueckauf: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@TheRaginAsian92: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@ach3ron: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@KayHall94760608: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@AbirGhattas: Fadi Sawan was not the first choice to lead investigations into Lebanon's single-most destructive explosion. Nor wa… - 5 years ago

@TanaFennell: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@boogiefinger: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@gregorymelody: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@CovidUpdatesEA: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@opalescentash: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@wouden_van: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation @AJENews - 5 years ago

@FilterRepost: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@DoKscho: RT @business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply following… - 5 years ago

@business: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply… - 5 years ago

@joey_shea: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@ielali: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@wouden_van: After deadly Beirut explosion, Lebanese braces for coronavirus lockdown [@The_NewArab] - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Resign: "You were destroyed in the previous trail As much as i enjoy it, i will not bother destroying you again and… - 5 years ago

@SamisLoud: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@ArabyOrg: After deadly Beirut explosion, Lebanon braces for coronavirus lockdown - 5 years ago

@SOV9r6AMDqHjcIe: RT @bahaa_hariri_: This is not the man to ensure families of victims of #BeirutBlast receive justice. We need genuinely independent interna… - 5 years ago

@bachirhaddad_95: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@yta2ooo: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@gebranbassiI: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@gsamra18: RT @AJENews: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@METIMAK1: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@yta2ooo: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@NAMEAGroup: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@middleeast: Lebanon on Friday began a two-week partial lockdown and nighttime curfew after coronavirus cases increased sharply… - 5 years ago

@juandiaz50: RT @juandiaz50: EL BIG BANG: EXPLOSION EN BEIRUT - 5 years ago

@nad_man89: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@moniraism: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@TwstdLeggs: RT @timourazhari: Beirut’s firefighters were sent to near-certain death based on false info relayed by security forces, top firefighters te… - 5 years ago

@TwstdLeggs: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@literareem: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@colour171207: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@Wilson_1798: RT @churchofireland: Down & Dromore news: Bishop opens Diocesan Lebanon Appeal: Bishop David has written to every parish in the diocese and… - 5 years ago

@bhensaa: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@MokhtarGhazzawi: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@oelhate: RT @bahaa_hariri_: This is not the man to ensure families of victims of #BeirutBlast receive justice. We need genuinely independent interna… - 5 years ago

@maxoufix: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@bachirhaddad_95: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@Aanthony_Awad1: RT @laudyissa: Highlight of my day: Learning that this article actually pushed ministries to coordinate better to get goods out of the port… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Resign: "'Join the enemy' :lol: Alla yse3id my dear, for the millionth time, There's no coexistence with you the 3a… - 5 years ago

@timourazhari: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@churchofireland: Down & Dromore news: Bishop opens Diocesan Lebanon Appeal: Bishop David has written to every parish in the diocese… - 5 years ago

@AlbinSzakola: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@MehulThakkar_: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@THE_47th: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@AbraxasSpa: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@magdishalash: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@John__Romanos: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@LizSly: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@MichaelH14: RT @tribunemagazine: This month's apocalyptic explosion in Beirut was a symbol for the disintegration of a Lebanese state plagued by politi… - 5 years ago

@ItzAbdullah_: RT @AJENews: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@RealMrRi: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@mfnid: RT @AJENews: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@hasanswe7de: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@louiseelisabet: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@SofianeDouhi: RT @AJENews: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@Elmarie_Maritz: RT @AJENews: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@Eleanor_L_Mason: RT @BritishRedCross: The explosion in #Beirut has faded from the UK headlines, but the devastation, loss and response efforts haven’t stopp… - 5 years ago

@SarahDadouch: RT @ellen_fra: .@timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story littered wit… - 5 years ago

@AJENews: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@seriousssam: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@ShareUbuntu_: RT @newhumanitarian: Refugee and migrant communities in Lebanon have offered support and supplies to those impacted by Beirut’s blast. http… - 5 years ago

@Captain_Leb: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@ORoomLeb: Resign: "Akid the state is retarded and backward it allowed the existence of a ministate inside of it A system that… - 5 years ago

@JacobHunt3r: @drbairdonline "Multiple nuclear experts pointed out that explosion had none of the distinctive features of a nucle… - 5 years ago

@Fonch2: RT @CanoRodriguezMA: 🔴 Jasone García: “#Beirut va a salir adelante tras la explosión porque ya lo ha hecho antes” Jasone García Amézqueta,… - 5 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @newhumanitarian: Is the aid system serious about washing its hands of a Lebanese government it now calls corrupt? - 5 years ago

@HPyasmine: Beirut explosion tests Lebanon’s mental health - 5 years ago

@MarianneEjder: RT @MECChurches: After the catastrophic #explosion that hit #Beirut, causing massive destruction and devastating this city, the #MECC issue… - 5 years ago

@HermezSami: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@EmileZakhour: RT @Al_Bayan_Mag: Beirut Ports Explosion 4 August 2020 Allianz SNA supporting their customers - 5 years ago

@BenteScheller: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the #Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@helenesallon: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@Atose_Muhd: RT @antonioguterres: It is important that a credible and transparent investigation determine the cause of the explosion in #Beirut and brin… - 5 years ago

@JaroudiH: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@aambros: RT @AECID_es: 📢Activamos un nuevo convenio de #acciónhumanitaria con la ONGD @PlanInt_ES para atender las necesidades de los/las menores en… - 5 years ago

@JaroudiH: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@bachirhaddad_95: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@DerrickWarinda: RT @newhumanitarian: Refugee and migrant communities in Lebanon have offered support and supplies to those impacted by Beirut’s blast. http… - 5 years ago

@lnaberkaoui: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @newhumanitarian: Refugee and migrant communities in Lebanon have offered support and supplies to those impacted by Beirut’s blast. http… - 5 years ago

@bearnedo: Jasone García: “Beirut va a salir adelante tras la explosión porque ya lo ha hecho antes”. Una entrevista de… - 5 years ago

@kimvie: RT @newhumanitarian: Refugee and migrant communities in Lebanon have offered support and supplies to those impacted by Beirut’s blast. http… - 5 years ago

@Robertfroid: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@newhumanitarian: Refugee and migrant communities in Lebanon have offered support and supplies to those impacted by Beirut’s blast. - 5 years ago

@karl_trotsky: Fadi Sawan's past points to his proximity to security forces and deference to political interference...! @AJEnglish… - 5 years ago

@AliTahmizian: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@olbrefr: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@AndreaAlbion: RT @GarethPorter: Toeing the Pompeo-Israeli line, a US Embassy Beirut cable suggested ammunition at the port could have set off the Beirut… - 5 years ago

@sassylemonlima: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@creemy12: @JosephI58760715 > Hezbollah is known to be careful with its weapons caches and explosive m… - 5 years ago

@SalahIqra: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@CanoRodriguezMA: 🔴 Jasone García: “#Beirut va a salir adelante tras la explosión porque ya lo ha hecho antes” Jasone García Amézque… - 5 years ago

@tettodoro: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@GauravKapoor_gk: RT @washingtonpost: At least two massive explosions shook Beirut on Tuesday, injuring and killing hundreds of people, strewing devastation… - 5 years ago

@rania_masri: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@WineCorner1: RT @teamdb: The Wine Society has reported overwhelming demand for a mixed case of Lebanese wine that it launched to support the country’s w… - 5 years ago

@takaful4child: ترقبوا المقابلة التلفزيونية مع الأستاذ أحمد الخضر مدير العلاقات العامة في #جمعية_التكافل_لرعاية_الطفولة عبر شاشة تل… - 5 years ago

@ellen_fra: @timourazhari investigates the investigator of the Beirut blast. Read his dive into this judge's past, a story litt… - 5 years ago

@AsiaRonn: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@pogomcl2: RT @newhumanitarian: Is the aid system serious about washing its hands of a Lebanese government it now calls corrupt? - 5 years ago

@AlbinSzakola: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@laudyissa: Highlight of my day: Learning that this article actually pushed ministries to coordinate better to get goods out of… - 5 years ago

@Toufiicc: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@newhumanitarian: Is the aid system serious about washing its hands of a Lebanese government it now calls corrupt? - 5 years ago

@Notinmynameuk1: 'I lost everything I did in my life': Beirut explosion aftermath - 5 years ago

@MehmoodNasir: RT @MakdaTofiq: Zionist Israel did the bombing imagine what's going to happen in Telaviv is going to be worst than Beirut innocent civilian… - 5 years ago

@DerekJohnBryant: Fadi Sawan's past points to his proximity to security forces and deference to political in @AJEnglish… - 5 years ago

@JihaneAbdallah: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@lindseyhilsum: RT @highlandbedu: Local volunteers, NGOs & grassroots initiatives, incl. Syrian, Palestinian & migrant worker groups, lead #Beirutblast res… - 5 years ago

@Kianoosh_sa1: Workers Death Triggers Oil & Gas Strike In #Iran Once called the most beautiful capital city, #Beirut self-sacrific… - 5 years ago

@nicfrakesjourno: RT @timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@timourazhari: An investigation into the investigator. We explore the opaque manner in which Fadi Sawan was selected to lead the… - 5 years ago

@jccordero28: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@MakdaTofiq: Zionist Israel did the bombing imagine what's going to happen in Telaviv is going to be worst than Beirut innocent… - 5 years ago

@valorvalenzuela: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@CooperacionESP: RT @AECID_es: 📢Activamos un nuevo convenio de #acciónhumanitaria con la ONGD @PlanInt_ES para atender las necesidades de los/las menores en… - 5 years ago

@Abdul248Abdul: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation @AJENews - 5 years ago

@vuka84397343: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@AD1968F: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation | Lebanon News | Al Jazeera - 5 years ago

@beata_emilia: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@FairishGodmum: RT @ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Works M… - 5 years ago

@ChloeNCornish: Small world... 🇱🇧 Top prosecutor, previously overseeing blast probe, is "married to the sister of former Public Wo… - 5 years ago

@Homeleopard: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@highlandbedu: Local volunteers, NGOs & grassroots initiatives, incl. Syrian, Palestinian & migrant worker groups, lead… - 5 years ago

@ReyndersKim: RT @euronews: Romanian authorities launched a crackdown on the illegal and unsafe storage of the chemical after the devastating explosion i… - 5 years ago

@epo_de: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation @AJENews - 5 years ago

@Free_Media_Hub: Fadi Sawan's past points to his proximity to security forces and deference to political in @AJEnglish… - 5 years ago

@LagosReports: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@CigarsAfterSeqs: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Watch: The impact of #Lebanon’s dire economic situation and the aftermath of the deadly #Beirut explosion on domestic wo… - 5 years ago

@JazeeraBernard: RT @StefanieDekker: "A sudden, violent blast that sucked the oxygen out of this city, and its people. It has left many gasping for air".… - 5 years ago

@am_harshu: RT @AndreasKlamm: #Beirut Die Katastrophe von Beirut macht sichtbar deutlich, dass gut gemeinte Worte als Hilfe in schwerster Not in #Beiru… - 5 years ago

@sarahkhanagha: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@Malte_France: Pour contribuer à aider la population du #Liban meurtrie par les explosions survenues le 4 août à Beyrouth,… - 5 years ago

@USMOVIC: Romanian police have discovered thousands of tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored illegally and unsafely at sites and… - 5 years ago

@zgrzr: International aid can help Lebanon rid itself of its ruling junta - 5 years ago

@CarlosS63357299: RT @arquitect_viva: Explosión en Beirut ¿Qué queda de la floreciente arquitectura de la ciudad? Bofill, Foster, Moneo, Herzog & de Meuron,… - 5 years ago

@am_harshu: RT @StefanieDekker: "A sudden, violent blast that sucked the oxygen out of this city, and its people. It has left many gasping for air".… - 5 years ago

@wouden_van: RT @deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, 2020 Beirut explosion dies - #2020 #rip - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: 'I lost everything I did in my life': Beirut explosion aftermath - 5 years ago

@Elmarie_Maritz: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@B_U_H1961: RT @TJM1961: #BeirutBlast #Beirut_Explosion #beirutprotests #beirut @B_U_H1961 Check it out 👇 - 5 years ago

@krz2588: #BeirutBlast #بيروت Fadi Sawan's past points to his proximity to security forces and deference to political in… - 5 years ago

@JORDANtohe: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@andrea_ibz96: Incendio en Australia, avispas asesinas, explosión en Beirut, Pandemia global...... ¿Esto es Jumanji o el año 2020? - 5 years ago

@hussain_niyax: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@OhnoHiroyuki: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@Karkouch3: Fadi Sawan's past points to his proximity to security forces and deference to political in @AJEnglish… - 5 years ago

@GeniusLeigh: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@ThohaAli: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@NasserIbnHamad: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@karlheinzbergem: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@kilgefin: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@haniainabox: RT @StefanieDekker: "A sudden, violent blast that sucked the oxygen out of this city, and its people. It has left many gasping for air".… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, 2020 Beirut explosion dies - #2020 #rip - 5 years ago

@usaisthenewnaz1: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@Dasthageer99: RT @AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)' in his de… - 5 years ago

@StefanieDekker: "A sudden, violent blast that sucked the oxygen out of this city, and its people. It has left many gasping for air"… - 5 years ago

@ECM0007: RT @drbairdonline: The minimum 5 kt also precludes any consideration that this was some kind of Hezbollah "tactical nuclear weapon" as some… - 5 years ago

@AJEnglish: "Sawan has a clear political stance in his decisions. He would always write 'the terrorist Free Syrian Army (FSA)'… - 5 years ago

@ECM0007: RT @drbairdonline: NYTimes reports 2750 tons (tonnes?) of ammonium nitrate was "roughly equivalent to 1,155 tons of TNT" (assumes RE factor… - 5 years ago

@nxphilimx: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Watch: The impact of #Lebanon’s dire economic situation and the aftermath of the deadly #Beirut explosion on domestic wo… - 5 years ago

@Notinmynameuk1: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@ScratchinPro: RT @arquitect_viva: Explosión en Beirut ¿Qué queda de la floreciente arquitectura de la ciudad? Bofill, Foster, Moneo, Herzog & de Meuron,… - 5 years ago

@ShrewsCathedral: RT @orderofmalta: Addressing needs after devastating explosion in Beirut: #OrderofMalta’s entities around the world supporting the Lebanese… - 5 years ago

@AndreasKlamm: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Watch: The impact of #Lebanon’s dire economic situation and the aftermath of the deadly #Beirut explosion on domestic wo… - 5 years ago

@447raven: Fadi Sawan's past points to his proximity to security forces and deference to political in @AJEnglish… - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@socialLoner11: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Watch: The impact of #Lebanon’s dire economic situation and the aftermath of the deadly #Beirut explosion on domestic wo… - 5 years ago

@weltenbuerger1: Fadi Sawan: The man leading the Beirut explosion investigation - 5 years ago

@Socialist_Slim: RT @tribunemagazine: This month's apocalyptic explosion in Beirut was a symbol for the disintegration of a Lebanese state plagued by politi… - 5 years ago

@pdiezfer: RT @arquitect_viva: Explosión en Beirut ¿Qué queda de la floreciente arquitectura de la ciudad? Bofill, Foster, Moneo, Herzog & de Meuron,… - 5 years ago

@shewhomustbeaba: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #Iran’s Quds Force shipped #ammoniumnitrate to #Hezbollah in Beirut around the same time a Moldovan tanker arrived carry… - 5 years ago

@UmiMastika: RT @_SJPeace_: August 4, 2020, two explosions occurred at the port of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The second explosion was extremely po… - 5 years ago

@Fab__winnie: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Watch: The impact of #Lebanon’s dire economic situation and the aftermath of the deadly #Beirut explosion on domestic wo… - 5 years ago

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