
Filipino YouTuber
Died on Sunday August 16th 2020

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to [1]:

@IIAdeb: RT @Quick_Inf: هناك مكتبات في الدنمارك يمكنك فيها استعارة شخص له تجربة في الحياة حيثُ يمكنك الجلوس معه والإستماع إلى قصص حياته ونصائحه. هذ… - 5 years ago

@YUTAPR1NCE: RT @roschelpoems: terminar namoro dói mas vc ja sofreu por marichat hoje? - 5 years ago

@RogrioCoelho10: RT @Luizzact: Abri a tag #MajuMentirosa e só vi branco bolsominio falando merda... Enfim a vergonha jkk - 5 years ago

@ONB7S: RT @btsvotingorg: [ #KCAMexico: Best Fandom ] Aug. 25 | Total Estimated Tweets + RTs: 1. – 89.1K 2. #ARMY – 37.9K 3.… - 5 years ago


@Talia69665651: RT @CashMom__: Daryl Vaz warming up every morning fi done the opposition dem pon twitter - 5 years ago

@ohbhysPsQ6W3eU0: ohbhysPsQ6W3eU0 ツイート数:8(前日比:-51) RTした数:0(前日比:-5) RTされた数:1(前日比:-7) 送ったリプライ数:5(前日比:-40) 受け取ったリプライ数:8(前日比:-64) いいねした数:26(前日比:-103) - 5 years ago

@aounw2: f 1BD06782 :Battle ID I need backup! Lvl 200 Lu Woh - 5 years ago

@orz_orz_96: RT @soon_K_: 3秒間の青春映画をみた - 5 years ago

@unknown18th: @Lmwi_ 5-1 - 5 years ago

@leocotion: RT @kidsdolngshit: - 5 years ago

@ka_fui: RT @TrollFootball: Ronald Koeman: We will begin next season preparations from Monday. Messi: - 5 years ago

@amorotroxa: RT @euotrouxa: minha vida em uma frase - 5 years ago

@Debra39541192: RT @V_actually: 𝗥𝗡𝗖 𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝟮: 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗗𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗡 Cannot wait for his speech tonight! The kid literally took all the left's punches and fought b… - 5 years ago

@KABiLANS7: @maanavanseedan @AazimKassim @Vasheegaran அந்த ஒற்றுமை 1 மாதம் மட்டுமே நீடிக்கும் நீங்கள் பாருங்க மானவா.... உதவிகளை… - 5 years ago

@BagOfEddys: RT @CrypticNoOne: Messi going to Chicago - 5 years ago

@vnguim_: RT @DesenhosPutos: - 5 years ago

@CrazyAlien51: RT @marcialaniarcia: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD - 5 years ago

@BolarinTito: RT @AderounmuDavid: Check out my latest playlist and Enjoy the vibes. Or don't... I can't really tell you what to d… - 5 years ago

@somayeh_candem: RT @lallybis: "Volete vedere l'altra mia faccia..." Il senso della doppia faccia.. Amo la tua ironia 💛 @dmtzdmr #DemetÖzdemir - 5 years ago

@depressedappa: RT @297_ArubaLover: DT/45 supporters are sharing this on FB. I don't have the desire to tell them than the man cloaked in white is Charles… - 5 years ago

@gingercw123: RT @alanferrier: To see oursels as ithers see us: the view from Los Angeles. - 5 years ago

@abhijitjain257: RT @BloodDonorsIn: #Patna Need #Blood Type : B-negative At : Holy Kurji hospital Blood Component : Blood Number of Units : 1 Primary Numbe… - 5 years ago

@netoll_nemez: RT @ceverarvedus: Ааааа цукаааа. Уже немецкая пресса пишет что это было возможно тяжёлое похмелье..... Ахаха. Новость 17:07, 25 августа. ht… - 5 years ago

@Fraangimenezz: Extraño los: 5,4,3,2,1 ahí estaaaa - 5 years ago

@Yasin64899531: RT @drfahrettinkoca: Bugün toplamda 6.5 milyon test sayısını geçtik. Yeni tespit edilen 1.500’den fazla hastamız var. Yeni hasta sayısını d… - 5 years ago

@StuelpnerKarle: RT @realDonaldTrump: - 5 years ago

@peeyapawn: RT @fooledmenleftme: มึงคือกูขอพูดหน่อย น้องกูอยู่ปอสี่ชะ ละครูให้วาดรูปอิแอปเปิ้ลนี่ในห้องอะ ครูบอกน้องกูว่า ให้กลับมาทำใหม่ ละก็บอกว่าไม่… - 5 years ago

@aYxihNXOd1cUShU: RT @root_nico: 『アイディー / るぅと』 🍓歌:るぅと - 5 years ago

@15renrenren15: RT @CorNoctis2: я недавно про этот арт вспомнила мне тут джакурай нравится пиздеу - 5 years ago

@onewithill: RT @outerbxbr: Quando Chase foi questionado se Milo faria parte da segunda temporada de Outer Banks, ele disse que sim!! JJ será o dono del… - 5 years ago

@MassNadie: RT @HELIODOPTERO: La fuente, Julio César Bustamante, (ex teniente del Ejército), ratifica lo que ha denunciado en ⁦@PGN_COL⁩, ⁦@FiscaliaC… - 5 years ago

@turkmennkizii: RT @Pinterestden: Belki de kırılmasaydı, yeşillenmeyecekti. - 5 years ago

@Fern_Wanrawee: RT @CRAVITY_twt: 러비티 보고싶어요🤣 #크래비티 #세림 #Flame - 5 years ago

@MwTripHead: RT @PLAYRgg: 🚨 SECRET CODE ALERT 🚨 Enter this secret code for some BONUS entries in this Gaming PC giveaway! 🤯 🎁 Gaming PC 👀 Code GPCCG14… - 5 years ago

@NoName1199: RT @ho_m8515ho_m: 샤오잔 떡밥 터지는 기분 조은 날이라 걍 알티이벤 돌려요 샤오잔 좋아하는 분들이 알티해주면 좋겠습니다ㅎ 대충 내일쯤 당발합니당 아무도 알티 안해주면 내가먹음 - 5 years ago

@SheldonPapp: RT @liseannplease: My lil Baby... - 5 years ago

@isfleabag: RT @birranelle: this moment right here was peak television - 5 years ago

@_00365: RT @sicut_vis: [RT♥] 안녕하세요. 8월 31일부터 리디북스에서 <상수리나무 아래>를 연재하게 되었습니다. 런칭 기념으로 RT추첨을 통해 한 분께 치킨 기프티콘을 보내드려요. 잘 부탁드립니다!🌳🐿 - 5 years ago

@GinnevraPhantom: RT @aligeroustom: days have passed but i'm still mentally stuck in these deckerstar scenes - 5 years ago

@being___arsh: RT @BKbidya: Jungel mein sannata Chaa Gaya hai Suna hai Tiger Wapas Aa gaya hai #SalmanKhan JOBLESS NALLA AMAAL MALLIK - 5 years ago

@kxus9tip: RT @CRAVITY_twt: 러비티!! 오늘 하루도 고생 많았어요ㅎ 잘자요❤️ #크래비티 #세림 #셂나잇 #갬성셂 - 5 years ago

@JooVict06978568: RT @vouseroreimago: noelle com ciúmes #blackclover - 5 years ago

@jaaaaancrlo: RT @imaldrichang: When i look at you - 5 years ago

@sonunaharwal803: RT @SonuSood: #NEETJEE परीक्षा में बैठने वाले बच्चे सुदूर इलाकों से आते हैं।बिहार के किसी गांव में बाढ़ है तो किसी जिले में पूरी बंदी। हां,… - 5 years ago

@shreikanth: RT @bjpsantos: अटल पेंशन योजना के अंतर्गत केंद्र सरकार विभिन्न प्रकार की पेंशन योजना उपलब्ध कराती है 60 वर्ष की आयु के पश्चात मानसिक तौर प… - 5 years ago

@PrashanthNaiduK: RT @vkdevang: ಪರಿಹಾರದ ಹಣದ ವಿಷ್ಯ ಹಂಗಿರ್ಲಿ; ಅರ್ಚಕರ ಮಕ್ಳು ಯಾಕೆ ಕನ್ವರ್ಟಾದ್ರು ಅನ್ನೊದು ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ; - 5 years ago

@snicketbabe: RT @accidental_left: yes - 5 years ago

@byercan70: RT @cumhuriyetgzt: AKP'li Özhaseki'den 'sel' yanıtı: İlla suçlu arayanlar CHP'ye baksın - 5 years ago

@BreeganDumb: RT @DailyArcticFox: 🦊❄️ - 5 years ago

@alisherafridi3: RT @MaleehaHashmey: Senate REJECTS Anti-Money Laundering Bill. PTI voted in its favour whereas PMLN & PPP voted "against" it 😞🤔😒 وطن کی مٹ… - 5 years ago

@s8UVLqOLfHRKC6v: RT @brotherBB2020: 今一番注目してるCX新人女子アナ渡邊渚。 - 5 years ago

@asapchll: RT @lapagedustoner: HAHA ON RIGOLE ICI - 5 years ago

@ManoloYCD: RT @cata_1910: Todas queremos justicia para nuestras compatriotas fallecidas Si todas las "feminista" fueran asi como veo en ste video otr… - 5 years ago

@ItsTheViking: RT @apark2453: Hmmm... Police used a special "strategy" when it came to a protest organized by the alt-right, and then stopped using that… - 5 years ago

@sadsapphire: RT @byuljiu: @Ostodvandi *laughs in finnish* - 5 years ago

@shnfltchr: RT @venicenuyda: Online class vs. Class dismissed - 5 years ago

@Naty_barcel: RT @Dani_Mota09: 🤡 - 5 years ago

@AlexisAHunter: RT @KristinaForest: NOW THAT I’VE FOUND YOU is officially out!!! This is a book about Black joy, love, movies, music and New York City!!! I… - 5 years ago

@AprilPoohhh: RT @DrinkSolaPop: New York City (late 1970s/early 1980s). Photographed by Jamel Shabazz, a New York photographer who went around Brooklyn a… - 5 years ago

@skc07014: RT @wo0shik: 현장서 잘생겨서 별명이 테리우식이었다는 최우식... 인정함!! #최우식 - 5 years ago

@Chuzee4: RT @suteteco3232: 仕事終わり待ち - 5 years ago

@hwwwWk9: RT @fooduz: - 5 years ago

@qK0eW5cP90Nd2jy: RT @BoA_Official: 🌟 You're still my No.1 🌟 "Congratulations on your 20th Anniversary #BoA!" 💌 from. #EXO #BAEKHYUN #보아 #BoA_Still_Our_N… - 5 years ago

@alertiest_: RT @yayee2548: จะไปกับแสงสสสสสสีีีีีีีี - 5 years ago

@moon000606: RT @__Notriangle: 바지가 어디까지 찢어진 거야 .... - 5 years ago

@alimk23: RT @tokcem: Ben ülkeyi ilgilendiren konularda ciddi ciddi siyaset yapabilme umuduyla siyasete bulaşmıştım. Bu adamlar yüzünden haftada 2-3… - 5 years ago

@omeyua0801: RT @tspo9: こっそり一次創作:本の蟲 ディドとトレイジャン。 - 5 years ago

@Juliadeavila___: RT @bestvearslive: vcs: setembro amarelo 💛 o fandom esta perdendo pessoas vamos sempre tpwk !!😢 por favor sem exposed ou hate desnecessario… - 5 years ago

@2204iii: RT @TsuruboShion_TH: 👽🤍 THAI SUB | 🌈ZIP! x JO1 SNS special project 🌟Part ① วันแรกของวันนี้ก็คือ​ ข้อความจาก ​JO1 เมมเบอร์​ถึงคนที่กำลังจ… - 5 years ago

@jiminstimee: RT @superm: SuperM "Super One" Project SuperM Single ‘호랑이 (Tiger Inside)’ ➫ 09/01/20 (1PM KST/ 12AM EST) ➫ 08/31/20 (9PM PST) 🔗 - 5 years ago

@heejinfc: did any of my favs do anything while i was deactivated - 5 years ago

@Bomb_0_0: RT @naegahoedorul: 사이좋게 지냅시다! - 5 years ago

@wenkages: RT @wsupden: @sourroshi These comments - 5 years ago

@martabakteyeol: RT @andremahen_: amalan 1 menit yang dapat menghapus dosa 100 tahun - 5 years ago

@autumslastfall: RT @90sXwave: - 5 years ago

@4Rkhdp4859wwmkD: RT @ron_8mm: 16周年おめでとうございます🥳 🍣🖤💜💙💚🧡🍣 辛い事もありましたが乗り越えられる強さを見せてくれたお陰で私も乗り越えられたし好きが膨らむばかりです、これからもついて行きます #関ジャニ #eighterをここまで連れてきてくれてありがとう #関ジャ… - 5 years ago

@Kookiemyeveryt1: RT @DdaengLife: ARMYs less than 700k views until Dynamite reach 200M views, stream please! 🔗 #KCAMexico #ARMY @BTS… - 5 years ago

@Nix_uotan51: RT @cookiebittlez: Totally forgot to post this here- #lumity #theowlhouse - 5 years ago

@myninya: RT @StarCinema: Don’t miss the fun! re-watch #WeRiseTogether episode earlier with the one and only unkabogable phenomenal superstar vice ga… - 5 years ago

@8CEOrMRWF5oa2dK: カルマルカサークル天ヶ瀬奈月√#3-1 - 5 years ago

@UlosisAU: RT @charts_k: .@BTS_twt is the only Korean act this year to have more than 1 song spend over 100 hours at #1 on Line Music. 🇯🇵 (Dynamite &… - 5 years ago

@BlananaB: RT @dearmyjae_: พึ่งตื่น vs พึ่งตื่นจริงๆๆๆๆๆๆๆๆๆๆกุพึ่งตื่น - 5 years ago

@xxqp5461: 5B00D6ED :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv150 フロネシス - 5 years ago

@l0v3mew: RT @BetterWithM: วันแห่งความรัก มาบอกรักผ่านการกระทำกันค่ะ 😊 Stream season of you สู่ 4 ล้านวิวกัน 🔓3.7 M 🔓3.8 M 🔒3.9 M 🔒 4 M #MewSuppa… - 5 years ago

@AdarshS47519969: RT @saumyakumary: #BoycottMirzapur2 One of the best web series. But desh se badhkar kuch nahi. - 5 years ago

@_tubaydn_: RT @webtekno: 8. Virajda Görüşürüz: İstanbul Park, Formula 1 Takvimine Eklendi ➤ - 5 years ago

@YukiTrpg: RT @sinon789: 身内で少しやったくらいの初心者です。 #TRPG自己紹介シート #trpg初心者 #TRPG好きと繋がりたい - 5 years ago

@KurvaSrikanth4: RT @akriiitii: Don't put the lives of students in danger,please!🙏 #WeLovePmModi #MODIJI_HELPJEENEET @SonuSood sir,thankyou for the suppor… - 5 years ago

@ykanakana0621: RT @gekisaka: 電撃移籍のFW鄭大世…裏話を暴露「皆さん内緒にしといてください」 - 5 years ago

@milddiary: RT @zeantoeiza: I LOVE MY PLANET 🌎 คอลเลคชั่นใหม่จากอีฟโรเช่ เจลอาบน้ำสูตรเข้มข้นที่ออกแบบให้ขวดเล็กลง ลดการใช้พลาสติกถึง 2 เท่า แถมยังรีไซ… - 5 years ago

@ArisolRosas: RT @PauloCoelhoDice: - 5 years ago

@f1ji2ko3f1ji2ko: RT @SiVb67hfoc: 爆撃に流行ったルースパウダー達🐥‼️‼️‼️最高だったよ‼️ - 5 years ago

@coldeintro: RT @unoirhero: 炎ホ。ホちゃのお尻を描きたかった - 5 years ago

@ttjkjmv: RT @1992Earthh: น้องคุยกับหนอนนนนน ได้พี่นัมจุนมาเต็มๆเลยนะเนี้ย้จ้าเด็ก เอ็นดูน้องคุยกับน้องหนอน 'น่ารักจังเลย มองเห็นทางมั้ยนะ' อ๋อยยยยย… - 5 years ago

@berlyav: RT @stillgray: Mayor Lori Lightfoot prevents @ElijahSchaffer and @FromKalen from filming a public street. She had her neighborhood sealed o… - 5 years ago

@lazyjes: RT @S7i5FV0JOz6sV3A: 两次世界大战后罪恶国独裁者都知道“美国惹不得”😅这一回中共病毒🦠算是伤害了美国人😱美国很生气、后果很严重😱 - 5 years ago

@floralprison: RT @ebanoniwa: 海 - 5 years ago

@Hannah_emiily: RT @arifakeasmile: please share! - 5 years ago

@daniaaa_mehhh: RT @trippinkyl: Okay but this.... - 5 years ago

@ToNwAnJa: RT @mysub__: เขาบอกว่าน้องเปงแมวป่าจิ๋วที่อันตรายที่สุดในโลก น้องคือแมวเท้าดำภูเขา เดินได้ไกลกว่า 30 km มีเปอร์เซ็นต์ล่าสำเร็จถึง 60% ก็คือ… - 5 years ago

@Haidan21682911: RT @GaneshY41813779: #MODIJI_POSTPONEJEENEET sir please postponed tha xam in September bacause in Every house in our country just like pare… - 5 years ago

@redkitty_km: RT @naza53119180: ไหว้อีกแล้วลูกเอ้ย😅 ถ้าได้เจอหน้ากันอย่าไหว้กันนะแค่กอดเบาๆก็พอ งานมโนต้องมาละนาทีนี้ Cr._xciixcvii_🙏 #bbrightvc #KazzAw… - 5 years ago

@bodriy82: RT @Sofiruiz_8: ADMINISTRADOR DE TAREAS💻 Comparto con vosotros este documento 100% modificable para que podáis organizar vuestras tareas d… - 5 years ago

@poppo_sann: RT @toro_yori_ebi: 【BLACKSOULSⅡ】 白の兎ノーデにバニーイベントが追加されるよっ - 5 years ago

@Peachibear_: RT @BoA_Official: 🌟 You're still my No.1 🌟 "Congratulations on your 20th Anniversary #BoA!" 💌 from. #NCT127 #HAECHAN #보아 #BoA_Still_Our… - 5 years ago

@PragyaP99654936: RT @sahgal_isha: "Sometimes you will never know the VALUES of a moment, until it becomes a MEMORY." @Swamy39 @PMOIndia @narendramodi pls po… - 5 years ago

@SmileNY4OG: RT @Fantopia_Th: #OffGunXFantopia2020 - 5 years ago

@JLGomezAlanis: RT @CopppalObserva: El próximo martes 25/8 y miércoles 26/8 @copppal_oficial @diputadosmexico y el @PRImexico te invitan al Foro Internacio… - 5 years ago

@Robin4win: RT @PlutoIsntReal: @FallGuysGame biggest clutch ever warning: loud - 5 years ago

@neelishavars: RT @RoopamTiwary: #MODIJI_POSTPONEJEENEET Only one question @narendramodi sir!! Academic loss is more important which could be managed any… - 5 years ago

@KainVza: RT @godji_godji: 🖤 - 5 years ago

@sherlouch: RT @Luna_SIF: [SIFAS] Fes UR Honoka (Smile/Vo) Alright, now, stand still~/Cosmic☆Driver Active Skill: Our destination’s a secret! - Increa… - 5 years ago

@umepa4025: umepa4025 ツイート数:21(前日比:-23) RTした数:5(前日比:-3) 送ったリプライ数:1(前日比:0) いいねした数:27(前日比:-40) フォローされた数:0(前日比:-1) - 5 years ago

@deliciafmrd: #Suena Desconocido - Agresiva Promocion Tel. +1 (829)-286-0491 #radio #exitos - 5 years ago

@escapetotheskyy: RT @Suwatsun: ผมเคยทำ Charter Flight จากจีนไปกลับไทยช่วงก่อน การจะขอเวลาลงขึ้นเครื่องตามสนามบินไทย ต้องยัดใต้โต๊ะนะครับ 3 ล้านบาทต่อ 1 Seas… - 5 years ago

@samiras88925770: RT @IAvnash: Highways are closed due to flood how we reach at exam centres @narendramodi @DrRPNishank #MODIJI_POSTPONEJEENEET - 5 years ago

@luis_ram6: RT @eriasuanime: - 5 years ago

@svt_boo_svt_17: RT @Suki_is_cute: 당신은 손목에 꼭지가 생긴것을 봤습니다 10초안에 알티를하시면 행운이... - 5 years ago

@RajeevGuptaCA: RT @Bhavya_SK17: 🙏🌷जय श्री महाकाल 🌷🙏 श्री महाकालेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग का आज का भस्म आरती श्रृंगार दर्शन 22 अगस्त (शनिवार) #भाद्रपद_शुक्ल_चतु… - 5 years ago

@rvgotic: RT @luviecore: - 5 years ago

@nt_midou: RT @aru9a3: にゃンゴさん #描くンゴ - 5 years ago

@arletteivonnehg: RT @Bruses_: QUEDE 🤡 INDIFERENTE 02/09 🖤🖤🖤 - 5 years ago

@bangsoong813: RT @najaeminislove: 💫NCT DREAM 4주년 기념 #RT 이벤트💫 아기들의 4주년을 축하하며 추첨을 통해 2분께 키링을 드립니다 (오른쪽 두개만여.... 토끼는 내꺼에요..) *드림만 아껴주시는 분들😊 *국내 주소 한정 #요… - 5 years ago

@ThatReverendLiu: RT @ThomasSanders: I told @calypso_may I missed dancing, so while she was in town, even though I was nervous, we created this lil silly thi… - 5 years ago

@BiochemPapi_1: Delete this - 5 years ago

@jzGQaDNWEPpGiLQ: RT @yoshikawa8izume: @hachimanshrine 🐴呼んだ⁉️🐴おどどどっ💦 - 5 years ago

@lilapinkmc: RT @loveparkjihyo: 지효 사랑해 Love you Jihyo Jihyo gorgeous Jihyo pout anytime, anywhere 😆 - 5 years ago

@VickyJa90882908: RT @8pmGyan: 1 #SushantSinghRajpoot Update #DishaSalian used to work for #Cornerstone Sports & Entertainment - 5 years ago

@AdlinaNufus: RT @ARMY52Hz: 멜론 1위와 3위 격차 중계입니다 *정말 얼마 남지 않았습니다😭 독려가능한 모든 것을 독려해주세요 스밍리스트 담기는 방탄소년단 차트인 현황을 보려면 - 5 years ago

@0203MooPat: RT @imkakeru22: [Fluke 7th Anniversary] 7 Years of Fluke 🐣☀️ #Fluke7thAnniversary #เจ้าแก้มก้อน #fluke_natouch - 5 years ago

@Taeisbae_uwu: RT @VStreamTeam: First, fastest, youngest, only artist in the world to have achieved this milestone! Taehyung extends his own record as the… - 5 years ago

@dri_crf: RT @FatosEx: Se 2020 fosse um escorrega: - 5 years ago

@BBoujina: RT @BTS_twt: 😚B-side 뮤비 잘 봤나요옹? 아미 잘자요 쪽쪽😚 - 5 years ago

@kamioey7: RT @Naitong9: เหตุผลที่ยังโสด 5555555 - 5 years ago

@beelsbian: RT @Ppasce1: Cyber punk Jolyne, i don't like how the legs turned out thought - 5 years ago

@CCATDOG1: RT @frameframenppdp: หรือว่าบิวกิ้นเค้าจะแอบชอบพีพีกันนะ? สัมผัสได้ถึงออร่าความเองลูความรักความหวงห่วงจากมือที่แปะอยู่บนศีรษะ​น้องพีพี http… - 5 years ago

@aya_tommo: RT @LouAlwaysYouHaz: not a question but THE POWER THEY RADIATE!! - 5 years ago

@urudon_to: RT @paparin6: 初見クリア出来る程度の難易度か…🙄 #ドラクエタクト #EXジュリアンテ - 5 years ago

@ploichomphuNora: RT @allarea_ent: นักแสดงจากซีรีส์ “บังเอิญรัก 2 “ ร่วมงาน Kazz Awards 2020 #KDPPE #คนของแปลน #MeanPhiravich #หัวใจศิวัช #KazzAwards2020 h… - 5 years ago

@MahiwagaNiMigs: RT @karelle___: Can’t say I didn’t cry while writing the write-up for the video. I’ve always been in awe of these 9 human beings. Please co… - 5 years ago

@s4N1ONZ55s4Jh9O: RT @HAWKS_official: 先発・石川投手、6回1失点の好投をみせます! #sbhawks - 5 years ago

@shirokuro_neko: RT @docomo_dmarket: 「月曜日にdポイントがあたるキャンペーン」参加条件は2つ ①dマーケット(@docomo_dmarket )をフォロー ②このツイートをリツイート ※RTすると、自動でリプライが届くよ ※応募期間は8月24日10時~8月24日23時59分… - 5 years ago

@AnaClara2900: RT @bts_bighit: Thank you @youtubemusic for your support!! Play #BTS_Dynamite now! - 5 years ago

@capcher_cp96: RT @chap50606010: มีเด็กหิวน้ำแต่ต้องแกะฉลากก่อน แงง ลุคเฟียสมาก แต่ตอนแกะน้ำมาเป็นน้องอรของแม่เหมือนเดิม 5555 #OrnBNK48 #KazzAwards2020 h… - 5 years ago

@Mew_Gulf421: RT @panuispony: คุณคะ....คู๊ณ.......🥰🥰🥰 20200824 #KazzAwards2020 #KazzAwards2020xMG - 5 years ago

@springday_pom: RT @SMWX68uZYFxYvWq: 幼さが残る春馬くんも、 色気だだ漏れな春馬くんも、 全力笑顔な春馬くんも、 ちょっとお茶目な春馬くんも、 全部全部大好き。 それは、これからも変わらないよ。 26日楽しみだなぁ。 #三浦春馬 #NightDiver - 5 years ago

@urusaihito12: RT @livedoornews: 【コロナも影響か】宇都宮や浜松を抑え「宮崎餃子」が1位に 家計調査における餃子の購入頻度・支出金額をもとに集計し、宮崎市が「餃子の街」に。前から自宅で餃子を食べる文化が強いという。 https… - 5 years ago

@Yusukaye: RT @reinibee: two sides of the same coin #yutaba #祐双 - 5 years ago

@Vaishal57308960: RT @Aman_Aahan: Guys,from sources there is good news may be come tomorrow or today evening Have faith in swamy ji. they are trying their be… - 5 years ago

@ttt181029: RT @milfeulle2: เดินพรมแดงทั้งที รูปคู่มันต้องมีบ้างแหละ(แต่สองคนนี้จะเอามาลงหรือเปล่าไม่รู้ 555) #เฌอสิค - 5 years ago

@Unbasiert: RT @Fabio_Bossi: @strigohabro @zettberlin @Unbasiert @MLPDofficial - 5 years ago

@_dingaz: Coming for that #1 spot ! - 5 years ago

@seventeenft_: RT @wonwoofiles: [REST...] - 5 years ago

@_sksnkw: RT @MewsuppasitTH: มุมนี้ใครไหว.... พาเราไปด้วย 😍 #MewSuppasit #KazzAwards2020 #KazzAwards2020xMG - 5 years ago

@K97129: RT @present_iau: 【プレゼント企画】 フォロワー様500人突破記念!! 50名様企画です!! 詳細は画像をご確認ください!! また、今回も参加条件として ポップルいいねorインスタのフォローを お願いしております!! たくさんの方のご参加おまちしております!!… - 5 years ago

@kdo12_knight: RT @kirariky: 夏のヴィク勇 - 5 years ago

@megan_mnbb: RT @TWOTUCKGOM: 😳 넘어지지 않는 곰 / Bear that does not fall down 🎶 - 5 years ago

@Kantima_mulan: RT @ElectricBlue_K: พร้อมๆๆๆ.. @stjinx_maya @kristtps มารอแล้วนะ - 5 years ago

@moomin_toyotama: RT @nagaden_info: 創立100周年を迎えた長野電鉄の歴史書が共同企画会社である信濃毎日新聞社より発刊!長野電鉄が公募した100周年記念企画「思い出のエッセイ・作文コンテスト」の秀作も収録した他、公文書・地図、信濃毎日新聞記事・写真にて100年のあゆみを網羅!長電… - 5 years ago

@hal_koete: RT @asyuup: 壬猫ちゃん - 5 years ago

@ingri_figueroa: RT @tomasnickgo: Adorable #KazzAwards2020xMG - 5 years ago

@TameemHotm: RT @fcbarcelona_ara: من غير لف ودوران 💥 @RonaldKoeman 🤩 - 5 years ago

@jaemindealugx: RT @nananutt_: หล่อจริงๆเลยนายหัวชมพูเนี่ย - 5 years ago

@dert1771: "It's time to come out the closet" (Part 1) #WalkAway - 5 years ago

@squishy_yixing: RT @JUNCATB0Y: you and your 4th @ gotta wear these - 5 years ago

@sinon_39r_k2: RT @fffenichan: 近所におじいちゃんが経営してるご飯屋あって、入ってみたらピーマンの肉詰めあった😿😿😿🧡 シチューも食べる‼️ 夜ご飯の報告です😈 - 5 years ago

@ppmusicstp: RT @s_maemay: วันนี้ทุกคนสวยมาก สวยมากๆเลยค่ะ❤️ #MewnichBNK48 #MusicBNK48 #CherprangBNK48 #JennisBNK48 #OrnBNK48 - 5 years ago

@minijyhz: RT @mameebabywin: ตีมงานแต่งไบ๊วิน #ไบร์ทวิน - 5 years ago

@Javi103Percebe: RT @norcoreano: #SalimosMásFuertes - 5 years ago

@sungyoonni_0731: RT @Hi_Goldenness: [최보민] 쉬는날엔 조이와 데이트 🥰 - 5 years ago

@tulipsrosa: RT @btsvotingorg: One (1) hour left before voting ends on MTV Hottest Summer Superstar. #MTVHottest BTS (@BTS_twt) - 5 years ago

@ne_osya: RT @joujinakata123: ネタ動画の為にわざわざ買いに戻ったのに…(絶縁テープの抜き方が悪かったのか) - 5 years ago

@LeelaKu82785237: RT @BangtanTrends: 1 HOUR LEFT until @BTS_twt will be appearing on NBC Today Show with an interview! Hashtag: #BTSTODAY - 5 years ago

@LoveOneAngel1: RT @tiktok_us: dogs are too precious for this world - 5 years ago

@_KarenFerreira_: RT @rafauccman: não é possível que alguém escove os dentes no banheiro - 5 years ago

@carmenborras03: RT @BTS_twt: 🐈😊 #JIMIN - 5 years ago

@MG26499: RT @PipePttt: ขอ 10 รางวัลหรอคับ 😍 #KazzAwards2020xMG #KazzAwardsxMG - 5 years ago

@Ima_Hoosier: RT @IwriteOK: Here we see a dude who thinks his paintball gun makes him a cop. I do not think that he is. - 5 years ago

@carolinasilvss: RT @Silv4_14: 🥺😍 - 5 years ago

@Joao_victorc28: RT @TheNBACentral: Luka Doncic is HOOPING - 5 years ago

@mimmo87550402: RT @TrustSwap: The @SlinkFinance Airdrop to $SWAP holders is now worth $300 👀 The @RealChainGames Airdrop is coming soon to anyone holding… - 5 years ago

@xsambuckyx: RT @stuckonsaturnn: oh my god. - 5 years ago

@thestevennabil: RT @FCBayernEN: ✨✨✨✨🏆6️⃣🏆✨✨✨✨ #MiaSanChampions - 5 years ago

@LoletaMiss: RT @H_Alkhathlan: تعديل سلوك الاطفال عن طريق الرسومات 👧🏻👦🏻 🔹الطفل ينظر الى الرسمه و يقوم بتلوين رسمة السلوك الصحيح والتعبير عنها بمفرداته و… - 5 years ago

@Mallu38024081: RT @ARMYForce_Peru: @bts_bighit Kim Namjoon 😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜 #Dynamite100MViewsIn24Hrs #DynamiteTo200M @BTS_twt - 5 years ago

@stan_komisan: RT @doppeltim: Saturn Devouring His Son Francisco de Goya 1819–1823 - 5 years ago

@gloriaw67: RT @TrumpdEm2020: @LLewellyan The real Life of Nancy Pelosi behind the scenes 🤣🤣🤣🍸🍾🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@Matt8126: RT @CAFinUS: Dear California, We love you in the winter, summer, spring and in the fall. We love you, California. Stay safe, eh? Yours,… - 5 years ago

@Tat_Jon_lew: RT @Dawgs_Cowboys4L: I’m this old. - 5 years ago

@EIGHT_BEATeeeeR: @punimaru_mtg ダーツに1つも関心がなくて飼い主ちょっと寂しいです。。。 - 5 years ago

@nene09344747: RT @raulcarvajalc: Roxana Carrut lleva 26 días de huelga de hambre por la violencia en la Araucanía. Ha bajado cerca de 30 kls. y ningún ma… - 5 years ago

@juicyslaughter: RT @_aure_ly: Quand j’ai 1 jour de retard sur mes règles 😭 - 5 years ago

@hamehame9264: RT @0t9cz82sevNsvlV: HGUC ザクⅡ 塗装まで完了(ほぼ) ここからのデカール貼りがシンドイ! しかも2体分あるし。 しかしスゴイ、キットの完成度。 当時、子供の時に見てたザクってこんなにカッコよかったっけかな〜 - 5 years ago

@michaeljashmore: RT @robbystarbuck: It’s weird Twitter decided Trump’s tweet violated TOS since: • It’s true, people have voted multiple times before & the… - 5 years ago

@bcieciek: RT @NASCAR: By virtue of his Stage 1 finish, @KevinHarvick clinches the 2020 NASCAR Cup Series Regular Season Championship. Harvick earns… - 5 years ago

@JaumePinyol2: RT @jm_clavero: - 5 years ago

@aaqqw1we1: RT @Sport360Arabiya: أخر 🔟 أندية حققت لقب دوري أبطال أوروبا 🌟🏆 كم مرة حقق فريقك المُفضل اللقب؟🤩 #نهائي_دوري_أبطال_أوروبا #باريس_ميونخ ht… - 5 years ago

@TaTa_P19: RT @Dynxmite_th: แจก‼️เทปวาชิ 1 รางวัล ฉลองน้องไดยอดวิว 101.1 M ใน24ชั่วโมง💜 -รีทวิตอย่างเดียว #Dynamite100MViewsIn24Hrs - 5 years ago

@UltySo: RT @minami_aoi24: this tweet got more than i expected and i kept my promise orz here's my ugly attempt to draw Sora, Ventus, Roxas and Van… - 5 years ago

@ad_okami: RT @MightyRedShark: Nothing better than bouncing this filled up shark gut after a fat meal~ Lovely animated icon I got a while back from h… - 5 years ago

@DangerDang1: RT @dearbribrie: 낮경영 밤밴드,, - 5 years ago

@akash_betha: RT @vid_raghuwanshi: Students cannot give exams in such a depressing and intimidating atmosphere. Sir please try to understand the situatio… - 5 years ago

@iamrosemarry: RT @StillNow2020: งาน meb เป็นครั้งแรกเลยที่ได้เจอพร้อมเบ้นซ์ตัวเป็นๆ ตอนถ่ายรูปโพราลอยด์ พร้อมใส่หมวกของตัวเอง พี่เอาหมวกขอพี่ให้คุณอเลิ๊ต… - 5 years ago

@HolkarLavina: RT @Kaviyasekar5: #SATYAGRAH_AgainstExamsInCovid #SATYAGRAH_AgainstExamsInCovid No2 in world wide lets make it no. 1 @DrRPNishank @Swamy39… - 5 years ago

@snow_seren: RT @G_T_S_ultra: 「あのBGMを流しながら喋れば何でもウルトラマンメビウスの次回予告っぽくなるのでは?」という安直な発想のもと作られた動画 - 5 years ago

@ellie_bowdidgex: RT @WestHam: There's only ☝️ #GingerPele ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Bangbanggtae: RT @budisi21061999: 2013 army how are we feeling🤧 from 25 thousand in 24 hours of no more dream to MF 101.1 MILLION IN 24 HOURS🤧 BTS DID IT… - 5 years ago

@yikesjenniex: RT @hbker07: ขอแปะต้นเรื่องให้ได้อ่านกันค่า55555555555 ขำขัน - 5 years ago

@htrscke: RT @imisskurooo: haikyuu official art to put a smile on ur face -- a long(?) thread - 5 years ago

@gugeoanham: RT @simsimpulletest: Q-30 - 5 years ago

@6emesensbyTS: RT @marjofficiel: extrait d’un de mes premiers sons réalisés avec @twinsmatic 💎 - 5 years ago

@8M1GsVrQydkanbS: RT @MrThanimai_V3: சாப்டுட்டே டேக் போடுறன் 😁😁 #Valimai #250DaysToTHALA50 - 5 years ago

@jiminieiscutee: RT @btschartdata: "Dynamite" MV officially broke the Youtube biggest 24 hour with over 101.1 million views on its first day! - 5 years ago

@rainbowhopes7: RT @RabbitJungoo: Bu arada az önce yayınlanan Lip Sync Challenge olayı sadece Amerikalı Army’ler içinmiş, yani sadece onlar katılabilecekle… - 5 years ago

@1_Zmad: RT @QudwahQueen: #PMIKMuslimManOfYear 34... Woman of the year Rashida Tlaib, American Congresswoman (Democrat, Michigan) is this year’s M… - 5 years ago

@ginaddict1010: RT @JessicaValenti: 1) He was 14 2) That was five years ago 3) A lot of people are showing their ass with this one - 5 years ago

@amagasa328: RT @wni_jp: 台風8号の北上に伴い、25日(火)以降はフェーン現象が発生。日本海側で40℃近い暑さに見舞われる可能性があります。 - 5 years ago

@catdoesnttalk_l: RT @glxtchcity: .@LTHQOfficial can you please restock Walls vinyls in stores/online. I have been searching for two days straight and its im… - 5 years ago

@JAISURYAN: RT @taran_adarsh: #DwayneJohnson is #BlackAdam... Teaser unleashed at #DCFanDome. - 5 years ago

@my_war_: RT @takyu_min: ขอกล่าวคำว่า ‘หล่อมาก หล่อมาก หล่อมาก หยิ่น อานันท์’ @yinyin_anw #yinyin_anw #Borntobexหยิ่น #borntobexyin #borntobeacad… - 5 years ago

@justjeon_97: RT @partaetae: this has to be the tiniest tae video I have ever seen, been bookmarked many times - 5 years ago

@dadhich_anshu: RT @Chetan_30_01: #SATYAGRAH_AgainstExamsInCovid #SATYAGRAH_AgainstExamsInCovidPostpone MY DEAR FRIENDS WHO ARE LOSING HOPE PLEASE DON… - 5 years ago

@plea223: RT @everydaykiri: - 5 years ago

@sssssud221: RT @sudamasakimusic: 【配信中】 菅田将暉 × OKAMOTO'S 「Keep On Running」 ✔︎トヨタ自動車   カローラツーリングCMソング #菅田将暉 #OKAMOTOS 📹Music Video - 5 years ago

@poy_ans2: RT @sweetpeach0412: เครดิตใหม่อีกแล้ววว พี่ทำให้ #Gulfkanawut - 5 years ago

@lunaluna_lulla: RT @JaneanGroup: วันนี้พร้อมใจกันติดแฮชแทก #SupernovaCH3Live @ryuvachirawich @Tee_Jaruji @paswitchsmith @kongthappp - 5 years ago

@Khi_twt: RT @charts_k: According to K-media OSEN, YouTube confirmed that @BTS_twt's "Dynamite" MV gathered 101.1 million views in just 24 hours afte… - 5 years ago

@morninguwawa84: RT @livedoornews: 【鼻歌?】ゴキゲンな表情で歩くトカゲの投稿写真が話題に 性別は女の子で、年齢は1歳ほどのヒョウモントカゲモドキ。飼い主によれば、基本的にいつもニコニコ笑顔だという。 - 5 years ago

@DiamondStrings: RT @magisj: #HappyBirthday #Yesung 🎂🥰 #SuperJuniorKRYBeyondLive #KRY #SuperJunior D&E - 5 years ago

@prathampatil_20: RT @INCIndia: Students from all over the country & even some from different parts of the world are demanding a postponement of JEE & NEET e… - 5 years ago

@mahammadeliyaz: RT @Rz1505: Thank you @RahulGandhi ji & @priyankagandhi ji for supporting students of our country. #SATYAGRAH_AgainstExamsInCovid - 5 years ago

@gesher98: RT @Matsutake1922: 69年間TV #24時間TV - 5 years ago

@yuki_machi_duki: RT @since1708: 【交換 譲渡】 ツイステ クリアビジュアルポスター 譲→マレウス 求→レオナ or 定価(+送料) 都内手渡し、郵送 ピンポイントで難しいと思いますが宜しくお願い致します - 5 years ago

@igaveutheworld_: RT @cherieconfetti: เขิน - 5 years ago

@89chocobanana: RT @renrunranpcx: スズキ アドレスv100 2万で欲しい方いませんかー?(代理)値下げ交渉OK 走行距離14185km 書類あり 社外ミラー&ベリアルチャンバー付き ベルト&エアクリーナー交換済み セル一発始動確認 不具合→リアタイヤパンク(要交換) 少々… - 5 years ago

@euph1978: RT @MuSicemia: ยูทูปประกาศเป็นทางการแล้วนะคะว่าไดนาไมต์ทำลายสถิติยอดวิว 24 ชั่วโมงด้วยยอดวิว 101.1 ล้านวิว อาร์มี่เราทำได้แล้ว😭😭😭😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@a7med_Brima: RT @young_j3ly: Before After 💇🏻‍♂️ - 5 years ago

@DarkHorse5H: RT @BarrellNews: e aí, já enalteceram a atuação da katherine hoje?? WYNONNA EARP 4 BRASIL - 5 years ago

@puffywt_: RT @zhoujangling: เช็คอินท่าช้างไรงี้ป้ะมึง - 5 years ago

@khaita_beer: RT @WinmetawinO: อยากผิวดี ขาวใสแบบน้องวิน ต้องนี่เลย “คอลลี่ พลัส ไลโคพีน” ที่มีสารสกัดคอลลาเจนจากญี่ปุ่น พร้อมด้วยไลโคพีนจากมะเขือเทศ 🍅… - 5 years ago

@babyjaaom: @pnkkitten56 1 - 5 years ago

@HrYlY4rw6q9KF9p: @kuraudo_0320 (๑ ᴖ ᴑ ᴖ ๑) - 5 years ago

@arrobacrara: RT @krisbianlife: same energy #DCFanDome #Batman - 5 years ago

@djdtmt: RT @fjjj2028: 【譲渡】テニスの王子様 テニプリフェスタ2013パンフレット ショッパー付 2500円+送料でのお譲りです。 難しいとは思いますが、よろしくお願いします。 - 5 years ago

@zeppin_: RT @Takayamt031127: 無限の剣製 体は剣で出来ている 血潮は鉄で心は硝子 幾たびの戦場を越えて不敗 ただ一度の敗走もなく、 ただ一度の勝利もなし Nor aware of gain. 担い手はここに孤り。 剣の丘で鉄を鍛つ ならば、我が生涯に意… - 5 years ago

@strryjoon: RT @BombonGar: #DynamiteMV @BTS_twt - 5 years ago

@nathan_green88: RT @TheBatman: Robert Pattinson is #TheBatman. Watch the #DCFandome Teaser Trailer now. - 5 years ago

@funkyoons: RT @btslayoutt: — layout + fijado of jungkook · fav si te gustó. ♡ - 5 years ago

@shiro_kuroshiro: ノーベル医学・生理学賞を受賞した大村名誉教授の業績がすごすぎる。 毎年2億人以上を感染症から救う薬。 - 5 years ago

@musictopcat: RT @Ariadnaarcinie3: Sabes ? .... - 5 years ago

@ozymanddias: RT @amyardams: i believe in robert pattinson supremacy - 5 years ago

@PeddireddiRavi: RT @SubashN64503383: #JusticeForSugaliPreethi - 5 years ago

@thejordongarza: RT @prncesagodd: out of the blue 💙 - 5 years ago

@Shelass13: RT @MeidasTouch: 📺 NEW VIDEO Retweet to help Eric Trump continue to humiliate himself. #ByeEric - 5 years ago

@champagnehomiee: RT @anoyaaan: Happy Birthday to the GOAT! Kobe 'Bean' Bryant! 💜💛 #MambaDay - 5 years ago

@mrbicalho: RT @Caausei_: A sintonia... mas juram que são incompatíveis! 💜 - 5 years ago

@harryswmelon: RT @valelagp: COLOMBIA NEEDS YOU!!! 🇨🇴#ColombiaNeedsLT @LTHQOfficial - 5 years ago

@iifiia5: RT @u_19q: - 5 years ago

@hylanluis: RT @GnteConEdecanes: - 5 years ago

@dave_leedsutd: RT @paddypower: Leeds are back in the Premier League. They play Chelsea on December 5th. #PLFixtures - 5 years ago

@zukios: RT @SuicideSquadWB: When @JamesGunn says, “It’s going to be different from any superhero movie ever made,” he means it! See more in this of… - 5 years ago

@94Kbly: RT @guvenlikcam: Tuttuğu takım gol atınca heyecanlanıp kanepeden düşen köpek - 5 years ago

@_aaronandrada: RT @SuicideSquadWB: When @JamesGunn says, “It’s going to be different from any superhero movie ever made,” he means it! See more in this of… - 5 years ago

@PakaNoona: RT @hirunwadee: @got7bb50_th @GOT7Official เราซ้อมแล้วนะ คะ !!!!! พร้อม!! ลุ้ย!!! ยอดไม่ปัง ไม่ใช่เรา นกไทย !! สู้ ขาดใจจ้า🔥🔥🔥 #GOT7  #아가새… - 5 years ago

@MatheusPenhabfr: RT @yurylopesbfr: @UrubuTT_ ISSO É CLASSICO! Por mim botava o escudo de vocês de cabeça para baixo e uma merda no meio do escudo! - 5 years ago

@krisabetha: RT @TheOnion: Joe Rogan Starting To Make A Lot Of Sense To Man Who Gets All His News From Joe Rogan - 5 years ago

@KingMondrae: RT @jordynwoods: MOOD SWINGS OUT NOW ♥️ WOO🕊 - 5 years ago

@FatinKapusuz: RT @anadoluajansi: Haliç'te suyun rengi değişti - 5 years ago

@baptisedinfiji: @FuccGio @narutocooch @King_Kaneki_1 @kakashibrainrot Or like when we kiss the homies goodnight every night - 5 years ago

@a2QNWChZWWB53xG: RT @mdagwomen: 중년의 플러팅짬밥은 따라갈수없구나 - 5 years ago

@Cmejiii: RT @blink_levi: Only blinks know him😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@JUICEPLUSJILL: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Shit. Just. Got. Real. - 5 years ago

@foolishaffairs: RT @HarleyMovieNews: A behind the scenes Reel for #TheSuicideSquad #DCFanDome - 5 years ago

@MaxKThomas: RT @Army1Seven: This is a 393-years old Greenland Shark that was located in the Arctic Ocean. It's been wandering the ocean since 1627. It… - 5 years ago

@cinematicsnl: RT @clairo: - 5 years ago

@minaxluz: RT @Teauxboogie: I’m in tears cuzzin 😂😂😂 Pops ain’t going for the fugazy! - 5 years ago

@shouum_0613: RT @noire_studio: 🖤🖤Dynamite MV 2000만뷰 돌파🖤🖤 #방탄소년단 #BTS_Dynamite  #DynamiteMV #BTS_DINAMYTE #BTS  @BTS_twt - 5 years ago

@vantemin95z: RT @taehyungedit: 🧨 - 5 years ago

@94zults: RT @taesoothe: The chart is for the past 24 hours to the hour rank. So 14pm KST is for the 14pm yesterday to 14pm today It means Dynamite… - 5 years ago

@kuri_bonbonbon: RT @dmagazine_PR: / #企業公式コラボ #dマガジン6周年記念✨ フォロー&リツイートキャンペーン第2弾 dポイント1,000ptが60名様に その場で当たる🎁 \ 本日最終日です★ 応募方法 1⃣ @dmagazine_PRをフォロー 2⃣  8/21… - 5 years ago

@julietitee: RT @valeriamateo80: #HBDAffableBarunSobti @BarunSobtiSays Happy birthday - 5 years ago

@moonlilacc: GUE BINGUNG BANGETTTTTT????? - 5 years ago

@Rua517: RT @Rua517: Twitterからってちゃんと言ってね! #荒野行動 #荒野女子 #暇人 - 5 years ago

@MiyukiNeedsHelp: RT @EgosShadow7: Dynamite was added to the Spotify playlists 'Mood Booster' with 5.6M followers. - 5 years ago

@Isahioy: RT @BigHitEnt: #BTS #방탄소년단 Dynamite(Instrumental) Release #BTS_Dynamite ▶iTunes: ▶Amazon: - 5 years ago

@xxd61214: 26DE4C56 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv120 メタトロン - 5 years ago

@AZZAHN4: RT @chanyalcnkaya: Hadi bakalm yürüyelim buradan... #TekAklımızMustafaKemal - 5 years ago

@galaxychild0910: RT @btsanalytics: 'ON' by BTS previously held the record, achieving this in 1 hour & 5 minutes. - 5 years ago

@FRE1ENY: RT @egymeme11: لما تقعد تتكلم مع اصحابك انك عايز تشتري حاجة جديدة. - 5 years ago

@ExasperatedTory: RT @jolly_angelina: At every trough they stop to feed ... #Corruption - 5 years ago

@Y_oonna: RT @bigshitxtalker: and above all else I’ll always believe a woman before I believe a man. - 5 years ago

@CURBST0MPP: RT @btschartdata: 'Dynamite' — iTunes #1. Ukraine #1. Bulgaria #1. Jordan #1. Kyrgyzstan *23 #1's* - 5 years ago

@wincjk: #수지콜걸샵추천 #밀양콜걸샵후기 🚃24시간 친절상담해드립니다~ 문의주세요~ 🚃믿고보는 출장업소/내상없습니다!! 🇳🇬출장상담O1O*4352*4470 🇳🇬ㅋr톡SZ 7 6 . . . . . 🌃 - 5 years ago

@B94YcM5DZWeGrrw: RT @luckrock5: 🎱#フォローRTキャンペーン🎱 8月31日まで #キャンペーン 開催❗️ / プレイで使える... 1,500円分のポイントを... #抽選🎰で毎日2名様👭🏻に #プレゼント🎁✨ 毎日ご参加下さ〜い📣👱🏻‍♀️🎶 \ ①@luckrock5 を… - 5 years ago

@Sb19Del: RT @SEsbinayntin: 1 vote per person within 24hrs @SB19Official Best Boy Groups in Southeast Asia 2020 – Vote Now - 5 years ago

@mutaamuta: RT @halldrunkface: ตอนแรกก็ค่อยไม่แน่ใจว่าเด็กฉลาดกว่าไหม จนกระทั่งได้เห็นโพสนี้. - 5 years ago

@Marynara_sauce: RT @YessssssGiGi: 1................2 yall she keep calling IM CRYINGGGG😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@_T_e_n_1: @RenTya_X @Olecha7 参加条件RTだけ書いていたので他の人と違って乞食しません - 5 years ago

@anbilsha_7666: RT @DrSenthil_MDRD: இன்று தருமபுரி ஆட்சியர் அலுவலகத்தில் நடைபெற்ற நிகழிச்சியில் முதலமைச்சர் சந்தித்து தர்மபுரி சார்ந்த மனு அளிக்க சென்ற பொ… - 5 years ago

@anessdjz: En Remis depuis 1 semaine et vous? - 5 years ago

@tsukiyonihikaru: @mile_0384mile やっと食べれた😭 1/2本頂きました みずみずしく甘かったです😋 残ったのはまた明日😊🍀✨ - 5 years ago

@RahulkMx: RT @AletHBas: Buena pregunta a mi me hace falta sudar, jajaja en el gym. - 5 years ago

@Rajankbjp: RT @HindutvaTeam: #CBIForPalghar एक और धक्का लगाओ #1 पर पहुंचाओ - 5 years ago

@osei_ike: RT @FIFAcom: 🔙 25 years ago today, Ghana won the #U17WC for the second time 🙌 🇬🇭 The Black Starlets reclaimed the trophy with a thrilling… - 5 years ago

@Glo77183152: RT @ericahenriquezo: - 5 years ago

@832honey_indigo: RT @OKMKITI: 【夏インテ 8/23】理銃合同誌サンプル #漫画 #超CrazyLyricBattleサマー2020 #理銃 #超SUPERCOMICCITY2020 #ヒ腐マイ - 5 years ago

@Richard75882434: @Gregorianmusing @jack_bowman1 @Tyson_Fury @BronzeBomber He should move to formular 1 then - 5 years ago

@Vijendr55138832: RT @Veenasingh73: @Jangbah42470955 @narendramodi @myogiadityanath @drdineshbjp @drdwivedisatish @ABPNews @BBCHindi @GhazipurNewsIn @ANI @Ze… - 5 years ago

@miru_0821: RT @harapecorap: ステ先生のメモ - 5 years ago

@DoubleJEqualsJJ: RT @NostalgicVGEdit: - 5 years ago

@citruscitric: RT @maddox_rider: ❤️#色んな兎赤が見れるタグ - 5 years ago

@not935: RT @DeNA_2017: ⚾️平田真吾 三者凡退 (2020.8.20) #baystars - 5 years ago

@vmSbjBmLvFHCYel: RT @DogdugunEKBR: 📷|elifsonmez via instagram story #DoğduğunEvKaderindir #İbrahimÇelikkol - 5 years ago

@_luvthek: RT @ppuussiimm: เมื่อคืนนั่งทำexcel รวบรวมเผื่อสะดวกเวลาจะไปซื้อหาของเข้าห้อง ต่อไปจะลิสต์รวมกับป่ารอยต่อด้วย อันไหนผิดยังไงบอกด้วยนะคะ แล้… - 5 years ago

@GoekhanDagtekin: RT @ulusalkanal: SON DAKİKA! Saldırı hazırlığındaki 4 PKK'lı terörist etkisiz hale getirildi - 5 years ago

@C_radiation: RT @4kakumaru0: rkgk¨浅桐 👁‍🗨 - 5 years ago

@just_PmL_N: RT @Saba5670: 💔صرف تيرے سامنے ہم خود کو کمزور پاتے ہيں💔 💔ورنا جو ہمارا دل جلاتے ہيں ہم ان کا شہر جلا ديتے ہيں. #محفل_سخن - 5 years ago

@eR_5959: RT @ice_clrful: 【交換/譲渡】スタマイ セイレーン 譲)渡部、朝霧、桐嶋、早乙女、瀬尾 求)特典:可愛 缶バッジ:誠 通常缶バッジのみ定価+送料 誠は友人分で求めております。 交換は当方分を含むお取引のみ 纏めてのお取引優先 検索からでもお気軽にお声掛… - 5 years ago

@kims_pink: RT @wings091204: @kims_pink [JPN] 三キム兄弟 🐨🐹🐯 - 5 years ago

@yahodesu: RT @hypnosismic: #ヒプマイ3周年 まであと13日❗️ 躑躅森盧笙役 河西健吾さん(@Kengokawanishi )さんからコメントが届きました🙌👨‍🏫✨ #ヒプマイ5thライブ BD/DVDもうチェックしましたかー?💿💿 ▶️Trailer http… - 5 years ago

@Biihsousa21: ⁉ONDE FOI⁉ 1 - Minha cama 2 - Meu quarto 3 - Pátio 4- Cama 5 - Ns 6 - Escola 7 - Carro 8 - Para sempre 9 - Armaze… - 5 years ago

@LASTTreasurer: RT @terryfuck45: Right decided to actually go through the Starmer 10 pledges and see if he's actually stuck to any of them 1, No - 5 years ago

@LaHanlavoie: RT @_HamidReza___: بخدا سنجش و مافیا دستشون تو یه کاسه‌ست. شماره تمام داوطلبای دکتری دست مافیاست. روز نیست که بهمون پیام ندن. کی شماره مارو… - 5 years ago

@ggame_gbm: @1NGJRwVOJxfNbXu の運勢は ⛩ベア吉⛩ 今日はあなたの見た目に注目が集まる日👀 ベアッガイのような可愛さを目指して 色々カスタマイズするのが良いかも💕 毎日無料10連ガシャでカスタマイズしよう! 9/1まで毎… - 5 years ago

@mingosthetic: RT @shmesm2: hyunjin commented on felix's insta post "tiktok expert yongbokie🤟 -hyunie" - 5 years ago

@xamiDT4ZTZ75y7D: RT @onorikka: 今日はとある撮影でした🤍 たのしかった〜🤍 - 5 years ago

@takasankurisan1: RT @angela_staff: / angelaチャンネル 動画deどーだ!! 更新✨ \ 2回目は研究員に扮したKATSUが“奇跡の周波数”とも評され話題の『ソルフェジオ周波数』に着目し、KATSU流に解説👨‍🏫 🎥奇跡の周波数!? ソルフェジオ周波数編#1 http… - 5 years ago

@FaroroHanahz: RT @danny_ramly: Jarang dah sekarang ni aku nampak orang nak pasang bendera kebangsaan kt kedai kaki lima. Tadi ternampak Uncle ni pasang b… - 5 years ago

@otob84v9ysXLzzC: 新品 0DCA9C60 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv200 イーウィヤ - 5 years ago

@Dwinielty0610: RT @SMTOWNGLOBAL: [#STATION] ['Our Beloved BoA'] #1. 공중정원 / BAEKHYUN #2. 아틀란티스 소녀 / 볼빨간사춘기 #3. Only One / Gallant #4. Milky Way / Red Ve… - 5 years ago

@dowkean: RT @TuCaoFakeNews: 李克强到重庆视察灾情,站在污水中和老百姓对话; 这和在安徽腆着肚子发假照片的一尊形成了鲜明对比~ 而且李视察重庆的消息,所有门户网站都不报道,是国务院直属的网站“中国政府网”报道出来的。 - 5 years ago

@ME57019713: RT @anpchr: ไอดอลสวย/หล่อ จากการโหวตของเหล่าไอดอล ประจำปี 2020 อันดับ 2 ในปีนี้ คือ ไอรีน จากวง Red Velvet ที่เคยได้อันดับ 2 ในปี 2019 และ… - 5 years ago

@M990017: RT @eFUTWORLD: قيف اوي على 60$ أو فيفا 21 كل اللي عليك تسوي ريتويت للتغريدة هذه ومتابعة حساب : @eFUTWORLD @DR_10_HILALI - 5 years ago

@BulackaMaani: RT @YessssssGiGi: 1................2 yall she keep calling IM CRYINGGGG😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@CaptDanky: RT @Jamal_deen_: When you finally see that annoying mosquito! - 5 years ago

@iumalove: я дешевая такая капец - 5 years ago


@MatiGonzalezDQ: RT @Kappa_Argentina: ⚪🔵⚪ #Legado #世界チャンピオン 🇯🇵 #Velez #KappaSport - 5 years ago

@its_Tobiloba: RT @Itslaycon: Happy birthday @veeiye ❤️ 💡 - 5 years ago

@katemcclelland7: RT @HenNorton: My amazing, jigsaw-obsessed stepmum Mo Mowlam, died 15 years ago today, 19th August 2005. What would she make of where we ar… - 5 years ago

@Dokinocap: RT @wasianweeb2: how weebs ask out their crush - 5 years ago

@b_timbs: RT @BeautyKINGC: What does it look like I do for a living? - 5 years ago

@PKYay: RT @verFyhi: warning - 5 years ago

@Melodzns: RT @Melodzns: Twitter header design for// @DevourMitchell SPEEDART: Any kind of support is appreciated ❤️ Websi… - 5 years ago

@123Erylex: RT @SebastianPJ: 🤣 - 5 years ago

@ThomaSLebeaU92: RT @AssaneSays: Nous voilà à la 31ème minutes de jeu, le Bayern Munich menait déjà 4-1 face à Barcelone. Comment penser à autre chose que S… - 5 years ago

@fIairpjm: RT @90sym: lets discuss ,, - 5 years ago

@Raja81862222: RT @iamkamyapunjabi: Buraai ki hui yeh pehli haar 👊🏼 bolo Ganapati Bappa Moryaa ❤️ Jitega sach #CBITakesOver #CBIForSSR #1stStepToSSRJustic… - 5 years ago

@KING_FERIALE: RT @natureanimalsd: 🌕 Panthère nébuleuse 🌑 Via maxstrong - 5 years ago

@jiriyasaksung: RT @mrizemind: #ใจน้องมันได้ กล้าที่จะถาม กล้าที่จะสื่อออกมา อันนี้เป็นคลิปเสียงที่น้องนักเรียนถามเหตุการณ์ใน 6 ตุลา แต่ครูกล้าที่จะย้อนถาม… - 5 years ago

@ShnMaide: RT @AgriAgced: Yeni yılın tüm insanlık için hayırlar getirmesi temennisi ile... #merhaba1442 - 5 years ago

@krageboiz: RT @Kaiman_Garupan: 釣りの話で無茶苦茶饒舌になる大野先輩の釣りオタク感かわいいです - 5 years ago

@rannttssss: RT @jibbymochi: Fashion - 5 years ago

@youngfilter: RT @Butorenebts: [📰] O teaser de Dynamite ainda continua em #1 nos trends mundiais! @BTS_twt | ©️ btsyoutubedata - 5 years ago

@iletisimkayseri: RT @fahrettinaltun: Prof. Dr. Haluk Dursun, tarih, bilim ve kültür alanındaki çalışmaları ve eserleri ile ülkemiz için kıymetli bir değerdi… - 5 years ago

@clara_sjunior: RT @whyjaejoong: imagens capazes de unir fandons - 5 years ago

@sophiaarantess: RT @HavilahJamile: Detalhes ✨ - 5 years ago

@SeruleanSeal: Roughly about 25 minutes. That's the average time of a typical, good 16 star run. This may not be that but when my… - 5 years ago

@mayna_traore: RT @aminatagayd: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@meeriem_: @Ilyessinho_69 2-1 OL - 5 years ago

@alwaysifearless: @1DGAlNS Ifb - 5 years ago

@ouyahyo: RT @kinggun_sjm_417: 가담항설은 웹툰 이름이 실트에 오르는데 전오수는 왜 작가 이름이 실트에 오를까 @: 가담항설은 웹툰이 미쳤는데 전오수는 작가가 더 미쳐서 - 5 years ago

@Makzi11: RT @its_teddykrash: Anybody??? - 5 years ago

@Musiclover1881: RT @adore_youx: I wish had an ounce of their talent @HSHQ - 5 years ago

@umer_hull: RT @HullCity: 🙌 We had this signed Jordy de Wijs shirt saved for our Easter Members' Event which was sadly cancelled - so instead we're giv… - 5 years ago

@RVsmtawn: RT @SMTOWNGLOBAL: [#STATION] ['Our Beloved BoA'] #1. 공중정원 / BAEKHYUN #2. 아틀란티스 소녀 / 볼빨간사춘기 #3. Only One / Gallant #4. Milky Way / Red Ve… - 5 years ago

@tataowned: RT @BTS_twt: 💜🤍ARMY 보고싶어요🤍💜 - 5 years ago

@d6ZSQ7jdJ4l6rr7: 2 A87372AF :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv200 フェディエル - 5 years ago

@Fabio04870617: RT @DCComics: Celebrate this EPIC GLOBAL EVENT for all things DC. Free for everyone for 24 hours only at - 5 years ago

@SamSpeaketh: RT @Aadhiraspeaks: Plz read the reply... Sharing without comments 😂 - 5 years ago

@DaikoLaD: RT @SatyrOfficialYT: @FortniteGame #AfricanFortniteServers Number 1 trending in the world. Come one... (WE HAVE A PLAYER BASE!) - 5 years ago

@JuanPaciulli: RT @RevistaPPV: ((ÚLTIMA HORA)) Encontraron más de 12 millones de vacunas vencidas en un frigorífico de Constitución, por un monto total de… - 5 years ago

@HS4L0V: @nickjmjk **o #followtrick #folloback - 5 years ago

@ANPANMendraw: RT @jonpei: - 5 years ago

@wansiccs: RT @missxaeri: when stranger things' casts gaten & caleb danced to love shot with junmyeon & jongin though :'>> #300MLoveShot @weareoneEXO… - 5 years ago

@Apj_moenia22: RT @PLakech: Cuando decimos que es un Enfermo Sicópata Ignorante, enfocado en seguir sembrando odio y vibrando venganza, es porque LAS PRUE… - 5 years ago

@SuwapreeyaJ: RT @mymandujennie: เจนนี่ผ่านอะไรมาเยอะมาก การออกโซโล่คนแรกมีข้อเสียมากมาย ไม่มีอะไรการันตีว่าจะปังสรสุมก็เยอะมากทั้งคนในคนนอกแต่สุดท้ายเจน… - 5 years ago

@cerealsunn: RT @tokytae: ... ᵇᵒᵒᵖ - 5 years ago

@Pinpk23: RT @tanatpong_news: หลังชุมนุมหน้ากระทรวง เด็กๆ ช่วยกันเก็บขยะรอบพื้นที่ชุมนุม ก่อนสลายตัวในเวลา 18.30 น. #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง - 5 years ago

@IxhGVxQwkhkyMAi: RT @sAyoko_syan: #シバター #ウタエル とんでもない動画上がった… キタ━━( *´∀`)・ω・)゚∀゚);゚Д゚)・∀・)゚ー゚) ̄ー ̄)=゚ω゚)ノ━━ !!! - 5 years ago

@1uRy_y: RT @makibaro: - 5 years ago

@clemnncee: RT @HoussemAouar: Il y’a 10 ans j’entrais sur le terrain pour porter la bâche de la LDC pour la demi-finale entre OL - Bayern. 10ans plus t… - 5 years ago

@jdetori: RT @virafied: - 5 years ago

@frtsnmz: RT @PratikDunya: Kimyasal yöntemlere başvurmadan, biyolojik bir yöntemle böceklerden kurtulmak. 🐓 - 5 years ago

@alepatricia603: RT @pirunguito: Luego de una marcha multitudinaria y a 9 meses de desgobierno, te dicen que encuentran vacunas vencidas del año 2015 al 201… - 5 years ago

@kyouk_k: RT @bstbs6: 明日8/20(木)よる11時「#スイモクチャンネル」 @suimokuch 木曜MCは #トラウデン直美 出演:#猪狩ともか(#仮面女子) ▽#アニマルハウスユーキ がおススメ!実は飼いやすいペット ▽仮面女子・猪狩ともかが語る卒業直前の心境とは!?… - 5 years ago

@NICKISPRINCESS: @nasawig lana del ray doesn’t have culture 🧏🏾‍♀️ wtf is she resetting ? - 5 years ago

@voice_itsheart: 自宅で動画を見ながら勉強できる【選挙うぐいす嬢 講座 Part 1】  - 5 years ago

@InrSakthi: RT @itntweets: ட்விட்டர்ல கண்டபடி திட்டுனப்பக்கூட சொம்மா கல்லு மாதிரி நின்ன மனுசன் @savukku ... பாஜக செய்தி தொடர்பாளர்னு போட்டவுடன இடிஞ்… - 5 years ago

@ippeachyou: RT @faywithyou: ไลน์เต้นสวย ๆ แบบนี้ ม่ายมีทางให้หายไปจากไทม์ไลน์หรอก 💥❕ - 5 years ago

@stinkycoffeefox: RT @esasi8794: この2匹が好きなんだけど、内容はただの妄想。個人的に手のかかるお兄ちゃんと気が強い妹・・・みたいなイメージ - 5 years ago

@picxkicp: RT @BeArBeAr_180120: คุณช่อ พูด ตอนที่กำลังจับกุมทนายอานนท์ (2) - 5 years ago

@tombrown1966: RT @BillKristol: Trump claims again, this morning, about former DHS chief of staff Miles Taylor: "I never met him." - 5 years ago

@kang_yootae: RT @by_verivery: [#호영] 밤 되니깐 다시 시원하네요 Good night 😴 #베리베리 #베러 - 5 years ago

@glauwesley: RT @taekookfolder: Taehyung couldn't get in, so he said "lachimolala" and "rock bison" as the password. 🐰: lachimolala? 😆 - 5 years ago

@Thursday_yw0123: RT @mmivjariyaaa: 💌✨: I fuckin' love you ! 🥣️🖍💥 Song ☁ I.F.L.Y. ( Bazzi ) #PromBenzPaintLuv - 5 years ago

@farvalie: RT @goingsarah_: แม่ขวัญศรีคืออีก 1 ตัวอย่างที่ออกมาพูดแถมอันฟอลเนชั่นติดโบว์ขาวเพราะมันกระทบกับงานเขาฟลว.หายไปเป็นหมื่นๆ สมมติผลกระทบมันไ… - 5 years ago

@itsjellyybitch: RT @LilYionnie: She Pretty as shit - 5 years ago

@floefay: RT @renjunache: chenle uploaded another piano cover on his weibo 😭😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@LepapillonBlu: RT @NycsonaPryanka: @LepapillonBlu Oh yeah he is. - 5 years ago

@mayu2900: RT @JO1_kura: 長々と書いてしまったんですけど、 ビルボードが今回は大変かもしれないです...... 私なりに理由を考えてみたので是非皆さんと共有できれば嬉しいです Twitterに加えて、YoutubeのMV Short Verも更に積極的に見る必要があるかなと… - 5 years ago

@1962Wren: RT @ECCHRBerlin: #AlKhatibTrial Important decision: The German Constitutional Court ordered to make German-Arabic translation of the #AlKh… - 5 years ago

@IEXYAH: RT @dogloveswhale: 190820 #민혁 #MINHYUK - 5 years ago

@husseinn409: RT @ASaadsheerah: القائد والوالد أ/محمد البيجاوي وكيل وزارة الحج لشؤون الزيارة بـ #المدينة_المنورة حيث التميز والأخلاق والرقي نبارك لسعادتك… - 5 years ago

@puttreeeyyy_HHJ: RT @jeongwooxharuto: #TREASURE gave Treasure’s Boy MV director a signed album “ To. Director Yoon Seungrim Thank you for taking our music… - 5 years ago

@donebyd2: RT @frosttbite16: HAPPY HOUR OUT NOW @GRMDAILY - 5 years ago

@refund_70: RT @svPVTeAY09ytyEH: 이거 찐인가봐 사실 돈짤 잘 안믿었는데 이 사진 맨날 뜨길래 rt했더니 갑분 어머니가 아이패드 사주심 - 5 years ago

@hayalhane1600: RT @HareDln: "Büyüyünce ne olacaksın ?? " - 5 years ago

@nyazswift13: RT @postszayns: - 5 years ago


@Kmanieporte: RT @STRAPPEDEXTRAS3: Playboi Carti - SRT (feat. Lil Uzi Vert) [NEW LEAK] 🔴🌎 - 5 years ago

@PikaLaras: RT @btsworldwider: BTS Teaser MVs fastest 10M views records: #1. #Dynamite - 4 hours 20 minutes #2. Boy With Luv - 10 hours 48 minutes #B… - 5 years ago

@RunchRanda2576: RT @TXTChartData: #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER and Everlasting Sunshine are trending #1 & #2 respectively on Melon🔥 #OurEverlastingShineTXT #君と_僕… - 5 years ago

@Sapulz: RT @elyoshirerinow: @lovelyday38834 - 5 years ago

@_1998810_1: \みをちゃんメンブレ/ - 5 years ago

@ellisonfire: RT @PlayStationDE: Gewinnt eines von drei luxuriösen #GhostofTsushima-Fanpaketen 🦊 und werdet zum Geist. TNB: - 5 years ago

@lion1960: RT @rios_onix: @EnriqueRG36 Mientras más te molestes y les hagas caso, lo seguirán haciendo, no les des ese gusto. Mira, yo aplico ėsta, in… - 5 years ago

@i9Maha2: RT @1Roozz: لا يكتمل مسائِيً الا بقلوب راقيھ .. أَود أَنْ أَهمس لها أَنتم روعة المَسَاء " #مساء_الورد 🌹🌹 - 5 years ago

@Sledge1960: RT @ReutersUS: Mutinying soldiers detain Mali president and PM, worsening crisis - 5 years ago

@SidnaazL: RT @arnabofficial7: 65 days, Each day over 4 lakh tweets. In total: More than 3 crore tweets Involvement of 17+ countries Efforts of cro… - 5 years ago

@jiminiesexc: @intromoa - 5 years ago

@charlottet00: RT @jbandzinoo: When someone says “oh you forgot this” and rips the tag off the moncler you rented from Selfridges - 5 years ago

@sungietalk: @staykids_twt fame changed changbin - 5 years ago


@omaarroe: RT @ShingekiNoNinja: Hice una maqueta. - 5 years ago

@jamesthora: RT @BTS_twt: 😁 #JIMIN - 5 years ago

@SBila22: RT @BTS_twt: Hi Army😊 - 5 years ago

@paintppe_: RT @nefj94: น้องๆโรงเรียนบดินฯนนทบุรีที่โดนออกหนังสือห้ามจัดกิจกรรมทางการเมืองในโรงเรียน อยากให้เอาอันนี้ฟาดหน้ารองผอ.นะครับ - 5 years ago

@suwannasu2: RT @i_AoonG: คะน้าเขิน น่ารักที่สุด - 5 years ago

@beginat0613: RT @BTS_twt: 😁 #JIMIN - 5 years ago

@456789123AZ: 702D0386 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv100 四象瑞神 - 5 years ago

@Pk5HmWKk4HGyllo: RT @KinKikidshiroto: #YouTuber好きと繋がりたい #YouTube #riverklowrider #堂本光似 #堂本光一さん #KinKiKids YouTuber riverk-lowriderのもとでサムネだけ作ってもらいました🎉😌その… - 5 years ago

@sougolovesme: 초코보 시로가네 소형 1등급 집터 구합니다 ㄱㅈ 거래 가능 길 거래 가능 - 5 years ago

@tomondi03: RT @DrVChimhutu: The March Is Not Ended We are ALL prisoners. The symbol of our struggle, get inspired @DougColtart @Sophie_Mokoena @eN… - 5 years ago

@one_cong_1: @SG__iscute_ 너무 사랑해 사랑해 !! ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ - 5 years ago

@tnx1ULRJRt3OQiw: RT @HindiSadhguru: योग और व्यायाम अलग है 🤾‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ Full video: इनर इंजीनियरिंग ऑनलाइन के लिए रजिस्टर करें : https:/… - 5 years ago

@iami134: RT @BTS_twt: 😁 #JIMIN - 5 years ago

@_Roalyz: RT @_TigRx7: シングル終盤、参考程度に。 #DS配置 - 5 years ago

@btsyeongwonhi13: RT @BTS_twt: 😁 #JIMIN - 5 years ago

@emmdw4: RT @ChrisStigall: Boy, if this doesn’t get out the vote... #Kasich #DemocraticConvention - 5 years ago

@poeticallyaria: RT @cocoabutterbf: Michelle Obama. That’s the tweet. - 5 years ago

@sa_goo_chae82: RT @meterishere: 제법인데? - 5 years ago

@ban_maway: RT @bleuchatte: 긴급!!! 코로나 확진자로 지금 종로 방향으로 도주중인 자라고 합니다. 모두 조심하시고 이 분을 보시면 바로 신고하세요!!! 이름: 황영원/65년생(만55세)/전광훈 교회 선교사/8.12 확진,8.18 병원 탈출 ht… - 5 years ago

@anastasya1501: RT @vvv1230vv: FILA× #BTS #V #뷔 #태형 #태태 #taehyung - 5 years ago

@mini_moni333: @jisungluvya 1 - 5 years ago

@vatan9007: RT @dilekizgi: MANSUR YAVAŞ TC NİN ADAYI❤️🇹🇷❤️🇹🇷❤️🇹🇷 - 5 years ago

@shenoopjm311: اما المغرب التيزر - 5 years ago

@banzai_wakap: RT @WOTV_FFBE: ⛱新水着ユニット⛱ 『キトン(水着)』登場🌊 / 新水着ユニット登場を記念して 1,000名様から最大「選べるギフトコード 10,000円分」プレゼント🎁 \ ▼応募方法 ①#FFBE幻影戦争(@WOTV_FFBE)フォロー ②本ツイー… - 5 years ago

@Solidagon: RT @SaYoNaRaKiNo: 安倍氏の逃げ切りを許してはいけない。卑劣で姑息なこの男がいま一番恐れてるのは、自身の逮捕だ。5月に続き、8月6日に第二弾の大規模告発状が法学者・弁護士グループから東京地検に提出されている。一刻も早く本格的捜査を。 - 5 years ago

@MsKSyczewski: RT @JeanPie52833130: @Sflecce You are a liar Lecce, nothing but a liar. During the contract talks you accused teachers of wanting more mone… - 5 years ago

@AlecOwens_: RT @premiles_: - 5 years ago

@AlsoCyber: RT @NightmarePetrol: - 5 years ago

@verne18280208: 9)チリ 感染=387,502(+1,556)、死亡=10,513(+61) 10)スペイン 感染=358,843(+2,987)、死亡=28,617(+0) 12)英国 感染=319,197(+713)、死亡=41,369(+3… - 5 years ago

@TrippyStuf: RT @1_Cam__: Just so we’re clear - 5 years ago

@jeanybean1966: RT @Scotsterahoy: They fear him, so the establishment attack him. The dream shall never die, currently reading this. #isupportsalmond http… - 5 years ago

@hnsd_atsumori: RT @mei1_8: 短期間企画🐰 . お好きなポケットを選んでいただきおひとつプレゼント致します✨🎁 (内容) 1.マイル旅行券20 真珠20 🧜‍♀️ 2.どんぐり20 松ぼっくり20 🌰 3.金鉱石40 🥇 (条件) •@mei1_8 フォロー RT (締切)… - 5 years ago

@tay_mere632: RT @littlechirons: - 5 years ago

@bingghe: qual vcs me dão? 1- ja te crushei 2- famosinhe 3- linde 4- nem guindaste 5- vamo amigar 6- sou boiola por você… - 5 years ago

@VovoMeyer: RT @depheliolopes: Maior termoelétrica a gás natural da América Latina é inaugurada em Sergipe. #fechadocombolsonaro #acreditenobrasil #dep… - 5 years ago

@Moraess_grazii: RT @BLZNN22: +2😷 - 5 years ago

@easieroe: RT @yaklasmanolur: same vibes HAHSŞSXJHAJDJSKDJSJDKS #cembar - 5 years ago

@figcon1: RT @juliettekayyem: Who did this? - 5 years ago

@lee_terishi: RT @vkookie_sugar: You know you're whipped WHIPPED for Namjoon when you're seeing this vid with soft smile and adoration - 5 years ago

@JustGreenStar: RT @RespectfulMemes: - 5 years ago

@Yo_Dream7_: @mingiarts Lia ❤️ - 5 years ago

@AlexTrezAs: RT @jcoarglea: Quando o seu presidente é escolhido por Deus!! - 5 years ago

@bnbsbonus: RT @TCBO_OUM: กุจะตายแร้วววว ผช.น่ารักดับดอกไม้อ่ะแกร๊ แบ่บไม่ไหววว คลั่งรักพิ่น้อนจ้านจะตายแล้วว - 5 years ago

@XtinkttFN: RT @FortniteGame: Coming soon to Battle Royale: Epic and Legendary variants of the Pump Shotgun! - 5 years ago

@poesia27887120: RT @PalomaSenadora: “Le dijeron a Wilser Molina: Cepeda ha venido a ofrecernos beneficios para que acusemos a Uribe (...) El magistrado Ces… - 5 years ago

@ana_1v1: @1_AWLL @KFO1x تـــــــ🦋✨🌷🦋ـــــــم・   ・ ゚*。・゚✿。   🕊 ❀・    ゚ *.。🕊💛 🌾 🦋🕊☘️ يارب وما خاب من قالها 🦋💕 - 5 years ago

@drigueroo: RT @_balloutjeff: Man I was literally crying.😭 - 5 years ago

@soywoyx: RT @yundi_brick: 미친 존나 웃김 시발 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄴㄴㄴㄴ - 5 years ago

@celticwarrior25: RT @dokkan_global: Hee Hee Hee!! - 5 years ago


@1994babyhoney: RT @1DPsychic: I’ll randomly pick 3 people who retweets this within the next 24h to get #TheLPShow tickets! Must be following me , @synz_le… - 5 years ago

@lorvhdz: RT @asiria_alvarez: He subido algunas fotos nuevas a mi ig: asiriaalvarez ❤ - 5 years ago

@jonistoneking: RT @ReallyAmerican1: This is epic. By @briantylercohen - 5 years ago

@sofiag02xx: RT @1DPsychic: I’ll randomly pick 3 people who retweets this within the next 24h to get #TheLPShow tickets! Must be following me , @synz_le… - 5 years ago

@jmhutapea: RT @engineeringvids: Aim and technique for billards - 5 years ago

@matias57804463: RT @janogarcia_: El desgobierno designará un comité de "sabios" para los fondos europeos. Contarán con: Montero: "Chiqui, 1.200 millones e… - 5 years ago

@SonsuzGulll: RT @filinta_y: #ReisciyimÇünkü Ümmete ve Milletine adamış bir ömür #YalnızDeğilsinERDOĞAN #HerDaimYanındayız #ÜmmetinUmuduyuz - 5 years ago

@Beachli08297531: RT @KarluskaP: 👀 - 5 years ago

@jdhawg76: RT @PressSec: President @realDonaldTrump has DELIVERED for Minnesota! ✅ Over 2.4M N-95 masks ✅ 1.1M surgical & procedural masks ✅ 90K eye… - 5 years ago

@boubekeurbenab5: RT @moh19si: حسب Vi رونالد سوف يجلب مساعد قوي . شرودر مساعد تين هاخ و مدرب هوفنهايم السابق - 5 years ago

@alghatheeth: RT @ufmradio: #بين_اثنين_UFM نبيل نقشبندي: هناك إداريٌّ أضرّ بــ #الأهلي وإذا الرئيس لا يعلم فهذه كارثة 🎙️ @Alkhamis_UFM🎙️ @nabeelkn1 htt… - 5 years ago

@29lllllllll: RT @nananotprompong: ถ้าตอนนั้นใครทันจะเห็นคนด่าเค้าหนักมาก แต่ที่เค้าพูดมาไม่มีอันไหนไม่จริงเลย - 5 years ago

@hortuo: RT @SosAbuelos1: SHEENA (9 AÑOS) CATALUÑA Dedicada toda su vida a parir bebés para dar satisfacción y lucro a su criador. A pesar de sus 9… - 5 years ago

@4oek5p8f1mc2r: おまとめローン 相互フォロー 転売ヤー うつ病 メルカリ ♈️♈️♈️♈️♈️ 副業に興味ある方にオススメ✌️ LINE登録しておけば、 定期的に副業情報を【無料で】 送ってくれるサービスです☺️✨ ❇かんたんな即金案件多数… - 5 years ago

@KassyIts: RT @kochambs: - 5 years ago

@_sensatos: RT @bb_dicath: Isto vamos ser nós grudad@s ao canal de yt do @reffoioscunha durante esta semana 😂😂❤️ #sensatosnocomando - 5 years ago

@DugoutGamer: RT @PS5only: PLAY HAS NO LIMITS™️ #PS5 - 5 years ago

@torosentado85: RT @ManuelBelgranoV: Si reirse de Guaidó fué una estrategia balurda tratar hoy de ignorarlo y olvidarlo es aún peor Pienso que"al mas grand… - 5 years ago

@j2e8j2m3ga6qh: - 5 years ago

@ionlydrinkwine: RT @SpiritofLenin: @accidental_left - 5 years ago

@nuevo_dragon: RT @sqswm: Que vecinos tenemos - 5 years ago

@hshshs66384: RT @amamiya_kokoro: ゜+.――゜+.――゜ ㊗️🎐🌟15まんにん!🌟🎐㊗️ うおおああー!( °o°)✖✖✖! (言うのおそくなった!!) 毎日みてくれて、一緒にいてくれて ほんとにほんとにありがとー!😚 みんながいるからがんばれるよっ いろんなこと… - 5 years ago

@draupdi_mamta: RT @Cheeku218: Missed by a Small Margin 😇 #12YearsOfViratKohli @imVkohli - 5 years ago

@Dzingidzingi2: Thank God Bishop was Handling this 1#ReaTsotellaMonday - 5 years ago

@FernandaRodz: RT @ProlFabian: @tiempoarg - 5 years ago

@LipeTheuus: RT @caraicleitink: o sabonete olhando pra sua cara dps de ter derrubado ele no chão - 5 years ago

@OzoneTexas: RT @iamladyjaecelyn: Taking care of business (@ Addison Town Hall in Dallas, TX) - 5 years ago

@morkaylion: @PaulsonJ_1 It’s a corona party 🎊😂 - 5 years ago

@Ads499: C9CF7ECA :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv200 アルティメットバハムート - 5 years ago

@oz_jacko: RT @heeheehoohooha: - 5 years ago

@kkvich: RT @delandonmars: สวัสดีค่ะ เราทำกราฟิกในภาษาต่างๆมาเพื่อง่ายต่อการกระจายข่าวสาร, ตอนนี้มีภาษา ฝรั่งเศส ญี่ปุ่น เกาหลี เยอรมัน สเปน และอินโ… - 5 years ago

@acrossingbot: RT @sz_nyngt: 住人さんの子供の頃の話を聞くの好き! R&Bってよく知らんからぐぐったけどリズム・アンド・ブルースっつーのか…… #とび森 #ACNL - 5 years ago

@A_Sins_On_Main: ⚙️RedRiot_1 has Tipped 1400Medals: Keep Going -RR - 5 years ago

@sy_97K: RT @Estel_Eldalieva: (속보) 확진 판정에도···전광훈, 마스크 내린채 구급차 탑승 - 5 years ago

@CCThaiShop: RT @sewhxdab: สวยมากพระราชประวัติ - 5 years ago

@cmchngg: RT @wednesdaynnc: กูฮาอันนี้ - 5 years ago

@LittleNedrane: RT @namseokgay: blep - 5 years ago

@ErdemPuri: RT @Akkadin_Hakkari: Korona virüs tedbirleri kapsamında başta 65 yaş büyüklerimiz olmak üzere vatandaşlarımızı arayarak Cumhurbaşkanımız Sa… - 5 years ago

@MasonWildes: RT @_itsivey: Jayda every time Ayesha mentions her 😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@ppdefb: RT @bnyoung_forever: สวยมากค่ะ สวยไม่มีที่ติ 🥺 - 5 years ago

@fridayfifteenth: RT @FondBNK48fc: เผลอแบบสวยๆ👀😂💗 Repost from Fond.BNK48office Instagram. #FondBNK48 - 5 years ago

@GabeSantana97: RT @MattsIdeaShop: - 5 years ago

@yaikaew46: RT @iLawclub: พรุ่งนี้เรามีตั้งโต๊ะเข้าชื่อ #แก้รัฐธรรมนูญ ที่ศิลปการ ทั้งวังท่าพระ และ สนามจันทร์ 📍วังท่าพระ | 9.30-16.30น. ณ ลานอาจารย์… - 5 years ago

@__brini: RT @LESFanUnion: 𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙁𝘼𝙉 𝙐𝙉𝙄𝙊𝙉 ✨ 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓢𝓬𝓪𝓻 𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 🎶 𝘍𝘰𝘳 @LES_BNM #BeautifulScar #이은상 #LEEEUNSANG https:… - 5 years ago

@nxyh_nxyhhhhhhh: RT @ESTHERYU_TH: 200817 :虞书欣工作室 Weibo🌟 #EstherYu #虞书欣 #อวี๋ซูซิน #YuShuXin #THE9 - 5 years ago

@HYUKHEON: RT @kr_now: #보그싶쇼 호스트 #몬스타엑스 #민혁 과 수다 떨고 싶은 분들~ 📲문자번호 #7117(정보이용료100원) 언제나 열려있어요🙂 '이것'을 민혁이가 그려보면 좋겠다! '이 사연'을 그림에 담아보면 좋겠다! 하는 귀여운 제안과 사연도… - 5 years ago

@ElGrizzly3: RT @RevocatoriaQ: BUSCAMOS TALENTO. buscamos diseñador gráfico para hacer una imagen para ser empleada en los perfiles d redes y alusiva a… - 5 years ago

@shiberchoisan99: RT @HugsFromStars: - 5 years ago

@AlturkiBadr: @Dr_AzizSh3 - 5 years ago

@jan_akn: @AKN_Hitoe (เป็นไปดังแผนการ--🐍) ยักคิ้วทำนองว่าเป็นอันตกลง นั่งเหยียดขาลงไป รอสัญญาณที่นับกันเอง 1 2 3! พอนับถึง… - 5 years ago

@jupjup37370: RT @mgmg_mw: 미쳤다 로피시엘🖤😇 #MewSuppasit - 5 years ago

@wholove5: RT @MeguMiKanno: 《買取希望》 求…鬼滅の刃 みにきゃら集 譲…定価+送料 もしお譲り可能な方がいらっしゃいましたらお声掛けくださいませ。 宜しくお願い致しますm(*_ _)m - 5 years ago

@AjengInnocence: RT @choiza04: Selamat ulang tahun, Indonesia. Senang bisa berkembang bersama-mu hingga saat ini! #HutRIKe75 #HUTRI #dirgahayuindonesia #ar… - 5 years ago

@Abhishe66782998: RT @Aditya7642Ad: Seriously the only genuine leader who given a concern about the students and their lives missing u sir...And feeling asha… - 5 years ago

@yuki9696_m: RT @inazma_delivery: サメの宅急便 サイン(1/4) #イナズマデリバリー - 5 years ago

@kk_storyog: RT @mhasand: จังหวะลูบหัวแล้วดึงเข้ามากอดเนี่ย แพ้ราบคาบเลย - 5 years ago

@cthumoon: @MrStraik11 @Gunplayzz - 5 years ago

@Lunapppl: RT @ScruffyTurtles: Experimenting with an older style of mine again ft. Floof - 5 years ago

@Yeswanth__20: RT @TrendsSSAA: Show time : #AlaVaikunthapurramuloo Watch now On @GeminiTV 🥳 @alluarjun #AVPLOnGeminiTV - 5 years ago

@moon2yoo: RT @RONDO07: ㅋㅋㅋ 어떻하냐? 마이크 돌려썼구나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ - 5 years ago

@Amamiya_Yuko: RT @lalalalack: もうダメだFallGuysの身長が183cmと聞いてこんなイメージにしか見えなくなってしまった - 5 years ago

@youneverwill: RT @jihyographic: THE 4TH GEN QUEEN EVERYONE SHE'S FUCKING INSANE #ITZY_NotShy - 5 years ago

@sunyy1030: RT @mangsil_0116: 2019 가요대전 승관 #승관 #seungkwan - 5 years ago

@Hanjim0: صباح الخير - 5 years ago

@v2jKEvSilPno5Dq: RT @tsubuanfes: 本日18:00より開催の「サーヴァント・サマーキャンプ! ~カルデア・スリラーナイト~」にて実装された「★5(SSR)殺生院キアラ(ムーンキャンサー)」を描かせていただきました~~!よろしくお願いします~~~💪💪💪💪💪😊😊😊😊 - 5 years ago

@goldhandshan: RT @pea_nut_e: 아, 너무 예쁘다.. 여기 있는 애들은 거의 목고니인 거 같은데 이 정도는 나도 할 수 있지 않을까? (는 목고니도 못 키움;) - 5 years ago

@ooooo00000ooo00: RT @JmPRPPBjGZih9oS: #RT 중 ・ 고등학생을 대상으로 하는 온라인 수업에 대한 설문 조사입니다! 타래의 질문에 응답해 주시면 감사하겠습니다 🙏🏻 RT 추첨 두 분께 기프티콘을 보내드려요 ❤️ 1. 나는 - 5 years ago

@__Belmont__: RT @scottishsimp: Triple Threat Trio icon! Feel free to use it as a pfp, be sure to credit me :DD #HenryStickmin - 5 years ago

@roughpaco1220: RT @soyamanga: 届け、この想い - 5 years ago

@camellia_bjyx: RT @iz08051005: RT/ 청소하는 직원의 말에 따르면 dd의 방은 생활하지 않은 것처럼 깨끗했다고 한다 누구 방에서 살았구나 그리고 그 누구 방은 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 미쳤네 하 - 5 years ago

@alphone0079: RT @74_NA2shi: 🎉 #有栖川夏葉誕生祭2020 - 5 years ago

@BlogDeBatman: RT @GhosttGray: Dan Mora properly getting to draw Batman rips - 5 years ago

@simsimperson: RT @1stYeri: 산vs바다 산 밀떡vs쌀떡 밀떡 부먹vs찍먹 부먹 파인애플피자 호vs불호 호 민트초코 YES or YES. 중간에파인애플피자부분손써가면서이거중요하다는거개웃겨..예림이는나랑운명인가바^^♡ - 5 years ago

@FORK_B: 2-1 発想の貧困 誰かのせいにして、誰かを担ぐ そんな子供騙しで世界が変わる? 冷徹な非情世界に感情を振り回される愚か 安倍総理とトランプ その、一考察 あくまで一つの考え 消化の仕方は個人差あり クルドから見える日本… - 5 years ago

@agustdxxsuga: RT @charts_k: Map of the Soul: 7 from @BTS_twt is now the first album in Korean history to chart at #1 for 6 months on Melon Album Chart, n… - 5 years ago

@pyalynda: RT @bbbbmms_: เจอน้องคนนี้ในม้อบ แบบอุแง้ใจเหลวเปงขี้ - 5 years ago

@hwanotwa: RT @offclASTRO: 요즘 완전 많이 듣는 노래에요 ㅎ #랔디 와 함께 😎 같이들어요 - 5 years ago

@Cheonah_: RT @Sirinyyy: อยากเทิดทูนในความหล่ออีกสักร้อยรอบ ทรงพระเจริญ - 5 years ago

@nayeonkjk: @gukkgoIden 1 - 5 years ago

@Durain111: RT @PhonYahweh: "ประเทศนี้ทำอะไรขออนุญาตหมด ยกเว้นยิงลูกของฉัน" #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@hcneygukkie: RT @jinnieats: how seokjin loves army; a beautiful thread - 5 years ago

@AAand181: RT @SSAA7862: Mallu Arjun 🤩 Jai Bunny..🙏 #8YearsOfഗജപോക്കിരി @alluarjun ll #Pushpa ll #AA21 - 5 years ago

@ivcbh1ng: RT @SeulRene_RV23: 😏🐰😃🐻 - 5 years ago

@2Hunn: RT @UnderbedDara: นี่แหละค่ะของขวัญที่ครีเอท เมื่อฮีกวินท์เซอร์ไพรส์ชีปุ้มปุ้ยด้วยกระเป๋า Hermes Birkin ปุ้ย : เธอมันแพง มันหลายแสน เปลือง… - 5 years ago

@aerfp: RT @0h_lii: قروب فولو اضمن ٧٥ اضافه باليوم نبي ناس جديده ومتفاعله تبي تدخل رت ويوزرك تحت هالتغريده بدون @ ( بدون رت لا اشوفك)✅❤️. - 5 years ago

@o7aAvalSAJuXbDw: RT @sengoku_enbu: 天下統一戦・皇開催直前 いいね&RTキャンペーン🔥 RT&いいねの合計数に応じて、 7,000件:SSR確定ガチャ券 14,000件:必要P20以上SSR確定ガチャ券 各1枚配布🎁 8/24(月) 14:59まで ※本ツイートは「天下統… - 5 years ago

@Twolinn1: RT @estefaniaxe: colorado sunsets - 5 years ago

@silverio_butch: RT @SenLeiladeLima: As we remember Kian, we remember how we need to stand up and protect human rights, democracy and morality in our societ… - 5 years ago

@xz_voice: RT @xz_bee: 샤오잔 미남 샤오잔 토끼 샤오잔 공작실 샤오잔 만족 샤오잔 사진 샤오잔 노래 샤오잔 견과 샤오잔 미소 샤오잔 그림 샤오잔 웨이보 샤오잔 사랑해 샤오잔 워먼더거 샤오잔 여년 샤오잔 위무선 샤오잔 광점 샤오잔 방천택 샤오잔 북당묵염… - 5 years ago

@adroblexx: RT @WE_THE_BOYZ: [선우] 추억 - 5 years ago

@HernanTLuc: RT @Miguel_Boggiano: Hay 4 maneras de gastar el dinero: 1. Mi dinero en mi. 2. Mi dinero en los demás. 3. El dinero de los demás en mi. 4.… - 5 years ago

@Aafeee1: RT @pxnpxz: รบกวนช่วยรีหน่อยนะครับ ตอนนี้ทางบ้านเป็นห่วงมากเลย #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@NongnuUU: RT @day6thfans_strm: 🗳 DAY6 5th Anniversary Event ร่วมโหวตให้วิดีโอที่คุณชื่นชอบ เพื่อบอกเล่าเรื่องราวสุดพิเศษของ #DAY6 ให้ทุกคนได้รับรู้… - 5 years ago

@crushxuuuu: RT @kanintr_: เป็นเซตที่บอกว่าถ่ายปี 2012 ก็จะเชื่อ น่ารักมาก พรีวิวว่าน่ารักแล้ว รูป hq ยิ่งน่ารักจบหัวจัยพี่เจ่บ เบบี้เฟซสุดอะไรสุด ㅠㅡㅠ h… - 5 years ago

@AfridiMsenan: RT @AimalKhanswati: امـــارات اور اسرائـیـل کے حوالے سے مولانا فضل الرحمن صاحب کا دو ٹوک موقف - تمام احباب اس ویڈیو کو اپنے گروپس، پیجز، آئ… - 5 years ago

@miake021: RT @kurosakiinu: #ツイステファンアート フラミンゴの餌やり当番はピンク色の服を着用すること - 5 years ago

@LautaroZ99: RT @clubdelbajon: El paraíso existe - 5 years ago

@vlg_v: RT @1powerless: alnımın en uzun çizgisinde kanayanımsın, yokluğun acı bir bıçak gibi düştü de önüme öptüm, dudaklarımda parçalandı gül sur… - 5 years ago

@dohuicas: RT @miwon17_: happy 1 year anniversary to this - 5 years ago

@Blacksalena62: RT @Orugaitsuka81: ん?なんか目の前に白いモヤgあばばばばばばばぱばばばばばば 豪雨と普通の空間の境目初めて見た - 5 years ago

@J4DEWEST: RT @loonapress: [PRESS] 200814 #LOONA press backstage photo Winners of New K-Wave Rising Artist Award 💞 #LOONAxSoba @loonatheworld #이달의소녀… - 5 years ago

@caffesyoon: @followtxarmy euuu pfv @BTS_twt - 5 years ago

@Yepeto: RT @JulianJaraUribe: Empezó la campaña presidencial del 2022 con el fantasma del castrochavismo 👻 - 5 years ago

@tehyakanani: RT @90SOTB: that one active mutual liking everything i tweet - 5 years ago

@TTTRAVISS: RT @harutoland05: ⏰ 10:30 KST [FREE GENIE STREAMING LINK] Use 1 account per hour. Stream before 11:00 AM KST!! @treasuremembers - 5 years ago

@sarah_mkde: RT @tmbIrpics: 🤍 - 5 years ago

@MianAsad444: RT @shamsa_nawaz: ہم سے اُلجھو گے تو انجام قیامت ہوگا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ہم نے روندا ہے زمانے میں فرعونوں کا غرور 💖💖 - 5 years ago

@Simon_24mdr: RT @GolozerRitchie: Je t’attends ou tu veux quand t’as envie , la bagarre 🤦🏾‍♂️ (👻: Golozer_leR ) - 5 years ago

@marthamora58: RT @maksim92306025: - 5 years ago

@4Z4WoVUPMRGZO0Q: ☤♚♒☤♃ - 5 years ago

@alializ07654125: RT @masafmusic: يا لبنان المقاوم عرفناكَ ثائراً يا أرضَ الوفاء، وسنفديك بأرواحنا إلى أخر قطرة دماء فجرحكَ هو جُرح كل عواصِمُنا من دِمَشقٍ إ… - 5 years ago

@Fumfumtada: RT @hlfgs: ตกใจ มองเปนแบคฮี - 5 years ago

@G0od0096: RT @t_uni9: من الخاص #فرجت_والرجا_فالله اهل الخير فزعتكم لله تم التحقق من الحاله مستحق للصدقه والزكاة خمس بنات صغار ليس لهن اخ يتيما… - 5 years ago

@Danpat831: NYC Times Square last night. A glimpse of Joe Biden's America! He will bend down to #AntifaTerrorists and let them… - 5 years ago

@wolfcoach33: RT @ProfDemirtas: Yeşilli Adam 😡😡😡 - 5 years ago

@R_a00M: iPadで荒野教えてくれる師匠ください@1 - 5 years ago

@RobRoides: RT @NaturelsLit: Full of cuteness - 5 years ago

@i_Ldys: RT @enoughfah: กร้ากๆๆๆๆๆ กะเทยยยยยมึงมาดูนี่ มึงมาดู อีเหี้ยๆๆๆๆๆ โฮะๆๆๆไ มารีญาก็คือมารีญา ดันเพดานประชาธิปไตยขึ้นไปอีกกกก #ขีดเส้นตายไล่… - 5 years ago

@i5__1: RT @d0eep: اساس نجاح العلاقه هو المبادرة من قبل الطرفين لتحقيق التوازن العادل.❤️ - 5 years ago

@rastogi_peeush: RT @Sidhart26953022: Break up silence 🤐🤐🤐... Student Life matters 😷😷🤒🙏... Please say something on this....😱😱😱🤐🤐😥we want answers🙏🙏IN "COVID"… - 5 years ago

@4everfaaa: RT @YWIANR: บนโลกนี้คงมีเเค่เขาสองคนสินะ ☺️🤍 - 5 years ago

@SYEDMUB09713002: RT @NoExamsin2020: Instead of Using HASTAG which Opposes a Minister We Will Use this HASTAG because we are Not here to do Politics We are H… - 5 years ago

@SaletaSouto: RT @turismocvntis: ‼️⚠️𝔸𝕋𝔼ℕℂ𝕀Óℕ ⚠️‼️ 𝔽𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕤 ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕚𝕤 ℂ𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕤 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 Por mor dás inclemencias meteorolóxicas vémonos na obriga de suspender… - 5 years ago

@surprisedaniela: RT @MemesCentraI: Ah yes the negotiator - 5 years ago

@WK4__: RT @anulichanel: Now just who in the hell is getting married on top of University Commons ???? 😭😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@thissr27: RT @1028rnwwx: ชั้นนั่งดูไลฟ์ม็อบอยู่หลุดขำ เอ็นดูคุณแม่มาก มุแง #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@Z76g6YpsoeSc6Hv: RT @maard1234: ؛ ؛ .... 🌿🎶❤️ أعدي لي الأرض كي أستريح فإني أحبك حدّ التعب ..." ثم "مُدّي إلىّ جسور النوم الطويل في عينيكِ إني أت… - 5 years ago

@manon_tharwat: RT @egymeme11: - 5 years ago

@kuhakuover1: RT @poo83501456: 🐼突発デュオゲリラ🐼 ⏰ 8/16?17? 26:00 START 【参加条件】 @poo83501456 のフォローとRTのみ。 確定枠5分前 一般枠ジャスト パスツイ 【賞金】 💰1000×2 アマギフ 確定枠応募は、これから仲良く… - 5 years ago

@Ambassador_Girl: RT @cinsinart: 😗 #bts #btsfanart #taehyung #kimtaehyung #방탄소년단 - 5 years ago

@v1rgosun: RT @DatingSims: - 5 years ago

@SusieMontage: RT @AlutaMaqoko: I feel solely responsible. - 5 years ago

@ElmBoygabo: RT @ElmBoygabo: #ATB🖤 - 5 years ago

@anonymouszeni: RT @ggome_NCT: 흰 셔츠에 까만 넥타이 ,, 진짜 너무 갓벽하게 어울리고 잘생김 ., - 5 years ago

@gihijikili: RT @ATEEZofficial: ATEEZ(에이티즈) [ZERO : FEVER Part.1] 발매! 더블 타이틀곡 #INCEPTION 과 #THANXX 의 치열한 싸움 끝에 활동곡으로 선정된 #INCEPTION 의 MV 공개! ▶ https… - 5 years ago

@idemandtoast: RT @nuns_on_film: Just spoke with the leader of our postal workers union local and she made me aware of a few things I didn't know: 1. USP… - 5 years ago

@jaysfltrr: RT @jhs_iland: There’s a reason why Hanbin, out of 23 trainees, has always been given a solo part in their songs. Whoever’s choosing their… - 5 years ago

@stone_stone_PF: RT @inzqxm_: เบาๆหน่อย น่ารักให้มันน้อยๆหน่อยไอ่ดื้อ😠 - 5 years ago

@Alianza724: RT @FichajeGoleador: #SabíasQué 🇪🇦 Barcelona, fichó a 🇧🇷 @Phil_Coutinho por 140M€ + Variables, luego lo cedieron a 🇩🇪 Bayern Múnich, el bra… - 5 years ago

@d_fifi_g: @HappiMusic @Gwamz_1 - Serious young artist and definitely one to watch ‼️‼️ - 5 years ago

@RGcrypto13: RT @maxkeiser: Take the @orangepillpod 🍊💊🎤 w/ @maxkeiser & @stacyherbert Achieve The Ultimate Emancipation From All States, Fiat Money,… - 5 years ago

@sungskzies: RT @BABIEH4N: co bym zmieniła w polskich szkołach i systemie nauczania a thread - 5 years ago

@naga_buddha: RT @Kalyaan_Tej: @Harinani_ Bro 1000+ tweets veste follow avtha annav ga 😛👇 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@sassyCEOaf: RT @aestheticpillar: Pokemons as flowerpots🌱 - 5 years ago

@CloverMagi: RT @Yellow_sticker: How important you must be when this forgetful boy who left his phone anywhere, forgot abt his wallet, left his bag on t… - 5 years ago

@Lyroy881: RT @EvilGiver: Rejoins-le GROUPE VIP 👑 Partages de comptes tous les jours 😍 VIP = - Comptes en tout genre ( Napster , Crunchyroll , Disn… - 5 years ago

@hiMildmint_: RT @jeperdslaraison: น้อทเส่อไพร้ อีควาย เสียเวลาชิบหาย - 5 years ago

@JANJUA51019948: RT @abeartar: เห็นรูปนี้แล้ว "ขอบคุณทุกคนมากจริงๆ ค่ะ" #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@WdCOEYPD6dqfa2q: RT @nattymerryq: 1รีเท่ากับคุณช่วยประเทศนะคะ รีไปให้ต่างประเทศรับรู้ค่ะว่าสถานการณ์ตอนนี้เป็นแบบไหนในเมื่อพึ่งสื่อประเทศตัวเองไม่ได้ #ขีดเ… - 5 years ago

@oza_wapi: RT @Annassiri2: Le roi de Bahreïn arrive à Dubaï avec son robot garde du corps équipé à 360 ° de caméras et de pistolets intégrés... bienve… - 5 years ago

@MariaSlice: RT @RespectfulMemes: - 5 years ago

@Realxtyxty: RT @Itslaycon: Yesterday night was fun. Laycon X Nengi #StreamLaycon - 5 years ago

@Jedjr10: RT @DailyRapFacts: 1 year ago today, Young Thug released his album, ‘So Much Fun’ - 5 years ago

@AlphaShadow92: RT @HJZ_artemi: International Cat Day #FFXIV #FF14 #ヤシュトラ - 5 years ago

@MsdSsmb: RT @prince19M7: 16 Years 538 Innings 177266 Runs 21834 Balls Faced 224 High Score 44.96 Average 22 MOM, 7 MOS 200's - 1 100's - 16 90's - 1… - 5 years ago

@ValryLeBourg: RT @LepapillonBlu: I’ve just passed this shitehole, they’re selling confederate flags those shameless f*cks! - 5 years ago

@tubatugether: RT @iamurmoonchild: 🥺 beomgyu speaking in baby voice>> - 5 years ago

@sassy_buddha: RT @_itsmariss_: And she did not stutter. - 5 years ago

@dakotarias: RT @DCFUnited: - 5 years ago

@RealZheZa: RT @ImPitchy: “ มึงจะอินอะไรกับการเมืองวะ มึงจะอินอะไรนักหนา ใครจะเป็นรัฐบาลมึงก็ต้องทำมาหาแดก.. “ นายฟังเราก่อน #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ… - 5 years ago

@sahaera0221: RT @dddddotbaby: - 5 years ago

@MaPrangPriew: RT @nxxqha: อีสื่อทั้งหลายแหกตาดูพี่ฐาปนีย์ไว้นะคะ ทำตัวเห็นเป็นสื่อเหมือนพี่แกด้วยค่ะ กูกราบล่ะ #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@Antonio86479718: RT @pprimor: ¡Sorteamos 3 lotes con de productos de Simplicitea!😱 Participa: ➡️Sigue a @pprimor 📲Haz RT a la publicación ✍🏻Responde a es… - 5 years ago

@4b_bir: RT @kadir_baytekin: Bakanım özlük haklarımız hakkında bir düzenleme gerektiği aşikardır; 1- Tek kalem maaş 2-Tüm sözlesmelilere kadro 3- H… - 5 years ago

@amcheeseboy: RT @thetxlt: เราต่อสู้โดยมีเพียงแค่มือเปล่าเท่านั้นในขณะที่ท่านกำลังหันกระบอกปืนเข้าหาเรา #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@Kokko_V_Game: RT @yr_boubou: 君といたいよ Ham/ずっと真夜中でいいのに。様 - 5 years ago

@mk_n_1: RT @vintututu: - 5 years ago

@lleeyeun: RT @FREEPEOPLE_TH: ภาพบรรยากาศการร่วมชุมนุมช่วงค่ำ - ณ บริเวณอนุสาวรีย์ประชาธิปไตย โดยมีประชาชนจำนวนมากที่มาร่วมกันส่งเสียงอันทรงพลังของผู้… - 5 years ago

@monxxxbbzin: RT @taste_hw: 움얌얌얌 🍚🥄 - 5 years ago

@Boobiiee8: RT @pm5_twt: 양치하면서 영어멘트 연습하는 윤기 🐱Thank you so much! - 5 years ago

@jikoosad: RT @BTS_twt: Hi Army😊 - 5 years ago

@PPKD10: RT @Sopitcha5: มึงกูมีเพื่อนเเบบนี้อยู่ในชีวิตได้ไงวะ #WhatsHappeningInThailand - 5 years ago

@dima_29ss: RT @Nemo58665667: ⚡⚡⚡Відео для дебільних порохоботів з передової: - 5 years ago

@sstail1: @tos DD0A9A33 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv200 フェディエル - 5 years ago

@bbbaejyy: RT @inbluer_club: ordinary x thence เริสๆเลยเป่าาา มันแบบสูดยอดด🐆🦷💥👩🏻‍🎨 𓈒 * - 5 years ago

@lovatoswall: RT @tkhq8: imagine thinking tori kelly makes boring music .... 🤡.... can’t relate - 5 years ago

@stella__Sora: RT @z5C3HvtsKET7SZ7: アジームさんちとバイパーさんちの息子さん - 5 years ago

@natidodaddy: RT @memyselfandi229: After three days of abstinence and then three minutes into masturbating: - 5 years ago

@bzkdph: RT @FormyloverKai: การประมูลครั้งที่ 1 — การ์ดจงอินจาก บั้ม love shot version shot 🚩 เริ่มต้นที่ 100 บาท 🚩 บิทได้ไม่มีขั้นต่ำ 🚩 ปิดเวล… - 5 years ago

@GoCatsCHays: @NICKinNOVA @NickAtNight128 @ByronYork Imaginary fraud would be the type that doesn't exist but I'm sure someone in… - 5 years ago

@Mirandaa_07: @jvserejoM Po mas 1x0 so em 1 dos rebaixados esse ano é preocupante dms pra comemorar - 5 years ago

@Hd2He: RT @COCORIS_PR: 🐿🐿 🐿 ココリスOPEN❗️記念 🐿✨ フォロー&RTキャンペーン❗️ 🐿 🐿🐿 フィナンシェ詰合せ 🐿5名様にプレゼント🎁✨ 🐿応募方法🐿 ①ココリス公式アカウント@cocoris_officialをフォロー ②この投稿に いいね♡と、本… - 5 years ago

@Tanji33332796: RT @tothemewandbck: พี่น้องมองกันแล้วหวานขนาดนี้ ธรรมด้า👀 - 5 years ago

@is1234tan1: RT @HikmetYT1: @is1234tan1 @fatih02furkan @RTErdogan @tcsavunma @yilmaz_ismet58 @Akparti @nacibostanci @mehmedmus @avcahitozkan @AvOzlemZen… - 5 years ago

@Sri_twtzs: RT @Keerthie29: 👑💙 #DhoniThePrideOfIndia - 5 years ago

@talesfromideath: @DaveInOsaka @WSJ A lot of the problem seems to be tourists being disrespectful or rude and yeah, tbh I get that. W… - 5 years ago

@andrew_hormiz: RT @PlayersTrombone: I'm really struggling with the concept of spending £1.3bn on a squad since your arrival and having that squad be "in t… - 5 years ago

@nina_stn: RT @FREEPEOPLE_TH: ไม่ยาก ถ้าอยากไปม็อบ - #คณะประชาชนปลดแอก ขอนำเสนอ "How to mob" เพื่อช่วยเป็นคำแนะนำสำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการไปม็อบ และยังไม่… - 5 years ago

@roiroiroi_xX: @Xrk___16 絡みたいよー(๑ ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ^ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ๑) - 5 years ago

@HaechindaMyuki: Desidèrio|1. 의문 느와르, 수사관과 마피아 미사와, 이츠메이, 사나라이 예정 이번 편은 이츠메이 요소가 약간 함유됐습니다uu)9 - 5 years ago

@simpleman0214: RT @kim9deng_: rt) 저한테 도경수 포카 사신다고 입금 해주셨던 분 디엠으로 다시 한번만 주소 알려주세요 계정 잠겨서 전계정 들어갈 수가 없어요 - 5 years ago

@fatih_deliali: RT @eskisarkiIar: bitiyorum her nefeste ne halim varsa gördüm - 5 years ago

@QasimAn23696101: RT @Rayaan41: बेहद शर्मनाक तसवीरें है ये😡 - 5 years ago

@19Odessa88: RT @ROJNAME_english: 16/08/2020 Woman killed in explosion in southwest of Kirkuk: security source - 5 years ago

@nawonawo_0916: RT @toma63063: もう一個! 伝奇サコッシュ…? 蓄光なので暗いところでみると… これも8/23に少し持っていきます (実物はもう少しはっきり光る…はず) - 5 years ago

@717_215: RT @yonhaptweet: 지적장애인에 외상 옷 1억5천만원 팔고 "장애 몰랐다" 발뺌 [자료사진] 지적장애인에게 2천200여 차례에 걸쳐 외상으로 옷을 주는 대신 1억5천만원을 빼앗고, 소유한 주택과… - 5 years ago

@Appy63982518: RT @JoeRaad: مصر كل عمرا حتبقى أم الدنيا بالحب والعطاء شكرا مصر عالمساعدات والدعم🙏 الفنان التشكيلي المصري #ضياء_علم #مصر #لبنان #بيروت #لبن… - 5 years ago

@Jimins_illegirl: RT @BTS_twt: Hi Army😊 - 5 years ago

@Bharath24787916: RT @skmmastanvali: Hows the josh Cults 😍😃 Dull ayyara? Can u give 1000 RTs 👈🖐🔥 Cult Beast Mode on cheyyandi #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP htt… - 5 years ago

@ethrljiminie: RT @J97AEHYUN: @jaedoiezen wait.... what about this.................. - 5 years ago

@Naveen79598477: RT @Saikishore4u: R U Ready aa Cults Another challenge Blast 2000Rts🔄 in 10min !!👈👈 Beat this guy's 🔥 RT 🔄 button pagilipovali amma Mak… - 5 years ago

@jtu_x: RT @__1xo: يمكن لكلماتك أن تقوي أفكار الآخرين وتساعدهم على أن يصبحوا شيئًا مذهلاً ♡📯🌱". - 5 years ago

@allsvenskaspel: Falkenbergs FF - AIK (1 @ 3.48) - 5 years ago

@melbournedy: RT @rookiesnini: นักข่าวสัมภาษณ์เยาวชนไทยเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ ซึ่งน้องตอบได้กระฉับกระเฉงมาก ดูมีข้อมูลด้วย ถ้าการเมืองดี เชื่อว่าเยาวชนไทยทุกคนจะ… - 5 years ago

@voszh2873: RT @powyyy: 집회에만 너무 정신팔려있었다.. - 5 years ago

@5zs5BFXWcP6B8FL: RT @luckrock5: 🎱#フォローRTキャンペーン🎱 8月31日まで #キャンペーン 開催❗️ / プレイで使える... 1,500円分のポイントを... #抽選🎰で毎日2名様👭🏻に #プレゼント🎁✨ 毎日ご参加下さ〜い📣👱🏻‍♀️🎶 \ ①@luckrock5 を… - 5 years ago

@AntiBiotic_1_: @7SA76 @T_sp_7 @786ifb @T_fb_7 @B_G091 @S_7_6_ @A_91_R @Fan_i3 @My__p @_tnr1 @znc86 @k_a768 @Sheri_36 @sa_edpk… - 5 years ago

@Anita98397967: RT @Tarunp101121: #SurakshaBeforePariksha @DrRPNishank @DG_NTA sir please arrange followings things on exam day 1.a special train from loca… - 5 years ago

@life_giri: RT @ActorNikhilll: His Craze...Next Level...Man Of Mass TFI No.1 For A Reason🔥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@chickenjcandySB: RT @askmeconcept: That’swhy i’m here! #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@Gunanaidu13: RT @ustaad_satish: It is impossible to persuade a man who does not disagree, but smiles. #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@BerkayYazc12: RT @yazarcizer41: Barbara Palvin'in bundan haberi var mı?😀 - 5 years ago

@Meghana21948529: RT @Hemanth22726470: Many Dogs outside there will always bark on you Duck them Bcoz They are always under your foot #PawanKalyanBirthdayC… - 5 years ago

@runya_o_o: 아놔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 헬퍼스 블1핑 노래 틀었어ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ - 5 years ago

@Seoryul1: RT @contozombi4: - 5 years ago

@prakash_sardhar: RT @bharathvannada1: Simple walking teaser of Pawankalyan 🔥🔥🔥 shattered the existing YT Records First 10k liked video from TFI Ipdu meru… - 5 years ago

@gottlobity: RT @Mich1971C: Get the food in Gary 😉😉 - 5 years ago

@fff_laff: RT @y_yu_ing97: ใครที่ไม่ได้ไปม็อบช่วยกันรีทวิตกระจายข่าวให้คนต่างชาติได้รับรู้กันค่ะ ตอนนี้แท็กเริ่มติดอันดับแล้วช่วยกัน #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผ… - 5 years ago

@feity_lips: @Air3KANAWO @1 パス打ちはおれ - 5 years ago

@tanzif1235: RT @z_olao: تنظيف وصيانة المكيفات قائمة الأسعار: ٣ مكيفات ٢٥٠ ريال ٤ مكيفات ٢٥٠ ريال ٥ مكيفات ٣٠٠ ريال ٦ مكيفات او اكثر ٥٠ ريال للمكيف… - 5 years ago

@CherukumalliSA4: RT @TrendPSPKK1: One might love him or hate him but @PawanKalyan is the main reason Telugu Youth are talking about Politics today. #Pawann… - 5 years ago

@ateco15: RT @yayoiken_com: \2日目/ #おぼん休みキャンペーン やよい軒にも #お盆 があります。お盆休み期間中、抽選で30名様にやよい軒のお食事券(1,000円分)プレゼント。 ①@yayoiken_comをフォロー ②この投稿をRT! ③結果がすぐに届く! 応募… - 5 years ago

@a_s_smilesmile: RT @MARKLEE_TH: อย่าลืมตรวจสอบกระเป๋าตัวเองกันด้วยค่ะ พยายามรูดซิปกระเป๋าให้ครบทุกอัน เก็บกระเป๋าให้แนบมิดชิดกับตัวมากที่สุด นอกจากป้องกัน… - 5 years ago

@MarielloVal: RT @11hr11min: - 5 years ago

@PspkFan20218636: RT @RusthumHere: Sardar had Created Day 1 records in 7/7 Territories in Andhra 🔥 Only Hero After Chiru To Achieve This without Rajamouli 🤙… - 5 years ago

@RJY_PSPK_fans: RT @Nani_Damma: I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and fo… - 5 years ago

@rajunagendra001: RT @PawanKalyanFan: 48M Tweets in 20 Hr 12 mins 🔥🔥 Can we make it 50M by 2.45PM ?? #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@Bnior03212578: RT @raknongtenlee: BTS เอาอันนี้มากั้น บอกว่าสายสีลมจะให้บริการห่างกันขบวนละ 15 นาที นางบอกจะจัดระยะห่างเพื่อความปลอดภัย ตอนนี้จอดอยู่นานมา… - 5 years ago

@000nonon000: RT @kokiu_: シルイン - 5 years ago

@mega_flareon: RT @nolakiwi: 鈴谷アキくんがWIXOSSに参戦!!! やった〜!!!🥳🥳🥳 【#にじさんじ🌈🕒×#WIXOSS】 12月5日(土) "新コラボ" 決定 - 5 years ago

@btpomu: RT @twice_instagram: twicetagram:💇🏼💚 #TWICE #트와이스 #MOREandMORE - 5 years ago

@DongababuEagala: RT @AjayAk99794249: Focusing on the good things. Challenging situations and obstacles #pavankalyan #pavankalyanbirthdaycdp #pavankalyan… - 5 years ago

@paws101: @SerapaSaGodimo @scottiebateman @LockheedMartin 1) Individually? : Might be surprisingly opportunistic timing!? 2)… - 5 years ago

@zapatista_ezln: RT @finansgundemcom: İstanbul Finans Merkezi'nde Varlık Fonu rüzgarı - - 5 years ago

@026676291b9740d: RT @rhr35566145: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP He listen to the people's problems, he discuss with officials, search solutions and put pressure… - 5 years ago

@AyuB122026: E6F1D097 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv200 ガレヲン - 5 years ago

@SRINIVASVULCHI1: RT @prakash_sardhar: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP Fast up Guys we Are Creating New Recirds.... Aapuday MB Fans Negitiv… - 5 years ago

@Danilis62964418: RT @MewGulfLAT: Hello Kana! 😉😏💙 #MewGulfLatino ©️ summer_error IG - 5 years ago

@ww_real: RT @kidgetlost: ขอฝากอะไรหน่อยค่า ร้านเค้กที่แต่งสวยๆในระยองเป็นสลิ่มนะคะ เจ้าของร้านเคยเฟบทวิตนี้ค่ะ ถ้าเลิกติดตามได้ก็เลิกนะคะ เลิกอุดหนุ… - 5 years ago

@mywayTurkey: RT @fatmacumhurefe: Eğer gerçekten hayvan dostu olduğunu zannediyorsan! Hayvanları çok seviyorsan! Bir kaba su,bir kaba mama koymakla yetin… - 5 years ago

@nyaginatay: RT @nn__0911: オタママ合同誌、発刊から時間が経ったのと、手に入らなかったとの声をちらほらいただくので、自分の執筆パートのみ公開します😌 テニスの王子様に人生助けられてきた女の話1\2 - 5 years ago

@vanapallisanto3: RT @Sriram71729394: #PawannKalyanBirthdayCDP Advance happie birthday the great leader of india . - 5 years ago

@1Firstfruit: RT @ProjectLincoln: .@SenatorEnzi Protect democracy. Obey your oath. Demand Trump fund the USPS. Lincoln Voters, call Mike Enzi NOW at (30… - 5 years ago

@m_ikonic: RT @rogermajortom: อย่าปล่อยให้เพื่อนกลับบ้านคนเดียว! #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ #แท็กเพื่อนไปม๊อบ #เยาวชนปลดแอก - 5 years ago

@SuryaNa96276553: RT @prabha0003: 48M Tweets in 20 Hr 12 mins 🔥🔥 Can we make it 50M by 2.45PM ?? #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@ursunshine90: RT @Willywhale99: คนเยอะมว้ากกกกกกกกก ส่งกำลังใจให้ทุกคน ดูแลตัวเองกันด้วยนะคะ โซนม็อบหน้าคอมค่ะ ❤️ #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@praneeth_pranav: RT @Mohanp46770427: Reasons Many love him is he may be hesitant to Carry his party flag..but he never be hesitant to carry Indian Flag..… - 5 years ago

@RainyisMeee: RT @Covid_KittyCat: อีกมุมนึง ณ มัสยิดกรือเซะ พวกเรามาทวงคืนประชาธิปไตย เผด็จการจงออกไป!!!! #คนปัตตานีไม่เอาเผด็จการ #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จกา… - 5 years ago

@pam_rinrada: RT @izsyou: โจรคนไหนจะปล้นวันนี้ไม่ต้องกลัวแล้วนะคะ ตำรวจทั้งประเทศจนมารวมตัวที่ม็อบหมดแล้วค่ะ แง #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@longjingjun: 69A88B03 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv100 四象瑞神 - 5 years ago

@papayedameeeee: RT @CCBTON: 555555555​สู้ไม่ไหวอ่ะดิ​ ว๊ายยยยยยย!!!! #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ - 5 years ago

@DouglasTLacerda: RT @thameadanelon: O grande jurista Modesto Carvalhosa defende a permanência de Deltan Dallagnol na Lava Jato, segundo o professor “Não ace… - 5 years ago

@BTraitortrump: RT @davidplouffe: Attacks on the post office and other forms of state sponsored voter suppression threaten the whole enterprise. @BarackOba… - 5 years ago

@AshokKatteboyi4: RT @_shiva_001: Here's the pspk unseen pic❤️❤️ Rare one... 😍😍 RT max🔄🔄 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP @PawanKalyan #VakeelSaab - 5 years ago

@Vamsi07802537: RT @Gangadh33048893: Patriotism is usually stronger than class hatred, and always stronger than internationalism... #PawanKalyanBirthdayCD… - 5 years ago

@history0320: RT @WM_ONOFF: [#유 #U] 셀카 고민할때는 다 올려버리기!😉 - 5 years ago

@Spongedan95: RT @LovecraftHBO: This is family business. Watch the official trailer for #LovecraftCountry, premiering August 16 on @HBO. - 5 years ago

@anko_calbee: RT @nonno0588: 社会に出た後も園田と同じクラスだったことを心の支えにして生きてるタイプの園田の元同級生男子 #シャニマス - 5 years ago

@MoonbowJelly: RT @DickKingSmith: Froglets. - 5 years ago

@lna_lightblue: RT @2020_May5th: 하네스 - 5 years ago

@ardeganda: RT @_X_orenji_X_: Kahit di nakayanan ng signal ni @kkydsnts, nakalandi pa din kahit sa chat lang haha @elijahcanlas_ @ThirdwheelsOFC #Hap… - 5 years ago

@PonduPallantla: RT @darling_kamalk: రైతు ఆనందం సమాజానికి క్షేమం.. జనసేన అధినేత శ్రీ పవన్ కళ్యాణ్ గారు అనంతపుర్ని దత్తతుగా తీసుకున్నాను,మీరు నాకు ఓట్లు వేసి… - 5 years ago

@psdekwai: RT @seallllllllll: หนึ่งคำล้านความหมาย #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ #ประชาชนปลดเเอก - 5 years ago

@KalyanF57664824: RT @TwoodTrolls: 48Million in 20 Hrs 12 mins Fastest ever 🎊🎊🥳 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@JOSK_LNZ: @ReinoElite @CupTiquicia @ExcellenceElite @Camilohechizuz @Jrkrdenascoc @NossivoG @MarielZ2010 @JUL1AN1_1… - 5 years ago

@nawagodchamon: RT @gayforj9: 6 moons update 🌙💛 cr. _memay_ ig #2moons2 #thesixmoons #benearth #paveldome #j9 #2moons2Bluesea - 5 years ago

@GuggillaMadhav: RT @thirumal_modala: Twaraga cults 🔁 #PawannKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@moram_naveen: RT @Leo_dicaprio_A: Patriotism is usually stronger than class hatred, and always stronger than internationalism... #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP… - 5 years ago

@farahelenna: RT @tvlipss_shop: LOOK GUYS ade bracelet and necklace Universal 🤩😍 Cantik kan cepat pilih mana yang korang suke tapi nak pilih dua dua pun… - 5 years ago

@sasikanth182003: RT @RajuNai67857107: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@koobat_: RT @huina___: 블랙자칼 하이파이브 대신 손포즈로 하는거 실화냐 진짜 개귀엽다.. - 5 years ago

@Pakko0012: RT @AntiExtremistin: Der @CDU Politiker Mehmet Celebi posiert auf Instagram mit dem Rabia Gruß der islamistischen #Muslimbruderschaft. 🧐 ht… - 5 years ago

@BewareoftheBear: RT @farhip: Breaking: White House announces death of Robert Trump, president’s younger brother, whom president visited on Friday: - 5 years ago

@LiAiDiAiWiAiNi: RT @Fabulous_wj: 😚😆 #박우진 #우진 #PARKWOOJIN #朴佑镇 #パクウジン #AB6IX - 5 years ago

@Nitta88366525: RT @Mummy_Chizzy: Nengi, Keep your faith high, No shaking. You are standing on a solid ground which is our Lord Jesus, Every other ground… - 5 years ago

@yutavIog: eu te amo - 5 years ago

@ers_anna05: RT @dailywayvnct: [JISUNG] © @nctddreams - 5 years ago

@babo_haha11: RT @hongyeon_create: 컨티뉴얼 신입 매뉴얼 앞에 나타난 수석연구원 컨티뉴(3) 19금 부서 친구들은 패치 제외하고는 성인이지만 너무 사람 말을 잘 믿는 성향때문에 매뉴얼은 모두 패치만큼이나 걱정했을것같죠 - 5 years ago

@chanchicha2: RT @Manhattanplanet: Otro Zasca que se come Perro Sánchez. No se puede ser más gilipollas. - 5 years ago

@kuroosdoormat: RT @DEMONLlBERO: HELP DHFHFBNDKSF - 5 years ago

@kaniiko: RT @UNIQ_FC_Thai: Sungjoo instagram update 15.08.2020 พี่ซองจู อัพลงไอจีคร่า~ เป็นรูปอัลบั้มที่น้องเขียนให้ ซองจู: น้องชายสุดที่รัก ซึงย… - 5 years ago

@PhilautiaSaga: RT @AnimalsWorId: - 5 years ago

@TJ2NtTb2ZGsl1OQ: RT @meeeee___2: やんちゃ組放送お疲れ様でした!! 1位までめちゃくちゃ惜しかったですね😭 次は絶対勝ちましょう!!!!!💪 #すとぷりギャラリー #すとぷり24時間リレー生放送 - 5 years ago

@sopeggukkie: RT @THEEEhottie: FILA FINALLY DOING SHIT THE RIGHT WAY - 5 years ago

@Deepans77574817: RT @IYC: Pratyush from Assam, participant of Yuganter, a digital model parliament discusses repercussions of the Draft EIA 2020. Final eve… - 5 years ago

@sputnikjkb: RT @pablotoyeb: Una mañana cualquiera en M21 Radio en el otoño de 2018. @Ebarcala a los mandos y @AngelHD29 en la retaguardia. Los buenos r… - 5 years ago

@jeontatayoo: RT @alienborahae: GIVEAWAY 💜 SPECIAL MY BRITHDAY 😊 1 Wdressroom Parfume 97 & 45 untuk 1 orang pemenang Rules : RT & Like Rep pake foto vk… - 5 years ago

@SaiRaghunadh3: RT @a2studoffl: Last Year DP! 😁 Just have this to compare this year design! It will be one total transforamtion with 🔥 for @PawanKalyan gaa… - 5 years ago

@AdityaxSharma19: *Day 1* “You’re funny i like you... *Day 10* “Is everything a fucking joke to you?!”.. - 5 years ago

@SwethaKiranPSPK: RT @PSPKHolics: Walking Style Has Separate Fan Base ✌️ #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab || @Pawankalyan - 5 years ago

@mirakurubijo: RT @osz610: 低レベID装備追加分はこちら(らしい - 5 years ago

@nemseiksksks: RT @netunoarts: Essa imagem voltou a circular no Facebook e fico feliz que muita gente concorde que esse comportamento não é legal, mas vi… - 5 years ago

@daisukearainack: RT @sally_y0720: あるこーるいんざぼでぃ! #夏のビールの旨さは異常 #何でも生が1番 - 5 years ago

@sGkZyB: RT @jbieb1st: จัสตินและเฮลี่ย์ลงทุนบินกลับไปฉลองวันเกิดน้องถึงแคนาดาเลยครับ ถ้าเป็นเรื่องครอบครัวนี่ทุ่มสุดใจเสมอ - 5 years ago

@marc33089533: RT @mdvrdrmn: - 5 years ago

@RituKum11450892: RT @BishwajeetMaht5: @MithileshJMM @Anupma57515838 @HemantSorenJMM @JharkhandCMO - 5 years ago

@imbaebelyeah: RT @OfficialMonstaX: [#IM] pretty cute - 5 years ago

@SaiVars67351188: RT @NagArjunJSP786: World record we are coming ✌️✌️ Hey guys are you ready ⚡ 💥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan #PawanKa… - 5 years ago

@Jin_LiAng_: RT @dayrhyme: 화성주 크롭티 뭐시기 #tgcf #천관사복 #天官赐福 - 5 years ago

@e_sa999: RT @Futa313255: デフォルメで射命丸をば この子も地味に衣装持ちね - 5 years ago

@kusattagreenT: RT @dpakfl8377: 145만원짜리 폰에서 카메라 렌즈 안쪽에 습기낌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 자연스러운 현상이라는 입장인데 니들이 그러면 그렇지 - 5 years ago

@mth_rule: 第61条   (3)会長・副会長以外の執行部役員については、全会員の3分の1以上の署名または発議により代議委員会で審議し、代議委員の3分の2以上の不信任があった場合。ただしその後任は(1)(2)の場合は10日以内、(3)の場合は7日以内に選出しなければならない。 - 5 years ago

@Sanths20: RT @fukkerd: Politicians also have no leisure, because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, o… - 5 years ago

@Miltonx_: RT @bby__caro: i’d die omg - 5 years ago

@Vinod32400614: RT @santhu_sushma: That INTROVERT 😝 introvert is someone who prefers calm, environments. Introverts tend to feel drained after socializing… - 5 years ago

@rameshr17031360: RT @santhu_sushma: He laughed at the thing which had happened to him. He knew that the days ahead would be difficult. There were questions… - 5 years ago

@JUNRO6: RT @nagasawatougo: #暑いので涼しくなる画像を貼る 水着艦娘詰め合わせ…! - 5 years ago

@Akhiljanasaini1: RT @TrendPSPK: The pain & agony that runs through every common man's blood looking at the corrupt establishment genuinely reflects in every… - 5 years ago

@Evhanur23: RT @Jyh731020580: FILA✖️BTS pics (1) @BTS_twt #BTS  #방탄소년단 - 5 years ago

@tewwwwwwwwww14: RT @yok_yoshi: ห้าวด่องมากพี่ - 5 years ago

@Rivaldyyy_: Semoga juara 1 semua besok - 5 years ago

@janee1013jm: RT @PJM_data: iTunes — Filter #4 Brunei #20 Japan Bruneian and Japanese armys let's get 2 more #1's within the next few hours! If you… - 5 years ago

@mottirich: RT @sgs109com: \💜フォロー&RTプレゼント💜/ 毎分7000回の音波振動で、摩擦を軽減。髪サラサラに✨ SALONIA(サロニア)“『#スクエアイオンブラシ』BLACK、WHITE”を各1名様に🎁💆‍♀️ ①『#SALONIA』公式&SGS公式Twitter… - 5 years ago

@Vishnu99516: RT @satyakonaseema: Leaders instill in their people hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomp… - 5 years ago

@AngelBeats1030: RT @NieR_tokyo: 🎁本日〆切プレゼント企画🎁 こちらの当店オリジナル枕カバーとぬいぐるみをセットで 🎊3名様にプレゼント🎊 ユニセックスアイテムです🐰 ◼応募方法 フォロー(@NieR_tokyo) & RT ◼締切〆 本日24時 ※鍵垢の方も対象内で… - 5 years ago

@pam13461504: RT @trueheartangel1: guys r u watching @republic r8 now...ganesh hiwarkr,frnd of SSR knows who murdered SSR..he had seen 5-6 masked ppl sta… - 5 years ago

@gulingcangtiv: RT @NofriBunga: GIVEAWAY📢 Halo aku mau giveaway buku-buku nih, lumayan buat sumber belajar Caranya : 1. Retweet postingan ini yaa biar yg… - 5 years ago

@empireofliars: RT @rmarchives: - 5 years ago

@Lakshma42691955: RT @Karim23522345: #pawankalyan #birthdaycdp - 5 years ago

@snowdance_11: RT @asadora_nhk: 早稲田大学応援部からみなさんへ、再び「エール」をお届けします📢✨ #朝ドラエール #早稲田大学 #三浦貴大 - 5 years ago

@Bharaniyadlapa4: RT @Yesu90209263: Pspk CDP celebrations #PawanakalyanBirthdayCDP #PSPK - 5 years ago

@wooseokfsparx: RT @goingdada: ผะผะผั - 5 years ago

@JaiJana65454705: RT @JanakiramMudir1: 35 million tweets completed #pawankalyanBirthdaycdp - 5 years ago

@tofufluffy27: RT @cutewinwinpics: o_o - 5 years ago

@Lindo19681457: @McDonalds so you guys are putting pressure for them @BurgerKing ay i give up #Mcd #crewtrainer #thebestinbusiness - 5 years ago

@k8Z1z3YDUJBzbMl: 2 5C80D60F :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv200 フェディエル - 5 years ago

@Bindu29002348: RT @venkysayzzzz: Evng ki 60m padipovali cults last 1hour lo easy ga 10m padipotayi edhe speed through out trend motham maintain. Chestey r… - 5 years ago

@Lizania49669842: RT @BigHit_Info: @BigHitEnt [Translation of Article] BTS unveils the third teaser photo for digital single'Dynamite' . - 5 years ago

@SairamC23243890: RT @SriramPulime: 💥Fastest 25M Tweets in the World💥 1)#PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP 6h 45m (💥NEW RECORD💥) 2) TwitterBestFandom - 8hrs 3) HBDMahe… - 5 years ago

@QdzwrwbgCeShUmv: RT @megadevote: Highest Authors : 1. Anniversary Trend - PK Fans 2. Advance Trend - PK Fans 3. CDP Trend - PK Fans This Is All Time Rec… - 5 years ago

@girinagadurgar2: RT @KalyancultLPV4: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@CarlosTorres__A: RT @angiegomeza: Lo que ha pasado durante meses en Ecuador lo hemos dicho desde la ciencia y la academia, hemos tratado de prevenir. Pero,… - 5 years ago

@OctopusOwl: RT @helloiamfire: Of course she knows #TheOwlHouse #lumity #GromNight - 5 years ago

@PkFan45067269: RT @KHemaBindupspk: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP Remember that this is our Last Birthday Trend 10.5M🙏🙏🙏 Requesting everyone to participate let… - 5 years ago

@_TweetLegend: RT @ESPNNBA: .@Suns head man Monty Williams is the Coach of the Seeding Games ☀️ - 5 years ago

@MutyalaNayudu: RT @PawanDevotee: Here are the 2 Power packed unseen stills of @PawanKalyan On screen & Off-screen 🔥 💥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@xiebazhi110119: 1 4EB5F7BF :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv100 四象瑞神 - 5 years ago

@tsuki_toi: RT @boushi_1: #ヒゲ版深夜の真剣お絵描き60分一本勝負 【ポニーテール・ハーフアップ/Ponytail・Half ponytail】 - 5 years ago

@daigakuttenani: RT @muni_gurume: 【ケンズカフェ】 @新宿,池袋,銀座など 「日本で一番美味しい」と称されるガトーショコラをテイクアウトできるお店。 新宿の本店は予約しないと購入できないこともあるほど人気で、超濃厚なチョコの風味が口の中を幸せな気持ちで満たしてくれます!… - 5 years ago

@RmlMDfzEagZKLOH: RT @araizumirui: ワシ(・ω・)今日でTwitter11歳でしたン💕 - 5 years ago

@Rfmfm: RT @JKxJM_FOREVER_: 휠라입은 갓지민디바 실화냐 - 5 years ago

@mycutienana: RT @jungwoo_nuna: เป็นการถ่ายรูปที่ไม่เคยได้เห็นรูปเลย แต่จองอูลุคนี้ ละมุนมาก ความน้ำตาลทั้งคิ้วทั้งผม ดูอบอุ่นจังเลยค้าบ - 5 years ago

@PModuga: RT @ManojPSPK1205: I really loved the design. True representation of Kalyan. #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@inspmgilg: RT @drodriven2: 5/8 El día de hoy Venezuela llega a un total de 32.607 casos de #COVID19, de los cuales 10.584 se encuentran activos, 21.74… - 5 years ago

@Rocky26199119: RT @ustaad_satish: Having more women in leadership helps our economy grow strong and our communities become even more vibrant. #PawanKalya… - 5 years ago

@Sinfidence: RT @Detnox_nsfw: SHE - 5 years ago

@inspmgilg: RT @drodriven2: 6/8 Es importante informar la condición actual de los casos activos: 6.801 están sin síntomas, 3.404 con insuficiencia resp… - 5 years ago

@Jagadeesh3334: RT @DeluxKumar: There's nothing new to said about PK just as there’s nothing new to be said about the mountain,the earth,the sun etc.They n… - 5 years ago

@Lh_pw2033: RT @ttttadax: ชอบประโยคนี้ในคำอวยพรวันเกิดให้หลานเหมยมาก "谢谢你来到了我身边" ขอบคุณที่มาอยู่ข้างกายพ่ออ่ะ ฮือ แบบสัมผัสได้ว่าต้องเป็นผู้ชายที่อบอุ่… - 5 years ago

@thisistong_k: RT @ThegingSp: ‘ขอบคุณที่อยู่เคียงข้างกันมาตลอด’ อันนี้บอกคนที่เกาหลีหรอคะพ่อ - 5 years ago

@chandra49611537: RT @Haleem98671359: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP Done....... Tq all cults Let's towards another target Our target is to blast retweet♻️♻️ htt… - 5 years ago

@Mahi22708109: RT @AadhiHyper: 1 Hour 5 Million Concentrate .. Aipodhi 😄 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@maga_cdr: RT @marklevinshow: 1. Will the press now stake out Biden’s home and demand that he come out of the basement, browbeat him the way they repe… - 5 years ago

@sobabouro_kuma: RT @SasakiANDMiyano: 「次の試合も観に行くからな」 「はい…」 「…………」 「…………ぐぅぅぅ」 「…………………? なあ鍵くん、今なんか…」 「お腹空いちゃった…」 「ぶはっ! 腹の音かよ! 元気出てきたのか?」 「うん」 「そっか。夕飯行くか」 「はい… - 5 years ago

@ZuGo6b: RT @POINTJP_TSUTOMU: POINTJPプレゼント企画 Nintendo Switch Lite 応募方法:フォロー&RT&リプ 締め切り:9月1日19時 発送方法:ゆうパック(送料無料) 過去の当選者はいいね欄にて確認できます。新品未使用です。捨て垢、作り… - 5 years ago

@jesssem1800: RT @nuns_on_film: Just spoke with the leader of our postal workers union local and she made me aware of a few things I didn't know: 1. USP… - 5 years ago

@PspkAnr: RT @Anantthh: Reaction of pawan kalyan fans (sj surya ) on seeing those crying Mahesh babu fans now 😂😂😂 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@corinthiagata: RT @Amandinha_cfc: Serase algum dia eu vou hitar com a minha arte??🥺🥺🥺 - 5 years ago

@LightClearFirst: RT @tokusatsusaikou: 滅の謎ドライバー、多分このプログライズキーとプレートでセットなんだろうけどそれが完全にゼロツーユニットと対の存在になってると気づきちょっと鳥肌が - 5 years ago

@Rayaan41: RT @Shaheen31304594: जब इंसान को ख़ुशियाँ मिलने लगे तो तीन चीज़े कभी नहीं भूलनी चाहिए...!!! 1) अल्लाह☝️ को 2) अल्लाह की मखलूक ( makhlooq… - 5 years ago

@VeerlaRaju2: RT @UHarishkumar9: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP Advanced Happy Birthday Annayya - 5 years ago

@laddu613: RT @SALMON_613: 🐱🖤 #4YearsWithAgustD #AgustD_4주년_축하해 - 5 years ago

@kittu48629486: RT @dq_mubarish: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP ● Let's settle this ● Retweet for My pk 🔁 ● like for Mb❤ ●Pk 🔁 and mb❤ #PawankalyanBirthdayCD… - 5 years ago

@MartinezPopoca: RT @MartinezPopoca: Aquí en nuestro municipio es una tradición elevar globos de papel china entre el mes de julio y agosto que por cierto h… - 5 years ago

@Sofeea_1: I like tweeting to the void and my two irls - 5 years ago

@yosuga_179: RT @gimovu_motimoti: twst/cos 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑢𝑠 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑒𝑙. Photo… @_spark_2525 - 5 years ago

@vivicosgro: RT @ComadrejaDark: Hilo: Imágenes #17A #17AYoVoy - 5 years ago

@pspk_on: RT @Hemanth04230969: #pawan kalyan birthday cdp Advance happy Birthday JANANSENANI - 5 years ago

@sanatentation: RT @LuisRobayo: Funeral of five young where killed in a sugar cane crop in the Aguablanca district, east of Cali on August 12, 2020. Over 4… - 5 years ago

@SaiMadiga1: RT @PawanismNetwork: 31M IN 860 MIN 🔥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@Iovzies: @xiaokiz oh rip yea spaces count as 1 too - 5 years ago

@Clayne_Crawfor: RT @picduo: - 5 years ago

@Aushiker: RT @DanielBleakley: Australian Government Corruption Scandals #Helloworld, Andrew Burns, @JoeHockey & @MathiasCormann 9/17 - 5 years ago

@mogitate_again: 【知り合いをいきなり呼び捨てで呼んでみた主婦と、それに驚いた主婦】 ビックリしすぎ!クソワロタwwwwwww - 5 years ago

@Razjascha: RT @Rabbit0130: Malamig lang ang panahon jowa na agad hanap mo? Try mo mag lugaw may itlog din yun. - 5 years ago

@1996XCHO: RT @Yourwoodzk: *# . 🔝𓈒 ภัคดี 【 woodz 】 𓐄 𝟙𝟡𝟡6 𓈒 ˙🔝 * 𓈒 ˓ แลกฟอล 🗝 ตามทัก ˒ ; . . ยพท 𐬹 ลฟตท . - 5 years ago

@RushikeshVenig2: RT @PawanismNetwork: Kottedam 🏌️ #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@EinarMaia: RT @Drikka2020: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@KalyanF17328729: RT @alweysramcharan: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@benpar: RT @Kiwiheather: Please copy and share on all your social media. You would be surprised how many folks don't think of this. #BidenHarrisLa… - 5 years ago

@norihei1079: RT @yuyategoshi_fc: 【オンラインライブついての注意事項①】 オンラインライブのログイン解禁になりました! ただし、一点だけ注意事項があります! 視聴券1枚につき閲覧いただける端末は1台となります。(1アカウント1ビュー)第三者への譲渡・転売はできません。 - 5 years ago

@Yu13Myk: RT @Panama_1703: โอ้โห เพิ่งเคยเห็นสัมภาษณ์คุณป๊อป อารียา มุมมองต่อการเมืองไทย 20ปีที่แล้ว มองขาดมาก #แท็กเพื่อนไปม็อบ #WhatHappeningInTha… - 5 years ago

@NGangumalla: RT @TrendPSPK: Can you feel that resonating sound with vibrations ? #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@Prem52739445: RT @RusthumHere: #Kushi Collected 1.2 CRs Share at Nellore 🔥 All Time Record #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@ljcb12: RT @JuliansRum: ...wow - 5 years ago

@anxietybxtch_: RT @ShiYoNeSue: ตบหน้าสลิ่มไป 1 ที 👋🏻 #WhatsHappeningInThailand - 5 years ago

@aieeee8: RT @onlylaikuanlin: เค้กไล่ผีกับเค้กหลานเหมย น่ารักอ่ะแงงงงงง ใจเหลวใจน้วยไปหมดแล้ว - 5 years ago

@279047379Awen42: 1C0985F3 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv150 プロトバハムート - 5 years ago

@gsridhar5182: RT @TwoodTrolls: Fastest 1M to 30M King Kalyan Fans 😎 #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@Neetush10930932: RT @Anudeep01985509: - 5 years ago

@blooelis: RT @hourlyblockb: #BLOCKB #블락비 #BBOMB #이민혁 - 5 years ago

@_fbyuncat: RT @pruksakasemsuk: กษัตริย์เป็นประมุขแห่งรัฐ เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของโครงสร้างการเมืองตามรัฐธรรมนูญ กินเงินเดือนจากภาษีอากรของประชาชน เป็นบุคคลสาธ… - 5 years ago

@sthefannylima2: @lmjspider - 5 years ago

@gomuzoh: RT @vpandav: #絵をモノクロにするとかっこいい なんとなく昭和の猫ズサー…(音も出るよ) - 5 years ago

@wizhead52: RT @gameonwi: GIVEAWAY! In honor of him signing his extension with the #Packers, we're giving away this signed 18x20 photo of Kenny Clark!… - 5 years ago

@B_pso2_ship8: RT @kintetsu1126: 教習車にしては動いてる時間が早すぎるからなんやと思ったらなんやこれwww 本免許 満喫中ってセンス良すぎるwww - 5 years ago

@sbckm: RT @YEOL_TTTTTTTTT: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ… - 5 years ago

@defender_light: RT @Amanda_Bril: #BREAKING President Trump’s brother, Robert, has died Attached is ⁦@POTUS⁩’s statement - 5 years ago

@RaviCha99438445: RT @AdmirePSPK: #PawanKalyan is the only hero in TFI to have continous 100 days in Kurnool from 1st movie #AAIA to #Kushi 😎 #PawanKalyanBi… - 5 years ago

@leasilviasp: RT @ianmdo: Tutorial de como circular sem máscara no shopping: 1. Compre um sorvete de casquinha; 2. Ande livremente. - 5 years ago

@scUMsmasher: RT @RealJamesWoods: Gun grabber, back stabber, race baiter, white hater, knee dropper, flip-flopper. #PhonyKamalaHarris - 5 years ago

@hwasa_nation: If you are interested to know how #Hwasa copes with stress & how she picks herself up when facing adversity, please… - 5 years ago

@ram_vasamsetti: RT @_nameissai_: Mass💥💥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@maresiaSantoss: RT @Lovebichinhos: Eu nessa quarentena surtando por absolutamente nada - 5 years ago

@bbmurasaki: RT @yunoth: 黒執事 ミニ色紙コレクション の交換先を探しております。 譲:お写真のもの 求:グレルの写ってるもの。 ゆるゆる募集しております。 よろしくお願い致します。 - 5 years ago

@ingeaubramthlav: RT @RaamanSpeaks: ஒரே ஒருத்தன்.. ஒரு Youtube channel வச்சி அடிச்ச அடில 2 நடுநிலை அரிசி மூட்டையும் பழையபடி குடோனுக்கே போயிடிச்சி.. @Gunasek… - 5 years ago

@vinnuvinaynaid1: RT @HeMaNtH_PKcult: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@iamsirix: RT @bbigkachu: ซื้อมาเพื่อดูดวงอย่างเดียวเลย นอกนั้นอ่านข้ามๆ แล้วตอนนั้นชอบแย่งกับเพื่อนอ่านมาก 1 เล่มวนอ่านกันทั้งห้อง 55555555555555 htt… - 5 years ago

@fasdirnuur: RT @engineeringvids: This invention will save lives 👌 - 5 years ago

@Moocom0606: RT @xbzzbz: ภาพตัดมาไทย เห็นใจพวกผมด้วยนายสั่งมา - 5 years ago

@prasannaroyal71: RT @Leo_dicaprio_A: Massive challenge guys !! 3000 RTs in 12min !!possible!?👈👈 Cults switch to beast mode 😍🔥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP htt… - 5 years ago

@alascagrahamm: RT @FIONNSCLAFLIN: ❛ 𝒔𝒉𝒆’𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏, 𝒔𝒉𝒆’𝒔 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒔 “𝒘𝒐𝒘” 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒕 ❜ cassie ainsworth, skins uk ♡ - 5 years ago

@THOTAPRASANNA6: RT @Kapilvarala: Mass Celebrations all over #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@young11555: RT @hanatoyul: 코로나 재확산 실트인 김에 최소한의 개인 위생을 지킬 수 있는 방법 공익 트윗 마스크 착용 방법 1. 마스크 벗을 때 쓸 때는 꼭 마스크 겉면 안면 말고 <끈>을 새끼손가락으로 잡고 만지세요. 2. 무의식중에 마스크 쓴 상… - 5 years ago

@Oumss95: RT @EinZoll: JE PLEUREEE même le petit il etait mort de rire 🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@Mujer_activa08: RT @JLozanoA: Tenemos un presidente que se las da de historiador, pero nomás hace el ridículo. No sé cómo no le da pena. Qué vergüenza. Mi… - 5 years ago

@dimitri_sp: RT @Greeksburg: Αφού προηγήθηκε τουρκισμός (= βανδαλισμός) της #Παναγια_Σουμελα σήμερα έχουμε και τον εξευτελισμό του Ελληνισμού και της Ορ… - 5 years ago

@maryangarcia4: RT @archivebirzzle: - 5 years ago

@hobisfresa: RT @trilogytae: don’t know what he said, but period✨ - 5 years ago

@crying_army: RT @BTS_twt: 불편하더라도 마스크 잘 착용하고 다니세요! #JIMIN - 5 years ago

@NetoRezennde: @FoxSportsBrasil 1 - 5 years ago

@bangtanb0iis: RT @Jungkook__China: 2020 JK Bday Project-Parts 12-13 #PleaseLoveMe 🌃Time Sq Legendary Support NYC,USA🇺🇸 Pt12:Marriott Marquis LED [8.31-… - 5 years ago

@Sai09876785: RT @RajuJanasena03: Attendence retweets only @PawanKalyan | #VakeelSaab #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@yvsedazan: RT @linetoday: Kalau minggu lalu kita membahas boygroup, minggu ini kita bakal membahas salah satu girlgroup yang nggak kalah populer, GFRI… - 5 years ago

@FrozenFlameKai: RT @baconmutt: Share this like wildfire! - 5 years ago

@mr_khial: RT @almoamar_a: بِسْم الله السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 🚫🚫بعض الأخطاء التي تقع في ختام العام الهجري🚫🚫 (١)تخصيص آخر العام بعبادة معينة،كص… - 5 years ago

@Lokesh91773192: RT @JahnaviReddy99: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP Attendance time how many are u online 🤔⌚ Retweet if you are present 🔥🔥⌚ - 5 years ago

@Lokesh91773192: RT @ArunMk11026214: can I get 1k retweets for vakeel saab 100 retweets= 10 min 500 retweets=30 min 1000 retweets= 60 min lets see ..we… - 5 years ago

@bblank_kkk: RT @NielongTaken: ดูเกมมาเฟียที่วนว.เล่นกันทีไรก็ขำตอนแดนจับซองอูอยู่ดีครับ เล่นจริงเล่นจังมาก 55555555555555555555555555555555555 สงสารคน… - 5 years ago

@retnaniplanet: RT @Cocolla_: - 5 years ago

@mainlyjk: RT @Iovelyfilter: jungkook’s exposed chest ; a needed thread - 5 years ago

@Dina23088237: RT @Mike_Pence: Thank you @WVGovernor for your leadership during this time of trying in our Country. With West Virginia having one of the o… - 5 years ago

@Tobi14839711: RT @MonarchWill: Brawlhalla Metadev Bodvar Giveaway You know the drill. 1) Follow ✅ 2) Like ♥️ 3) Retweet 🔃 Ends 8/21 12PM - 5 years ago

@HanumanRevanth: RT @HariCha90507532: Some dogs r shouting dont listen their words because there are dogs Excellent CDP #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@Mahesh54692847: RT @Teamsuriya3: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP 35m lo 1.2m kavali frnds Speed penchandi guys🔥 📢🌟🌟📢🌟 RTS blast button🔥🤙🤙🔥🔥 - 5 years ago

@Jasminlisa_1507: RT @cherkornn: อันนี้ซีเรียสเลยนะ กุว่าทีมงานต้องมีถังออกซิเจนไว้ละ ไม่ได้จะขำไรเลยแต่เผื่อมันฉุกเฉินขึ้นมาจริงๆ เพราะจุนหอบแรงมาก - 5 years ago

@SatyaBellapuko3: RT @amarnath_saran: Warrior on the political battleground! Here's the birthday CDP of @PawanKalyan: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@AnthrDay_Goose: RT @ATEEZofficial: [📰] 에이티즈, 한복 무대의상으로 화제…전통의상으로 빛난 무대 ⠀ ⠀ #FEVER_Part_1 #INCEPTION #ATEEZ #에이티즈 - 5 years ago

@theCryb4byy: RT @nanama_a: 切爆 🛁 리커버리 걸 부재중같은 ~_~)) - 5 years ago

@allabout3231006: RT @norenejinsim23: 대단한 웹툰 보고 오는 길에 젠런 생각났다 - 5 years ago

@joy_prim: RT @CongTVOfficiaI: Rest in Peace Emman 💔😭 - 5 years ago

@layeons: BEW W DBZUYXBW SUB)/61!, - 5 years ago

@boocomochi: やっと寝てくれたʅ(๑  ᷄ω ᷅ )ʃヤレヤレ - 5 years ago

@jaideep54321: RT @AdmirePSPK: Our Tag Hits 30M Milestone 🚩 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP @PawanKalyan #VakeelSaab - 5 years ago

@VinayAkula18: RT @Akirana75187469: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP Ee okaa night kasta padetee chalu show ur lo… - 5 years ago

@sweetery0u: RT @taynew_uwu: 🐱💞 #Newwiee - 5 years ago

@ishouldberunni: RT @wodeseishun: เรื่องมีอยู่ว่า ไปขอรีวิว 1,000 ตัวอักษรจากมิตรสหายท่านหนึ่ง(ควบตำแหน่งลูกค้า)มา อีสัด มันทำจริง ทำตัวเหมือนว่าง5555555555… - 5 years ago

@Darahas14: 30M in 13 Hr 58 min -838 min - 7:58am 💥💥💥🥁🥁🥁 @SenaVoice || @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@fraizelnicole_: RT @limangelina_: weh 😭 - 5 years ago

@be_on_the_road: 8/1 4 8/2 8 8/3 3 8/4 7 8/5 6 8/6 6 8/7 3 8/8 7 8/9 6 8/10 5 8/11 10 8/12 4 8/13 7 交通事故死 8月 76名 今年16… - 5 years ago

@jira_fonnn: RT @GAgaYA19: เอาจริงๆป้ะตอนแอคท่าถ่ายรูปโดนลงโทษรูปสุดท้ายอ่ะ ชั้นรู้สึกว่าหยิ่นจะทำท่าหอมฟีลน่ารักๆแบบพร้อมเบ้นซ์ละแต่ยังไม่กล้ามองตากันไ… - 5 years ago

@Ahmed0_2016: RT @Adnan_Jas: وصلت الرسالة وكل لبيب بالاشارة يفهمُ كأني فهمت انه في حاجة الى نفس المقومات التي توفرت له في النصر حينما كان يدربه لعلها تت… - 5 years ago

@TJ4rWe6HpKPOPPQ: 5BB0A428 :Battle ID I need backup! Lvl 120 Godsworn Alexiel - 5 years ago

@stormcarters: RT @brucoment: vei, a malu iria fazer tanto mutirão pra eliminar a manu - 5 years ago

@rrrabbiyatul: RT @tasty: I wanna work in a donut factory so bad - 5 years ago

@uegabrieI: RT @jogosworazes: hoje eu só to rindo - 5 years ago

@EngMagondu1: RT @MaishaMagicEast: What will you be doing on THURSDAY 20 AUGUST AT 8 PM? We have a plan for you. The new season of #NjoroWaUba returns in… - 5 years ago

@UniversoRF: RT @EmilyPadilla236: #TelevisaIsOverParty @Canal_Estrellas espero y disfruten esta bella presentación. - 5 years ago

@iHs9d019yxE8BMr: RT @BhanuShankarAd1: 30M 🔥🔥 Biggest Birthday CDP ...we are coming (ochesthunnam) 🔥🔥🔥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@Bharathbackup2: RT @FollowerOfPspk8: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP He sacrifice his life to common people he is the real hero🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 5 years ago

@jewmikki: RT @beaver_ch5: 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2488 ปรีดี พนมยงค์ ผู้สำเร็จราชการแทนพระองค์ ออกประกาศให้การประกาศสงครามของไทยต่อสหรัฐอเมริกาและสหราชอาณาจั… - 5 years ago

@Jestersma: RT @marklevinshow: 1. Trump didn’t seize on it, you leftwing idiot. He was asked about it at his press conference and blew it off. - 5 years ago

@theeus_muniz: RT @oocbrazil: - 5 years ago

@laloveytia: RT @FrancoRox: @AlfonsoDurazo ¿Te importa mucho uno solo pero le valen los 10 en promedio que mueren por la inseguridad que hay en el país?… - 5 years ago

@SivaTejaLucky1: RT @Teamsuriya3: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP 35m lo 1.2m kavali frnds Speed penchandi guys🔥 📢🌟🌟📢🌟 RTS blast button🔥🤙🤙🔥🔥 - 5 years ago

@SureshDommeti2: RT @RusthumHere: Last 1hr - 2M + Nxt 1 hour 3M + Target 🎯 #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@HiRawadd460: RT @nunswift: ไม่ได้ดู Red Tour เพราะใครชั้นจะไม่ลืม #TaylorFightwithSwiftiesTH - 5 years ago

@HaydenLikeHey: RT @sapphite2: - 5 years ago

@NewsroomJim: RT @DrRobDavidson: As a doctor, I'm deeply concerned that the White House's sabotage of USPS may literally cost many Americans their lives.… - 5 years ago

@BhuvaneshPilla: RT @BadanalaManika1: Eroju mana Janasainik birthday Retweet to wish guys💥 Wish you a many more happy returns of the day mawa Thøta NåiD… - 5 years ago

@landlady_pine: RT @archivetwilight: iconic. - 5 years ago

@wiseeeonee: RT @SportsCenter: Melo talking that talk 💯 - 5 years ago

@Reddi98134833: RT @ManuMandy7: "It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front… - 5 years ago

@lzh4nkmg: RT @KBRASlL: #VIDEO | PASMEM!! K nunca balançou a cabeça em sinal de desaprovação, aqui vemos mais uma vítima evil edit, assim como fizeram… - 5 years ago

@Mohan27779639: RT @Anand88953773: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@cierraameredith: RT @rcvs__: day 1 of my period is actually just me fighting for my life - 5 years ago

@_Karen_2003: RT @smilerub: Me acabo de dañar a mi misma con esto - 5 years ago

@OAnnapurna: RT @Venpal3: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@ibosy_1: ٦-اه الحمدلله♥️ ٢٣-مفيش😂💔 - 5 years ago

@merlins_girl: RT @donlusin: .•|4️⃣5️⃣ @realDonaldTrump 4️⃣6️⃣|•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #VoteRed🚩•.( ˘ ³˘)♥… - 5 years ago

@Jeevans92777305: RT @BhanuShankarAd1: 30M 🔥🔥 Biggest Birthday CDP ...we are coming (ochesthunnam) 🔥🔥🔥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@atzsunshines: RT @hwavly: ATEEZ cooking edition: expectation reality - 5 years ago

@GarikipatiNave1: RT @ItzNani_: jaathara ani chepi apude podukunaru endi raa #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@Insaafparody18: RT @Rofl_Chadha: Dear सोएब ये जानकर आप को दुःख होगा कि अब आप दुनिया में सबसे तेज फेकने में दूसरे स्थान पर आ गए है ,,, क्योंकि अब सबसे तेज… - 5 years ago

@jc_campu: RT @CarloSeisdedos: El #ISP más grande de Argentina golpeado por un ataque de #ransomware de 7.5M - 5 years ago

@swallowmatang: RT @TofaTofa_id: Saya berdoa, agar pembunuhnya, terhina dan celaka dunia akherat hingga anak cucunya. Pasti kalian keberatan dgn istilah "a… - 5 years ago

@memelitica: RT @patytadeperro: Familia tweetera se que les molesto musho pero esta vez es para apoyar a un férreo anti-lopez @elbaronnews Lo están cas… - 5 years ago

@yzzl2109: RT @Official_Rikiel: @LOUSRAINBERRY @kedajade I don’t understand. Why do they interact with people this way- - 5 years ago

@marylynntellez: RT @bby__caro: i’d die omg - 5 years ago

@narutaki_spirit: RT @tsuburayaprod: 本日あさ10時~配信! #ゼロと見よう 特別配信④〈ウルトラマン基金〉 『ウルトラマンX』 第16話 「激撮!Xio密着24時」の先行場面カットが到着🎁 地球を守るために戦うXio隊員の日頃の活動に密着した特別番組が放送されることになった… - 5 years ago

@ChanduYarramse7: RT @TrendPSPK: Unseen still of #PowerStar coming at 1:30, stay tuned 😎 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@FurSnek1776: RT @ronan_woodsbear: - 5 years ago

@Kiran00315411: RT @RusthumHere: 6 to 7 - 1.1M 7 to 8 - 2M 8 to 9 - 3M+ padaala #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@bakusohzambo: RT @de__n: 子育て仕様ではない娯楽に乏しい自家用車内でガチャガチャしがちな子供たちを制御する方法を遂に編み出した。目に入った車をカウントさせたら集中するし揉めないし酔わないし何よりめっちゃ楽しい。あとカーディーラーの前を通過する時めちゃくちゃ盛り上がる。いやほんと、め… - 5 years ago

@k8239jh1: RT @mmpnwpqrghi1: 最近筋トレをサボってるからRTもしくはいいねの合計に応じて下記メニューをやります 腕立て×1 腹筋×1 背筋×2 RT+いいね=100なら腕立て100、腹筋100、背筋200的な感じで まぁ300もいかんやろ 明日のAM9時時点の数にします… - 5 years ago

@xoey: RT @peachc1ty: - 5 years ago

@baciliapin: RT @ConElMazoDando: Conozca uno de los Centros de Simulación de Vuelo más novedosos de Latinoamérica (+video) - 5 years ago

@amal_kh24: RT @ibrahemalfaraj: - 5 years ago

@jigeuhm: RT @Waasuthep: อีกไม่นาน... #TheGiftedGraduation - 5 years ago

@AbhiMCFC2: RT @BnsComps: Houssem Aouar Vs Manchester City - 5 years ago

@sporadefcb: RT @redalbatv: A 26 años de la encarcelación injusta del venezolano, #IlichRamírez luchador mundial por la causa palestina, continúa la cam… - 5 years ago

@jtmnavya: RT @ganeshbaandla: Good morning cults are you ready to trend along with me Mari gattiga support cheyyali #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSa… - 5 years ago

@present_O9I3: RT @tkfkal: 이것도 귀여움ㅠㅠ - 5 years ago

@j33d3wuork7w6: ⌛ ✽ ❦ ❒ ☀ - 5 years ago

@its_praveeen: RT @BangalorePKfans: WAITING FOR 5M TWEETS IN 1 HOUR😎 #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@buru_kimv1230: RT @onlyfortj: 🐻익스큐즈미 아기곰 지나감니댜,,, 어디서 자다 왓니 모자는 솟아가지고ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ - 5 years ago

@yuu_shorsetu: yuu_shorsetu ツイート数:1(前日比:-2) RTされた数:0(前日比:0) 受け取ったリプライ数:0(前日比:0) いいねされた数:0(前日比:0) フォローされた数:-1(前日比:-1) - 5 years ago

@MikikoHonma: RT @yuzoponn: 仕事の合間にレア様描いてみた😊 中学生以来なんでウン十年のブランク😱 コピー用紙にシャーペンでアナログ感がハンパないけど可愛いく出来た😍 今気付いたけど、このまま顔と前髪だけ残してショートにすればアドルでもいけそうじゃない??😆 #FALCOM #… - 5 years ago

@_peanuth: RT @pns__v: ผ่าออกมาแล้วกรี้ดเลย น้องน่ารักมาก ฮือ ว่าแต่นี่เรียกลายอะไรดี ตอนแรกจะทำลายเสือ แต่ก็เหมือนยีราฟ 😂 - 5 years ago

@silversunloki: RT @cowboyclickbait: A portrait commission of Anakin Skywalker #StarWars - 5 years ago

@Muratt1389: RT @uygur_haber: Çin'in Uygurlara Uyguladığı Organ Hasadı. Bir İnsan Hasadı: Çin'in organ kaçakçılığı, yasadışı ticaretin şu anda şaşırtıc… - 5 years ago

@agegg1818: RT @gangabhanda: 우리집 강아지 가족들 짐챙기니까 자기 개껌 넣어둔다 - 5 years ago

@woodz_land: RT @ilywoodz: ถึงซึงยอนอปปา ไม่ต้องไดเอทนะ : - 5 years ago

@Sanjeev52632560: RT @PilloduVinay: పధకాలకు వాళ్ల పేర్లే జిల్లాలకు వాళ్ల పేర్లే కొందరు అధికారం లోకి వస్తే జిల్లా పేర్లు మార్చేస్తాం అని చెప్పడం మారాల్సింది… - 5 years ago

@RajaPawan9: RT @PawanismNetwork: BIGGEST CDP TREND RECORD WE ARE COMING 🤟🤨 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@MarkuzTweetz: RT @ShoujoLight: - 5 years ago

@_drowsystar: RT @sirex02: my preview for @scandalous_zine , if ur into soul eater pls check it out, its got a ton of cool art - 5 years ago

@Arunaku62379781: RT @urstrulyGabbaar: Samrats of South India 😍 How many Retweets for them? Minimum 1k ??? #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP @ursmanoj117 - 5 years ago

@Mahesh49458194: RT @AdmirePSPK: World's Fastest 1 Million TWEETS ✔️ King Kalyan Fans RAGE 😎🔥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@sporadefcb: RT @carlosFREEnow: #LibertadParaIlichRamirez ¡Libertad para Ilich Ramírez Sánchez! - 5 years ago

@JpvsJ: RT @RusthumHere: Last 1hr - 2M + Nxt 1 hour 3M + Target 🎯 #VakeelSaab | @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@awesomesonixo: RT @sc_ome: vs - 5 years ago

@RedNema: RT @FootyHumour: Coutinho returning to Barca after his loan finishes - 5 years ago

@A2_Allensub: RT @Allen11500: かずさんとCRcupに向けてのスクワッド練習無事終わりました!かずさんと話してめちゃくちゃ緊張したけどそれよりめっちゃいい人すぎてものすごく楽しかったです かずさんありがとうございました! - 5 years ago

@SatishNimmaka16: RT @santhu_sushma: 70m Kotte varaku no breaks 👍 Speed up guys don't stop 🤙 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@pavan_pediredla: RT @UmaMahe33157413: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP Strong will, the quest to do something for society is making a difference in society Janasena… - 5 years ago

@Inaprilz: RT @merireview: แจกกก MAC สี smoked almond ในตำนาน นู้ดตุ่นนิดๆแบบไม่ป่วย สวยมาก เนื้อไม่แห้งนะ ครีมมี่ๆ แจกแท่งใหม่น้า รี+ฟอลเลยจ้าา ประกา… - 5 years ago

@va1eriemarie: RT @brandengreen5: Every human should be behind this movement #saveourchildren - 5 years ago

@DINESHBADUGU1: RT @TeamPKYF: Motion Video 😊 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@notactuallydims: RT @ariel_heryanto: - 5 years ago

@ChappiiART: RT @rariatoo: All based on Japanese box art. #RedrawGameBoxArt - 5 years ago

@n98EcIULAPTaREN: RT @melo2melone: 暑いね🔥🔥🔥 - 5 years ago

@TanisornParinya: RT @MUEM00N: สะกดสายตา #PunBNK48 - 5 years ago

@zAF8TTAzFYv90t9: RT @yousuck2020: 番外編【毎日抽選】 日本を元気にするあなたの「マンガ」画像を募集‼️ 前澤がRT拡散と活動資金100万円を進呈💰 ◾️応募方法:前澤をフォロー後、あなたのマンガ画像(画像4枚まで、1ツイートのみ)をこのツイートにリプ ◾️〆切:8/22… - 5 years ago

@GopalBad: RT @Deepakmerla: can I get 1k retweets for vakeel saab 100 retweets= 10 min 500 retweets=30 min 1000 retweets= 60 min lets see ..we hav… - 5 years ago

@KazuCrash_: Checking out the track list of Pro Skater 1 + 2, and uh, wow. Suddenly I'm a Canadian pre-teen all over again. - 5 years ago

@avd_naidu: RT @IsmartKick: Still online lo vunna vallu antha mandhi ? Speed ga oka re tweet please 📢📢 @PawanKalyan ! #VakeelSaab #PawanKalyanBi… - 5 years ago

@honeybunny7to8: RT @Spi_Hunter: これが21世紀であってほしい。 - 5 years ago

@hummusings: RT @HOPE43VA: DA HAND MOTIONS YALL - 5 years ago

@ThotaMohana: RT @DPVEU_: Here is the CDP to celebrate #PawanKalyan birthday this year ! #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@novaisaugusto1: RT @ladygaganownet: Lady Gaga just won the "All-Time Best of Vegas" award for Best Resident Musician with both 'Enigma' and 'Jazz & Piano'.… - 5 years ago

@YabutSharlyn: RT @miguelfords_: "In another life,I would be your girl. We keep all our promises, be us against the world..." Rest in Peace, Rest in Para… - 5 years ago

@JujuKujo: RT @tataloveshamali: ลัทธิผัวพี่โจลีน ไม่ไหวแน้สคัย ขอสิ้น - 5 years ago

@KeysiaKysa: RT @bblnct_: #DOYOUNG Update It's been a long weekend since I've worn makeup - 5 years ago

@0a_pple_a0: RT @Love_acnh1222: クリスチーヌとフランソワのケーキ屋さん🍰💗 まだクリスチーヌいないけど← 素敵なマイデザイン、たくさんお借りしてます🖌✨ #あつまれどうぶつの森 #あつ森写真部 #あつ森民と繋がりたい #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons… - 5 years ago

@MOmprasd: RT @mass1206: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP 35m lo 1.2m kavali frnds Speed penchandi guys🔥 📢🌟🌟📢🌟 RTS blast button🔥🤙🤙🔥🔥 - 5 years ago

@DarrenaticsKat: RT @paulaharthart20: Nine hundred k!!! BoomtasticSunday WithDARREN #DarrenEspanto @Espanto2001 - 5 years ago

@NageshABD2: RT @AdmirePSPK: #PawanKalyan is the only hero in TFI to have continous 100 days in Kurnool from 1st movie #AAIA to #Kushi 😎 #PawanKalyanBi… - 5 years ago

@yan_andrade03: RT @Pesgrau: Deu ruim kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk - 5 years ago

@fuHKUtAFSFyhNsc: RT @AdmirePSPK: Johnny Movie Is The First Telugu Film With Distribution Rights Sold For A Record Amount !! 24Crs In Worldwide Territories… - 5 years ago

@6gPQuFa9QXNAItb: D743DEF8 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv100 ユグドラシル・マグナ - 5 years ago

@iamratnavetcha: RT @satyakonaseema: ఉగ్ర నరసింహుని రూపం #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@bukharisu: RT @Moe_FCB: المدرب الحقيقي هو اللي يسيطر ع غرفة الملابس يتكلم وكلهم يخرسون اما في برشلونة فالبقرات المسمومة تتحكم في غرفة الملابس https:… - 5 years ago

@Dodgerfan3131: @teenyweenyupset @Sontar_61 @JayBirdOne @2000Hulagirl @AmbassadorRice Mail in voting is totally different from abse… - 5 years ago

@Prasad37011269: RT @PawanismNetwork: JET Speed 💥 #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan - 5 years ago

@agger5_cap8: RT @BnsComps: Houssem Aouar Vs Manchester City - 5 years ago

@Srinu66198613: RT @JohnnyJagadeesh: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@io87nagisa: 2020年甲子園高校野球交流試合 第5日 | NHKラジオ第1(東京) | 2020/08/16/日 | 09:55-11:55 #radiko - 5 years ago

@nsh_567: RT @z_af11: عشاق راشد الماجد اليوم جمعت لكم انا و@7_bero1 مقاطع عفويه بتحببكم فيه زود😂🖤 - 5 years ago

@zetsubouu: RT @ketsu_agooo: ポムジャク - 5 years ago

@AnujSin00482076: RT @ravisinghbltr: - 5 years ago

@RajeshKoppula12: RT @chandu_royal9: How many Retweets for this one..? Fan-Girl Aadah Sharma 💥💥 Blast The Retweet Button 💥💥 #VakeelSaab ~ @PawanKalyan #P… - 5 years ago

@nao67791571: RT @donki_donki: 残暑見舞い申し上げます #キャンペーン 7日連続! フォロー&RTで毎日10名様、合計70名様にmajicaギフト券1,000円分がその場で当たる!! 8/10~8/16まで毎日がチャンス! 残暑見舞い申し上げますキャンペーン 最終日 ■… - 5 years ago

@yoongikm: RT @Strawberries321: We don't talk enough about taehyung's adlibs and background vocals in "A brand new day" his vocal run at the end is ab… - 5 years ago

@soepangsit: RT @Sonny5ideUp: Sorry - 5 years ago

@sociagechan: C2B3A215 :参戦ID 参加者募集! Lv200 ジ・オーダー・グランデ - 5 years ago

@Janasen42272957: RT @VivekSrkian33: Admit it Power Star Pawan Kalyan Garu is Oscar level but Hollywood people like overrated Leonardo DiCaprio are jealous o… - 5 years ago

@Tejunaidu3: RT @nagendrapkfans: #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@kimdegrees: RT @kchartsofficial: Top Kpop Artist on YouTube Japan (August 7 - August 13) #1 @JYPETWICE - 15.5M #2 @BTS_twt - 8.9M #3 @BLACKPINK - 5.37… - 5 years ago

@kyoro_tg_: RT @tagtagtag0208: 藤原丈一郎⚾️🌸💕 #わーーーージャニオタさんと繋がるお時間がまいりましたいっぱい繋がりましょ #over20な関西担繋がろうキャンペーン #なにわ男子担と繋がりたい #over20なJr担繋がろうキャンペーン #Aぇgroup担と繋がりた… - 5 years ago

@karolyaninarod: RT @PitucadeBarrio: Me van a disculpar pero Vania Torres es una mierda. Es todo lo mal que está en el Perú. - 5 years ago

@Al_Bayya3: RT @TrueMemes0: لما حد بحبه يزعلني واحلف مش هكلمه تاني ، ويبعتلي message Me: - 5 years ago

@Siva96140389: RT @KINGKALYANFANS1: 30M Bhoom💥💥💥 Speed up cults rt🔥🔥🔥 #VakeelSaab @PawanKalyan #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@jowith_tkh: RT @Futbool_Fotos: Noooo 😭 - 5 years ago

@Rekey__: RT @Lovable_115: 트위터 사진 클릭 없이 그냥 보는 사이즈 1장: 1000×560 2장: 1446×1646 4장: 841×560 - 5 years ago

@Kasumi_nakasu_1: よしっ…今日も外に出ずに家でダラダラゴロゴロしよ← - 5 years ago

@sweetcolorful_: RT @rihanna: art. #81days - 5 years ago

@im_crazy_BTS: RT @Golden_kku: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 윤기 겁나 심각하게 쳐다봄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ - 5 years ago

@Chaithu51067638: RT @__TrendPSPK: Best Picture Of @PawanKalyan Only RT #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP - 5 years ago

@dideh202020: RT @w2mustluv: @MuFully @wm_on7off 뮤플리 트위터부터 유튜브, 틱톡까지 전부 팔로 구독 좋아요 완료♡ 하루종일 뮤플리만 기다렸잖아😆❤️ 뮤플리 많이 많이 조아해요(๑•̀ᴗ-) 저 폴라 하나두 없어요 하나만 주세욥ఇ http… - 5 years ago

@soooofaraway_: RT @dalsofilm: love&live (2017) - 5 years ago

@1010inzm: RT @yousuck2020: Day24【毎日抽選】 明日の抽選は「前澤フォロー」と「このツイートのRT」でお願いします‼️ 実はYouTubeチャンネルもやってるのでRTで拡散協力お願いします。最新動画はゴルフ。パープレイ達成しました‼️チャンネル登録してくれたらお金配… - 5 years ago

@favoritegarden: RT @kokoromidaregif: #心が乱れた時に見るgif - 5 years ago

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